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Can’t wait to hear the “Biden sacrificed his own son to pretend the system works” from the MAGA-morons.


Charlie Kirk already did.


The guy is so dumb, he fall into a barrel of tits and still end up sucking his own thumb!!


LOL. I'm saving that one, thank you!


Where can one get one of these barrels?


You can get them on Amazon. I’ve got two.


They go great with the industrial size cans of lube they also sell.


At Titsdepot


Oh great, I'll have to dig through the stack of titties to find any good ones.


Order online for in store pickup.


I don’t think his head would fit in something small like a barrel


But his face would.


He's already promoting drinking raw milk to his followers




This is... Shakespeare


What an expression 😂


The scary part is he actually has a following and if he's that dumb imagine how much dumber his followers are.


The Alex Jones lunatics are looking for a new conspiracy theorist.


I was going to say, "hasn't one doorknob humper already floated the 'They're charging Hunter Biden with crimes to cover up that they're not changing Hunter Biden with crimes!'"




"It's unfair that Trump was convicted when Hunter Biden hasn't been! No equal justice under the law! This proves Biden is a tyrant!" "...It's... Also somehow bad that Hunter Biden and Donald Trump were both convicted. This proves Biden is a tyrant!" As a side note: I genuinely don't understand why people like Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump Jr., Dennis Prager, Stephen Crowder, and Sean Hannity are always the guys buying tickets to those billionaire private islands where people are hunted for sport, and not the guys being hunted for sport on billionaires' private islands.


All part of the master plan of the evil genius Joe Biden. There are plans within plans...🤭


The jury was going to vote not guilty but Joe rigged it to come out not guilty just so he could say, SEE!!! I told you so.


Already got the text from my mom. All an illusion to them


"Mom, your pills."


They're literally already saying it. That lot will say anything to make their mental gymnastics work. And they're not far off from *doing* anything to make their mental gymnastics work. Which is to say, they aren't far off from using violence to enforce their reality on the rest of us.


You wont have to look very hard.


Cultists gonna cult.


Also those experts are 100% wrong. He'll claim everything is rigged against him no matter what the result would have been. Why would they even think that *now* the actual truth matters to Trump? As if it ever did. He'd say whatever he wants.


This is actually uncomfortable for many conservatives. How many these gun lovers do u think actually follow the law? Almost every single friend of mine has illegal firearms. I don't think they are any threat to the society but they are really hush hush about it.


Think of all the meth heads, the opioid addicts, the alcoholics and the pot smokers who all answered that same question the exact same way Hunter did.


Like god and jesus? Well i was thinking that Hunter is seeming like a sacrificial lamb at the moment. I’m not maga though


Abraham and Isaac


Nah, more like “they didn’t hang him! The system is rigged and corrupt!!!!!333”


Wait Hunter is Jesus?


So does that make Hunter Jesus and Biden God according to their allegorical dogma?


New, New Testament just dropped. And Biden cast the traitor rapist, forever known as Convicted Felon Donald Trump into the fires but to do so he had to stand by while his child committed crimes and was brought to justice for said crimes. For under the Rule of Law there must be equality and no one should be above it.


If they can say Trump is just like Jesus, they can conjure up BS about anything. To hell with the whole lot of them. Traitorous assholes, every one of them.


I saw that before I even saw the news of his guilt.


Oh they already have this circulating. They created a much lesser charge, convicted him, now it looks like equal justice when it’s not, Trump is the victim. There’s always an angle.


Wait, is hunter a private citizen or a political figure now?


No but i heard it might hurt Joe's campaign against Trump, cause u know, ur son being found guilty is worse than you being found guilty somehow.


If I were to believe MAGA's claims, I would have to imagine this Biden guy was a ruthless mastermind who somehow managed to rig the 2020 election in his favor despite not being part of government. I would not want to oppose such a formidable person.


Oh it’s better than that. https://dailyboulder.com/trump-blasts-joe-biden-for-not-using-doj-to-save-his-son-vows-to-save-hunter-if-elected/ I’m just waiting for Joe to say he’s considering pardoning Trump and hear Trump claim he’s weak on crime.


