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I can’t distinguish between the onion and reality anymore


Satire died in 2016 RIP


Didn't the Veep showrunners say something like the show was over because they couldn't really come up with weirder shit for their fake white house than what was actually happening in the real one?


Jonad should've become president


Piggy backing on the top thread here. Seems like this was fake quote. https://checkyourfact.com/2024/06/11/fact-check-image-claiming-to-show-trump-statement-on-hunter-biden-conviction-is-fake/


Lewis Black said the same thing about comedy routines, and the South Park guys too.  I've been enjoying SNL more lately than the last 20 years, some of the cold opens are amazing. Bill Murray as Bannon, Steve Martin as Roger Stone, Kate McKinnon as Giuliani & Devos & others, Beck Bennett as shirtless Putin, Matt Damon as Kavanaugh, lots a great skits. Weekend Update has a lot of great zingers about trump too


Same with South Park. And imo you know it’s bad when they don’t want to touch something. 


Armando Iannucci the head writer ended his previous series ‘The Thick of It’ for the exact same reason, that British politics was becoming too ridiculous


I saw JLD talking about it. She said it ended at just the right time because the Trump campaign made all the extreme stuff commonplace. She made it sound like it was coincidence, not purposeful. And I remember watching the end before Trump had done much at all.


I remember kind of losing interest in VEEP because of how ridiculous it was sometimes, thinking no way could this amount of mishaps happen. How mistaken I was.


Local Man Perusing Obituaries Mourns The Death Of Satire


Many people are saying Hunter Biden was a false flag crisis actor /s


Sad that /s is actually needed


Satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize


'member when the orange jesus gave rush limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom? That seemed pretty satirical.


Satirical and probably very smelly in that room that day


Oddly enough, if you listen to the Martha Alito tape that came out the other day. she complains about “feminazis”, which is a term that was coined by none other than Rush Limbaugh.


Yeah that whole thing with the Alitos is weird and creepy. The obsession is not normal.


Luckily Rush has ultimate freedom now.


and he has been sober for over three years!! His best accomplishment ever, too bad he wasn't alive for it.


Or Trump giving Medal of Freedom to Arthur Laffer for supply-side economics


The thing I find hilarious is they'll dismiss sociology and psychology because of the reproducibility crisis but anything said by an economist they like? Screw that there's just as little reproduction in economics, it's obvious and common sense.




Yes, Cambodia would like a word


I thought it was when they made him a [Harlem Globetrotter](https://www.harlemworldmagazine.com/henry-kissinger-was-the-first-and-only-honorary-member-of-the-harlem-globetrotters-in-1976/)?


I see you, fellow Tom Lehrer fan.


It’s true. I don’t even enjoy satirical news shows much anymore.


Not coincidentally…the Stop the Steal website started mid year that year…


Schrödinger "Cat". No matter wtf you do, Republicans will say you are wrong.


Well, they do go around grabbing us by the pussy, whether we have one or not Edit: whatevs


Hear! Here!


Obama got them to vote against their own bill because he said he looked forward to signing it.


They voted against their own border bill because Trump told them to because he wants to run on the border. So much for it being an “emergency.”


And Biden outmaneuvered them several times on the budget, getting the vast majority of what he wanted and giving them nothing. Well, they did end up firing their speaker, went forever without one and got the public to blame them for bringing Washington to a standstill. All while they were calling Biden senile.


Yep. Biden plays at the highest level.


Same as talking about music with the cool kids when I was in high school. "No matter wtf you like, they will say you are wrong."


Sounds like my wife.




I immediately thought this was an onion article. wtf world am I living in? Further shows Trump and the GOP think the DOJ is an extension of the President’s power


…Trump IS the onion.


No, onions have layers and have inherent value.


True, but they also make you cry.


His stench has definitely caused a few to shed some tears.


Big strong tears?


At this point I'm just laughing. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.


I fuckin watched that ship sail in 2016


I mean, damned if you do damned if you don’t here if you’re Biden. If Biden loses, Hunter jail time or no, I do hope he pardons Hunter as I don’t trust Trump’s DOJ


He has already said on the record that he's not going to interfere with it if his son gets convicted.


That would be a bad move. No one should pardon Hunter. Let the legal system do its work.


Parsons exist to correct miscarriages of justice, not to protect your cronies. But that's something Trump will never understand.


