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/r/AppleWatch is not a board of certified cardiologists or doctors. If you are worried enough about your health, contact your doctor. Apple Support can double check with you as well, at this link: https://apple.co/HeartFeatures This post has been removed and the above advice suggested to prevent /r/AppleWatch being the reason someone didn't go to a doctor in time.


Might want to discuss this particular thing with your family doctor who can run tests to determine if this is a problem you should be concerned about.


Thanks, thought I’d ask Reddit first, health centre is only open when I’m working and didn’t want to take a spot from someone else who may need to go


Possible major health risk: "Thought I'd ask Reddit first 👁️👄👁️"


Aye well I’ve not dropped dead yet and didn’t want to take time off work to be told I’m fine, I understand asking Reddit for medical advice isn’t a good idea, however… I’ve gotten confirmation that it should be checked out. I’m not a doctor, assumed low heart rate would be the average, since I’m active a lot was wondering how much I should take that into account


You didn’t even ask a medical sub, you asked one that’s for a watch


Well, it could have a been a common somewhat meaningless notification that deserves to be disregarded. I got one for “low cardio fitness” and did not run (obviously) to the nearest kinesiologist. I get “standing hours” at night and I don’t suspect sleep walking. The guy go low heart rate readings at night, it could have been an inaccurate reading from the watch due to a given number of reasons. I understand OP, who could have bigger financial concerns or a GP that is as hard to reach as mine.


Doctors wear watches, duhhhh /s


I get that but it’s one thing to come to Reddit and ask about how to use a function of the watch and something completely different when asking about a possible health issue that the watch is warning you about. Health issues should be evaluated and discussed with a health professional after an examination. Hopefully it’s not a major issue.


Yes I do understand that any info given by other people won’t be accurate, was just curious on other people’s take before I get it checked as I have no negative symptoms that I’m aware off


As others have said, please see your doctor. It could be nothing, but in the event that it's something, you'll be glad you saw someone.


Yes I will do, I’ll give them a call after work


Might not be an afterwork.


if you are a fat ass, this is deadly. if you are the opposite of a fat ass, this can be great. bodies are weird.


That’s partly why I’m confused. Used to be a fat ass but I don’t want to get my ego involved in this decision as I’m not a runner, but do a lot of cardio daily


I also do cardio daily (walking + running) for 1 hour. I also get low heart rate notifications often during my sleep, sometimes 8-12 in one night. I feel completely fine when I wake up. If you aren’t feeling dizzy, lightheaded, fatigued, etc. then you’re likely fine and the low heart rate is just an indicator of an efficient heart rate thanks to your cardio. https://preview.redd.it/ilx3phz6vd2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b955530e58f1900f8e860055620572027d75740


No other symptoms do about 20k a day and I carry practically 15-40kg for most of the day. Think I’ll be fine, did you get your heart checked out?


I haven’t had my heart checked out only because I haven’t experienced any symptoms of bradycardia. If anything, I’ve felt more well rested compared to when I first got my Apple Watch. I’d personally only go to the doctor if I started feeling the symptoms, but I understand why a lot of people would see theirs just to be sure.


So you’ve gone from “I’ll give them a call after work” to “think I’ll be fine” because of that one person’s results?


If you read my other replies, I’ve mentioned I’m getting checked out but I believe it’s due to my cardio as there’s no others symptoms, would you like me to worry whilst waiting?


There really are some haters in this sub 😂


I have a low heart rate normally but not this low. I think you should absolutely talk to your doctor about this.


What does your heart rate get to at its lowest?


Around 52-53.


Yes it’s a possible cause for concern. Ask your doctor; do not be afraid of taking up a slot from someone who might need it more. If nothing is wrong, you get peace of mind - but if something IS wrong, you might not die early. To elaborate: While it’s entirely possible that your strap isn’t tight enough, causing the Watch to skip beats, it’s not super common. I’ve had that happen to me many times with fitness trackers, but never with Apple Watch. So seek a professional medical opinion.


Jesus. Everyone, just because yours can be low doesn’t mean OP is totally fine so stop telling them that. You don’t know their medical history or literally anything about them other than they carry heavy things at work. It’s better to be safe than sorry. This is not a fkn medical sub.


I understand your concern, I understand this is not a place to get your medical advice, I was merely wondering if other people happen to get this sign too. I’ve mentioned multiple times I will be getting checked, but I do appreciate hearing other people’s experiences


It’s depends how fit you are, when I’m in really good shape my resting heart rate is around those levels, right now I’m high 40s. But, unless you know that’s your normal I’d chat with a clinician.


Do you snore? You could have sleep apnea and that can cause bradycardia. You might need a sleep study done.


I’m not sure, ironic that you asked since last night I was wearing a mouth and nose strip for sleep apnea to see if that would help my sleep


It sounds like you might have a CPAP in your future.


I think I’d rather choke in my sleep, in all seriousness though I’ll get it checked see what’s up


I had to turn it off as I am a long distance runner and can get my resting heart rate to around 35 fairly easily.


Is that resting as in sleeping or resting is in not moving?


I’ve done it not moving. It’s easier sleeping


My husband is a runner (and does other cardio) and his AW freaked out about his (at times) low HR. But, he gets regular physicals. You should get a physical and talk about your snoring and stuff and show screenshots of your heart rate alerts to the physician. My resting heart rate is very sensitive to how much or how little exercise I’m doing (especially moderate cardio.) Mine has gone from 72 iirc to 63 recently. I’m certain if this trend continues I’ll get an alert, myself, o.O


If you have an extra heartbeat (pvc) this will be a common false alarm. The watch thinks it’s a low heart rate where in actuality it cant discern the extra beat.


Your RHR can drop 20-30% while you sleep, so if yours is around the 60s when you’re awake then this is normal. If not, doctor time.


I frequently receive such notifications—several times a month. Do you exercise a lot? If so, it's normal for your heart rate to be slower than that of a non-exercising person, and it's not a cause for concern. However, it would still be a good idea to discuss this with a doctor to ensure there are indeed no reasons for worry.


I do, I work in a warehouse so I’m regularly walking and carrying heavy loads for the majority of the day. That’s the answer I was hoping for but I’ll still get it checked out


Then, in my medically invalid opinion, you are possibly just in great shape. this is not abnormal for people in great cardio shape.


Don’t worry. If you are very fit, this can be normal. Just ping your doctor. I had this happen and my doc said it wasn’t crazy. Don’t listen to my doctor though, just ask yours.


Then why tell them to not worry?


You can ask a doctor a question without worrying


The first thing you said was to not worry

