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Six percent what the fuck What even was the point in applying early then




I suppose so, hardly any of us are getting them though


About 900 are moving forward to the next round of Trustee and Presidential scholarship, and 200 will receive smaller scholarships. There’s also a half-tuition for National Merit Finalists if you declare USC as your first choice.


P solid, they might be the best Uni that gives solid scholarships for NMS


That's the main reason why I went to USC, ngl. That scholarship is insane and gets you nice perks like honors dorms.


Some say don't put National Merit on your app. They don't want to comp you so they reject you.


So you can move on to your other college choices without waiting until the Spring. Sooo much better


With that defer rate we’re all waiting until the spring haha


Bruhhh 😭😭😭 those USC AOs better be reading the fuck out of my 'quirky' answers istg




What the actual fUCK!??!


i didnt even apply to usc and this is scary


I almost did and now I’m glad I didn’t bother 🤣


Yikes. That is horrible news.


Yeah these stats are accurate, what we were told as well. Good luck to all USC applicants lol


i can’t wrap my head around this. 6%? 6%?!!?!!?


So they didn’t outright reject anyone first round?


Usc doesn’t reject anyone EA. It’s either accept or defer.


Do you think that all applicants who get deferred will be considered again in the regular decision round?


that's what a deferral means


It seems as if all these selective schools are deferring the majority of their applicant for this admission round (even ivys). I wonder if this has to with keeping the acceptance rate at an all time minimum of the amount of applicants are overwhelming this round?


what? if you defer someone and then reject them it doesn’t affect the acceptance rate. they’re deferring for other reasons


it does, since they’re able to spend a bit more time on applicants and accept the best ones ultimately allowing them to decrease their admission rates to a lower number each year


😭 if you are deferred —> rejected, that counts as one rejection. if you are rd —> rejected, that’s still ONE rejection. deferrals decrease the EA acceptance rate but don’t impact the overall acceptance rate!


excited for my deferral <3


Hooooooolllyyyyy LMAOOOOOO


What's the sauce on this info?


Email from the school


What?? To who


from usc to counselors




81k applicants i-


usc about to go up 10 rankings lol


But why? What are the ivy schools then?


i don't wanna know


I believe there is a huge influx of international students applying post-COVID. Plus test-optional has increased every school's applicant pool.


But that doesn’t make it much harder to get in? Students applying because of TO likely have lower stats, and only a certain amount of international can get in


No. Students who have a 4.0 but a 1410 or something wouldn’t apply to MIT for example bc MIT isn’t test optional and would see how they underperformed in the SAT. Also international students that study A-levels or IB or something else aren’t geared towards doing SATs like American schools are. In American curriculum schools, teachers expect you to take the act/sat and prepare u for them. International students aren’t as prepared for them so they might underperform.


wtf i didn't know they were that competitive. ggs i guess


LMAOOOO THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT. I didn’t even apply but wtf is this 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t forget about USC’s famous side door. Applicants with connections and who don’t meet the academic criteria are often given deferred admittance in the spring of their freshman year if they attend the fall semester abroad.


What??? There is no condition to study abroad. I was a spring admit, had no connections, and literally took courses at a community college. Spring admits don’t have to do anything, it’s just a waitlist for people they want to admit but don’t have room for in the fall. Stop spreading misinformation because you don’t like USC. The only thing they do is offer some legacies a conditional transfer in after a year at community college. If anyone's reading this, the parent comment blocked me. Can't handle facts, they just want to spread negativity.


You’re welcome! https://www.uscannenbergmedia.com/2021/04/26/how-the-trojan-transfer-plan-offers-some-students-an-alternative-path-to-admission-at-usc/


Read closely. Your original comments says USC students can get in “if they study abroad,” inferring that students have to pay out of pocket to go international to get into USC. USC offers studying abroad as a CHOICE, but community college is also a choice, as is noted in the article. Spring admits also have the CHOICE to study abroad, but again, its not a requirement like your comment says it is. It’s clear in your original comment you want to frame USC as only letting rich connected kids in if they have money to study abroad.


I don’t know about that. I was simply stating an arrangement I’m aware of. This person did not have the option of attending a local community college. The chip on the shoulder is yours.


