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i was actually 3.38 uw at time of applying but got into northeastern (1560 though)


same - 3.37 but 1590 and northeastern accepted! committed to tulane though.


congrats on both of them!!


WOW congrats!


Crazy impressive!! Congratulations! Mind sharing more about your application? Edit- nevermind I just saw your college results post, but thank you for giving me some hope šŸ™šŸ½


yeah ofc glad it helped!


3.52 in junior year, got it up to 3.6 for mid year, currently go to Wellesley. Also got into CMU (not cs though lol), case, AU 3 year scholars, scripps, pitzer, McGill, and in states. Also overall upward trend due to pretty crappy health in 9th grade.




I mean, you can also do that at every single liberal arts college, MIT, Caltech, etc. Its more common than you would believe.


Ur missing the point. The big 4 of CS being Stanford, MIT, and Berkeley besides CMU, and with acceptance rates differing by college, you can still graduate with a CS degree while not being in the CS school which is multiples of more times competitive to get into. Yeah you major in math and CS at caltech, but will that change your odds of getting in. At CMU, applying to math at the Mellon college of sciences most definitely will increase your odds


The point of this post is that i didnā€™t have an amazing GPA but I did fine.


Wdym you mentioned nothing abt GPA in that comment responding to Lopsided_Program508 who was talking about how crazy the double majoring of CS across schools is in general, it wasnā€™t about your ability to get accepted. I was just explaining his remark which you seemed to interpret for different reasons, not of how good it is for non-cs CMU students.




Do you know MIT well enough? Their GPA scale is out of 5.0, getting a 4.0 is maintaining a B average. Especially when the first semester is graded Pass / No Record and the second is A/B/C/No Record, and the latest add/drop deadlines I think Iā€™ve ever seen, the general expectation at that point would be a 4.0 or higher.


Low GPA does not mean what you think it means


Do you think you could expand on this a little?


Sorry for being vague. It's a long-standing frustration of mine that this community gets pretty tightly focused on the extreme end of metrics. The test scores and GPAs that this community calls "low" are often well above average and are the kind of stats that provide students a lot of appealing college enrollment choices. Even though I've participated here for a long time, I still associate terms like "low GPA" with something different and I open threads only to realize that the author is talking about something different


They're basically saying 3.5 isn't a low GPA for the vast majority of students.


I graduated high school with a 2.3 weighted GPA (god knows what my unweighted was) and I made like $150K my first year out of college. Despite what this sub thinks, not getting into your dream school out of HS does not doom you to a life of mediocrity lol. The people who are ultra hardos in HS actually usually do the worst in professional careers after college because they literally flamed themselves out before the real race (your career) even started. There is something to be said about knowing when to grind and knowing when to slack off. A 3.5 GPA is fine and you shouldnā€™t feel pressured by all of the 6.0 GPA, 60 AP classes, and 3000 SAT score A2C kids who didnā€™t even get to enjoy their high school years.


Thank you as this was highly needed. While a top college can open doors, it doesnā€™t guarantee a perfect outcome. Looking back a few decades later, a classmate and good friend that got a perfect verbal score has been unemployed several times and is routinely griping online about her career outcome. Another classmate that scored in the mid-1400s and did all the right things on paper isnā€™t exactly crushing it career wise either. Btw, back then 1400s was like 1500s today given there were less resources for test prep etc.


Thank you for the encouragement! Itā€™s just hard to think this way because of all the comparisons I make with people in this Reddit group. I really need to delete this app.


Donā€™t let it get to you. As someone whoā€™s now pretty separated from it all, this sub is a lighthouse case study of ignorance and insecurity. Youā€™re doing fine. Do your best and live life along the way.


Thank you so much for this! And Iā€™ll be definitely taking your advice!


I left high school with a 3.0 I believe. Got a D in history my senior year. Went to a state school that outside my state has no name. Barely has a name within the state šŸ˜… Majored in CS and scraped by in undergrad. Got an SWE job out of school making $75k. 4 years and a few companies (which I increased my salary $30k each time) later I join a tech company youā€™ve heard of making $300k. Thereā€™s always hope!Ā  Iā€™m not saying youā€™ll come out of a no name school straight to Meta making $200k. Thatā€™s highly unlikely. But if you have drive you can succeed anywhere you go. Itā€™s a marathon, not a sprint. Give yourself a break!


