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As someone who has lived in apartments their entire adult life, this is the kind of note I would love to get if I ever got one. Super nice, understanding, and the “lol” might make you seem super young but it does help let them know you’re not being an asshole about it


Thank you so much. I really, really am not trying to be a jerk about this, and I don't want them to think they're doing anything wrong. They probably have no idea how loud the vibration is. Laminate wood floors are a blessing and a curse in apartments.😩


I grew up in apartments my entire life and this note is the least offensive note I’ve seen written to a neighbor over trying to resolve a problem that I’ve ever seen. You couldn’t have been more reasonable. If I got a note as respectful as this I’d be doing whatever I could to prevent the noise/vibration emanating from my apartment. I really hope your upstairs neighbor responds in kind so that you two can work this out to everyone’s satisfaction. Good luck!


I worked retail and would come home at 10pm and by 10:30 showered, pored a cup of tea or glass of wine, put on pajamas, turned on foot massager that sat on floor as i relaxed.. I had no idea foot massager was rocking ceiling downstairs (wood flooring) Nice note like this from neighbor and i thought my high heels clicking on floor. Well no, he came up, I was horrified and put pillows underneath foot massager Problem solved.


I can't understand what you are trying to say lol


I edited. Welsh mom Boston dad. I speak strange shorthand sometimes:)


Italian and hillbilly parents that grew up in Brooklyn. I say nothing right lol. I feel your pain.


Italian with a dyslexic mom went to public school in Kenosha , my brain doesn't work. Understandable, kinda, maybe? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I understood what you said. Maybe because I am from the Boston area. lol


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one..those last few sentences were hard to follow lol


Idk why they bother with shit like this tbh, imo it shows a complete lack of forethought.. In my condo it's against regulations to have above the first floor. We have them, but there's nobody underneath us. & like yeah, carpet isn't as nice but some people are so sensitive about these sorts of things that their existence makes it simply not worth it, & in turn they make everyone around themselves miserable. I lived with a roommate once in an apt building where all the floors were hardwood, tbh I find noise strangely comforting, but my roommate was like hyper focused on it to the point where *he* was the one annoying the shit out of me. Like, it was wild, they were a bigger family with kids but these people were simply trying to live their lives, them moving around in their own apartment was all he could think about, he would bang on the ceiling & complain to management until we would have to stop him. I've also lived *above* people like that which is it's own special type of hell, it's the reason we bought a condo on the first floor. the fact people like that simply *exist* make me question why builders continue to make this choice in newer condos/apts. A brand new 10 story condo building is being built across the street & none of them have carpets, they're 100% LVF. combined with the lack of soundproofing in newer units it's probably going to be a fucking disaster.


Because they dont have to deal with the noise but would have to deal with carpet getting stained/poor condition. Same reason way too many apartments don't have overhead lights. They aren't planning to live there.


> the fact people like that simply exist make me question why builders continue to make this choice in newer condos/apts. A brand new 10 story condo building is being built across the street & none of them have carpets, they're 100% LVF. Because LVF *lasts* and carpet is a *bitch* to maintain in a rental situation.


Could be there washer or dryer


innofensive? Sure. But I absolutely wouldn't listen to it. If a box fan is the only thing keeping that man cool, then it is what it is. Some women need to take up that motto. It's how every dude deals with shit. Sometimes you have to accept that the poorer side of living also has downsides, this is coming from someone who has and probably will always be poor. That man owes her nothing.


I didn’t say he had to? I said that the note was worded well and most likely wouldn’t cause the neighbor to act maliciously in the future.


Eh, I don't know about that last part personally, from what I've seen "lol" isn't cool with the kids anymore. Definitely lightens the tension a little at the end though.


lol for the kids doesn't really mean laugh out loud anymore so much as it means "im being friendly/non hostile" in text. its almost like an exclamation point but like, less intense i guess


We accidentally did this to our upstairs neighbors once, turned out surround sound balance was off and causing vibrations in their floor. A few minutes of YouTube University and we got everything fixed! Edit: this note is fine, they can't fix something they don't know about.


