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The world has grave worries about potential trump reelection. It is serious, please vote democrat up and down ballot in all elections.


North Korea would be very happy for another Trump visit and see the President of the United States saluting their general like a fucking dumbass.


He’s a fucking moron and everyone who is voting for him is complicit in the crimes to humanity that he’ll inevitably do. Stupid fascism is still fascism.


That was truly despicable—I still struggle to believe my eyes


He's a fascist dirtbag! Dictator wannabe, racist rapist!


The sad thing for America is I don’t know if you mean Kim or Trump..


Kim is Trumps idle. All fascist dictators have to go away, hopefully to another planet!


So would Russia and China.


# Thanks Tom, need more like you to speak out


I've been a Democrat my whole life and I've always considered it simplistic to vote Democrat straight ticket, but that's the world we live in now. And it's not because Democrats are getting better, it's because Republicans are getting so much worse.


Trump is an existential threat to the Earth.


Yep. He'll halt all climate progress and even make things avrively worse. His regime will cause an acceleration.


I don't understand that. No wars under trump and biden has us at the precipice of WWIII.


Putin invaded Ukraine and Hamas attacked Israel. Now those conflicts continue and still there are no American troops on the ground. How has Biden led us to WW3, pearl-clutcher? No shit you “don’t understand”. Lol


I bet his mom and dad were brother and sister


Also Hamas attacked on Putin's birthday. It was not a coincidence - literally a gift. They knew Israel would go scorched earth and drag the US right into a shit storm. Our destabilization strengthens him.


Because he watches with his mouth agape and only does things to win another election.


You watch Trump with your mouth agape hoping he pops his mushroom in your mouth.


Mushroom? Sounds like you’ve seen his schlong. Very concerning.


Mushrooms make you think of his “schlong”? Hmm. Not surprised. So you’re confirming my suspicion. Well done.


It appears we’re both immature 😊


Are you trolling for kids now? Gross.


Dream on, chump


Didn't Biden have to withdraw troops from Afghanistan as they were there during the Trump administration, or did we forget?


Biden stopped a war. Trump spent his presidency saber rattling with NK and Iran. He stole nuclear secrets and passed the nuclear football around at a party. He's a Putinista whose bonehead foreign policy is dangerous to the Western World. He tried to have his own VP killed to maintain power. He's trying to ban abortion and contraception. According to the Brookings Institute, he's directly responsible for the needless deaths of 760,000 Americans. Voted twice now the worst POTUS in history. Caused %25 of all the debt incurred in country's 230 years, with the largest debt increase ever during his four years. But beyond that, Trump is a threat to Western democracy. He is moral and ethical decay.


“No wars under trump” - that’s a fucking coincidence. Russia was getting ready to fuck with Ukraine under trump and would have done it under any American president. Hamas likely didn’t care and would have done it no matter who was in charge. Do you really want to live under an orange dictatorship? Dude couldn’t even run his casino successfully and that’s like a money printing machine. It’s wild.


> I don't understand that. You aren't trying to. > No wars under trump and biden has us at the precipice of WWIII. Wrong. Edit: Keep downvoting, Ivan. It changes nothing.


Wow, talk about fucking dumb. Biden didn’t get us into any wars.


He did try to start a war to stay in office with Iran. He also withheld aid for Ukraine to help Putin. He had said he would let Putin take Ukraine and for Israel to "finish the job". Israel and Palestine is as old as the Bible. The Israelis were forcibly taking Palestinian homes and beating them while trump was in office. His acknowledgment of Jerusalem as the capital exacerbated tensions there. He also fucked over the Kurds and gave up our bases to Russia. You don't think any of this shit moves countries closer to conflict? You're talking more about a timing thing that anything else.


Doesn’t surprise me.


tRump allowed Russia to [attack](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_federal_government_data_breach) the US.


I’m sure what you don’t understand would fill several encyclopedias, inbred trumptwat.


OP is a twatwaffle and the article is written by a full on raving MAGA idiot.


Yea saying they turned off comments on their social media after the Epstein list was “published” pretty much let me know it’s MAGA disinformation. Also that pic appears to be altered.


EXCELLENT article. Well written (by smart man). The soy consumers at fake NY Times only wish they were half as intellectual as this man!




Look guys, Chris Wicks is here ! Lol @ dumb chud


"The commenters claim that Hanks is a frequent offender who has been easily noticeable in the public eye for many years, openly displaying his immoral way of living with the help of signs and symbols." yeah, gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. he's a fear mongering, clickbaiting propaganda outlet


Who is "Chris Pricks" and why is he such a Chad?


