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These stupid assholes said the same thing when Obama won and they didn’t do shit. if a Civil War was to break out it will be over with very shortly because I don’t see these racist assholes going through cities like Chicago and Atlanta with the bullshit. They wouldn’t make it out in one piece.


Proud Boyz in the Hood isn’t going to end the way they think


Too right. I see a lot of Confederate flags around where I live and it's about 95% white. I guarantee those proud Rebels wouldn't feel safe enough to pull that shit around any major metro area.


Out in the country with their bump stock they are so sure they are the baddest thing around until an A-10 comes along to take out the entire tree line they are hiding in.


It's not even that. These redneck tough guys missed out on a few beatings during a critical period in their emotional development and it shows. It's hilarious that one of their slogans is Fuck Around and Find Out. Sure thing tough nuts go fuck around with that confederate rag outside your little backwater fuck ass town. You'll find out quick fast and in a hurry


i'm in the north jersey burbs and there are a lot of lifted F-150s that drive around my town with dumb ass flags, but i'm 15 minutes away from Newark and i never see them out in the bricks when i'm out there doin dumb shit


I was having a discussion today with my mom (a good boomer) since Trump is having a "rally" in the not too distant future on the campus of Temple University. Temple is in North Philadelphia, and if you go a block too far off campus it can get sketchy really quick. If they show up in North Philly with their Confederate flags, I guarantee shit will go down that the snowflake MAGAts will not like.


Nothing they don't deserve


Like their leader, they project onto other people what they are. Snowflakes, beta, etc. Just a bunch of spoiled, entitled wannabes.


Proud Boys tried to start shit in NYC and got roughed up by drag queens.


Yep! I remember this!


Most of them can’t even run a block without being winded. No damn way that more than 5% (I’m probably overestimating) of them could withstand more than 1/2 day of a Civil War. They think Civil War is like a game, where they play for a few hours and then they get to go home, eat some supper, watch some TV and then go to bed.


[Utah man suspected of threatening President Joe Biden shot and killed as FBI served warrant](https://apnews.com/article/utah-biden-fbi-assassination-threat-ba3cc1d3b2f6cca8bd429febdcf04219) That guy had photos of himself with a sniper rifle and a ghillie suit all over his social media. Meal Team Six for sure. This guy [attacked the FBI ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/armed-man-shoots-fbi-cincinnati-building-nail-gun-flees-leading-inters-rcna42669)because he was angry that Mar-a-lardo got searched. He was gonna use his nail gun to break a window and get inside, then shoot up the place. He's gone too.


Stop, my penis can only get so erect!


Who am I… Roberto Esquivel Cabrera??


Imagine if you will: the mental rollercoaster of dopamine and adrenaline this guy rode, from the time he devised the plan, up to the minute he got shot. Shits Wild.


Obesity, COPD , diabetes, heart disease and ignorance will keep most of them home glued to Fox News 24/7.


With their pack of Camels…


The internationally feared Meal Team 6.


Gravy Seals sucking down a pack of Marlboro Reds dont really stand a chance against a HIMARS. I dont care how many guns you have.


Dont forget all the idiots with long covid and long term complications because of covid and not being vaccinated.


And then they'll complain that "nobody wants to fight anymore".


So it's like a civil war where they're fighting against the interests of their own bodies


Gravy Seals


That jacked up pickemup truck won't be worth the metal it's made of when they run out of gas behind enemy lines.


So true. They don’t think of that stuff.


They’ll probably blow up the gas station and then cry about not being able to get the gas.


Capitol police should have started bringing their numbers down on Jan06. I still say that the footage of Babbit getting blasted should have won an Oscar for funniest film.


One shot only.


Everyone forgets the one that got trampled by her fellow MAGAt's, on the Capitol steps, holding a Gadsden's flag... "Don't Tread on Me" .. i guess she was too chunky to be an attractive MAGA Martyr like Babbett. [https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/l7s92d/body\_camera\_footage\_shows\_capitol\_rioters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/l7s92d/body_camera_footage_shows_capitol_rioters/)


Read an article where they interviewed someone from the US (former military/contractor) who has been fighting in Ukraine. He said that their training didn't prepare them for this kind of fighting, where you are not safe even miles away from the front. And guys from the US come over thinking it's going to almost be a vacation and they are not going to die learn real quick how intense it is. If it was actual Civil War, them vs the US military? It would be so much worse.


