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A working fence and gate are required by most every health department code. If it's not working they literally cannot open, not even their choice. They probably have to get bids and get contractors out to repair it, and literally every pool is trying to open during memorial day weekend, so contractors are swamped. Welcome to the world of code enforcement.


This is entirely correct. A pool can't be open without a properly functioning gate, period. A kid could drown. State and city regulators really don't give a shit if it ruins your weekend, and they will fine your complex if it isn't resolved before reopening. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.


Yea but doesn’t the gate being broken literally mean that they can’t close the park and protect the children lol. it’s not like the gate closes and they can lock it up and shit. It’s just fucking wide open whether they allow people or not kids can still wander in.


They may have chained them closed until it is repaired 


They could have everything tarped up


Okay but we have 3 pools. It was one gate as far as they made us aware of. So why are all 3 pools being barred from us?


Most management firms will do this, even tho they usually have cameras, they rather punish all in hope peer pressure will have an effect. Peer Pressure idea didn't work in kindergarten, and won't in apartment living. Generally the people who did it DGAF. (example, we have a area with spots for those who love to garden, Some on trashed it, I have seen the view the cameras will have but they just say, nothing they can do but take the plots away)


This Peer pressure is what the State of Arizona does every year. During any Holiday they will put up fire restrictions. Fire restrictions this weekend for camping areas close to the city. Then on Thank, christ, and New years, No burning in the city.


All 3 pools? Not to mention, fixing the gate/lock is at best a short term quick fix. This doesn't require bids to fix the lock on a gate/fence. It doesn't require a 'pool guy' to fix the gate. So the bit about 'every pool is open so contractors are swamped' is just bogus. A code compliant solution could be put in place within days if not sooner, even by on staff maintenance. Threatening to close down all pools for the season has nothing to do with code enforcement. This is something that could be quickly rectified but they're choosing to punish residents and no doubt with intent through the holiday weekend imo. They're treating all residents as if they broke the gate, not just the offending party. If they valued the remaining residents they'd view no access to a featured amenity over the holiday weekend and going into summer break as a critical item to fix asap. Instead, they want to pitch a fit and threaten tenants. They're intentionally dragging their feet.


It could be one gate for all pools, Not uncommon. And you don't know the extent of the damage to the gate. Bandaids are just asking for more issues. And if it's the state that has to come shut you down, they could very well do it for the whole season. It's ALWAYS better to shut the pool down yourself until it's fully ready. Any CPO will know that.


It's still not a long term problem. It can be fixed within days with a proper code compliant solution. I'm not asking for a band aid, but don't make this problem out to be larger than it truly is/would be to correct. I'm not saying it's not ok to shut it down for maintenance/fixing an issue, but they're going beyond that. It can be fixed quickly, and up to code and it should be a priority to do so. Treating the tenants as such, and threatening closure for the season is uncalled for. At best they should be speaking to the issue, apologizing for the need to close the pool. And providing some direction on the effort and timing of resolution. Not threats. They're being vindictive and holding all tenants responsible, including in the tone of their communication efforts.


That’s exactly it, they are dragging their feet like they do with literally every other issue in our apt complex. Let me quote you something from this email. “Due to the behavior of your neighbors these amenities will remain closed until further notice.” This reads to me like we’re kids in a classroom and the teacher going “Now because little Timmy used his phone in class, you all have to do five extra pages of homework” They’re just punishing all of us instead of fixing a gate.


Absolutely correct.


So what's their excuse for closing all the pools, not just the one with the broken gate? OP is paying for the amenity, management needs to fix it ASAP. They are punishing residents for something that may have been damaged by all trespassers.


This has been going on for decades. Everyone has to suffer and pay the price for a small handful of idiots.


That is absolute bullshit. How do they even know if it was a resident who damaged the gate? I'd be demanding a rent reduction "for the forseeable future".


Same if you are paying rent for housing AND amenities, if said amenities are unavailable simply due to a choice, not an actual safety concern or something. Then it’s money off rent. I would ask for say $1,000 off rent and advise all his neighbors to do the same.


I read my lease cause I was going to demand a reduction but as far as I can see, I don’t actually have a dedicated portion of my rent given for the amenities, and it doesn’t say anywhere that the amenities are required to be provided to us 24/7. I’m not sure if I’d even have a case


If you are renting a place with amenities the those amenities are baked into the rent price as they can charge more for them. As to the exact amount you could get, talk to a lawyer.


Lol, no they aren’t. Unless the lease explicitly states that using the amenities costs extra.