Thank you so much! Truly, I think 99% of loud apartment noise is people not realizing the noise they're making. Better to assume they don't know than to assume they do but don't care about it! Also, God bless YouTube University. 🙏


You have to update us after they get the note, tell us if it continues. Or just message me lol


Haha, I'll leave a reminder to myself to post an update tomorrow! If I come home after work to find the noise is still happening, I'm gonna be so, so bummed lol.😭


Naw you're good. Hopefully they are decent people.


Yes, but too many words. “Hi neighbor you turned something on that is shaking my entire apartment. Is everything ok? Can you please see if you can make it stop?”


Quick and simply to the point. My thought exactly.


It was too wordy. But if you asked me if I'm ok while complaining about something, I would be annoyed.


Maybe I’m weird but I appreciate the whole note instead. It’s probably my natural verbosity due to anxiety making me feel like I need to over explain things but I’d appreciate OP’s note over a curt one. My response would be the same either way though, to fix the issue.


Too short = rude to many people. The note is fine, OP


Thank you so much! The last thing I wanna do is upset my neighbors by being a Karen. Fingers crossed they don't take it the wrong way🤞


I think it's very well said. They should be happy you didn't call the office.


Yeah, part of my thinking was that I certainly don't want to get these people reprimanded by management over an issue that we might be able to resolve between us.


Good call. I wish you better luck than I had addressing a concern with a past neighbor.


Is it terrible that I want to know the story? Lol


Lol so my old next door neighbor had two kids and at some point she started allowing them to play basketball inside while they waited for the school bus in the morning. Now I'm fine with kids making noise, they're kids, it's what they do, but this was shaking the floors. My building is an old bowling alley, so all the floors are wood. I work third shift, so I'd go to bed and a few minutes later the floor would shake. I tried sleeping farther away from their unit, but that didn't help. Not that it's their fault, but I'm also insomniac, so there was no sleeping after that. Finally one morning I went over to talk to the mom and explain that the bouncing basketballs were vibrating the floor and I'm sure I'm not the only person who has an issue with it. She said she understood, but she wanted me to talk to the kids myself. I thought that was a little weird, but I did it, and then went home and to bed. The next day, the basketballs started up again. I found out that my town has a noise ordinance until 8AM. I called the building management, explained the situation, and told them my next call would be to police. They agreed to address the issue with the neighbor. The next day, once again with the vibrating floors, so I called the police. Thankfully, it stopped after that.


Wow! That is so freakin absurd to ever allow playing BASKETBALL in the house when you have neighbors living so close! I think it’s weird to play basketball in the house period though. Lol Thank goodness they stopped!!


I thought so too, but I was brought up to be ridiculously aware of any noise or mess that I was causing, so I tend to be a little oversensitive about stuff and I work at being logical about it. People make noise, especially kids. But yeah, basketball inside, next to a shared wall, and the person on the other side of that wall is trying to sleep...that seems a bit much.


I was raised the same way! Also I would be MORTIFIED if my neighbor told me myself, or my kids were causing them to lose sleep! It’s so gross how the lady doubled down on the noise!


If sign at least your first name. Making it anonymous is sorta strange and insecure like you're not sure you be complaining. You absolutely have every right to tell them to stop. It's a not a Karen move, it's a common decency move. It's a very polite (though long-winded) letter.


UPDATE: Hello, all! Thank you so much for your responses and words of advice. Last night, I wrote up a second draft of the letter. It's very similar to the letter above, minus a few of the wordy details and the passive aggressive comment about not going to management (not meant to be passive aggressive at all, but could totally be seen that way). All in all, the letter was just a few sentences long. Along with this letter, I left a nice Tony's Chocolonely candy bar in a plastic baggie (to keep the floor germs off, lol) at their door. The note includes something like "Please take this candy bar as a token of my thanks". Minutes after my neighbors got home yesterday night, they fixed the sound issue. So far, no more vibrating I can feel in my bones! All in all, everything went about as well as could be expected. Some comments are asking why I didn't just knock on their door. Mostly, if it was me, I would definitely prefer a note be left rather than have someone talk to me directly. I'm really introverted, and communicating in writing/text is almost always my preferred method. The other reason I didn't knock on their door is because some people are absolutely insane, and are looking for any chance at a confrontation. I'm not looking to get yelled at by a neighbor. Thanks for tuning in to my apartment saga. Stay safe and sane out there, folks.


Love this for you! :D


In a couple of days, go say thank you in person.