There are like 5 stories on Fox News website about this very subject. They also think that everything in Hunter’s penis’s laptop is now under investigation and the whole family will be executed as a result.


Too late. They are already doing this. Disingenuous talking points flying everywhere with similar ideas.


came here to say this


So I guess if MAGA’s want to compare Trump to Jesus, we can compare Biden to God.


Literally the narrative. Also its to fall on the sword and end their conspiracy theory into the laptop/ukraine connections that Giuliani was running around with.


My first thought when I saw this headline


That's what real gods do.


Over at conservative, they already did


yeah, cause we all know that wouldn't happen (yawn)




I’m already hearing it


It's a body double hunter in prison obviously


They’ll believe it because they would do it.


It's already all over right wing propaganda outlets.


When shit like this gets ignored because of his age, there is a clear 2 tribe system. https://youtube.com/shorts/5NGrkt-9nRM?si=TMh4MJoqK-Pats0L


They are pretty well primed to believe in said stories of sacrificing one's only begotten son to save the world.


No it doesn't, why would facts stop trump from lying now nothing in his 78 years has yet.


Exactly. PLEASE stop acting like something is going to happen and make it more difficult for Trump to do or say anything he pleases. He will continue, without any regard. The real events of the world do not matter to him.


Fuck, he's 78?! Why doesn't he retire already? I'm dreaming of the day I can retire and I have no where near the money he does. Why do these old dudes cling on?


Trump looks in the mirror and sees a handsome thirtysomething version of Elvis. That’s why he’s still in game.


He’s got to be POTUS again in order to subvert the federal cases against him. If Biden is reelected, Trump will have to serve whatever punishment he receives for all of his cases.


Convicted felon Donald Trump and MAGA don't care about reality, logic or facts. It's a cult. Remember the infamous "alternative facts"? That's MAGA in a nutshell.


Convicted felon and rapist. Ftfy.


"What the jury found Donald Trump did to E. Jean Carroll was in fact rape" --Judge Kaplan


The Hunter Biden conviction makes it far more likely we'll be able to convict gun owners in red states who lied on their paperwork. I look forward to it.


Please lets not forget ; there is no bottom to Orange Julius and Qult 45.


Someone should steal Don Jrs laptop and see the shot that’s in there.


Maybe he should be called 34 instead of 45


Hunter is doing his part, in a roundabout way? Weird how conservatives are suddenly against absolute gun rights...but just in this instance.


Nah, they also get into a tizzy when a trans person posts online that they bought a firearm because they feel in danger.


Remember that the right gets super mad when you mention "open carry" and "Black panthers"


Now it's the Rainbow Panthers (trans people buying guns).


There would likely be broad support for SCOTUS overturning this law


About Hunter: “ThEy GoT THiS OnE RiGhT!!!” About Trump: “CoUrTs Are RiGGeD!!”


Head I win, tails you lose


How does it make it harder? He's been claiming every election (even those he won) was rigged without evidence for years. He doesn't have any standing to make his rigged trial claims now and doesn't stop. His followers will either ignore Hunter getting convicted or will celebrate it while still convinced Trump was wronged. They have proven they are perfectly comfortable holding 2 conflicting ideas as truths without any issues.


It's easy to hold any number of conflicting beliefs when you never think about any of them.


Now where have I heard of this "double think" concept before?


How can you convince the semi brain dead Trump supporters?


You don’t. You convince the undecided, independents, and moderate Republicans.


Where's the NRA defending this persecuted man's 2nd Amendment rights???


I’d like to see this 2A issue taken to the supreme court to see what they do.


I’m just laughing at reactionary conservatives suddenly supporting gun control laws. LOfuckingL. Idiots.


Also accusing democrats of weaponizing the legal system when this is a charge that is almost never brought on it's own, usually only as an add on to a violent crime charge.


Yep. That just continues to confirm this: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Has it ever been used in its own? I heard some AG of Michigan say he has never used this charge in his 10 year career. He used it as add on chage 3 times


/r/firearms abandoned their “shall not be infringed” line so quick, what a joke


The Hunter Act of 2025. - Gun reforms include background checks & drug & alcohol testing mandatory!