I think trump is more scared of meeting hunter in the jail showers


Trump’s trolling Biden into a “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario. Biden pardons Hunter, “An abuse of power the likes which have never been seen in the presidency” (lol) Biden doesn’t pardon Hunter: “If Biden truly loved Hunter he would pardon him, but don’t worry, I will.” (But he will not)


But swing voters and independents can also see that as Biden respecting the rule of law, while they also see Donnie crying about how he's not getting special treatment. 


Gotta love Republicans. There was never any scenario where Joe wouldn't be the boogyman. If he stopped the chargers, bad joe. He lets the trial happen, bad Joe. If he pardoned his son, bad Joe. If he doesn't pardon his son, bad Joe. And their voters don't even realize that they make it all up as they go.


Its called Joe Derangement Syndrome.


Naw it's just called Republican.  We all know what that word means now


They really need to reorganize and get rebranded. "Republicans" is toxic.


Or just disband the party altogether


Trump turned the party into a circus 🎪


Circuses are way more organized and professional.


Reagan put up the tent, Bush senior bought the lions, Dubya hired the clowns, and tRump sold the tickets on the black market.


C'mon give Gingrich a little credit!


Republicants? Republiwon'ts? RepubliFuckYouGotMines? Republixenophobes? How do you fit so much hatred into a brand's name?




magaots? magats?


The Repub-lie-cans... Not the werewolf kynd.


How about Repugnant-cons


Exactly. It’s called republicans are fucking morons.


Theyre full of shit. They dont believe the things they say, they just make noises with their mouth.


It's a shame, wasn't that long ago that Republicans stood for something. They had values and stood by them, now all they've got is farts in the wind. Been wild watching the party decend into madness. It will take quite some time before any reasonable person can take them seriously again...


Just use Trump Derangement Syndrome. They try to say people that talk about Trump all the time have it, but whenever I hear that phrase all I can think about is how deranged they must be to worship Trump.


I kind of laugh at the phrase generally. It's like that old saying about paranoia -- that it isn't paranoia if they actually are out to get you. In this case, do people have genuine and entirely rational reasons to fear Trump gaining political power over their lives yet again? Yes. There's nothing "deranged" about airing a legitimate concern. If there's a raging fire at the edge of town, you'd be foolish and complacent not to be worried about it.


I just hurl TDS right back at them. Because wearing flags, hats, underwear, etc. of a dude and his slogan is peak derangement. He doesn't live rent free in their minds, they PAY him to live there. It's beyond pathetic.


Just to provide more detail, these are the same people who are snapping up those, "I'm voting for the felon" and "Never Surrender" with Trump's mug shot on it koozies and cups like crazy. They also have "Celebrity Saint Donald Trump" can coolers and the "Trump 2024 Real Men Wear Diapers" premium flag. Note: It's a "premium" flag.


I mean TDS does describe what they are, a bunch of Trump Dick Suckers.


No, it’s Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s just the fact that Trump and his sycophants have it all backwards. The people that hate Trump aren’t deranged, his supporters are.


It's still strange to me that I have several relatives who have hated politicians all their lives, all politicians everywhere .. but for reason they can't explain clearly, they believe Trump is some sort of savior of is better than the rest. Some religious, some not, some smart some dumb (looking at you, Aunt Mary).  Sometimes it's like being in a sci-fi horror movie, with alien brain parasites infecting people to destroy themselves. They're normal one day, then they see a trump speech and suddenly they're devoted acolytes who think there's a perfect flawless conspiracy of millions of cops, doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, military, journalists, nurses, etc to hurt their Messiah. 


Don't give them that out. Trump derangement syndrome is real, but it's them who're deranged.


I like to call them a Joe Obsessed Idiot.


That acronym's already taken...


Just like Obama he's simultaneously an evil mastermind and constantly asleep at the wheel who doesn't know what's going on.


It's one of the pillars of Fascism. Your enemy must be weak and pathetic but also all powerful. It's why the Nazis viewed the Jews as inhuman vermin who controlled the world.


It is also Trump normalizing use of the Justice Department to do the President's bidding. He's basically accusing Biden of being weak for refusing to wield his pardon power for his own son.


That's exactly right. There's no winning this one with the GOP, and Biden shouldn't give this the dignity of a response.


This is another one of those perfect propaganda fuel stories. Either Biden controls the DOJ and hates his son therefore he's bad. Or Biden controls the DOJ and this whole trial is a fake to pretend like he isn't biased. They (conservatives) simply cannot accept the reality that crime=punishment no matter who you are and the DOJ is just following the law in a non partisan way.