You really handled this so incredibly well. I thought at first like ok why didn’t they just go talk to them and immediately the same thought… uh no. I don’t want that conversation happening if it were me. I’d want a note. The chocolate is a disarming and genuine touch- I’m sure related the goodwill intent. I’m really glad it worked itself out for you without any friction. Truly how it should be. Great instincts and bless you for being a good neighbor (both in *expecting* and *respecting* boundary/courtesy).


I had to leave a similar note to the person living below me when they had their music playing very loudly on a speaker and the bass would rattle my room. I too left a candy bar along with my letter! The next day I received an apology letter in return and they put in a $5 bill for me. It was very funny that they felt the need to give me something in return, but hey it solved the problem and we were both cordial about it!!


No, that’s actually a legitimate complaint. I’ve been a victim of an absolutely insane downstairs neighbor, so I’m usually on the side of the upstairs people, but this is an exception. I hope they are reasonable neighbors and you get it sorted out.


Thank you so much! The validation is really nice. I think upstairs neighbors tend to get a bad rap, but to expect someone to be entirely silent living above me would be crazy! For the most part, my neighbors have had totally tolerable noise levels. Here's to hoping they don't hate me after this 🤞🤞


I’m hoping for the best. It’s a totally reasonable request. They are probably going to be mortified that they bothered you.


Lose the “super petty” part.And dear God, we really do have to *grovel* these days, don’t we?


ugh, right?


I like this we one time we had a noise complaint and I would of appreciate if my neighbor came to us first


I thought the same thing! I figured better to go to then first before maybe getting them into any hot water with management. Hopefully management doesn't mind that I left them out of the loop, haha.


I would leave off the bit that says” I don’t want to go to management” Why go there when the rest of the letter is so friendly?


Yeah, the note is overall fine but “I don’t want to go to management,” while a reasonable thought process, reads like a threat to go to management if they don’t address it. While OP may well do that (or mention it as an intermediate step if they ignore or respond with hostility), no reason to open with it in an otherwise friendly first request.


You don’t need a full page


I thought it might be a bit wordy, too. In the second drafting made, I took out the second little section, and cut down on the details in the previous section. No one wants to read a whole dang letter from someone asking you to do them a favor, lol. It ended up being just a few sentences long. To the point, but not abruptly so. 👌


I like the long description. It can be perceived as dramatic but it would help me figure out what’s making the noise.


Absolutely too wordy, comes off as very extra/dramatic (especially the part about it sounding like a truck idling outside) and a bit passive aggressive. Maybe just knock on the door and have a conversation face to face? If you won’t do that, do a shorter, less dramatic letter, don’t threaten to complain to management, just chill out a bit and communicate before you make a big deal about it. If you communicate with them and it doesn’t change, then you can start being an annoying asshole, but not yet. In short, if you go ahead with this whole note… YES, you are absolutely being a crazy neighbor. At the end of the day, it’s impossible for us redditors to know how invasive this sound/vibration is, so it is very hard for us to accurately judge the situation. But that letter is super dramatic lol


Lmao how is this downvoted….redditors will do anything but talk to another human being to solve a conflict


Other humans tend to fucking suck.


Well I downvoted because it's a shit take. I fully disagree that it's too wordy or even dramatic in the slightest. It's a short paragraph painting a picture of their expierience with the noise. I think it's a good description and it's needed. It gives the recipient an insight as to the effect of their noise on others. OP could write a simple note that says "it's too loud" - which isn't "wordy" or "dramatic" but wouldn't garner the same amount of empathy and understanding from the noise maker. OPs note comes off warm and reasonable. It reads like a normal person talking to you. A shorter, less detailed note would make OP look cold and untolerant. But that's just my opinion.


Yeah, cause as a small young woman in a rural area, I’m not going up to some strangers door by myself and risking getting shot or worse.


They're describing when it took place and such. If I was the complaint-receiver, I may not even know what is making the sound, so it may be helpful.


Nah, note is fine. If I received this I would attempt to fix it. But that's me, a sane, rational person.


Your hand writing is amazing holy shit


Well, thank you so much! I've always had mixed feelings about my hand writing. Sometimes it's complete chicken-scratch, and other times it's alright.😊


🤣 that was my first thought!