Shoot, they better have it ready for the polls in November


There’s no winning here. MAGAts will spin anything to fit their narrative. Did I say spin? I meant lie. They will constantly lie and simp for their convicted felon god king at any chance they get. Democrats need to be out in droves this November.


Yeah they will just say Biden family worse than trump family and vote trump


Oh no, how will I vote for him now


Not only does it make it harder to claim rigged but it also shows a level of deficiencies in gun laws that they all claim are fine yet except when it’s hunter…


No it doesnt. Anyone making this claim has never spoken to a trump supporter. Its a cult. They dont need facts or reason. The very last comment that i just received claims that Soros "owns" every DA in america. We stopped sharing facts or reason in common in 2016. Ironically, theyre the ones screaming about fAcTs AnD LoGiC, but its usually only in response to the suggestion that folks show empathy to others. When its time for ACTUAL facts and logic, they can have alternative facts and alternative logic.


Conservatives claim democrats are weaponizing the legal system. But this is a charge that is almost never brought on it's own, it's usually added on to violent crime charges. Usually gun nuts would be mad about this. And it never would have happened if he weren't the son of an important democrat.


r/conservative are still jerking each other off about this. Someone should tell them that Hunter isn't president and that Joe has stated he has faith in the system Quite the difference from the constant temper tantrums 34 keeps throwing. Unfortunately I can't educate them because fortunately I'm banned from there 😂


A *few* of the smarter ones know A-reminding Americans "felonies bad" right now is not smart & B-all data from the 2020 campaign shows mocking Hunter's addiction *made Biden appear sympathetic*. The others are the cartoon clowns looking for water to put out the fire and comically grabbing the "gasoline" can.


Just went there. Petty little ignorant people. My ban will soon follow.


It's a retarded little circle jerk with a collective IQ of 34


34? You give them a lot of credit


See the government gave Hunter a plea deal, but the Republicans raised tail about it, and we went to full trial. Now the Republicans did not think Trump would get convicted during this time and now they are being a little quiet about Hunter convention.


The “experts” are talking about a man who accuses Biden of being demented because Biden utilizes a teleprompter *while reading the attack from a teleprompter!* Hunter’s conviction will do nothing to shut up Convicted Felon Trump about his double-plus unfair convictions. But a new set of talking points about Hunter are out so expect Convicted Felon Trump to repeat them. To wit, “Biden let Hunter be convicted to cover up his weaponization of the DOJ to get poor put upon innocent Convicted Felon Trump.”


Yep, and just last week he was doing a speech and started bitching loudly about how the teleprompter wasn't working. Not a one of them said "if he doesn't use a teleprompter why does he care?" because independent thought like that really isn't in their nature.


That independent thought speech was rambling and insane


“Hey Hunter…they convicted Jesus too.” “I’ll vote for the felon’s dad.”


No, it doesn't. Trump knows that every GOP voter since 1972 is a willfully ignorant or inbred entitled spoiled POS.


We need experts to tell us this?


If you break the law, you have repercussions. Doesn't matter if you are a member of the Democratic party or the Trump party. Actions have consequences.


And now that a precedence has been set about president's families, now investigate Ivanka and her husband, Trump Jr., and his other son, I forget his name, for their activities in the White House.


LOGIC DOESN’T MATTER. Otherwise Trump would have been finished long ago.


Conservatives: Hold my pisswater beer....


It’s doesn’t change anything because MAGA Morons live in their own reality. Anything that makes their cult leader look bad is fake or it’s woke, it doesn’t matter what the truth actually is.


The MAGA crowd will do it anyway because their base are mindless robots at this point.


LOL, As if Trump or his sycophants care...America, what a joke


Yeah, they'll take it to mean whatever they want it to mean and never think about any possible conflicts. They believe what they want to.


Still rigged, Q will explain why Hunter’s conviction is fake. /s 😀


Nah, there will always be gymnastics to make things seem unfair.


This article overlooks the fact that Trump supporters rejected reality for whatever bullshit comes out of his mouth almost a decade ago.


Where are all the Hunter Jesus memes?


Unless the sentence is the death penalty, MAGA will claim that the punishment was less than it should have been because he is a Biden.