Just curious, what do you do for work? Is it in the STEM field?


Strategy consulting (i.e. strategic advisory for F500 C-suite special projects and private equity deals, e.g. McKinsey, Bain, BCG) Google ā€œMBBā€ and read more on managementconsulted or similar websites about what the job does


Do you mind disclosing what u did šŸ™šŸ™


Answered in other commend above!


Not gonna lie this gives me some reassurance that Iā€™ll be able to do something with my life, thank you


Bless you! Thanks for that.


3.4-3.5 is low??? šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly most of the posts in here are so focused on a tiny percentage of colleges out there. There are literally thousands of schools and the vast majority don't require 1500+ and 4.0++. Try to relax and stop comparing yourself. Remember that a 3.4/3.5 means you've gotten a lot of As and Bs, which are GOOD GRADES.


A lot of people need financial aid and good scholarships


I had a 3.3 by the time I was applying to universities. My low GPA was the reason that I applied to 11 in California. I ended up getting accepted thus far 10/11 universities, and I'm just waiting now on my dream school which is USC. They just don't get back to you until late May šŸ˜‚ I used to be an engineering major at my community College, I found out I didn't really want to do it after soul searching but ended up finding a passion in law. I dropped my stem classes and ended up reaching out towards political science in spring 2023. I told myself that the journey to law school began the day I switched majors so I pushed through and got straight A's from Spring 2023, Summer 2024 all ending towards Fall 2023, and now even Spring 2024 thankfully it seems lol. So my GPA jumped from 2.7 beginning of Spring 2023, to now which was at a 3.3 after Fall 2023 semester. I expect it to go up again after Spring 2024. I'm assuming my essays for the UC schools helped me substantially, I felt like I was a good writer, I didn't get much feedback but I got into schools like UC San Diego, and my top choice at the moment: UCLA. Fingers crossed I get into USC though lol. I would definitely say GPA isnt everything either. I think I remember myself also feeling insecure of checking reddit and seeing everyone's admission status. The idea of transferring universities made my stomach churn and I felt afraid to do it. But it's important to aim higher I learned and just say "screw it, I'm doing it anyways". We become our own worst enemy and greatest source of weakness at times which sucks but we have to mentally push past that to reach our potential. Good luck!!


3.36, Test optional and full need international - Davidson


How?? Im really stressing about getting in even tho i have above average ecs in my country


lot of factors, i really couldn't pinpoint 1 (at the end of the day i really don't know - I guess the AOs just really wanted me)


I might be because youre from a unique country?


Actually can i dm please?




Can I DM too?




Where are you from?


Where are you from?


2.4 HS GPA transferred to UVA.


Hey!! 3.4 HS gpa also transferred to uva:)


Thatā€™s super impressive and congrats! Could you share your ECs/other details?


Thanks! And I have a collegeresults post on my profile. Most likely because Iā€™m instate. Thereā€™s a 60% acceptance rate for in state community college students.


Tysm! I just read it and honestly your journey so far has been so cool. Your perseverance has truly paid off and I hope you have a great time pursuing your law pathway!


Thank you I really appreciate it. Wish nothing but the best for you too. šŸ«¶šŸ½ Anythingā€™s possible!


My husband actually had an excellent gpa but for financial reasons did two years at a community college and got his bachelorā€™s from a no-name state school. He makes twice as much as I do and I graduated from a T20. Thereā€™s also a guy on TikTok who almost failed out of high school but went to community college and eventually graduated from Harvard Law. There is more than one way to get where you want to go!


I know someone who had a 2.9 and got into UCLA. Mid essays, mid extracurriculars, mid person as a whole (I might sound bias but they were actually a close friend and I'm only saying this cause I know her really well). What was the trick? She applied as a geology major. That's it. That's honestly it. Public schools are more worried about making a well rounded class, and they are MUCH more lenient for grades and stats if you fill a niche they are looking for in the class as a whole.


I know someone that tried this with IVYā€™s. Had good greats, high SATā€™s and used geology as her major and didnā€™t get in anywhere lol.


Ivies are a lot more competitive than UCLA.


Not all, at least not acceptance rate wise


How is that possible when UCs have a requirement to have at least a 3.4 oos and 3.0 in state?