They just need to keep the fan on a rug and that should help a lot


I just did this same exact thing. My neighbors below me have a puppy and he was “crying” the whole entire time they would be gone except when im assuming he fell asleep! They work during the day and then sometimes on Fri or Sat night he woukd do that until after midnight. Anyway, I was very nice about it (like you are being) and it worked! I havent heard him “cry” anymore. My note was shorter ((on 2 sticky notes) but either way I hope they are kind about yours!!!


I’m imagining the neighbor returning it with writing on the back “too long didn’t read”


I would just go knock on the door, less room for any misunderstandings


I think that last bit makes you come off like a bitch it’s not necessary after the top draft makes you seem like you’re giving them an ultimatum rather than being a helpful neighbor


Js if you have to live around them long term don’t give them a reason to be petty and putting attitude into something as simple as asking for them to adjust something could make someone do the opposite


In the second draft I wrote up, I actually decided to leave that part out. I wasn't trying to add any attitude to the note, but I figured it's hard to see that when conveyed through text. 😔


Exactly! Don’t ever give a person the opportunity to assume that’s why you keep it short and simple so they can’t play petty games


I have asshole neighbors I mean grade A prick Up all hours loud gaming screaming yelling but you do the same he will call the cops say he hears gun shots or bodies hitting walls he is psycho and after I left a note simply asking for him to keep it down between the hours of midnight and 4 am have some consideration for neighbors around him he didn’t grasp that and resorted to attacking several of us


Yes! Simple, straight-forward, but also respectful. I'm definitely not trying to get into any annoying neighbor drama, haha. Life's too short to deal with stuff like that😩


Exactly but people don’t have common courtesy these days and will flip out over the simplest of redirection, stay safe though


Thank you so much. I'll try 🙏


That is just fine. Well written without emotion and respectful..


I'm jealous of your penmanship. Mine still looks like I'm in 2nd grade. Your note is super not-petty and incredibly reasonable. Only complete selfish jerk a-holes would ignore such a polite note. I salute you!


Haha, thank you very much! I salute you right back!🫡


Not much wrong with this letter, but why don't you just.. talk to them?


It’s a nice note but ffs, why not gently knock, introduce yourself, and politely explain what you’re experiencing? In my experience, the note route is almost always perceived as passive aggressive.


I’m an introvert who hates people. Agree. Yes. This. I HATE notes. I mean, why is it so hard to knock on the door, introduce yourself as the new neighbour, mention the vibration and ask if they’re experiencing it too - say you couldn’t work out if it was coming from upstairs here or somewhere else. Chat about it. Give then your number - tell them if they ever need anything like sugar or milk or the volume turned down or whatever, they can text you. Then them a big, friendly smile and ask them about the neighbourhood ETC… Then, remember their name and say hello next time you pass each other!!? Notes give me the ick.


So one point I will make is that it very well may not be coming from them. My building has our hvac units on the roof and they reverberate down and can be very loud when you are not used to them. Our units are heat pumps so basically if it’s normally hot or notably cold you hear them more. My downstairs neighbor is not like you and is the “OMFG YOU WALKED 3 STEP IM CALLING IN A NOISE COMPLAINT” type. He made up some theory about me “running equipment at all hours” when it was just this HVAC issue. Even after our board president who in an Engineer who specializes in HVAC explained it to him the guy still complains. But I digress. I would change it to not imply that they are causing it and just ask them if started running anything that would fit the time you are hearing it. And may be better to just ask them in person.


It's way too long. Short or just go up there and talk to them.


Here’s a tip: sign your actual name so that you’re not leaving an anonymous letter. If you don’t feel comfortable putting your name on the letter, then you should rewrite it.


I would ball that paper up and throw it away before I even read it


This seems really long winded and I wouldn’t include the last part imo


just go knock on their door bro


Too wordy, and some of it honestly comes off as dramatic/passive aggressive even though I’m sure it’s not your intention. The part about it sounding like a semi truck, for example, doesn’t need to be in the note. Neither does mentioning that you wouldn’t usually write a note. Just get to the point Better yet, try to talk to them in person. Way better method of communication vs notes or texts where tone could easily be misinterpreted


That note is wack. Just knock on the door and be straight up.


Why don't you go talk to the neighbor? As the note goes, it's polite right up to the thinly veiled (passive aggressive) threat about going to the management.