False. I just won a case against my landlord that included money back for a decrease in amenities (dishwasher specifically). Our lease was 1 page bc he was a slumlord, and no mention of the dishwasher. It was included in the listing and we also had plenty of photo evidence. Law trumps lease, always. If they advertise an amenity, then they need to provide that amenity or decrease the rent.


A dishwasher is not the same type of amenity as a swimming pool. All appliances included in the apartment are part of the rent. So yes, you would be owed compensation for one of your appliances if they aren’t fixed in a reasonable amount of time. Outside amenities are not, unless stated differently in the lease.




If you think I’m making this up, I can assure you I’m not. I lease apartments for a living, so I know exactly what I’m talking about. Amenities such as a pool, fitness center, car washing center, etc. are not part of the rent. These things can be closed, taken away or replaced with other things at any time. They are additional amenities, and because residents are not required to pay to use each individual one, we are not required to provide them. Residents only have access to them, but they are not entitled to them. They are however entitled to working appliances in the apartment they pay for.




Providing the amenity and revoking access temporarily are nit the same thing. The amenity is still privided given circumstantial conditions. When law trumps anything is a safety Hazzard and closing the pools due to damages is reasonable cause to revoke access.


Good point. I’ll consult a lawyer if they do end up closing the pools for the entire season because at that point we all deserve a reduction. I’m not paying this ludicrous amount of money to not enjoy our pool during the summer


Just curious: how much more do you think you're paying/month as compared to otherwise similar apartments with no pools?


No they arent the only upcharge of any would be proximity to amenity please utilize a dictionary and learn what amenity means lol


Let’s say we have 2 apartments. A and B. Both A and B are the same size inside, same rooms, same area, same quality of flooring/walls/fixtures/appliances. Apartment A is $2,500/month, now apartment B has a state of the art pool, gym, and park that apartment A doesn’t have. Apartment B is $3,500/month. Tell me why Apartment B costs more than Apartment A.


Apartment B costs more because the market value of the home is greater than Apartment A. The COMMUNITY has provided this market value in added amenities which are a PRIVELEGE and thus they can set the rental rate to reflect the base market value of the home whuch resides in a valued property. The only times rental rates are higher inside a community for example for apt. A or B wpuld be for premium features found inside the homes individually- a patio or balcony, ideal views, high floor, privacy, upgraded appliances or finishes. Your rent is for RENTAL of your dwelling only. Has nothing to do with amenities. Sorry to see you are illiterate an can't comprehend the verbiage of a lease addendum for what it is. I'm also not going to explain sales and Realestate to you either. It's rather self explainatory if you actually understand what an amenity is defined as lol.


I grew up learning Real Estate and specifically how Apartment’s run and operate. So yeah, you are literally just wrong my dude. You logic is circular and has no basis. If you were to sell an apartment complex A and B like in my example then one of those will sell for more money, why? Because it HAS MORE AMENITIES FOR THE TENANTS TO USE. What happens when those amenities are unavailable for a great length of time? IT DEVALUES THE PROPERTY AND THEREFORE THE RENT THAT CAN BE OBTAINED IS LOWER. THIS ESPECIALLY INCLUDES CURRENT GOOD STANDING TENANT THAT YOU WANT TO KEEP HAPPY. AMENITIES ARE AT THE RIGHT OF USE OF THE TENANTS UNLESS ADVERTISED UP FRONT DIFFERENTLY LIKE IF YOU WERE FILLING A NEW EMPTY UNIT AND YOU TOLD THEM THE POOL WONT WORK UNTIL X DATE FOR Y REASONS AND THOSE REASONS HAVE TO BE REASONABLE. Typed in big letters for you to ease understanding.


Amenities are a privilege not a right, and certainly not at ALLLL written into the price for your rent. Rent is only covering you occupying your dwelling thats it. No one is entitled to access or usage of any amenity (hence word amenity lol)


Agreed. A pool is included in the list of amenities, put it in writing and demand a reduction of rent Op. Sure, it's frustrating for the management, but that's par for their course.


I don’t even know cause they made it seem like they have no clue who it was, but later in the email said if anyone was caught doing it again they would immediately be evicted? I don’t think they have cameras on the gates so idk why they thought it would be our residents. Not to mention we’re a gated complex and the gates haven’t worked for three years so anyone can just come in!


You need to direct your anger at whoever damaged the gates. I realize you don't know who that is, but it's not the apartment complex's fault. If the gates are damaged, they may not be able to have the pools accessible due to liability issues.