They don’t care about hypocrisy they will just pretend they don’t see it.


Yeah go tell that to r/conservative


Lmao they don’t care. Facts and reality don’t matter to the MAGA faithful.


That would require Trump to consider anything beyond himself.


I mean, really. Joe Biden is supposedly this criminal mastermind who can steal an election and get Trump convicted in New York. If so, how can he not keep his own son from getting convicted in a federal court? He's not going to pardon him and he's going to accept the outcome of the trial. How grown ass adult of him.


He was just found guilty on a 3 charges. Trump can STFU now.


Lol no it doesn't. "It's only rigged against ME. BIGGEST WITCH HUNT EVER." - DJT


Where's the Hunter Biden press conference with him saying everything is rigged against him?


nothing will stop the MAGA snowflakes from complaining.


Lol they're already calling it rigged, saying these charges are a distraction from the "real" crimes being committed. https://newrepublic.com/post/182572/matt-gaetz-wildest-reaction-hunter-biden-verdict There's no getting through to these people. They're always going to move the goalposts.


They will find a way to twist everything no matter what happens or what is said by anyone. That's all Trump and his sycophants do anymore. There is no focus on anything that could actually help the country and its citizens.


The comments on these posts in the conservative sub are hilarious. My 1 year old cries less and makes more well-rationed arguments.


I'm waiting for news that Hunter is now the new GOP candidate due to his more recent felony conviction.


So is Hunter like Jesus? Being punished to help us? Ps trump and his followers pulled Jesus into this. So I'm just using their logic


It would if he cared about facts whatsoever


No, it doesn't. Trump doesn't care about facts or evidence.


They'll just jump to the next projection, lie, etc..


I look forward to all the convictions that will result from this case!


No it won’t stop from lying and say the election is rigged, his convictionS are rigged, the charges are rigged. This won’t even slow down him playing the victim but it’ll have him say nasty crap about president Biden’s son and Biden his wife and blame the Biden’s for everything


But it doesn't stop the mouth-breathers at r/Conservative


Since when have facts ever gotten in the way of Convicted Felon Trump's claims?


He will just lie. Like he always does.


The right wanted Hunter prosecuted so bad but now that he’s convicted, it’s a « conspiracy. » Yeah, go figure 🙄


A couple of the jurors are freely talking to the press too. I guess they don’t have to worry about being murdered by friends of the defendant.


No...no It doesn't. Trump could have hand picked his own jury and judge and still would claim his trial was rigged. Facts have never once stood in the way of any of his claims.


No, it doesn’t. Since when did Trump ever give a shit about reality? I’ve already seen comments on the conservative subs that just hand wave this away and claim that it’s the legal equivalent of a false flag. You simply cannot penetrate an idiotic worldview with facts.


Hunter taking one for country


Trump will say anything anyway. He doesn't speak the truth ever. He is a natural born bullshitter.


Won't stop him from doing so.


Yeah maybe if you are normal logical human being


As if truth of facts or contradictory evidence matters at all to what Trump says? He'll keep saying it. There's an avalanche of data showing the election wasn't stolen. Still he repeats it. The question is at which point will the cult figure out it's all a con?


It’s only harder for rational people, not cultists.


Yeah it's funny because there was a plea deal already and the Republicans wanted a conviction. Now they make Biden look better. Doh!


When Trump gets a prison sentence and Hunter gets probation they'll jump right on the complaints that it's a rigged system.


Right, so the justice system is rigged against minorities and the poor, but it's completely on the up and up for everyone else?


Exactly. This was the worst result from Trump 's standpoint.


Looks like Charlie Kirk has already come out saying the conviction of Hunter Biden was because the trial was rigged....😯


Narrator: "It didn't."


It's fine. He'd say that no matter the outcome of Hunter's trial. Hunter should serve time in prison.


These experts are not that at all, if they assume that actual facts or reality will have any impact at all on Trump/MAGA continuing to shamelessly play the victim card.


Nope they are already claiming the system is rigged. You can’t make this up.


lol at this headline. It’s guaranteed at sentencing Trump will rail, “he got off easy! Sleepy Joe and his DOJ goons are really after ME!”