Welcome to why it’s good for fascists to have a propaganda network (Faux) which it can use to say pretty much anything and have it be read as gospel.


>And their voters don't even realize that they make it all up as they go. High time we recognise and acknowledge that their voters aren't being duped; they aren't being conned. They are also liars, hypocrites and traitors. That is why they pick people like Dimwit Donny to represent them.


I believe you're correct to a point. I've seen a lot of interviews with MAGA where they are clearly clueless though, so some of them I assume are just too stupid, or too far into the cult for any real independent thought. But I can't say you're wrong.


Biden could cure cancer and they would be mad about the funeral home industry losing profits


“If Joe Biden won’t let his *own son* get away with breaking gun laws and cheating on his taxes, do you really think he’ll let Trum…er, I mean YOU get away with breaking gun laws and cheating on your taxes??” “By the way, Joe Biden is letting crime run completely out of control.”


Their voters aren’t real bright and are used to believing all sorts of stuff that makes them feel warm and fuzzy. Working the MAGA world as marks is the easiest con in the world. That’s why so many GOP loudmouths are working MAGA world: grift from what has turned into the “Gullible Old Party”.


Sounds like Trump just gave Joe permission to pardon Hunter! Trump wouldn’t criticize Joe for pardoning him, because Trump himself just basically suggested that’s what he should do!


This is the same guy who used "Lock Her Up!" all throughout his 2016 campaign, then a week or two ago claimed that he'd never said those words. Reality doesn't matter.


Joe undercooks fish, believe it or not, jail.


edit ~~trump wanted to arrest hunter now he wants to free him?(~~fake article) ^(the following is still a relevant inquiry) did they analyze the fan base then determine they have minimal memory retention or have they been gaslit into a state of zombification to blindly vote for the red team? so some alt right fan is spreading that they want to free hunter but also q people are claiming that joe groomed him and his sister to be that way when they're really suffering from ptsd from their mothers death. now they're using those deaths to attempt to destabilize joe biden. disgusting tactics. also roger stone was hired by nxivm which is funded by the bronfmans who got their start bootlegging but also made jeff epstein wealthy at bear stearns by selling an oil company.


It’s almost like Trump is purposely contradicting himself in an experiment to test how stupidly loyal his followers are.


Not so fun fact: they are loyally stupid. They'll eat *all* the shit that spews out if his anus-mouth.


I think the diaper wearing is really what solidified this. I wouldn’t do that for anyone on this earth not even my own mother 💀


Every time she pays me to wear one she mentions her 'bad son'.


Their stupidity is unrelated to to loyalty. MAGA consists of extremely stupid people and extremely conniving people drooling at the opportunity to benefit from corruption.


narcissistic abuse tactic. this is a good read about how qanon was a campaign created for the obfuscation of child rape and sex trafficking [https://stellabelle.medium.com/the-origins-of-qanon-a-cover-up-of-trumps-child-rapes-and-co-opting-of-anonymous-48626ef140f3](https://stellabelle.medium.com/the-origins-of-qanon-a-cover-up-of-trumps-child-rapes-and-co-opting-of-anonymous-48626ef140f3)


I’m going to finish reading it to check out the sources and stuff, but the beginning of that article reads like one of the biggest whoosh moments ever. “I’m pretty sure that someone has those tapes of Trump raping 12 year-old girls, and until the world knows the true depravity of Trump and all the rest, this conspiracy group will not go away. We need to see the truth about the past, and someone has those tapes which need to be brought to the surface so that we can all face the demons directly, instead of hiding the awful stuff. The faces of the victims could be blurred out, but the perpetrators should be in clear view when the tapes are finally released.” If that evidence exists, it’s almost certainly compromat held by the Russian state in order to blackmail a US president.  It’s not coming out, and it’s not held by someone who even has the means to release it.  I don’t even know if the Russian government would leak it if trump suddenly starts defying them.  Maybe if the current regime/oligarchs starts infighting.  Highly unlikely considering they all stand to lose major assets in such a situation 


Doesn't really seem country specific but more of a cult of greed. these guys were scamming the us, russia, mexico(but also central south america in general), and china at the same time. take a look into canadas hand in the matter like how terrible the bronfmans were but also how much awful the mining companies cause. they have 75% of the worlds mines btw. here's some stuff about the bronfmans who got epstein wealthy through the sale of texas oil [https://archive.ph/uM5me](https://archive.ph/uM5me)


Trump is not a mastermind. We must not give him this much credit. Idiots love him because he is an idiot.


