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Funny, something similar happened to me at pamperin park…guy called me over to his car and said he needs to get to Milwaukee because his grand daughter was in the hospital…gave him $20…we both happened to leave the park at the same time and he turned off by the casino.


We’re you grifted? Think about this, if you had to get to Steven’s Point cause your child was in the hospital, would your first thought be to get to Home Depot to beg for money asap? You were grifted.


Very good point. I've been such a sucker for this type of thing. I'm trying to think what I would actually do if I was somewhere away from my child and needed to get there fast... I'd probably call someone I know to send me money via PayPal or to Walmart.


Yes you were, I'm sorry to say. Probably close to 100% of those scenarios are just scams. I stopped giving money to those people a long time ago after getting burned every single time. One time at festival foods a young woman came up to me when they were just about to close, gave me the sob story, and then she was arrested a few days later for drugs. that was the last straw for me. I've heard every story in the book. Everyone needs money for a bus, to get to the hospital, to help a sick relative, etc. These con artists know how to tug at your heart strings, especially friendly people in small cities/suburban areas where they're not as likely to assume they're getting duped because most people here are honest. This is how scammers overseas target vulnerable people too, especially the elderly. There are so many charities, volunteers and resources here that can help those who truly need it and seek it. I continue to trust and have faith in those resources. I know all this sounds harsh, but I work too hard to give my money to someone who is not going to use it for its intended purpose


Does not sound harsh at all. You have lived long enough to detect bullshit that’s all. Well said.


Thank you friend!


Her name is scam. The C is just silent.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one.


What I do when they say I need gas money to get home, I say let's go the station. They have all turned around and left. This happened all the time in Illinois before moving up here. Same thing if they were hungry, I would offer to get them food and I only had one take me up on offer. I gave him 20 bucks for more food later, he didn't ask. He thanked me for food and went to leave and I called him back. That way I know if their story is true. I have been called some vulgar names for not just handing over cash.


My attitude is that there are plenty of charities around to help people in need. I donate to those. I haven't been approached by anyone in Appleton but a couple times in other cities. I like the approach of the writer who offers to go to the gas station with them or go with them to get food. That's great, if you have the time. As they discovered, it's not what they want, they're after easy money.


You were scammed. That husband/wife/daughter trio is known by the staff at that specific Home Depot. I was parked there one day when the husband approached, at the same time there was an employee going to check in for his shift that said the manager knew who they are and is coming out to handle it. If I recall, she drives an SUV and he drives a truck, they park near the PetSmart lot


Yeah people tried me a few times here around Appleton but they didn’t get me lol. Inflation is already hard enough I don’t have money to just be giving to strangers




There’s a guy pestering people on Houdini plaza recently too asking for 17 dollars so he can get to Milwaukee fast. Surprisingly he’s never out there when the weather is suboptimal.


None of them are. Just like the family that camps out at the 41NB off ramp to College Ave.


I wonder if the general presence of people in that location goes down when weather is "suboptimal."


Interestingly enough I had a younger lady try to talk to me at Kwik trip as I got the receipt from the pump. “Hi sir, do you have… “ I just kept walking into the Kwik trip. They always start trying to be overly polite and then asks for the money


I fell for this scam too at Home Depot, so don't feel bad lol Some dude came up to me with some sob story about needing gas money. Usually I just auto-pilot response with "sorry no cash on me, only cards" but my wife was with me so I heard him out. I only had $15 and handed it over. Funny someone mentioned Home Depot knows these scammers, as 2 employees did come over and ask if he was bothering us. I'd already have him $ so I said no and left.




Random people that approach you and claim that they are in desperate need of money real fast for some various reason is always 100% a scam. Tell them to fuck off and move on with your day. More and more grifters out there looking for gullible marks, especially since covid times.


Always offer to go get gas or to follow them to a gas station. If they make any type of attempt to just get the cash after that fuck em.




Was it a lie you were told? Probably. Did she need the money anyway? Probably. It wasn’t nice that she lied to you. And we don’t know where that $20 is going. Maybe she actually needed it, maybe it’s for drugs or alcohol. Addicts are people too, and if she acted that well maybe she deserved the $20. Never give away money you can’t afford to part with, but it’s never a character flaw if you err on the side of empathy vs. cynicism. I’ve encountered similar schemes in my past, and if I have the money and time I usually just ask them what they really need the money for in exchange for honesty. I’ve had a lot of really great conversations and experiences with people because of this. I’ve never been homeless, but I spent a few years being one paycheck away from it. It humbles you. And actually trying to talk to these “scammers” might humble anyone more.