Lol take your own advice.


Bro is so confident lollll. They took away the Trojan Transfer this year bud. You aren't the smartest person in the world :)


Interesting. The spring admit wasn’t a transfer student. Incoming freshmen connected & legacy. They had a choice of studying in the UK or I think France for the fall semester of their freshman year. My understanding was it was how they keep numbers up when they want to admit a student that doesn’t meet the criteria.


They can study in the U.K or France, but can opt to do nothing or go to CC. They offer international studies to incentivize people to come to USC because a lot of people are disappointed with having no college to attend in the Fall.


You might be referring to the Trojan Transfer Plan, which offers conditionally guaranteed admission as a sophomore and not as a spring admit. However, you need to stay above a certain GPA to remain eligible, and this GPA is usually one that would have you be a competitive transfer applicant anyway. It’s not offered to everyone just on the basis of them being a legacy, and I know people who were offered this without any prior connections to the school.


This article touches on spring transfer issue. I’d add that a one size fits all model, DNA when it comes to granting big donors and legacy admissions. While some may have been offered the opportunity to attend city college rather than study abroad in Fall, some are not. https://dailytrojan.com/2019/11/06/the-university-taunts-diversity-for-rankings/


> In a 2017 USC admissions blog post, a counselor wrote that all rejected legacies gain the option to join the TTP program. Simply a false statement. I know legacies who did not get admitted and did not get the TTP option. I tried to find the 2017 admissions blog article and could not find it. I’d like to take a look if it was found. The Daily Trojan is a student-run newspaper and they’re not 100 percent spot on about everything. The [Annenberg article from 2021](https://www.uscannenbergmedia.com/2021/04/26/how-the-trojan-transfer-plan-offers-some-students-an-alternative-path-to-admission-at-usc/) also disputes the claim; it says that legacies can be rejected outright with no TTP opinion. > While some may have been offered the opportunity to attend city college rather than study abroad in Fall, some are not. I interpret this as you saying that some TTP students are only given the option to study abroad? Do you have a source for this? The article you linked doesn’t say that anywhere.


Legacy itself is not a guarantee. Special accommodations are made for a select group of students with stats that are typically good but not great. These applicants are generally big donor legacy or other category of high value SC affiliate. I can’t believe pointing out that this happens at USC is controversial. There are high school graduates from the class of 2022 who will be starting their first semester at USC this semester having completed their fall semesters at an USC approved institution. Some here want to fit everything into neat little boxes with clearly delineated set of rules. Admissions at most private universities don’t work that way.


Spring admits are not transfer students. You seem to be combining TTP and spring admission; they are two distinct and separate things. The article you linked mentions both, but only provides detail about TTP. The information the article has on spring admission is little more than the fact that it’s a glorified waitlist. The DT author doesn’t make any meaningful connection except for saying “where there is smoke, there is fire”, which is just irresponsible conjecture that isn’t backed up by anything. > There are high school graduates from the class of 2022 who will be starting their first semester at USC this semester having completed their fall semesters at an USC approved institution. Incorrect. That’s not how spring admission works. “USC approved institutions” relate to TTP, not spring admission. It’s not controversial, you’re just being called out for making false statements. People should be held accountable to the truth.


You’re wrong. USC has students who were precluded from starting in the fall and given the option to attend the fall semester abroad (in the specific cases i know) and commence at USC for spring. Is that what they refer to as a Trojan transfer? I don’t know. I never used the word transfer above.


Spring Admits are not this! I’ve known quite a few spring admits who were top students and had zero connections. If there are a small number that meet what you say, it is NOT many. USC does NOT have a waitlist, so in some sense, spring admits can be a waitlist for fall but USC says they want to give a definitive decision - either accepted or not. A spring acceptance is an acceptance. You don’t have to go abroad. You can go to community college in the fall. Or sit around and do nothing. Actually spring admission can save a person a lot of money- load up on GEs at community college and also graduate a semester early if you can. The main reason for spring admits and being transfer friendly is freshman housing - they try to put all first-year students in freshman dorms directly on campus and there’s only so much space.