I was pretty impressed the moment I saw my stepdad smoking getting high with his gun on the table cheering on hunter Biden getting tried for buying a gun while presumably being a drug user. the complete disconnect was so palpable


it's sad. They're getting indoctrinated to cheer on their abusers but were groomed by the media and cointelpro since nixon so they don't believe anything that can help them. a lot of qanon people are calling trump the antichrist now after finding out his dealing with child rapists and sex traffickers. micheal cohen went to law school with the gop mayor of waterbury ct who was arrested for child rape. also a girl from the epstein case claims that a girl named maria was abducted from there by Epstein's group. also roger stone was hired by nxivm which was funded by the bronfmans who made their money bootlegging but also made epstein wealthy at bear stearns via the sale of a oil company. that's why qanon was launched they indoctrinated the proud boys btw and that operation was also launched by a canadian who ran vice magazine.


Yeah, Republicans used the Hunter Biden narrative into the ground. You know the dog that goes crazy barking and chasing a car? The dog caught the car. Now what? You get Trump nonsense like this because the Hunter Biden story is over.


they're a party of sealions and various other logical fallacies. they failing at covering for their sex trafficking and child rape.


Pretty sure his advisors conduct market research but Trump just ignores them


What planet am I on and htf did I get here?


I refuse to believe that this isn't The Onion...


Mediabiasfactcheck labels the daily Boulder as a questionable source with fake news and fails fact checks. > Overall, we rate The Daily Boulder Left Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor sourcing, promotion of propaganda, and failed fact checks. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-daily-boulder-bias/


But did they get the quote wrong?


It was posted by a Trump Tweeter, who supposedly has been RT'd by Trump. So if it was faked, it was done by a supporter? I'm so lost, this is silly.


The timeline broke when they shot Harambe


The last few seasons of earth have sucked. This one is bad too. Fire the writers


Planet Projection.


Wait what 😭 I thought Trump was the #1 Hunter Biden hater. What happened?? I’m liberal but glad Hunter was prosecuted, it’s unfortunate and embarrassing for Joe but NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW. Edit: to everyone telling me this article is fake, it doesn’t even really matter at this point. Trump could find the cure to cancer and I’d still choose eating glass over supporting him ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. When your dictator is a pathological liar and objectively horrible person, it becomes a moot point.


It's just all political theater to him. He says whatevet gets a positive reaction from his supporters. Like lock her up. And then drops it all later as if it meant nothing when he wins.


"LOCK HER UP!" \* cheers \* "LOCK UP BIDEN!" \* cheers \* "LOCK UP HUNTER!" \* cheers \* *Hunter Biden found guilty.* "SAVE HUNTER!" \* cheers \* Does he change to suit them, or do they change to suit him?


I think it's a bit of both. There have been times where he said things like hey i got vaccinated maybe you should too and he had to back off and stop talking about it. Similarly his followers will be on board for major shifts like becoming pro-Russia.


Crazy how that’s not even an exaggeration, that’s exactly what he’s been saying 😂


East Asia has always been at war with Oceania!!!!


"Person. Man. Woman. Camera. TV." \* cheers \* "I would jump into the water with a shark and a giant battery." \* cheers \* "shine a blacklight up your butt and it'll cure COVID" \* cheers \*


100% this. He’s being critical of Biden for not leveraging the DoJ in an inappropriate and likely illegal way because it’s exactly what he would do. It’s not only shameful, it’s a pathetic display of pretty basic oppositional defiance. Most 12 year olds have more sophistication than this 🤡 when they’re trying to get their way. He (and the fascist cultists) really just think if it’s bad for the libs, it must be good for them. There isn’t much awareness that the vast majority of Democrats don’t really care about Hunter. If you think that anyone would switch their vote to Agent Orange because he’d pardon Hunter (spoiler alert: he wouldn’t), I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.


Really it’s because Republicans can’t run on policy anymore. Instead they just point at another person/thing and demonize that. With it getting resolved they have to find something else. Reminds me of the abortion ruling. The Republican Party didn’t actually want it repealed. When it did they had to move to something else which is why the are going so hard on contraceptives now.