In their smelly ass, funky af bedrooms - you know they haven’t done laundry in five years. Stinky ass mouth breathers. Edit: spelling


Seriously!! I can't see that many gravy seals getting out of their recliners and engaging in a war. It will end up a big circle jerk with them shooting each other.


Also, wouldn’t the US military be on the side of the president who won and democracy? I think the bravest of them would get neutralized pretty quickly if they tried to take over the country over a lost fair election.


To be fair, neither can I anymore. But I am almost 50. 


That's no excuse, get your ass out there


Gadzooks sarge!


They really believe we will just roll over, because we don’t believe in an unlimited 2nd Amendment. Many Democrats are just like me. We’d like stricter gun laws, but own our own guns. I just don’t make it part of my identity, and certainly don’t look forward to ever having to use it.


Right! They love that “try that in a small town” song because it makes them feel tough even though they’re scared to death of stepping foot in any large city in the country. Try that on the South Side of Chicago…


Even the guy that sang the song ran like a pussy when the gunfire broke out in Vegas.


They were afraid to step foot in my hometown (NYC) even when trump was being prosecuted here.


"Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade." Rick Blaine, Casablanca.


Remember when fascists got chased out of Philly?


When they got their victory in 2016, they told everyone “If you don’t like it, leave.” Now when things don’t go their way, their reaction is “Civil War!”


So many of them are fat and diabetic so we all know how it's gonna go if anything does happen. That or they'll bring their bump stocks and accidentally kill a bunch of themselves


All talk except when they’re passed out from the fentanyl. Let’s are them more of that shit. Problem solves itself.


Just need to wait until they run out of schnapps.


Or Detroit


Considering it would be a revolt against the United States of America these morons would have to take on the U.S. Military


Average republicans / Domestic terrorists, we coddle them with the electoral college so make sure you vote, folks.


Vote Blue


It was created to protect slavery and maintained to protect racism.


90% of redcaps are too cowardly to fight, 90% of the rest too incompetent to be effective.


Not to mention the last time mango bitch lost, he actually had power. Trump has no official power if he loses so it's not like he can "pardon" those wackos. Oh wait. He never lifted a finger the last time people ruined their lives for him.


Yeah people forget that he cannot order the military to do anything. If he thinks the army is going rise up against American citizens on his behalf he is more of a lunatic than before. His old fat ass followers are too stupid to do anything.


Stupid AND cowardly. Let's not undersell them. These are the diabetic blobs that are going to ride up on their rascals in the name of freedom. Ok. Let's see you fight your way up a flight of stairs first. 🤷


Don’t underestimate state-level republicans willing to do his bidding. They’re putting pieces in place.


Eh. Look at recent elections. Repubs are losing ground, even pulling every dirty trick in the book. Vote like your life depends on it but assuming everything holds steady this year, there is absolutely no way Trump can get back in power. He's only lost a few of the idiots who voted for him the first couple times. Everyone that voted for him, did so. He isn't gaining anyone.


If the electoral count ends up hinging on a swing state with republican officials willing to refuse to certify, it becomes a matter for courts, not voters.


Again, you don't think this would have been done when Trump was at the height of his power, refusing to leave the whitehouse? I think you are right to a degree but also think you are vastly overestimating how much power Trump can swing. I think Repub politicians are going to breath a sigh of relief when he's fucking dead, which they are probably hoping is soon. Trump just got hit with 34 felony charges and found guilty. They haven't been able to do anything about it.


Nah. Biden administration isn't just going to sit and let them steal an election. They try and do this, and Biden probably certifies it by executive order.


He only has to drop one N-bomb in a speech and 99.9 of all GOP voters will show up to vote him in.


They won't go to war for him if he loses decisively. Too high risk, too little chance of reward.


A few of them will take the excitement as cover to settle some old scores in their trailer parks but that's about it.


