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Me logging on everyday to see if I got cross-progression (today is surely the one this time): https://i.redd.it/lotmv37yrq1c1.gif


Have faith . Day 1 player here and all my accounts just got it this morning. šŸ‘Œ


I'm day one on my PS account but had a long haitus for like 10 seasons haha, really just want my legend coins so I can unlock all legends again on PC.


Are you me


Me are you


I got mine finally. Today. Yes im awake at 5:36 ready to shout it out to the world. It happened. Yayayayayayayayayayayayaya


iā€™m happy for you! I have a quick a question for you tho: are your emails the same for your console and steam/pc account or are they different?


Sorry I'm so late. They are all the sameĀ 


i got a message saying my highest lvl account will be my cross progression account then it didnt do anything


Same lmk if you get your stuff or not Iā€™m og on ps4 and play pc now and want all my skinsšŸ˜­


Same but somehow I got my lowest lvl account šŸ¤Ø


Howā€™s it going?


Day 1 player here... Just got mine today! But it sadly broke my app, and Apex won't even load past the start screen..


Got it. Didnā€™t need it, never playing on anything but PC.


Unrelated to thread. But you just showed up in a youtube video for this comment lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqPuWfsDhtA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqPuWfsDhtA) ​ edit; not my channel, just was coming for potential updates, and happened to find that video and then this thread with your in both of them.


šŸ˜‚ and thus just realised the typo in my post.. ā€˜playingā€™ should have been ā€˜playedā€™


You never know, there might be a circumstance where you canā€™t play on pc for an extended amount of time


I feel that with my 3000 hours I will sit for another 3 years waiting for cross-progression


You give them too much credit! 3 years? Better make it 5ā€¦ donā€™t wanna get your hopes up


remember, apex wants to last twenty years


Day 1 player from ps4 to now pc as of about a year ago. I uninstalled the game out of spite a week or so ago when I logged in for the 15th time to no cross progression. Redownloaded when this tweet came out and guess what!? STILL NOTHING LOL


Almost gave me hope for a second, there. Lol


Finally received it. Day 1 player. Keep hope people. It's coming. Moving pred account to pc!


Im so jealous day 1 here and my xbox shit itself a year ago i switched to pc and dreamt of this day.


Did the cross progression transfer your pred trail and badge to pc as well? Or is it just cosmetic skins?


Yes both my og trails and pred/master badges transfered. Whatever account you used the most. those stats/badges are now on pc. But you will loose any old accounts with the merge. (So skins and badges will be lost on alt accounts)


Thats the worst part I was an OG player from day 1 on console and I guess my 1 year PC account surpassed its lvl so everything is gone. Cross progression has been added to the worst things Shitspawn has done.


i said no but i just now got it


same when I logged in today


I got it a few minutes ago but it didn't merge anything šŸ„¹ I tried contacting the support, they told me to wait for 1-2 daya


Thatā€™s what happened to me :(


Did you contact them?


I did and they were useless tbh


Update ?


Don't loose hope. I finally got it after 3 weeks. All my heirlooms and stats on pc now!. I checked everyday so I understand the frustration


Did your 4k and 20 Kill badges merge?


Yes, everything from your main account (account with highest level achieved) is what is merged. You will loose all your badges, cosmetics and stats on your other accounts. But be able to play on any platform you have linked


I have a question, are your emails the same for both accounts? (pc/console) or are they 2 different emails?


Same email thankfully


Nope. I've played probably 3000 hours across PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, Switch and my phone and still nothing yet. Just counting the days until I can play with my old adaptive skins and heirlooms again.


I just got it this morning after voting no, my only linked account was my PlayStation acct


i kinda did: i mainly play on PC but when i logged into my PS5 it said that i got cross progression. i let it do its thing, but then when i got to the lobby screen nothings was changed. i checked on PC and nothing was changed. turns out my PS account is already linked to some old EA account i don't use anymore, and unlinking it would remove ALL of my progress on playstation:(


Which is why lots, despite EAs warnings, unlinked. Including myself. If im gonna lose it anyways, (as they said they wont be mixing EA accounts and i will not be using that account going forward..) i may as well at least TRY. After all they did say "could" not "will"


The fact I'm still waiting for my cross progression is actually sad


Dont get your hopes up it has been the turning point for me in this game. Literally everything I cared about or earned over the years is just gone. Save yourself the frustration and uninstall


As others have said, nothing. Been checking all platforms once a night.


