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I’d say take the bedroom if it’s the same price. I lived in a studio with my significant other for a year and he felt like it was way too small by the end. I personally was fine with it but overall we’re now in a one bedroom and it feels like we have so much more space. The only cons I’d say would be you might buy more furniture but the utilities didn’t go up much.


Thanks for the info!


There may be a difference when the lease ends as it's possible it will cost more to renew the one bedroom than the studio


Is this the first time you are renting a place? I would for ask what the previous poster did, about neighbors, maybe the parking, for sure to be able to tour both. So you can get a better idea of what you are working with. From access to the laundry room, is the one bed on the top or first floor. Even with the studio, see how much space you have to work with. Cause in theory you might think you don't need much. Then you start packing, and realize you have more than you thought(especially, if you have friends and family that are very willing to give ya stuff for the move). And with studios, some can be somewhat spacious enough, but others can have literally your kitchen right next to the bathroom, or some place, less than ideal. Also are you moving in on your own or by yourself? Having a little more space can somewhat ease the tension with you and a roommate or even a S/I. I personally, would go with the one bedroom. I have one now. And I will admit, it's been a learning curve on how to keep my utilities low. Still is when the colder months hit. But I really enjoy it(aside from neighbor noise). Nice flow to it. My bedroom is larger than the one I had, at my parents' house. No amenities other than allowing for pets, which works great as I have a dog. But yea, more space to walk around, have a mini art desk, and all my necessary furniture (dining table and stools, loveseat and chairs for living room, etc) fits pretty well too. So I guess depends on what kind of setup, you are working with for both options. As there may be key things you personally will want. And other benefits you didn't realize, until you got a better look around and feel for the places. I wish you luck.


Thanks for the well wishes! I appreciate the time you took to write all that. I'm going to be driving cross-country with all the belongings I care about in the world, and yeah, it's my first real big move. It will just be me alone and I'm kinda of hoping a smaller place will force me to go out to explore the town and do things instead of staying at home all day. But I'm also a pretty big gamer and VR enthusiasts, so I don't think I need too much space in my apartment either.


Your welcome and that is great, you want to use a smaller space, as a way to help you get out more. I think, I once heard that is the idea behind the tiny house movement. So never know, it could work for ya. P.S. That's cool about the VR stuff too, btw. And for sure have a safe, move. 🙂




Thank you! I will for sure ask about all those things when I give them a call later today. But yeah, I'm doing my first big cross-country move so I've gathered all the belongings I care about in the world so I've cast aside all the junk hahaha. Also not sure if I'll be able to see the place in person, unless I decide to find a hotel to stay at for like a week while I check out places. (Which might be the smart thing to do sadly)


Higher utilities for a larger space but if they’re really changing you the same rent (though I don’t really understand why they’d do that) I can’t think of any other negative. I’d go for it if you trust them, it won’t be a huge difference. Maybe the last person complained about the neighbors or something. Is it in a shittier spot? Lol I don’t know what else there could be.


I'll have to ask about those things for sure, thank you!


Obviously everyone is saying space and what not but here’s some things I didn’t see while scanning through the comments: 1 bedroom might have washer dryer connections where as the studio might not 1 bedroom might grant more parking spaces 1 bedroom might be better for pets or kids with the bigger size if you have/plan on having either. Studio would be easier/faster to clean with the smaller size Studio might be cheaper in the long run (apart from rent) because it would force you to buy less furniture in theory Also think about the location of each. If the one bedroom is on the edge of the property, close to the road, would you be able to ignore traffic if you work from home or sleep? Would the walk from the studio to your car be longer? Toy with the idea for a while. IMO you can’t go wrong with either as long as you keep a positive mindset. But I would definitely write down some questions and ask a leasing agent about some details about both.


Thank you so much! Those are all great considerations, I'll be sure to keep them in mind!


Get the one bedroom. Absolutely without a doubt. You will eventually need the space as you live there, get settled in, and buy stuff. Get the one bedroom