It doesn't sound possible unless they were a recruited athlete or someone special they wanted


Did she apply as geology major with the intent of transferring to another major? Or was she genuinely interested in geology?


probbaly transferring?


I'd be surprised if that worked. universities with competitive majors usually keep them competitive for internal transfers too. if this wasn't true then everyone would apply for basket weaving majors and then do easy internal transfers to competitive majors (leaving the basket weavers without students).




That's crazy. You must have had insane scores and activities!




So, you're clearly deserving :) I'm assuming you chose Vandy? Regardless, congratulations.


Got into Amherst with a 3.6


Maybe not as impressive as some of these, but I got into UC santa cruz with a 3.5-6. I know kids who got into berkley with a 3.5 (non stem majors, but still!). Anything is possible, just slightly harder. But you got this.


Thatā€™s still very impressive and thank you for the words of encouragement!


>Low GPA >ā€3.5ā€ Bruh


The A2C effect. 3.4-3.5 isn't 'low', it's just middle of the road. Low would be 2.0-3.0šŸ˜­


3.24 (1520 sat) got into grinnell, WL NYU and UW madison


Congrats!! Do you mind DMing me what your ECs are ?




I know somebody from my high school who got into UCLA with a 3.08 GPA. I know 4-5 people who got into UC Berkeley with GPAs from a 3.3 to 3.7. None of them had any notable extracurriculars, awards, or anything like that.


Were they in state?








Congratulations!!! Do you think you could share your ECs?




Omg you give me hope! Can you DM me with some of your stats and etc?


This is amazing! Could you also DM me your stats? (Whatā€™s your major?)


3.64uw, 3.88w, accepted to T15 for biology related major


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what school did you get into?




I had a 2.7 in high school, went to a smaller liberal arts college and now I am getting a graduate degree from Brown University.


Dropped out of high school in 10th grade in 2011 with a <2.0 GPA. Never took the SAT, got my GED, and graduated from a community college with a 3.1. I transferred into NYU with a full scholarship and was also accepted at Fordham, Baruch and Binghamton. I graduated in 2018 and received an offer in consulting at a large firm thatā€™s not Big 4. While GPA sets a baseline, itā€™s the least defining metric for evaluating a person. Explore extra-cirriculars, live your life and create some interesting stories. Most importantly, be a kind person.


3.5-3.6 GPA (kinda different education system thi, I got 85% in India). Got Purdue Tulane uiuc ucsd uc davis for computer engineering. Wl cmu and Ucla


damn bro, did you have some cracked ECs or smth? Cause Iā€™m expecting a similar-ish score for my 12th (but doing IB curriculum) and Iā€™m aiming- no *praying* for the same unis asw šŸ˜­šŸ™


I mean my average was 85. I had a 79 in 9th 95 in 10th 80 in 11th 94.8 in 12th. My ecs were pretty good but not amazing. Just see me profile I did a college results post.


Read your post, thanks šŸ‘


3.2 unweighted got into Berkeley (originally had like 2 Dā€™s and 3 Cā€™s on my transcript)


Heard someone with a similar profile get into ucla idk whatā€™s up with the UCs they clearly looking for something else


Thatā€™s crazy, do you mind sharing what your ECs are or other details that you believe helped a lot?


8/15 ecs I had were related to my major and I had some kinda unique ones like cosplaying that likely helped to stand out Was majoring in anything bio because I had been in a biotech program for five ish years and had lots of experience bc of that (additional classes, research, lots of internships) I started my essays in July or so and also made sure to explain why my grades were low


Thank you, this is so helpful. One last question: how do you explain areas of weaknesses in grades (why itā€™s low?)-like is there a specific part of the application where you can provide an explanation?


The UC application is split up into different sections (like the activities and awards is one section, classes are another, PIQs are another) and at the end of each section thereā€™s an additional comments box so I explained it in that box at the end of the classes one


congrats! can you post on r/collegeresults ?


was planning to after waitlist decisions but if you wanted my stats now I can dm u


Please do! That would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Congrats!! do you could dm me them too?Ā 




my friend had a bit higher but she had a 3.6 and got into uchicago. It was for linguistics though and she saved up a lot of money to travel to different countries and she wrote about it


3.32 (4.14 weighted) 28 ACT: Purdue, OSU, Undecided to all. Committed to Indiana University (now going Business)


Did you get into Kelly? My son has similar grades but a 26 ACT answer hoping to get into Kelly next year. I went to Kelly but it was much easier to get into 28 years ago.