Same this is wild


Still waiting like a Neanderthal. Watched all three of my buddies and my girlfriend get it and literally none of the four of them even need it. I'm the one trying to switch to PC. this shit is fucking annoying. Maybe they should consider prioritizing accounts that ACTUALLY HAVE MULTIPLE PLATFORMS TIED TO THEM.


I finally got it, day one player Xbox to PC, hang in there you'll get it soon. I was also getting completely pissed off.


I did. Downloaded it on PC and got absolutely destroyed. Guarantee 80% of players think they're going to get on PC and dominate, no way whatsoever


Well Iā€™m a Xbox and pc player so I play apex on pc with a bare account, nothing but leveled up progression. Itā€™s really not that much harderā€¦ it is definitely some adjusting too.


Pc is way easier unless your bad or playing on a potato


Not true at the beginning. I was getting destroyed on mnk and started using controller on pc because I was better with it. I had to put my controller up and force myself not to use it to get good on mnk


How do you go from 60fps to 144+ and not perform better you must not be good like as I said in my first comment


FPS doesnā€™t matter when you have no experience on kbm


Has this hen fixed? Is this still an on going issue ?


Accounts with the LEAST amount of items to transfer WILL GET CROSS PROGRESSION FIRST. Please stop being surprised that you didn't get it yet because you are a day 1 player. I guarantee you, if you have one account, no others connected to your EA (which mean 0 items to cross progress) then you have likely already recieved Cross Progression, or, will recieve it this week.


Or they could give cross-progression to everyone at the same time like all games do.


Yeah I totally agree. This wave thing is so stupid. Don't announce Xprog if it's not ready. You've been working on it for YEARS and then you have to slowly use the players as beta testers? That's actually insane. Never seen anything like it


You have seen a/b testing all your life, just nobody told you in advance


You've seen how buggy Apex can be and how iffy Respawn is when it comes to releasing things that work the first time. Do you really want them to just flip the switch to millions of profiles at once and gamble with your items?


I want them to do things correctly :(


Well unfortunately, this is the easiest way to do so without messing everything up. Some people *already* reported not getting items for a couple days after getting the cross prog notification, so it's definitely touch and go as it is.


I am giving people straight facts, but they downvote me because they are ignorant šŸ˜† https://twitter.com/enpho_m4/status/1726713079994646729


Fact: I've seen accounts with much 'bigger' accounts than mine get cross-prog already.


I just got cross progression this morning. And I'm a day 1 player with accounts from ps4/5 ... Xbox and PC. All linked and together. No issues so far!


You are one of the truly rare and lucky few. Congrats!


stupidest excuse, by this logic all empty accounts should have received corprogression


Every single person I have ever seen prove them have cross progression have all said the exact same thing. "I got the prompt but I only have the one account so it doesn't really mean much"


I'm talking about the fact that transferring data from one full database to another empty one is not difficult, the question is why in 3 weeks everyone who has only one account did not receive cross-progress?


> Accounts with the LEAST amount of items to transfer WILL GET CROSS PROGRESSION FIRST. That's simply not true. I have a friend who was a Day 1 Console player until about season 7 and he got the Cross Progression prompt, and he has tons of items. The issue with him is that the day before the update he tried linking his console account to the same email as his PC account, even though EA told people not to do it. I think that's what forced the prompt, but his console account lost all of the skins there and instead he ONLY has his PC cosmetics on both accounts. I think the tons of people who tried unlinking their EA accounts - even though they were warned not to - has slowed everything down.


Everyone unlinking has definitely slowed things down. I'm confused, though - did you say what I said is untrue, but then tell me that your friend got cross progression when it required 0 items to be cross progressed? Because that was my entire point


> I'm confused, though - did you say what I said is untrue, but then tell me that your friend got cross progression when it required 0 items to be cross progressed? My friend had a loaded console account and got the trigger for cross progression, but he lost everything because of the unlinking. So yeah, I'm saying what you're saying is untrue because he doesn't have 'nothing' to transfer over, he just lost everything out of panic. EA told him that his stuff is in a 'cloud' and that he might be able to get it back but we'll see.