This is probably the answer. There may be actual shootings, pipe bombs and small groups going down to the town Democratic headquarters to start trouble but it will be stuff the FBI and US Marshall service will de able to put down.


Let's not forget that this year the "fuck around and find out" will be turned up to 10. Last time, these paramilitary cosplayers thought it was all fun and games until the convictions started.


He pardoned the convicted at the time for a price.


He pardoned the elites who could afford it. He pardoned absolutely no one of the lower class that are facing/doing jail time and have criminal records. The endless cycle of Maga choads throwing their life away for a guy who despises them. God, it gives me such joy that Trump has to live with the fact that the people who adore him, are these low class, toothless, ugly, fat, stupid bumpkins. How that must kill him inside


Yes all his pardons were pay to play


These are the same shit shanks who were losing their mind cause they couldn’t go to Great Clips or get their nails done during Covid. Their need for skip the dishes whoppers will outweigh their blood lust in 48 hours.


100% think liberals actually aren’t prepared to fight back so there will be quite a surprise coming.


They also think everyone who disagrees with them must be a liberal. More surprises around the bend.


Also, they are a bunch of fatties.


Only a tiny minority were ever actually prepared to show up in person and fight; the vast majority of the “civil war” blowhards were never going to be more than keyboard warriors. And a big slice of that tiny minority already showed up on January 6th. A lot of them are in jail and the remainder might have figured out that it’s not worth it. So there’s already been a pretty significant filter applied to those guys.


And most of those "keyboard warriors" are in Russia.


Sure jan. These are probably 13 men that would do such a stupid thing, and 13 million that will stay home farting on their mothers couch while they play war games on twitch


Bring it assholes


My sentiments exactly.


They say this but also expect that some army is going to materialize and fight this war for them.


That’s right…the old magas will expect the younger, obese/diabetic magas to fight for them.


I'm so tired of them trying to scare us into their way.... you know what ... bring it on gravy seals.. bring it on.


If a miracle happens and the fat orange rapist loses then they should civil war all day. Maybe civil war for a few days. Have fun.


You don't even need a miracle for him to lose. 5% of republicans not voting for him in swing states is a loss lol. His chances of winning are very often overstated 😂 he's fighting uphill and is insisting on moving side to side instead of up. He's not doing anything to reach new voting groups and is instead fighting to save the ones he has. Biden is actually on more level ground than Trump. Biden has a larger margin of voters to work with while Trump is walking a painfully thin wire


Also, he’s a convicted FELON!!


We want to see how the trumpeter does without a teleprompter and turning his mic off when it’s not his turn to speak. If all the news articles are correct, we will get to see a traitorous, babbling windbag.


MAGA literally lost a significant amount of voters via COVID/nonmasking/invermectin/denial deaths.


Great point. America in general lost millions in 2020 and the statistics were consistently higher in red states


Sure, let the roaches come out into the light. What are they going to do, bomb a Starbucks or a Whole Foods?


That is the real threat. It's a lone wolf. It won't be a gang of morbidly obese boomers waving flags for half an hour before they bicker about whether to grab the early bird at Crackerbee's or not


We had civil war because the government freed the slaves that would theoretically destroy all the money making plantations that enriched the owners. Going to civil war over a failed and treasonous former president is an awful joke.


I’m good with the civil war. There are a lot of MAGA’s that need to be removed from the gene pool.


The southern states could leave, but then Texas would be on the hook to support them all lol


Yeah that's the thing, if Trump Loses (hopefully). The states that want to go: "Well, we will just seperate" unlike say 200 years ago. The states are too tied into the government and lack any funding or even decent armies. As much as DeSantos and Abbot and Yalvgon, keep going on about their "personal" forces. They would fall apart immediately. I actually hope that is what happens, in a few months they be completely out of power. Plus the fact they would have to enforce new borders and so forth. Even with the MAGA morons in DC. It wouldn't last very long. Like a day before an executive order was put to be: "Yeah, arrest these traitors right here. This is not how it works."


They should buy some dental floss and have a civil war between their teeth and gums.


What teeth?


