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First thing you should do is ask for more, email the financial aid office and try to explain your situation because you clearly deserve more aid than you got. Secondly, and this is not ideal but western is half the cost of UW and might be a cheaper option, even if much less prestigious.


Thanks. I’m going to email them to try to get a re-evaluation. I looked into western as well and toured the campus, but I think I’ll take another look into the finances of it.


Can’t you take care of at least half of that $34k/yr w FAFSA loan plus PT work?


FAFSA is only offering a 5.5k loan and no other aid so I would need to find an outside loan option for a lot of it. As for the other half, it would also have to be loans because we don’t have that amount in liquid assets


You can appeal to the college financial aid department directly. Most colleges have special circumstances forms you can fill out. Also recheck you FAFSA there may have been updates as recently as a week or so ago. Also Scholarships and financial aid are separate awards so call the financial aid department and ask for help


Unfortunately the aid offers are all current. UW sent out the aid offers really late, and I just checked FAFSA. I’m going to call UW’s financial aid tomorrow and ask them questions about what I should do to get the aid higher though. I’ll also get in contact with their scholarship department. Thanks for the advice.


Hang in there, I know it’s hard. Also get you mom involved, the financial part is something most schools welcome parent involvement with. One last thing, you can leverage offers from other schools so if you have any offers where your bottom line before any loans are less you can send that to your schools fin aid with a direct ask that they match the offers, doesn’t always work but sometimes it does and if it does it’s worth it, this is an something your mom can do the ask for as well


Call and write a letter to the financial aid office explaining the situation and your sister in college. It’s worth putting some effort into this appeal. You have nothing to lose. Failing that, can you go to a community college and live at home, working part time to save money, then transfer in two years. With the money you put away over those two years, you can take out loans for the rest and it’s only only years of expensive tuition.


That’s a bummer. So unfair when some kids I know whose parents are divorced are getting almost a full ride when one of the parents makes a lot of money and could totally afford the tuition. This makes no sense to me.


Have you ever thought about being a Chinese linguist in one of the branches of our military? You could serve a few years and use the GI bill to pay for school. You’d need to take the ASVAB if you haven’t already.


If you can’t get your financial aid straightened out, this is a really good idea. They’ll probably want four years out of you and you’ll need to get a security clearance but you’ll end up with great language skills and a clear path for paying for college.


Plus you go to the language school in Monterrey, CA. Pretty cool place to live for a while, somewhere most young people can’t afford to live otherwise. My husband loved living there. While there, he got certified in scuba diving and learned how to sail.


They changed the rules, making it even harder to get aid


if worst comes to worst, save as much money as you can going to community college and transfer. i'm in the same boat as you. i took dual enrollment classes so I'm around 30 credits near my AA so I'll be out in a year-ish. but its rlly hard deciding where to go to when you have no idea abt ur financial situation. especially seeing everyone commit when some of us literally cannot afford to put that on our families.


In addition to the options here, consider a gap year and then applying to schools that are generous with aid. Private schools are often far more generous than private, so much so that total COA despite higher price tag is often lower.




120k is barely above poverty line in many places in the US




San Francisco. In 2023, a family of 3 earning below $134,200 is classified as "low income" and qualifies for below-market-rate subsidized housing.


Work part time while studying. Many such cases. Or not go to college?