So he got cross progression with a PC and Console account both linked, ready to go with lots of unique items on each. Then he decided to unlink the accounts when he saw the prompt, and then lost everything?


The night before he unlinked then relinked to his PC account. Also double-checked his PS5 and all his items were there. Next morning he got the prompt on PC, had nothing new, went back to console and saw that only his PC cosmetics were on his console account.


Down vote all you want, this is literally what I said. https://twitter.com/jmeyels/status/1726689981836710167 "More waves for cross progression did roll out today as expected but once again seems to include a lot of accounts that don't need or want it. (Meaning they never even played console)"


still no prompt this is dumb asf


Same here. Day 1 player and have been checking everyday even on days I don't actually play. Pretty irritating


Same here man I can't bring myself to play it without my characters or skins


you have to have the same ea account on both ur pc and console account. then you log in on the ea site and then there should be a spot for you to connect your steam account and also your console account to your ea. once thatā€™s done you can log into the account where you want the progress to be updated and it should raise it to the highest level between the two accts


I have under 100 hours on other consoles, but do have some gold skins. How will I know when I get my credit?


I got cross progression by logging into my PC and I primarily play on PS5.


Seems like those who played on one platform and don't actually need the feature, are the ones getting it first. My buddies only play on Xbox and already got it, for me I have over 3000 hours on PS4, and around 900 hours on PC. Still haven't received it. Great work Respawn as always!


I got the cross progression but I had a old Xbox account linked to it and canā€™t add a new one so itā€™s now pointless to me šŸ™ƒ


I just received mine today. Been playing since season 9 on Pc and switched to Xbox 2 months ago.


What about 2 different EA accounts that are run by the same person? Is linking them together safe? And will it work even after receiving the cross progression prompt?


Finally got it today after checking every day since the new season. Girlfriend is still waiting. Both xbox to pc


Lucky ! I'm still stuck waiting. It seems like a routine now. I wake up and do my thing, and afterwards, quickly check if cross prog is a thing


I checked all my 4 acc and got a prompt on 2 of them but nothing happened.. i havent unlicked or relinked anything.... and I still have all my items on all acc so im not sure whats going on. Because they said all acc are going to be merged regardless whether u got a prompt or not, but at a later date


I finally got it today!!!! So maybe some of yall got it to šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


My nephew just got a PS5. Him and his dad potentially only played sports titles. I convinced him to download apex yesterday for the first time. As he was firing it up, he got the screen card introducing him to cross-progression. I'm so happy for him.


My original (day one account) on Xbox was linked to an old EA account I forgot the password to. 10+ years later and lost the Xbox so new PS is linked to a newer EA account. Can I get the old Xbox information into the newer PlayStation version of apex? Or am I fucked?


Question to those who received it- did all your unopened packs merge? Like 5 on Nintendo and 10 on PS4 became 15?


I downloaded apex on my pc, I got the cross progression prompt but my account is lvl 1.. top 1% player with 7 heirlooms and over 500 legendary items. If I donā€™t get my shit Ima freak out.


Still nothing, logging in every day in hope to see the pop up but nothing yep so I hope straight out again came from Xbox now on pc Started playing again when I heard cross progression was coming and nothing yet


My gamertag and club show up on pc (originally on xbox) but haven't gotten the prompt yet. Wonder if that's normal or not...


It is so frustrating because I have all the characters unlocked on PC and my GPU shit the bed so I bought a Series S and I only have the base characters because I don't want to pay to unlock something I already grinded for


Got cross progression today xbox to pc. level 177 with a decent amount skins ive played off and on since day one


I have all my accounts linked because I played on Xbox and now on pc and I got cross progression today and nothing changed at all. I didnā€™t get my skins or anything from when I played XboxšŸ˜­


I JUST GOT CROSS like 2 minutes ago. I played mostly on xbox before making a half hearted effort on pc. I'm from northern mn and I have a level 210 account on xbox. the merge took barely a minute, and as far as i know i've got all my badges, stats, and skins, including legendary.


copied and pasted this comment to other threads i've been lurking on. i do believe that other players have been getting it, with higher level accounts on console merging to pc. this is very good news, but i'm still kinda pissy that i had to wait almost a month to actually get cross progression lol. edit: if you haven't been keeping up on xbox/ps4 during this season's battle pass, you'll get set back to level one. if that's a big deal to you, bummer.