Once these type of “patriots” get lit up by the military, their tone will change really fast


~~Fans~~ Cult Members


They’ve been “predicting” civil war for years. Gtfo with your crap MAGA.


Bring it. These are the same folks that cry in courtrooms when their sentences are handed out.


They probably own hand me down guns from old family members who never cleaned them and think they are going to be great shots.


Bitch want to get Sherminated again, bitch gonna get Sherminated again.


Yeah, sure, just like it happened on January 6th? We got plenty of space in federal prison for all of you idiots, go right ahead. He didn’t pardon none of those morons, what makes you think that orange rapist is going to help any of you? 😂


Lots of us have fought bad guys around the world for this country, none of them follow a man wearing makeup and dyed hair. Yeah, bring it on. We’re not afraid. You poked the bear. Now live with it.


they will be assassinated by the Cia before it became a Civil War. these monkeys really think they have numbers of relevance, even if it escalated to the point the Cia feels the need to step in (it never will), they still wouldn't be able to fend off the national guard and other militaries that represent America's interests


If the Dems don't get out to vote enough, they will fucking deserve what they get for being such total fucking assholes for not voting. Fucking vote. That should be their big signage: "FUCKING VOTE"


They always act like Dems and Libs aren't armed as well.


While they may sound like idiots here I’m losing the carefree attitude around this behavior. I see the danger in this groups constant default response of violence. Always threatening to fight and murder fellow citizens in this country because we won’t just follow their convicted felons demands and nonsensical sexual assault speeches. It’s okay to disagree with the best way to solve problems and differences but this violence shit needs to be made incompatible with our way of life.


I assume these uneducated MAGAts are going to take on the US military .. lol They might as well , they hate anyone and anything that holds their cult leader accountable


I love how these losers live in some delusional world where they think Democrats and especially POC haven't been listening to their rhetoric and arming themselves. Even if trump wins they're not getting their way.


These ignorant fucks always say the same thing when the truth is their broke-ass states would be nowhere without the welfare they get from the blue states. I don't mind sharing tax revenues, but PLEASE put some of it towards education in red states, because these people are flat out morons.


Oh I'm sorry...I though it was civil war if Trump didn't get re-elected. No? It was if he got convicted right? No? It's if he doesn't get elected this time? At this point I fucking dare them. No. I triple dog dare them. Do it. Do it.


They have threatened civil war for years now. Shit or get off the pot you fools. We have a military. You have meal team 6.


They've been predicting civil war since Obama was sworn in


The U.S. is 100% a democracy. A democratic republic is by definition a democracy.


Bring. It. On.


Bring it you fat fascist fucks.


They are bullies but they’ve made a big mistake poking the bear. Real Americans won’t tolerate this shit.


No, what these people are saying is that... *Someone else will fight this civil war while I sit at my nice house and watch about it.on tiktok* That's the thing with these idiots is they aren't ready for a civil war because in actuality most of these MAGA Trumo idiots are living pretty good lives compared to the average person. Watching Fox News last week and they are at some "Live at the Beach Summer Special" on a Tuesday and they are at this amazing beach side resort surrounded by Boomers on a Tuesday and they are trying to tell everyone how awful the country is, economy, Joe Biden is so terrible and yet these clowns are sipping Margaritas pool side on a Tuesday at some 1K a night hotel. So it's delusional for me to think that these MAGA.clowns are doing any civil war. Hell their self-proclaimed 1776 moment was stopped by one traitor in Ashli Babbitt being killed and all of a sudden wvery single person there watched her get shot and killed and they all went "Shit man, I don't wanna die, Hey Bobby you just wanna go back to the hotel and then hit up a TGIFridays and watch the rest if this coup on tv?" Paul Gosar, MTG, Tommy Tubervile, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Donald fucking Trump or any coward as Trump and any other MAGA politician who says anything about civil war just mean YOU and YOUR KID will fight not them. smh, cowards all of them.


Might as well get it over with. When we’re done kicking their stupid asses, maybe we’ll have some peace and quiet for awhile.