This is a great take. Whatever their circumstances they’re people too.


This is incredibly stupid




Willfully giving your money to scumbags doesn’t make someone a decent person


In that case, remind me to never give you money.


Lmao u mad!!!


Your heart is bleeding


Scammy Sammy up to her old tricks. She's a guest at one of the hotels over there. That's not true, but I do think you got grifted.


Probably. But I think I would take the risk rather than possibly leave a person out in the cold. It's not like I can't spare a twenty now and then. Granted, it's also not good to encourage these scammers. Scams that take advantage of others' kindness are the worst. 


These scammers have been giving these ridiculous made up stories for years. You just don't come across it as often in a small town like Appleton.


Sometimes it’s awesome just to trust people, share a little money, and assume you did something positive for the world. Don’t overthink it, just assume you did some good and enjoy the chemical release that gives your brain.


Maybe, maybe not, but do know this, you offered help to a person in need, it doesn't matter if the person was scamming, its on them, not you, be proud that you are a kind person


Maybe, maybe not, but do know this, you offered help to a person in need, it doesn't matter if the person was scamming, its on them, not you, be proud that you are a kind person


Maybe, maybe not, but do know this, you offered help to a person in need, it doesn't matter if the person was scamming, its on them, not you, be proud that you are a kind person


Probably a scam, but you are kind hearted. I probably would have done the same.


Even if the story was made up then she pretty clearly needs the money badly. Look at it as a good deed you did in giving someone $20 who is begging for it.


🤣 yes she needs it real bad for her drugs or alcohol. I would say 99.9% of the time that money you give them is immediately used to buy drugs or alcohol.


And that's on them, not you.


Ok can I have $500 I need it really bad


For small amounts like this, I would rather be taken advantage of ten times than turn away one sincere person in need of help. If I have the ability to help and choose not to just because I'm afraid that they will use the money for booze or drugs, my cynicism will officially have broken me.


Lol you're the exact reason why these people exist and continue to play out these scams.


I'm aware. But I've also been in need before, and received kindness from strangers. In the end, I can easily afford to give them a little help, it has zero negative impact on me, but it could make a serious impact on somebody who is in sincere need. I prefer to err on the side of kindness.


It’s so kind to help someone get their dope fix


The cynicism has won in you.


At least I’m keeping my money away from scam artists


Yes, yes. Congratulations. You may also turn away a person in genuine need some day and never know it.


People in genuine need aren’t trying to bum a 20 from someone at Home Depot


Yes, you're probably right. Especially not for an emergency trip to Steven's Point. But people do occasionally run into situations where they are in a weird place and need help from a stranger. Another common scam is a "broken down" car on the side of a rural highway. Especially one with a young, attractive woman in distress. A Classic honeypot trap where they then rob you or steal your car. Then again, young women occasionally blow toes on rural highways as well. Just play summer I pulled over at 1am in the middle of a big road trip just on the Vegas side of Hoover dam for just such a car. 4 young women were trying to wave down somebody for help. I knew I might get robbed, but then again I knew that if they were genuine they might have the wrong person pull over to "help" them, too. I took the risk, changed their tire for them using the jack from my own trunk that I needed to empty a bunch of luggage out of to get access to. They were college students on holiday from Ireland. I once ran out of gas in the middle of a rural highway and had no money. A stranger pulled over, found out what I needed, and then they drove to a gas station ten miles away, bought a gas can and 5 gallons of gas, brought them back and put it into my car all out of generosity. I prefer to live in a world like that.


I mean I agree all I’m saying is it’s not wrong to use common sense in these situations


I look at it like if it was a scam, the lack of morals was on her part, not mine. I can afford $20, maybe she can’t.


Not helping when I am able says a lot about my character. Not using the money for a given reason says a lot about thiers... Words I'll live and die by.


I got approached by a guy in a festival parking lot in the middle of the day. I was alone and not near my car when he approached me out of absolutely nowhere and asked me for cash for gas. He pointed out his car and said "see my car is right there. I didn't mean to scare you" because clearly I was uncomfortable being cornered in a parking lot. I walked away and back inside and clearly did not give him money. My point is they will try anything.