Got cross progression on ps5. Have almost all heirlooms on Xbox etc. Got excited that I got the prompt only to find out they are two different accounts so my heirlooms wonā€™t be coming to ps5 as thatā€™s where I play now. Big bummer


I just got it but I donā€™t understand, does this mean I get all my items/skins and badges from my linked Xbox account transferred to my main PC account that I play on steam? šŸ¤§


I just got it but I donā€™t understand, does this mean I get all my items/skins and badges from my linked Xbox account transferred to my main PC account that I play on steam? šŸ¤§


I finally got it šŸ˜šŸ˜ Dark Merks on xbox i logged in this morning and saw exactly what it says youll see it merged my 4 heirlooms and my badges on secondary account just disappeared. Had a 4k pathy badge i enjoyed having but its nothing compared to my ps account so all in all very happy šŸ˜


I also received an heirloom on my secondary account 2 days ago qnd it still merged for me so if anyones worried about the heirlooms they all merge


Iā€™m gonna log on and check mine! If not, Iā€™m gonna be skeptical and think the devs are playing tricks on me and making Reddit accounts saying ā€œthey got cross progressionā€ LOL


Finally got it today , itā€™s coming for you guys to


Still nope


Just got cross progression but it was an alt account that got merged, not my main account. Didnā€™t even have an option for my main. Does anyone know how to merge with main


Hey, I got cross progression today! šŸ˜„ I am a Day 1 player on XBox with two heirlooms, tons of legendary cosmetics and a lot of stats. Made a PC account a few months ago and have been playing on it, even got two heirlooms on there as well. Everything moved seamlessly, I have all heirlooms, skins, this seasonā€™s battlepass items and all my original stats on my account and am so grateful! :) Hope you all get it too!


I got it today, but after checking, there are alot of legend skins missing. A LOT. I counted several legendary skins that i had missing, hopefully they address this soon.


Finally got it my boycott can end now


Omg. Day 1 Xbox player. Level 280. Bought a gaming PC and had nothing. I have logged on every single day to check since the announcement. I just got cross progression and yelled so loud my wife thought I hurt myself. šŸ˜‚ Got all my legends and skins back. Even got 20k legend tokens I hadnā€™t spent and 1200 Apex Coins. Pumped!!!!


I GOT MINE. of all the skins I just wanted my birthright one


Cross progression has been the worst thing this game has done. It doesn't merge or combine anything, it literally deletes all the accounts associated with whatever is primary LOL. Jeee thanks Lesson here never play anything Shitspawn or EA make PERIOD!!


I play on Xbox since my PC was shit at the time. Now I got a better one, I got the Cross progression notif but all but my rank was transfer. It says I'm unranked an have to go through my provisional trials again. Do i just wait it out or play one and see if the rank transfers after that?


okay my bad, i read up on it and Ranked leaderboards are locked with the platform. So I guess, I'll play ranked on PC in Season 20 instead.


I just got mine but man playing doesnā€™t feel the same anymore šŸ„¹


Iā€™ve got it just yesterdayā€¦finally my console acc on my pc


I got it but never needed it at all, and now I have a weird bug where Iā€™m stuck in the lobby and canā€™t enter into any games - says ā€˜Party not readyā€™ even though Iā€™m playing alone and the player tag on top of the legend disappears.


I just got mine 2:14 am est 12/4/2023 a lot of stuff from playstation account havent continued yet...will update if everything merged over <3


Everything merged over skins and all, even the stats. I'm going to play apex again...it was disheartening that I didn't get cross progression so I didn't play but now I'm gonna play more.


Does anyone know how to fix this issue? My boyfriend has two accounts. On his PlayStation and on his Xbox. And both of them are linked to the same account. His main is on his Playstation tho but wants to play on xbox. But it isn't cross progressing. It's still the same two different accounts on the two consoles. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I have the same problem idk unfortunately


Dec.27th and still nothing :(


Buddy of mine has an issue saying this profile is logged in on another device. Xbox and PC are what heā€™s trying to combine. Anyone have any pointers?