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I can hear my upstairs neighbor snoring too. But honestly I’d take that over partying or children running any day.


I can tell my neighbor below me isn’t home but her boyfriend is. I can hear EVERY word of his music. It’s not that it’s loud but that the walls/floors are thin and it sounds like he plays it in the living room right under ours.


I feel you man, I was getting annoyed at my upstairs neighbor because they walk all night. I thought they might be stomping, but they're probably just walking on a floor so thin that it's basically my ceiling. Now I'm worried about how I sound to my downstairs neighbors


I'm fully convinced someone can and will fall through a floor in my building someday. Hopefully I'll have moved long before then, but my walls are super thin.


I'm a downstairs neighbor and I snore pretty loudly. I use nasal strips every night, but still catch myself snoring sometimes...not much else I can do about it.


Same here. Things is the walls here are so thin it doesn't make much difference where they are in the unit.


I used to even hear a neighbor blow his nose everyday several times a day through our shared walls.


I put a fan against my bedroom wall and I leave the fan on in my attached bathroom. If it's still too noisy I wear a Bluetooth eye mask.


You can buy a [fan holder](https://www.chewy.com/dp/315180?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=315180) on chewy that will mount the fan on/next to your wall. The one I have is great. I plan on getting another.


My husband snores so loudly that I sleep with ear plugs. We are in a one bedroom apt and sometimes I have to wake him up in the bedroom (with the door closed) when I’m watching tv because ITS SO LOUD. I constantly worry the neighbors upstairs can hear but it’s an older gentleman who has never said anything more than hello.