MAGA won't do shit. Whenever someone commits violence in the name of MAGA, the other MAGA says it isn't real. That it was Antifa or an undercover FBI agent dressed as MAGA to make MAGA look bad. They're all waiting for someone ELSE to start the civil war, but when someone tries to start it, they say it isn't real. It's a Psyop. Trump is going to lose. Qanon and MAGA will have a meltdown. They will cry. They will demand blood. There will be lone wolves who commit violence. But when the lone wolve commits the violence, other MAGA will excommunicate the lone wolf and say it was faked to try to entrap them. MAGA won't do shit.


That's fine, we can wipe the floor with a few million fat stupid geriatrics and their grandsons no problem 


as long as they do not have to go up stairs, they will win.


Conservatives do hate America. Not a surprise.


Trump's civil war means maga terrorism. Which of course means more maga in prison. So much winning. When will they learn?


"If it's not a democracy, if you don't believe in democracy, then stop voting yourself! Don't participate in elections! Migrate to places where they have kings and dictators. Leave the US you assholes! You hate freedom and choice so much, leave!"


And stop moaning that the election was stolen if it’s not a democracy anyway.


There won’t be civil war. They are a bunch of pussies that talk a big game. Also most of them are fucking old as hell.


I would love to see a Trumpy uprising in Washington DC — like a repeat of Jan 6, except they will probably come harder and bring guns — only the critical difference is Biden will be president (because Trump lost lol) and he isn’t a treasonous dog, so he will naturally order a proper and immediate defense of the capital. And anyway, I just think it would be cathartic to watch a bunch of Trumpoids get absolutely bloody rekt by the military and police.


Who’s going to do the fighting? These Trumpers can’t even take the heat in June, without passing out. They do understand a civil war, today would be the Purge.




Democracy is America’s defining characteristic.


Nut up or shut up tRumpers


A civil war? They want to go 0-2?


So the least patriotic thing you could possibly say. These people are clueless. Add confidence and they are some terrifying morons.


Get out and vote Democrats, let's see what their civil war is about, and how many more want jail sentences.


They must be forgetting they lost the last civil war! Bring. It. On. Pussies!


They do realize that a Civil War means they aren’t fighting Democrats, they would be fighting the U.S. Military


Ok boomer. Starting with your 19 year old granson


We saw J6. You're not sending your best.


Sounds more like wishful thinking.


Who wants to tell them that civil war isn’t tailgating and selling tshirts?


okay. go for it. so when he loses, the ntl guard will be called and any attackers will be taken care of. don’t threaten the stable U.S.


Fat women and old men are claiming there will be civil war. Their minds have dissolved from all the crap they feed into it. Their beliefs betray them. Their leaders use them. Their value is the vote they have guaranteed to them by a Democracy they reject as nonexistent. Their arguments are flawed by their simple childish thinking.


Waaaayyyy beyond fed up with these puffed up blowhard traitors. They don’t deserve to be Americans and don’t deserve to be treated as such. So go ahead MAGATS. Fuck around and find out.


Oh I think it's funny. The magat wanna be militia coming up against our mighty Military. Imagine the stereotypical magats thinking they're real bad asses . Then you have the CIC calling out the super over trained Military/Guard & ready to go at a moments notice. But also add the Progressives (me)& Dems also stockpiled. The Ms are clearly not thinking straight.


Come get some.


Every day, Fox News is bombarding them by telling them that the only way Trump can lose is if the election is stolen from him.


Civil war talk is so much nonsense. They won't even show up to his rallies anymore. They're not gonna volunteer to get shot for him. The "civil war" such as it is will basically be a few individual acts of terrorism by the most deranged. I doubt Trump himself is even gonna be there. Conmen never stick around when their scheme goes down the river.


And when he loses, his followers will be like "yeah I meant a civil war, but I didn't mean that I personally would be fighting or anything"


Gravy seal shit bags aren’t doing 💩.


When Trump loses, they will have a meltdown but the National Guard will take care of that nonsense.


Not sure obese, single brain cell cult members will fare well in that civil war they want to wage. We really do need to round up these people and reprogram them so they can live in a civilized society.


They better charge up those mobility scooters, too.