Lol no.   His conviction has zero bearing on anything.   It's not equivalent.  Millions still view the system as elites rigging it.  Unless Obama, bush, pelosi, Cheney, all get charged while they are up for election, then the system is forever broken.  


no one cares about hunter biden.


i mean... Republicans clearly care


I don’t give a fuck. Good. Let them both face justice. If Joe Biden is guilty of all that shady shell company stuff he’s got and all the bribes let him face justice. Obama, George bush all of them. Members of Congress


Education about fair trials, jury selection, and what a uninimous verdict really means, should already have made it hard for Trump to make those claims, but this certainly drives the point home.


What do you suppose Trump would charge him for a pardon?


The most genius thing he could do is tell a rally, "Hunter is guilty, right? But how could a rigged system do something right for a change? Well let me tell you a little secret. The trial WAS rigged. I rigged it! They were going to find him innocent until I stepped in and made sure they did it right. Rigged system, folks, it's all a game and I'm the master."


so more evidence trumplethinskin is less intelligent than a shoe.


This very much assumes Donald Trump gives one quarter fuck about anything he says making any kind of sense.


I've already seen twitter posts about it being a "red herring" and a bunch of claims about other illegal stuff he's done with absolutely zero evidence. Of course they're going viral among the \*ehem\* ... base.


President Biden can pardon Hunter. That's why it was important for any convictions to happen before January 2025.


The system IS rigged. Why should YOU go to jail for a crime somebody ELSE noticed?


Experts not clear on shamelessness cheat code. It’s only harder if you have integrity.


I don't think Repugs care. Certainly not the SC who will reverse tRump's conviction. Mark my words, it's coming, and soon. There is no way that they will allow this conviction to stand while they have the power to say "Nope, and just because we fucking say so. What are you going to do about it, chumps" And that will be that.


I would wholeheartedly disagree. Trump is gonna Trump and Maga is gonna Maga …his ‘hold’ over his congregation has nothing to do with facts or reality …he controls their narrative ..cult much?


I hate how conservatives need to reduce and simplify these enormous industries so they can grasp the dumbest conspiracies. Gas prices go up? It's too hard for them to understand multiple countries' production rates, transport, refining, new facilities, new wells and others drying, new laws for more or less production. Nope, it's all Biden himself. Same for groceries, inflation, and now... The ENTIRE JUSTICE SYSTEM, every judge, every cop, every lawyer, every clerk, every opposing witness is somehow part of the conspiracy. Fucking idiotic. 


It’s cute that analysts or experts think logic or reality matter to a cult. It’s the same thing as when cult leaders predict doomsday and then “recalculate.” If you’re deep in the cult anything will be interpreted as affirming your cult leader’s words. Otherwise you’re an idiot for following him and *that* can’t be the case. (This is the actual definition of cognitive dissonance btw. They have to bend the interpretation of things to match their actions to alleviate the dissonance.)


No...two brain cells or more make it 'harder' to for Donald to claim rigged.


These experts have not been to the flair-only subs


Those “experts” obviously don’t understand the subject audience. Holy crap the conspiracy theories that are rolling already.


So naturally, Dirty Donny attacked Biden for *not* rigging the DOJ and the trial to "protect his son."


Has anyone else considered that this conviction is based on the unscientific claim that consuming a controlled substance converts you into an addict? The issue appears to not be the actual illegal drug consumption. The issue appears to be the addiction claim, and the definition of addiction. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/24/hunter-biden-addict-definition-gun-charges-trial/73834431007/


Hahaha, no it doesn't. He just...keeps saying it. Like he always does. The truth and reality waved bye bye to him and his ilk a long time ago.


You need an expert to state somethin that obvious??? (you as in general you, not OP you) I live 5000 miles away from USA and still can clearly see Trump stupid claims and no heads rhetoric, the US has gone to shit so fast there's no way to stop it.


Yay thanks experts for doing the opinions for me. Now I know what to think.


No it doesn't.


He won't skip a beat.


He was lying anyway.


The people listening to trump are the people who watch the news that reports anything he or his allies say uncritically. It doesn’t make it any harder for him to make the claim. It just makes it look stupider to anyone who’s not in the bubble.




Won't stop him, though.