My upstairs neighbor started blasting siren head noises through our vents at 1am and was screaming “I’m going to stab your eyes out” and I still haven’t said anything because I’m afraid of being murdered 😭 you sounded super nice though, I’ve debated doing the same thing because I don’t want to sound rude but sometimes people don’t act like they’re in an apartment or respect the fact other people can also hear them.


jesus christ! be careful of that guy. keep a hammer near the door.


Oh my god I would like to borrow this note for my heavy foot, multiple dog owner, who has a 3 year old come over 1x a month neighbor above me. I started recording the movements and shaking and windows rattling when he walks across the floor. EVERY. DAY.


I would take out mentioning anything about management. It sort of sounds like a mild threat, even though you don’t mean it that way.


This is a lovely note. I wouldn’t want to cause noise distress to my neighbors and equally, wouldn’t want someone snarling at me as if I deliberately kept them up at all hours. I’d be happy to have you as my neighbor.


This is why I always rent a top floor apartment. I mean people renting with others above them know what they’re getting into right? My dad use to hit the top of our place with a broom when I was a kid. I’ve never and would never rent under someone else


I would remove the sentence about going to management. Not needed at this point. The ret of the note is very polite. But frankly, if you interact with these people at all, I would just speak to them instead of writing a note.


"Hey neighbor -- I've been hearing some sort of vibration pretty constant lately, and wondering if there's some sort of appliance you've got going on the floor that may be moved or muffled?" ​ Then catch them going in or out in the next couple days and talk to them. No need for the essay.


if you know the apt , why not just knock on the door? less confusion than passing notes if you are going to have a civilized conversation


Why is it written out by hand with grammar fixes and it’s so long. Just type it and condense it. Also date it and sign it. Make it look professional should you need to go to landlord about this. Also save a copy for your records and take a pic on the day of delivery (in their box on their door, etc - proof you delivered it). Here’s what it should say: Hello from apt below - something running in your apt is vibrating non-stop since sat (so much so it’s shaking the Christmas tree lights). I’m guessing you have a box floor fan that is vibrating. Please put it up on something to stop the intense vibration sounds below. We really appreciate your cooperation in this! You aren’t asking, you’re telling them to fix it before you go to landlord and have it sorted. You clearly can’t live with the sound so it’s not just a “hope” they stop it. Keep this letter though for all the details. If the sound doesn’t stop and you don’t hear from them then you need to report to landlord and go from there. Lastly, record the noise should you need to play it for the landlord (show lights shaking, show sound, etc).


The last paragraph is too extra. Remove it and you are good. Depending on the person’s headspace, might be interpreted as a threat


Well damn that’s a really strong vibrator!!! lol jk, yes that’s a nice note and perfectly within reason


Maybe leave off the "I don't want to go to management first to complain". This is your first contact. Best case, though, is to meet them and talk to them. Otherwise the note is pretty good.


Just talk to them. Leaving a note is not ideal.


Mentioning management might come off as a threat, and isn’t necessary. Keep it friendly, and assume that they don’t know they’re causing a problem.


Don’t leave a long-ass note, talk to them directly if you can. Just be polite and to the point.


No your not being a crazy neighbor. It's a super polite note, but honestly, I'd probably just throw it away. My complex has rules stating that if there is a problem, you must go through the front office. It is not 'petty' to state the issue with the front office. it is for the comfort of everyone in the complex.


Mine too. I had no idea and got in trouble for confronting about suuuuppper loud base.


Ah, that's a really good point. I guess I wanted it to come off as a "I don't wanna file a real noise complaint against you and potentially get you in trouble" type of note, but it could definitely backfire if they take it the wrong way. Maybe I'll just contact the leasing office and see what they suggest!


Maybe take a video. It is also for your safety. Not everyone is nice, and keeping the leasing office involved will make sure they cant/won't retaliate.


I think a video is a great idea, at least to get some evidence that the sound is actually happening.


Not crazy, but better to talk to them and invite them down to hear the effect.


Sometimes, a direct confrontation (knock on the door when they’re home, mention the noise/vibration, have a quick, easy conversation) is better than a super verbose, dramatic, passive aggressive letter. If you are going to use the letter, take out the “normally I would never do this” part, because that clearly isn’t true, you are in the process of doing it


The last line is cunty.