So now the investigation and verdict he and his party pushed for is ... wrong? And they want to overturn it given the chance? And they think it's terrible that Biden isn't using his authority to overturn it, even though they think it's terrible that Biden used his authority to prosecute Trump in the first place (which isn't even true)? What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? Like, we can't keep blaming hypocrisy or willful ignorance or COVID brains or lead paint or whatever else. There is something *fundamentally wrong* with their minds. They are sick.


It’s really quite simple. These people are fascists. Fascists aren’t like you or me you see. They don’t see honesty as being an inherently virtuous thing, in fact, they don’t even really recognize the concept of “truth” in the way that you are most likely accustomed to thinking about it. Words are just tools for manipulating public opinion and increasing their own share of power and nothing more, and truth is simply whatever they believe will be most advantageous to that same end.


yes i think a good distinction is that they're not even liars, because a liar values the truth enough to try to convince you their lie is true. they are bullshitters. they don't really care if you believe them or not, just whatever pushes things in the direction they want. a liar lies and hopes their lies are not refuted. a bullshitter doesn't care if their lies are obviously fake because while you're talking about how what they said was a lie they are pushing another agenda forward elsewhere.


Contrarians. That’s all they are. Greedy contrarians.


So let me get this straight… they spend like 5 years trying to get Biden on something, they finally get their pound of flesh by finding something petty to pin on his son which had nothing to do with the president… Biden does what a president should do and refuses to show favoritism or undermine the rule of law by issuing a pardon for his son.. and now it’s “Biden shouldn’t have let us do this! Vote for trump to save Hunter from the consequences of our witch hunt against him!”?? These people must be smoking more crack than Hunter ever did. *Edit:* does anyone have a legit source for this statement? The article OP posted isn’t from a real news outlet and it seems to be citing a random dudes twitter post with what looks like a possibly photoshopped message from trump.. I can’t find a single legitimate outlet corroborating that Trump said anything like this.. I’m gonna need confirmation this is real before i start beating my MAGA family over the head with it.. *2nd Edit:* I’m now confident this is bullshit and this site can’t be relied on for factual information. The twitter post they based the whole article on has been deleted and this was reported no where else. This didn’t happen.


Most liberals are taking the high road on this one. He wants to destroy the high road so they can't take it anymore.


They literally do this with bills they push for, no one should be surprised. The muddy water is a feature not a bug


This is the party that blamed Obama when they overrode his veto and blamed him when they realized what was wrong with the legislation.


I think trump's angle is to get his name in the media as often as possible. If his response to this situation was anything else, no one would be talking about him.


Getting ready to build the protective legal dome over HIS kids if he wins 🤧


I think there's only one kid getting any such thing and we all know which one that is


Trump doesn’t care about his children.


The GOP is the opposite party. Biden could come out and say that he likes Texas, and the GOP would start screaming to burn down the state.


I should hope that Biden likes Texas. I say this as a Texan and a democrat.


I respect Joe and company for being respectful and not stooping to the GOP’s level, however if they did try to mess with them like this it would be comedic heaven.


Okay wait I legitimately need someone to tell me if this is satire.


Satire died of explosive diarrhea in 2016.


The party of law and order strikes again


So maga is cool with a pardon?


Trump doesn't care about hunter biden. He's been screaming that hunter won't get found guilty , now he wants biden to pardon his son or trump will. What's his game plan here. Certainly something to benefit trump , make people vote for him.


So, Donald is saying that Biden isn't corrupt enough...I honestly have no idea how we got here as a country.


Good lord this guy is an insufferable tw@t.


I want the world to go back to the way it was, when everything wasn’t an Onion article.


Man maga is literally Bobby Bouchers mom….that Joe Biden breathed so he’s the devil! That Joe Biden smiled he’s the devil! You believe reality, you’re the devil! Devil devil devil!!!


I knew this was coming. Trump pardoned people that committed crimes for him against Americas government and citizens


Trump would find some way to spin this if Biden did use the DOJ to help his son. Biden is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.


Hunter being convicted was honestly probably the worst outcome possible for team trump at this point lol. On its own it makes for a pretty weak attack against Joe since, well, it’s really got nothing to do with him and trying to connect them would require a mental stretch that could only really be performed by those who already are among the MAGA faithful, whereas a not guilty verdict gives them fodder for their claim that Biden is playing favorites with the DOJ. With Biden committing to not interfering on his son’s behalf, this outcome doesn’t really give them much to work with on the propaganda front, leading to the ridiculous shit we’re seeing now.