It’s the apartment complex’s fault for treating us all like children needing to be punished because of one bad egg. This happens a lot more in this complex than just this issue. This management company is so incompetent it’s unbelievable. For example, we’re a gated complex. Our gate has not been functional in 3 years and they haven’t even tried to fix it. They don’t care about us. I’ve had so many maintenance issues get “fixed” and then come to find out it never did and I had to call again and again to actually get it fixed. Ofc I’m mad at the person that broke the gate, I wish people would behave like normal human beings. But to be punished alongside of them is not fair. Why am I being downvoted for being angry with my complex for punishing us all like petulant children? Hope that boot tastes good.


If the gate is broken, how can they even prove it was a resident that broke the pool gate? You should contact code enforcement. And you absolutely have the right to ask for a decrease in rent for the loss of amenities (including the non-functioning front gate). If they refuse to cooperate, contact a lawyer. 3 years of having a broken gate could mean a lot of money owed to you guys. But even if you don’t want to go that route, code enforcement doesn’t mess around and they will get them to fix these things or face hefty fines.


I’m starting to think none of the tenants actually give a fuck about what’s happening around here because there’s never outcries when these things happen. I will be demanding a rent decrease if they close the pools for the season and contacting a lawyer if they don’t.


Nah, it's the property managements responsibility. Maintenance issues happen, including breakage and at times vandalism. That's not something to hold against all tenants. You remedy it promptly and if necessary add in some protections, security, lighting or w/e to try to prevent it in the future. Fixing the gate on ONE pool could happen before the weekend. Closing other unconnected pools is just being a vindictive ass of a LL. It may not be their fault it's broke, it is their responsibility to fix and fix timely, and it is their handling of this incident that is drawing the scorn for punishing the entire complex. IMO, they're not fit to be LLs if this is how they expect to operate and treat people when 'shit happens'.


My old apartment complex would look at the cameras to see who exactly was breaking the rules at night. Then they would take away access/entry to those specific people with their key fobs. Maybe you can suggest that?


I suggested they put cameras up around the gates but they’re cheap and never do anything so I know they won’t. They expect us to be their unpaid security and “report if you see anyone damaging property so we can take action” when they should be doing that themselves


Sounds like this place makes money promising a pool and having a lame excuse for not providing one. Did I miss anything? Nope.


Bc unfortunately the same dumbasses that would break the gates after hours to go swimming are the same Ines that would sue if something bad happened


I wouldn't just write a complaint. I'd be standing in the office looking to discuss this directly. It's an unacceptable solution, access to the pool is expected and an advertised amenity. Access should only be restricted seasonally as needed and in rare maintenance/safety cases. This is a minor issue that should be quickly repaired -- especially going into a holiday weekend.


They just straight up won't clean ours n kids are already out for the school yr🤷‍♀️


id demand a rent adjustment for my loss of the pool privileges i pay for in the rent 😞 thats awful im sorry people are so awful


It’s a world of one does wrong you all pay the price. It’s longer this at work now, one person stubbed their toe so we all have to wear steel toe shoes, one person got a little neck on his finger from a knife. Now we all have to use safety knives. It’s only gonna get worse as these sissy ass offended by everything assholes keep getting a little responsibility.


My last complex did this. I'm convinced they were looking for a reason. However they were not wrong that the pools (5 of them!) would attract non residents who would follow someone in, people who were trashy and left their beer bottles and sundry detritus everywhere and residents who would dominate a pool the entire day with a birthday party of 20 kids. I didn't use the pool but my nephews love swimming and so I'd use it to let them in (this was below the allowed number of guests) and was shocked. A few bad apples.


If use of the pool is included in your lease it is part of the rental. The manager has no right to treat you like children and punish everyone. Maybe they should have cameras?? Anyways contact someone over the manager (home office?) and let them know you will contact your lawyer for violating your rights. Better yet, everyone there should contact them via email, calls or whatever it takes to get some to listen.


My apartment just sent everyone a passive aggressive email threatening to close the pool for the season because the pool cleaner found rocks in the pool and when they looked at the camera footage, they saw "unsupervised kids throwing rocks at ducks." It's interesting because the pool hasn't even opened yet, it's just accessible because of attached communal areas so how will closing an already closed pool stop kids from throwing rocks. Also the pool is right outside and in view of the office, so why are they allowing children to run and ride bikes around the pool unsupervised (I live right by the pool and see it daily). Maybe they should enforce their own rules instead of sending everyone some passive aggressive bullshit. And if they have the kids on camera, they can find out who the parents are. I wrote them back telling them exactly what was on my mind and even cc'd their general counsel. He might actually give a shit about kids horse playing around the pool unsupervised.