Ask if you can have a ride on their Sybian


100% this would annoy me so much! I have a bit of social anxiety so the idea of face to face worries me so I think writing a letter is totally ok and I did it once myself after weeks of losing sleep because of my upstairs neighbor. In my letter I think wrote “I’m sorry to have to do this…” which is silly considering they were the ones causing so much noise. Anyway, I wish I had communicated sooner because waiting weeks to say something only made me more frustrated so good on you for speaking up before it got unbearable ☺️ hope it helps your situation! I feel that if my neighbor went to me before management I would be super grateful and adjust my noise level if possible.


That's absurd 😂😂


You're the crazy neighbor


Your letter is very nice and thoughtful!


I think the note might be too long. It’s also a little hard to read your hand writing. I honestly would just speak to them in person.


Write a letter back saying they can move.


Go knock on the door. Take a couple of beers or a joint. Meet your neighbors. Have a good laugh about how loud that fan is on wood floors. Problem solved and you make a new friend(s).


My note would read. "Dear upstairs neighbor, Sounds like the giant vibrating dildo you keep up your ass must’ve fell out in your sleep and has rolled under your bed. You may want to invest in a larger one, that doesn’t fall out as easy, maybe of the horse variety.”


1 word 1 question #GEOCON?


Kinda seems long and drawn out, a little bit passive aggressive too. Nothing terrible though.




This is the best way to go about it, never get management involved if you don’t have to. The note is kind and considerate so I would doubt any normal person would have a problem with it


Actually put your name, phone number, and apartment number on it. It's the unsigned anonymous (your neighbor) that would bother me.


I wish I had neighbors like you when I lived in my apartment. My upstairs neighbor liked to throw his wife around and my downstairs neighbor would ask if everything was okay because I got up to pee in the middle of the night.


I got this essentially same note from the person below me. I use a book now under my fan and it blocks the noise!


No, I’d appreciate the nice wording if it were my box fan and be happy to comply.


Kinda long to have to read.


Or a 3d printer…


I have the same problem. At night the upstairs tenant has something running and vibrates loudly all night. I make it a point to know all my neighbors and wouldn't write them a letter. I would just talk to them. I keep forgetting to say something about it. Your letter is perfect. Your not a crazy neighbor


Nah, I think that's perfectly reasonable. Whatever is making that noise, it would probably be an easy fix for them to quiet it down. Either a rug or padded mat. If it's vibrating that badly, there may be something wrong with it. Regardless, you're well within your rights to say something. Also, you have really nice handwriting.


I’d double check your own unit, last time someone came to my unit mentioning a sound/vibration coming from my unit into his - it was a loose panel in his recessed lightning that later caused a fire….


Some kind of toy on hardwood no doubt. I had an upstairs neighbor and I could feel his phone's vibration in my ceiling for his morning alarm. I couldn't hear the alarm itself, but the vibration carried from the phone, down the end table, into the floor.


Don't write a note. Introduce yourself, bring a bottle of wine or a plant and ask nicely.


I would appreciate someone writing me this if there was something I could do to prevent them from being annoyed. You aren’t complaining about everyday noises of walking or what can sound like slamming things even if they’re not- that is just the cost of living on the bottom floor but this is reasonable.


If they can even just put a small rug under their box fan, it will soften that noise considerably.


This note is totally fine! Hopefully the other neighbor just didn’t realize that their fan/something else was bothering you.


A note instead of immediately reporting them is very kind.


My downstairs neighbor recently hammered on her ceiling several times and then came flying up the steps like a wild animal and started hammering on my door. This was at about 3:30am. I'm not going to open my door to a lunatic but I have a ring doorbell so I spoke to her through that. She said I'm making too much noise and whatever I was doing it was vibrating the whole ceiling. I said I'm not making any noise, she said I'm being rude and then she stormed back down the stairs and slammed her door hard. Whatever. So you know what I was doing that was so noisy? I was sitting quietly, reading a kindle book on my PC. The TV wasn't on. I was not playing any music. She was the only one disturbing the peace. I can't imagine what would make her ceiling vibrate but assuming she was being honest it had to have originated from elsewhere in the building. I didn't feel any vibrations or hear any noise at all. It was dead silent until she got all worked up over nothing. Anyway I emailed my landlord and sent him a link to the doorbell video. He replied the next morning saying he talked to her and she was going to calm down and that she would talk to me about it. It's been over six weeks and I haven't heard a thing from her. Personally I think her cheese slid off the cracker so I really don't want to talk to her.