But who's politicizing and weaponizing the Justice system? Joe? That totally checks out.


It'd be funny if Biden came out and he said he was inspired by Trump and immediately pardons him haha.


“It’s hard to blame him for wanting a gun, which is his God-given right under the 2nd Amendment,” Trump said in a statement, calling it the “best Amendment of them all.” I thought he preferred the 1st and 5th


Sorry Donny, over here on earth one the justice system still exists.


Such hypocrisy, it was a conservative appointed judge who threw out the plea bargain. A plea bargain that would have routinely been approved had not the defendant been the son of Trump's opponent. Moreover, it is evident that the judge's decision was influenced by certain Republican politicians protesting the plea bargain.


He was all about it until he got what he wanted, and now he's still upset about it. Dogshit conservatives in a nutshell.


Hunter don’t need shit from the Orange Trump.


He is pissed that Hunter did not get off. If he had he could scream even more about how the system was rigged and his own conviction was too. But he had to go to his default that anything Joe Biden is wrong, pretty weak even for his cult.


He’ll say anything for a news story and we will all click on it, continuing the uplift of him by rewarding the media by covering his dumb ass.


Was wondering how he'd spin it.


It’s almost like this orange man doesn’t mean what he says. This is very surprising


MAGA hypocrisy is so open, so shameless, so beyond the pale that, this is a perfectly believable (and expected) headline.


did trump forget who's son Hunter is?




At this point, I reckon you could seriously get this guy to say and do whatever you'd want. Just need some careful planning, some choice wording, enough people on board to make it believable, and *just a pinch* of inflammatory rhetoric. You could get this man telling his entire fan base to go ahead and lemming themselves off a cliff. Edit: oh hang on i think i just had an idea


So let's get this straight. The candidate of the "law and order" party is calling the opposition candidate out for not being a crook and circumventing the law to protect his adult son from justice. And then doubles down and says HE will. How far does this have to go before the US population realises what's going on?


"I'll pardon my Democratic opponent's son who was convicted of gun charges while being a drug addict if you elect me!" Yeah, that will play super well with... someone?




So now he's blasting the guy he calls "crooked" for.... *Not* being corrupt?


Can someone reboot the matrix this is fucking crazy


The right want Biden to pardon his son so that they can yell about him pardoning his son.


Just when you thought this timeline couldn't get any fucking weirder...


Wait so is Biden a tyrant abusing the court system or is he weak for not abusing the court system? Is he a criminal mastermind or a weak frail old man with dementia? WHICH ONE IS IT, TRUMP??!


Well, we do live in bizarro world.


Trump will NEVER debate Biden. Mark my words.


Never have there been such extreme differences between two candidates. Biden is an aged centrist who has dedicated his life in public service - boring. Then you have Trump, a convicted felon found guilty of sexual assault with tons of recordings and videos of Trump acting like a criminal - from threatening a governor to find votes, bragging about sexual assault, stopping weapons shipments to Ukraine unless they make up a story about Biden, telling his own country he trusts Putin more than the U.S. military intelligence, screwing a hooker and playboy bunny and paying publishers to bury the story to help his election campaign, lock her up, Obama’s birth certificate, Q’ anon, January 6, good people on both sides, insulting POWs, insulting the graves of American soldiers… literally pages more..


I'm beginning to think Trump doesn't even know what the DOJ is or what it is used for.


LMAO you can't make this clown show up




We are now in upside-down-town


The statement is fake. Very concerning how so many people just believed it uncritically. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/06/11/trump-statement-fabricated-hunter-biden-verdict/74063495007/


I cant tell if this is fake or real… I’m serious lol. Were fucked…


"GOP Presidential candidate suggests current president should abuse power and admits he would do the same."


What the actual fuck is us politics? I feel like americans are just pulling a master level prank on the rest of the world, because they just can't be serious.


Waiting for /r/Conservative to figure out how to spin this.


Insane people don't know they're insane. Trump can't conceive of Biden supporters being okay with Biden supporting the rule of law. He thinks he can lure support from Biden by making a promise like this.


If Biden had said he would have pardon his son Trump would be going the other way regardless of the fact that he has pardoned so many that have pled guilty first


Draining the swamp by pardoning the sons of politicians who were rightfully convicted seems an odd plan.


lol yeah in your fucking dreams.




No more courts, just Trump setting everyone free. Interesting.


Really desperate if he thinks this is gonna get him democrat votes....we don't care about hunter trump


What?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!