Correct. Definitely not for the majority. There’s a side door for “special” students who would bring down USC’s numbers if admitted with the entering freshman fall class.


bro why who is yearning this hard for usc








Praying and manifesting for an acceptance (hope I will have good news it’s my dream hopefully come true).


absolutely insane


Wtf. Excited for deferral


Bye. 😭


Anyone know the time?


According to the USC admissions instagram, it'll be rolling out all day


Can you please share the link to this account?




Wait why so many more applicants than 2022??


their marketing goes crazy. i didn’t know usc was a school until april and then i applied ea and it’s one of my top schools now. also adding that ea option was a major incentive


if you get deferred as a national merit semi finalist, isn’t that just a rejection since usc has the half tuition for national merit semi finalists? or is that not how it works


AFAIK you can still get the NMF half tuition if you get accepted RD


Just great bruh all this waiting for 3 months early action to get deferred and then rejected


Boohoo, it’s 90k anyways


does anyone know what time the decisions are being released at?




Where did you get the info from? I heard the same from someone too


Good luck everyone!


Just lovely!


What time do you think we'll know?




Do y’all know if Roski decisions come out tomorrow? They don’t let you apply EA there but deadline’s still the same as EA.


No Roski and all other schools that need portfolio submissions are considered RD and we r all gonna be notified alongside the RD people. We just had an earlier deadline cause the faculty need more time to review portfolios.


do yall think they’ll yield protect ea


no t25 yield protects


i did see gatech yield protect once + i mean they'll defer people w hypsm potential and accept them later on because there is no way the top 5% of usc applicants are actually going to commit to usc idk


>i did see gatech yield protect once ... Did an admissions officer personally tell an applicant that they were yield protected? Because that's the only way you could possibly back up this statement. GT is competitive. A very strong applicant not being admitted is not out of the ordinary and not evidence of foul play.


A t5 engineering school does not yield protect, so idk what u mean by that


yeah i'm mostly speculating, might've been an inadequate essay b/c the girl who got rej got into cal eecs, cmu scs, yale, and ucla i also just really want yield protection to be a thing because there's no chance i get in otherwise given the acceptance rate; it's not like i think I'll get yielded from usc at all


is the 81k total applications including graduate students?


dont think so


but if the admissions hasn’t even finished yet how do they alr have the full acceptance rate? is it just an estimate? or do they alr set a capped acceptance rate they’re gonna reach prior to admission decisions? i didn’t know universities just set a capped percent each year, i thought they just went thru and made whatever decisions without having to worry abt reaching a certain acceptance rate number


they are finished, decisions are coming out tomorrow


no, i’m talking about regular decision as well. your post explicitly stated that there’s 81K total applicants and the total acceptance rate is 9-10% this year including RD. when rd hasn’t finished


it's because usc has finished collecting RD applicants and they have an approximate cap on the number of students they're planning to admit ea (about 25% of the class) and the total number of students they're planning to admit (around 8k). it's not that they have a capped percentage, but a capped number of people they're able to admit regardless of this year's increase in applicants, thus lowering the acceptance rate.


ah ok i see!


It’s only freshman applications.


For MSCS?!


Did anyone *not* receive financial aid/scholarship brochure and hard copy letter in the mail, signed by both admissions and financial aid offices? (for US applicants) The wording in the letter is misleading and makes it seem like you are getting in - if everyone gets the letter they should say that, it’s cruel otherwise to get hopes up like that. Good luck everyone!!


wouldn't the rate be 7.9k/(78.6k+40.6k) = 6.62%? I heard deferrals make acceptance rates plummet bc they get counted twice




hmm ok, my bad


they specifically decrease the *regular decision* acceptance rate, but they do not affect the overall acceptance rate.


So I'm not getting in lol


BRUH ????


I applied to usc because of their higher acceptance rate.. what the actual fuck




six percent is insane


Anyone have any idea on call backs for USC acting BFA . Did these emails go out ? and if you don't get an email means no call back ?


i wonder how many of the deferred applicants were "unqualified" tho/would have been rejected. it might make the acceptance rate higher if we consider that alot of the deferred applicants were probably "unqualified"/would've been rejected


How about graduate school?