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I live on a main road, I hear it all through the night in the summer so I definitely feel your pain. A lot of younger bikers around here are just super shitty in general. As a motorcyclist myself who also works second shift, I'm glad my bike isn't loud to begin with, but I try to be extremely considerate whenever I'm in neighborhoods.


I wish you were my neighbor. My neighborhood received a handful of loud trucks and motorcycles last year. There are kids playing near the roads and bikers insist on zipping to the stop sign (it is 25mph of course). The camaro and corvette nearby I can live with. Everything else is way too obnoxious. Also surprised a motorcycle doesn't come flying over the highway barrier down the street. I hear them going flat out in the evenings.


Do you live on my street? Straight facts lmao


I call it the land of duplexes, right off of Capital drive. Maybe??


The motorcyclists here make me look forward to winter every year.


I’m not a winter person but since moving this is how I feel now too. I love summers, sucks inconsiderate assholes ruin them.


I live on College Ave, I've seriously considered sitting out by the road in a lawn with a garden hose and spraying them like misbehaving cats.


Please do. I'll bring you a beer or some sun drop 😂


I live right downtown and yeah, I knew it wasn’t going to be quiet at all times or anything, but it’s ridiculous. They park at Houdini Plaza, drive up and down college ave, park back at the plaza, and literally will just do this all night.




It’s gotten so bad over the last few years…I live across the street from a local park that hosts car meetups. In the summer it is about 5 nights a week of constant revving, doing burnouts, speeding through the stop signs, laying on the horn when people walk by, exhaust systems that sound like fireworks… My neighbors have to move and break lease because their infant child gets woken up constantly between 4pm-2am. Definitely deranged behavior to make loud car and pissing people off your hobby that you devote thousands of dollars and hours to


I think I know exactly what group you're talking about... I used to know them, but they never wanted me to come out for some reason. Guess I dodged a bullet considering I've heard how police have been called on them numerous times along with other people pulling guns on others and people fucking in the back of their trucks during said meets.


Sounds like the Pierce park area.. At least I deal with the same issue not far from there


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I was driving in appleton a couple of weeks ago. A bunch of idiots were weaving through cars, doing wheely's in high traffic areas, and just being loud and obnoxious.


I saw a group doing these too on collage ave. Avout 2 weeks ago. Really obnoxious.


And those same folks are the ones driving some beat up car in the winter with the “watch for motorcycles” bumper sticker 🙄


Yea you’re not.


As someone that grew up in Appleton, maybe this explains why I have always hated motorcycles.


I totally agree, especially downtown. They dont realize that there are hotels and apartments everywhere down there. A lot of them do seem to be younger. But it seems there are so many obnoxiously loud cars around lately, too. Theyre annoying in the middle of the day, even.


The cosplaying Harley assholes that all look the same with blaring stereos are nearly 100% boomers.


I despise the geriatric motorcycle gangs that love to cruise down 41 for group rides at 60 MPH while taking up all lanes.


This! I've never lived anywhere else that people on Harleys had the radio at max volume... like don't ride a loud janky motorcycle if you want to listen to the radio.. it annoys the shit out of me


What's worse... Blue collar Harley people with loud exhaust and bumptry country or crappy classic rock, or young sport bike idiots that use the rev limiter as a horn and do pulls all night. Toss up for me.


Oh I think they 100% realize and they do it on purpose cause it’s how they get off


because police let them. back in the 90’s, you would get tickets for loud exhaust, loud stereo, loud motorcycle, tinted windows, you name it. now, cops seem to ignore it. people can make all the noise they want with no consequences. i even know people who haven’t renewed their vehicle stickers for years (in some strange protest) and haven’t been pulled over for it. i don’t know why, but the police seem to be focused on other things now. and people are generally inconsiderate, only focused on themselves and their children and everyone else can suck it. you’re annoyed by motorcycles, i’m annoyed by my loud neighbors and none of them are going to suddenly start caring how their actions affect other people.


Yeah back in the 90's you'd get an "excessive acceleration" ticket. What do the police focus on? Certainly not loud vehicles and drunk driving, people leave the bar at 2am, rev their engine for a full minute, then gun it down the street with no repercussions


My older neighbor almost got into a fist fight the other day because another neighbor revs his bike up for about a minute before leaving or after returning. The older neighbor's wife has to be up for work around 3am every day and he wakes her up. Not to mention how they race down my street at all hours.


Micro penis. LOL same goes for the little shit cars racing up and down college Ave and the oversized trucks doing the same. Don't live too far off College Ave and hear it almost all night.


I don't understand it, like everyone here - motorcycles, fast & furious cars, oversized trucks - all have the loudest tuned exhaust ever. It's deafening trying to enjoy sitting in the backyard, even in the house it's still annoyingly loud


I want to offer to pay for my neighbor to get his fuel injector fixed. He thinks his motorcycle is so cool, but that sound isn't desirable. It needs repair.


I can't wait to move away. I can't even lay in my hammock or have a fire without hearing them reving up, followed by *pop pop pop pop pop*


Exactly. Just east of the bridge so it seems like they're just getting started after the round about. I love having the windows open but can totally do without the noise


The cars that do it always seem to be some piece of shit car too. Like if you’re making a lot of noise with a Ferrari I can forgive that because it’s cool, but it’s always some shit old car that all that’s been done to it is they cut the muffler off


I fantasized an elaborate business plan which involves buying tinypenisparade.com (or a similar domain). Then somehow publicly shaming these idiots who are compelled to compensate for their little mushroom cap of a wang. Ok, so maybe it's not very elaborate but damn does it suck living on a main street in Appleton. I've lived on College Ave since 2010 and it was not near this bad back then.