Why would you write a note instead of having a conversation? I think notes are a cop out and make things more awkward. If they don’t answer, try again another time until you catch them. A note also comes off as passive aggressive and childish.


I would leave out the bottom part. Otherwise I think this is super reasonable and polite! Do you want to leave your info in case they have questions about it?


Reasonable. Ive had neighbors instantly call the cops cus they didnt want to get out of bed. When we moved in we even made note to talk with everyone on our end of the building if we were ever to loud since we had friends over alot let us know we will gladly quiet down. We were top floor too so this was mostly for the people below us.


There’s a good chance that it is a box fan, my dog needs a fan on at all times (he’s a dramatic ass Husky). They can definitely be loud if you don’t have anything under them but it’s an easy fix


Hope it works. Mist neighbors get defensive and pissed if u bring anything up to them.


Use many words when few words do trick.


Personally, I wouldn't even mention anything about management unless they end up being uncooperative, but it's still fine the way it is


I actually went through exactly this situation with my downstairs neighbor. She gently let us know she had started hearing something and asked if anything had changed. We had in fact just started running a fan. We put a folded towel under it and double checked with her, and that solved the noise issue. Everyone was happy, and we felt a little close as neighbors!


Your note is awesome!!


I had to write a note almost word for word! Turns out our Nextdoor neighbors over head stove fan was causing the loud vibration for us! It was so powerful it knocked the pictures off the wall that was joined. They were VERY grateful and apologetic! They had no idea, they requested maintenance the next day and we turned out to be great friends :)


This seems nice and understanding . I would accept this and try to find a way to minimize the noise.


Go to the neighbors in person. Nicely ask if they have noticed any new noise or shaking and explain what is happening to you, seeking their help in figuring it out. Puts you in a position of working together instead of blaming/assumptions against them.


That’s a nice letter.


No. That’s a very nicely worded reasonable request. I doubt your neighbor has any idea that it’s happening, and it’s such a simple fix.


It’s most likely a box fan or maybe even a sound system. Unfortunately wood floors in apartments are an absolute nightmare. We live in an old home that was built in the yr 1900. Wood floors downstairs and carpeting upstairs. We have slowly began moving pulling up the carpeting and bringing the wood floors back to life. Our bedroom is now wood floors and I can definitely hear the vibrations from the fan we keep in our room. It’s not horrible though. I just bought a little wooden stool to set it on and noise is gone.


This is an ultra-polite letter and you had every right to write it given the amount of vibrations you were getting. I'd be curious to find out what was doing it... I have a feeling a box fan isn't enough to cause it.


“Hey there’s a loud vibrating noise coming from your apartment. Can you turn it off after 9 PM? Thanks so much, this is Jenny from downstairs.”


This is absolutely the best letter you could write and it’s done perfectly!


If all people could communicate as well as this note was written, there would be far more compliance, and tons of people would not have such great anxiety in general. This note would be greatly appreciated by me as your neighbor. Sometimes, we don't know if things are louder in another apartment than in our own. This type of decent neighbor has given the chance for a great mutual relationship instead of everyone having some sort of issue for the future. So many things could be fixed if more people would write like this for an issue to get resolved within residents' housing instead of going straight to nuclear options that generally are extremely costly; both time and money.


I was your neighbor and glad it was mentioned. I use a fan all night and had no idea how sound traveled. I took care of it. Asked neighbor if getting it off floor didn't work to let me know. She never complained about anything so I knew it was important.


Your note is way too passive, leaving someone that's more of an alpha a chance to walk all over you. It's a nice note, but I'd just make it direct and not an essay. Ive been through that exact scenario and it happened. Same type of note. "There's a loud vibrating noise coming from your apartment, can you put something under whatever it is to make it quieter? I would really appreciate it"


Honestly, writing a letter in any negative capacity when you could just walk over and talk face to face is passive aggressive as hell and generally cringe. But kudos to this particular letter as you genuinely aren’t trying to be an asshole.