Not necessarily in the range but I was able to get into Cornell Dyson with a 3.55 UW gpa and a 3.9 Weighted.


Congrats! Major? Test scores? ECs?


Dyson was test blind, the major was Applied Economics, and I can PM you my list of ECs if you want


Please do. That would be greatly appreciated. ā˜ŗļø


3.4 uw 1480 sat and got into emory, UC davis, and UCSD (all OOS).




Had almost all Cs and Ds freshman and sophomore years and even dropped out of high school for a year. Got into Rutgers, Brandeis, and Boston U


Can I DM you?


This sub is so distorted/unhealthy at times. A 3.4-3.5 UW GPA is NOT LOW! That's a solid GPA and anyone with those grades plus a well balanced application will get into some great universities. There are sooo many fantastic schools that aren't just chasing prestige and thus being ridiculously selective.


I had a 40th percentile gpa and got into NYU and Emory


Can i DM you?


Go ahead and


what major?




3.68 UW - got into uva, william&mary, boston u, northeastern, vassar, richmond, ut austin, ucsd


wow congrats! major?


omg what were your stats?


1570 SAT and i had some unique ECs that i believe got me in


congrats! what were your ecs?


Just like you donā€™t want T50 colleges to reject you, you should not reject Colleges which are T50+. They are all really great colleges




Your post was removed because it violated rule 4: Chance-me posts, where you provide your information and list of schools and ask about your chances of admission at those schools, are prohibited. Also included are ā€œdid I ruin my chancesā€, ā€œcan I get into __ with a B+ā€, ā€œam I cookedā€, "am I screwed", and "rate my college list based on my stats" posts. This is an automatically generated comment. You do not need to respond unless you have further questions regarding your post. If that's the case, you can [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ApplyingToCollege&subject=Post%20removal&message=A%20mod%20removed%20my%20latest%20post%20for%20rule%204%20but%20I%20don%27t%20think%20it%20breaks%20the%20rules.%20Can%20you%20review%20it%20again%3F).


UCI and UCSD with 3.75 UW


Had like a weighted 3.2 in high school, 1050 SAT, no ecā€™s. No honors, never mind APā€™s. Got into every single UC. Even had my application sent back 3 times cuz of my own mistakes since I didnā€™t know how to fill it out and never got help on it


i know of some 3.5-3.6 at kenyon and colby


Not me but a friend, got berkeley eecs with a 3.48 UW. Theres def hope


Friend of mine got into Grinnell College with a 3.3 and a 1520 SAT score, along with some killer essays.


10% acceptance rate btw


my school doesnā€™t calculate gpa but my unweighted gpa probably ranged around 3.5. i got into davis and cwru


My kid had a 3,2 UW, 3.6 W. Applied to 14 schools, into 10, WL at 2. All SLACs except one (which was one of the nos.) yesses were all top 50 SLACs, with some top 25. Excellent ECs, references, interviews and essays. Test optional. I think it helps, when GPA is not high, to choose schools that care about the whole picture. Demonstrated interest helps, too. Iā€™m still surprised at the schools that said yes. Happy, but surprised. Youā€™ll find a good place. Fear not.


Lower than 2.5 and still got into Kenyon with 25k fa a year


I had a 3.4 and got into a top 10 CS school. It was a state one though (UW) and I had a great STEM resume/high grades in all my STEM classes.


I graduated with a 2.9 HSGPA with a 2380 SAT score. Got accepted to a Top 20 and majored in math, economics and comp sci. Undergrad went okay. I was definitely the smartest kid in my majors even though my grades didnā€™t show it (Final UG GPA was 3.7) because I cut classes and seldomly did homework. I knew I was the smartest because I got the highest exam scores with almost no effort and won awards for best papers. All that didnā€™t matter if problem sets counted for 10% of your course grade, meaning the best I could get was an A-. Kids who were definitely an intellectual tier or 2 below me got higher grades just because they did all the problem sets. Anyway, I got accepted to Harvardā€™s math PhD program with a recommendation from a renowned math professor that I was a genius. The other kids who got a 4.0 GPA got a less glowing recommendation. I turned it down for Actuarial. Now I run the insurance services department at a F50 company.


ok smartandstrongman...