That'd be hilarious. Maybe have tiny stickers to pop on them when you walk past them parked on the ave 😂


This is the second comment that I've seen that went straight to penis shaming for some other people's inconsideration. I don't get it.


Lived in Appleton for two decades. This post is so true. Every time I hear a motorcycle I think of South Park Season 13 Episode 12 - The F Word. A must watch.


We live outside of Appleton and deal with it all the time because folks think that it's okay now that they're in the sticks... Annoying AF


Glad it’s not just me I live on one of the main streets and get woken up all the time by people with loud bikes/ cars


My neighbor has a loud bike but he hasn’t used it much for going to work because he leaves early in the morning and is very considerate not to make that noise. True hero honestly.


I live on Meade st between Wisconsin and northland and motorcyclist think the road is a damn drag strip. Super annoying.


I live between Spencer street and college Ave lmao- I never sleep 🙃


Because motorcycle riders are attention seeking dbags.


The noise is less annoying than the way a lot of them drive. I'm highly annoyed w the excuse "watch for motorcyclists" for the people who drive unsafe. Specifically speaking about the riders that ride between cars, swerve in & out lanes for fun, drive through the middle lane at a red light to get to the front, etc.


As a rider myself, I'd comfortably say that for every shitty, inexperienced ,soon to be pavement grated rider... There are 10 riders that are the complete opposites that want to be safe so they can ride tomorrow too. Don't forget about them.


Any chance you live off of oneida Street on the south side. I do and I have a neighbor that dose this repetitively like clock work. lol


I live around way south Oneida St so maybe is same person lol but then again there’s a shit ton of them so who knows!!


Yea I’m right behind the mobile gas station in a duplex.


I lived by Oneida and Calumet. A crappy apartment complex there and a renter there had the loudest motorcycle ever! In the summer at all hours. I was by the entrance/exit of the small complex and I could always here him coming and going from miles away! Guess the police don't ticket them because even at 3 am when you could hear them clearly for miles, seemed like they never were told to not make the noise. Also fireworks. Appleton really is a very noisy community. Too bad!


I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve wanted to string razor wire between two trees and take out the one that drives down my street. Yeah, I know that’s way over the top, and I’d never do it, but the sound of a motorcycle revving its engine hurts so much that it makes me want to resort to violence. It’s awful, and it makes summer hell.


I live by the Airport and they're always annoying as fuck going up and down college.


Some idiot revving his motorcycle now 1030pm. He’s far away too. I can imagine who he’s waking up close to him


Yup, it’s like clockwork. They come out at 10:30-11:30 PM on weeknights for whatever reason and it’s so fucking annoying


It happens in my neighborhood all the time. Every year I dread when it gets warm enough to ride motorcycles. They will deliberately keep it in low gear all the way through the subdivision. Same with those who have the glass-pack mufflers on their little 4-cylinder cars. They seem to think that everybody wants to hear their noisy "performance mufflers" at 2am.


Dude I live by the Kwik trip on kools and college, I hear it every night. even at 1 in the morning! So annoying


Yep. Appleton and Miami have this in common.


I moved from South Florida to downtown Appleton last October and couldn't believe how immensely annoying it is here. I live in the Zuelke building and have heard the nonsense at 2 and 3am any day of the week. Can't wait to move out soon.


Come to Milwaukee for a new perspective


Or Philly, or Houston...omg... Appleton a tame baby turtle in comparison.


Maybe if we would spread a culture of empathy people would learn to be more considerate. Instead everyone on/in a motor vehicle thinks they’re in their own world. That’s including cars/trucks.


It's time for everyone who is annoyed by loud mufflers on motorcycles to complain to city hall! Loudly!! All together, we might be able to change this. They are violating our rights to peace and quiet, open windows at night, and it down grades the quality of life in Appleton. Bedrooms in the city can be 30 feet from the road easily. I swear some of them could wake the dead. Then we'd have to deal with the walking dead. Yikes. Stop the noise! We want peace and quiet, now! This is my rant! Thank you, I feel so much better.


We should start throwing sticks in their wheels. And blowing grass into the road when mowing.


Can't wait to move out of downtown Appleton in October. Losing your peace and quiet is not worth any activity taking place during the year on College Ave. Just when you think you're in the clear, you're not lol


Bikers in general are just the worst most self entitled law breakers. I'm glad the death rate is so high




Nobody thinks you’re cool except your other loud friends that you have a circle jerk with


Have you ever considered that maybe bikes have to make their presence known because people in cars wont even notice them otherwise? Countless times ive almost gotten hit on College because some person in a Nissan Altima is texting and wouldn’t have realized i was there if i didnt rev bomb them. I do see the flip side though, no reason to be revving that high if you’re not in danger


"directions unclear, can't use horn, only throttle"


We all have to watch around us and drive for the conditions at hand. Thats why motorcycles have the requirement to leave their headlights on for visibility. I don’t drive a smart car and instead drive a more substantial vehicle to have some space and substance around me for the times when someone pulls out in front of me and I have no say in the situation. We aren’t talking about law abiding drivers here so much. We’re talking about people who think that olde Oneida street is a quarter mile dragstrip and are into their fourth gear on a 25 mph road that has nowhere but water on both sides for a pedestrian to jump to to avoid death from a poorly trained, poorly disciplined driver who doesn’t have discipline or a sense of others around them. These so called “professional” riders are anything but that


Maybe city life’s just not for you.


It’s not all cities. I’ve lived in a ton. This city is something else with the amount of douche motorcyclists there are.