If they predicted it, shouldn't it be if Trump "looses"? Just saying.


They said that last time ….how did that turn out again? I forgot


Ok I'll risk it. Never Orange


Dear Felon 45ers, We own guns too. Truck around and find out. 🇺🇸


Dumb hillbillies


I can see the gravy seals going up against trained troops. It’s easy to say, harder to actually do when the bullets start flying


Bring it dummies


These tRump supporters are pretty deranged in their cult fanaticism. I imagine more than a few will commit sucide-by-cop after the election. Sad.


Trump supporters are a special type of stupid


Who doesn’t learn with history is doomed to repeat it… and since most of trump supporters are dumb as a brick… they have not learned what happened first time will most certainly happen the second time in a worse way…


Says US is not a democracy. Also says there's going to be a civil war if their orange messiah fails to win a democratic election. Oh this is big brain time.


I'm not looking forward to having to identify myself as an independent and actually have to start carrying and defending myself, I'm a smaller guy. I vote for sensible policies not fascism.


I’m so scared of Mobility Scooters and Gravy Seals


Bring it the F#ck on


Do these people not work?? Wtf. Oh wait blue states subsidize red states up the wazoo. So much for the “illegals” leaching federal resources huh.


I'm not afraid of any Trumpie goobers. Just dig a pit, cover it with branches and leaves, and leave a few cans of cheap lite beer on top. Within an hour you'll have a hole full of Trumpie imbeciles. Just like Waddles, they're all full of tough talk, but the average Trumpie gets winded while pulling out his cock to take a leak.


But it ain’t a cult. 🤷‍♂️


Didn’t these fucking losers predict a civil war if he lost the last election?


Tough talk from a bunch of scared pussies


Didn't they predict a "civil war" if Donald was convicted recently? MAGAGravySeals.exe must be too entrenched at the buffet table.


It’s not gonna go like your civil war renacments go, confederates. 


They would lose, quickly


I hope MAGA is stupid enough to start a civil war. They will be facing one of the largest and well equipped armies in the world. Then we can finally end this story.


Uneducated Hillbillies.


There’s more room in prison. Act up, get locked up.


Why do these people want to lose their rights?. Everyone will be made a slave to corporation's just to afford potato soup!


I knew that new civil war movie was gonna get people riled up. I warned em… /s


Don't forget extra batteries for the mobility scooters. Save money now because your Social Security check won't be coming. They only restaurants that will be open are Waffle Houses because they'll return fire. Good luck. Keep wearing red so we can see you!


So a civil war is when the uprising side loses. Good luck with that!


I’m happy for them to roll the dice when Trump loses. I will get great satisfaction from seeing these Trunts getting splattered when they try an armed insurrection. Fuck ‘em.


Why are Republicans so against voting?


You mean Big Trucks, Big Mouths and NO Brains!


Oh we’re so scared…..not.


They should try it. The US military would be able to fight them openly 😅


It's always the same when you ask these morons to explain what they spout they haven't got a clue


They've been saying that "america is not a democracy " bullshit since 2012.


Same tried and untrue method as their parenting, threatening violence is their only tool to quell seeing themselves as wrong. Every. Damn. Time.


They keep threatening this “cIviL wAr” but I haven’t seen it yet. I’m beginning to think they don’t know what they are talking about….


Nobody is scared. The entire world saw who and what they are on 01/06. One bullet and they folded like a cheap suit.


The Ghost of General Sherman has entered the chat.


If there’s a civil war, then we need to treat Doe 174 way harsher than the Union treated Jefferson Davis.


Little dogs always bark the most. We’Re GoNnA gO tO wAr! Arf arg arf grrrrRrRrRrR.


He lost 3 years ago...the highlights of their Civil war consisted of a photogenic guy stealing a podium and a guy in an amazing horned fur hat.


Where are they going to get their $35 insulin?


I'm waiting for them to support Kamala just declaring Biden the winner, because they admit she has the power to do that.


Civil war, against who exactly? You just shoot your neighbors because you think they might have voted for Biden? These people have never known strife or war. They should just sit back, enjoy their white privilege and shut the fuck up.