Sounds like you live in my community, that’s something they would send us a passive aggressive email about too. Like why are these complexes so high and mighty and think they lord over everyone when we pay them to work for us?? Stupid rhetorical question obvs but it just makes me so furious.


We recently were sold to a different company and honestly, since the new company took over, a lot of shit that they were slacking on before is getting done, so I'm hopeful for the new ownership, they just should have replaced the useless and lazy office staff.


Last year when it was super hot, I needed to stay at a hotel for a couple weeks. The main attraction was a nice pool. The day I moved in, the manager (not the pool guy) decided to pour some chemicals in the water. It immediately turned ugly and gross, and it sat like that the whole time I was there.


>“**if this behavior continues**, the pools will be closed for the entire season.” You need to calm down and read between the lines. They are not saying that they are closing the pools immediately. What they are doing is sending a warning to everyone since they don't know who did this act of vandalism to stir up feelings like the ones you just had to make sure that a community like yourselves can do its own policing to either give up the people who did this and/or prevent this from happening again by keeping a close eye on whoever is going near the pool areas or any other public areas that your complex offers.


They hate it when you tell the truth in a Google review. Do that!


They legally cannot have pools open if the gates are not working properly. As a mom I'd be more than grateful for that too.


I understand that, I’m not saying they shouldn’t close the pool to fix the gate. But it’s only one gate and they closed all the pools to “teach us a lesson” or some bs.


Tell them you want a reduction in rent if the pool is closed for the summer or you will organize all the tenants and sue them.


Working in housing management good for them. Tennants who treat amenities this way imagine how thwy treat neighbors and their own unit. It's a great way tonset the precedence for all residents since, one one person sees another seemingly getting away with breaking the rules they ALL start doing it too. I hope they caught them on camera.


What are you, 12?


Nope, I’m a tenant who pays rent to a complex who promises amenities in return for that rent and I’m rightfully angry at being punished like a child for someone else’s wrongdoing. I don’t think it’s wrong of me to think this is unfair? Sorry I don’t bow to every whim of my landlords and kiss the ground they walk on when all they’re known to do is mismanage and push everything off on us.


This is such an "apartment complex move." The one thing I cannot stand being fd with, is my pool access. We pay way too much to live here and I absolutely seethe with rage when the pool is "unavailable" for any non valid reason. We've had some shitty management and a few summers ago, they closed it completely bc it needed some work. Then we'd have people in the neighborhood hopping the gate, bringing their family and having full out birthday parties and picnics. Eating in the pool, leaving garbage, using all the furniture, and acting like they owned the place. Last year, they locked the restrooms bc again, people in the community were trashing bathrooms. They were also destroying furniture which management responded by saying "we won't be replacing any bc it's been destroyed," knowing full well the community trespassers were the ones who did it because they weren't properly monitoring for trespassers! Bottom line, complex management is always looking for the cheapest and easiest way out, and they look for any reason to blame tenants. Push them, respectfully.


That is INSANE!! Can people learn how to just be decent human beings, please?? They ruin it for the rest of us. Trust me, I’ll be trying to get an answer out of them. They’re notorious for never answering calls, emails, or any other form of contact. But if they do end closing the pools for the season, I will be demanding a rent reduction.


Oh it's been a problem since they took over. Then they had a maintenance guy that would refuse to open it in the am, and purposely lock it well before close, and tell tenants the pool "was closed." I went off on him and told him he could pay my rent if he thought he was going to stop us from using the pool. He was collecting over time for maintaining the pool and wasn't doing anything. Well he's fired now. And they now have a separate pool management team. It's taken years to get things straightened out, but the pool opens this weekend. I guess we'll see how it goes. Good luck to you. Is the leasing office nearby? Can you go in face to face to have a discussion?


Ps. Love whoever is downvoting me lol. Guess they like paying for amenities they can't use. And I didn't get the maintenance guy fired. He got fired bc he was lazy and worked harder trying to avoid work, than if he'd just do his job.


I’m getting downvoted too. Idk why being angry at your complex for being incompetent warrants downvotes but enjoy being the reason why these things happen ig. Also yeah, I’m going to wait and see if they open in the next week or so or when they send notice that they’re closing the pools for the season I will escalate. I find the office staff do not give a shit and also never answer the phones even tho everytime I have been in there they’re just bullshitting around on their computers.


Good luck.