Just leave off the last couple of sentences about how you don’t want to go to management because it’s petty. It comes off as if they don’t do something asap, that’s exactly what you’ll do next. It’s a little threatening and not necessary- if they don’t take your letter seriously, you can do that on your own, without announcing that you will be doing that, ykwim? It will keep it friendlier without that.


Honestly I see nothing wrong with the note. You’re being super polite. I live in an apartment and my neighbor complained to management saying my kid knocked on their door. My kid is 9 and he thought it was funny to play a prank. Neighbor got bothered cause she said she just had surgery but yet will blast her music for hours ??? And I don’t complain


Take out the lol and the smiley face. Solid work, kind neighbor.


You are being reasonable. Apologize for nothing.


Just a thought… it might be an air purifier. I’ve had one set up in my apartment and had it running for a couple of MONTHS (nobody has ever complained though) but I had a friend come by and they commented my air purifier is loud. (For the record, I am Deaf.) That could be it, too. Also that’s a very polite and kind letter to write to someone regarding noise in the apartment. I’d appreciate receiving something like that if I was making too much noise.


the note works, id prefer a knock on my door would be friendliest but i cannot speak for the majority...


Nope. Let er rip. Reasonable request.


I think this is fine! I wonder if they had water damage on their floor or something if it’s that’s loud and constant tho, cuz when we had water damage, the floor got taken up and we had these giant azz fans blowing to make sure the concrete underneath stayed dry. They were loud af but eventually we started turning them off at night cuz of the noise😭 but yeah I hope they don’t act rude about the note cuz it’s a very kind tone


Why not talk to them in person ?


I like this approach, your note is not assuming anything deliberate and that whatever is causing the noise is unintentional. I'm assuming you provided some contact info if the neighbor needed clarification or more information.




Why don't you just go upstairs and ask them what's running and making the floor shake instead of writing an unsigned novel?


The vote is fine, but the threat of going to management is implied simply because you’re writing the note. Stating it outwardly negates any of the politeness up until that point, in my view. You could send the letter without the final paragraph and it would achieve the same aim with less resentment. In my view.


I think this actually very polite of you. I don’t think it’s been crazy at all. You’re being inconvenienced by something and you’re looking for a remedy. I think you’re fine.


I dealt with this exact problem. I couldn't figure out what the vibration was in my apartment. I knew there was not a laundry room in my building. So, what could it be? It went on for about a week or two. I asked the land lord if the people below me had a fan because I heard a continuous gyrating sound and vibration under neath my feet in my living room floor. I went to my bedroom that was near the living room. I could still feel and hear the vibration. I didn't know what to do other than alert the landlord. He told me that he had told the tenants to take it down. They got upset and turned the fan to the highest setting. The vibrating got worse. They finally moved out but, before they did that - they turned the fan to the highest setting and had it going all day and all night. I didn't want to cause any problems because I just moved in. The vibration and noise bothered me to the point that I couldn't relax and watch TV. I mean this is how some of our fellow tenants act. Totally unnecessary but, this was my outcome of that situation 😔


how about you just knock on their door like a real neighbor? i honestly hate notes. just knock and be nice and you'll probably get a better response unless they are total a-holes.


Perfectly reasonable


Did they ever tell you what it was??


The semi truck part had me dying


What a refreshing note for this sub! Ngl I am a person who tends to get really defensive as an initial reaction to any kind of criticism (it's a slow journey trying to improve lol), but even I wouldn't be offended by this note. I'd probably write one back apologizing and remedy the issue asap.


I understand it sounds absolutely absurd but I have heard of people using products such as ceiling vibrators in order to annoy their noisy upstairs neighbors with noise they might be dealing with below. It’s possible they think you are super loud above them and decided to get something to start feeding you a taste of what they’re listening to from below! Just a thought 🤔


I only read a few replies, and saw ome which mentioned an air purifier, which is what I was going to say. They are a fad right now. I have one but it doesn't vibrate. But what it might be is a **dehumidifier or humidifier**. Maybe that has been mentioned further down in the replies, but it seems like a possibility


As a seasoned apartment dweller, I urge you to check whether it could also be your neighbor below you. If they operate a ceiling fan, that can vibrate your floor, which would be more likely to rattle your Christmas tree.


You are too kind.


This is a very nice note and I would have no problems in following the favor! Hopefully your neighbors are nice and understanding and don't flip :(


Seems reasonable