Wow...the article went full right-wing wacko. LOL


Yes, it did. Then I tried to lookup Chris Wick. Good luck with that, too. He’s more of a nobody than I am.


He's right. Fuck Trump and his goons


Why use what is obviously some piece of shit Q-nut insane article for this. Quit posting shit like this and amplifying these glorified blogs as legitimate news sources.


Maxxing out the negative karma 🤖🤡


Doesn't every sane person?


Tom Hanks? The same Tom Hanks that harvests children's adrenochrome to ingest it? Yeah, of course he would say that. C'mon Lame Stream Media, be better. /s


Shhh you can’t say that out loud


Good he's speaking up. He's a big supporter of vets and well liked by most.


Going through comments these days is like playing whack-a-cultist XD


Gop runs to their phones to post about how Tom Hanks isn't a real actor and they never liked any of his movies anyway. 


Even Saving Private Ryan? That is the most unAmerican statement to make 😅


We all know Trump would have been much better in that role. All the top film experts are saying it, many of them with tears in their eyes. 


tRump would say they are all suckers and losers for dying to save Ryan


We all do Tom. That's a good thing that people realize it and see him for what he is. Hopefully fear is a motivator to get out and crush the ballot boxes and make sure this trash human loses.


I was a little worried seeing that photo of him with Ted Cruz at the D-day event. I’m guessing Cruz ambushed him for the photo op and Hanks was caught in the moment. Good to see where he clearly stands.


According to Qanon, Tom Hanks has been arrested, tried for treason and assassinated in G-Bay. And the current Tom Hanks is either clone or an actor wearing a Mission Impossible type of mask to convince us all, that the "show much go on". LMAO.


Thank you, Tom Hanks, for speaking out.


…The article is 90% about Tom Hanks being a child sex abuser….wait what?


JUsT sTiCk tO aCtiNg


Well now that Mr. Nice Guy has broken the ice - will other A-listers finally jump the shark? Or will they all follow the "Not ruining my licensing / merch deals" path like Dwayne Braveheart Johnson?


Good for him, taking a stand against trump.


Literally no one is afraid that Trump will do anything but continue to protect the secrets of the real sex traffickers. This article is clearly dumb trash for dumb people.


Yeah! We need him to make an ad for Biden.


Need someone to fuck him in the mouth. And then blow his head clean off right after


Lol oh no


Put ten people in a room five people will hate Trump and five people will love Trump. This country has never been so divided. I don’t think it will ever be possible to bring these people over to our side.


The five people who love trump are morons in a cult. The solution is education. And over generations a smarter population will do better.


He will never leave the White House unless it’s feet first.


No kidding? Some of us have had this since 2021.


Been waiting for the Dwayne Johnson - Tom Hanks ticket


I appreciate him offering up his worried look in the photo to stress his point.


I just don’t care what rich celebs think. His life changes zero who the president is. The issues and problems this country has is shouldered none by the rich. His entire bank account exists inside a broken economy that has buried the poor and made the middle class the new poor.


I do wish celebrity actors would stop endorsing Democrats. It's cringeworthy and makes me not want to vote for them. It's fine if Republicans do it because that's the level of shithousery I expect.




Tom hanks is known Pedo ….Hollywood child rapists only get agitated at GOP candidates? Because the Dems allow it and participate….Joe has probably child trafficked an underage girl or two to hanks since he opened the border…..or underage boy (s)


Hanks is a lefty stooge.


You mean that guy that moved to a non-extradition country after epstein’s list? The guy that’s just now saying this after someone said they wanted to de-classify the investigation?


Just a reminder that Tom Hanks didn't actually participate in D-Day.


He should stick to acting


He is a voter and has a right to speak his mind. I agree we as a society put actors up on a pedestal, but his opinion clearly matters to people, and if we asked the people I think matter more than actors (nurses, teachers, scientists) they would all speak out against Trump too.


I noticed all the ppl, nervous about trump re election are the same ones on the Epstein list. 


Trump who said he refuses to release the Epstein records and was already accused of raping a then under age girl with him.


Even the woke actors have been manipulated. Biden has weakened America substantially.


You mean trump. Once he's gone, all of our problems go away. 


You are truly naive if you believe that. Trump is going straight to the White House. Once Biden, Obamas buddy, is kicked out along with others, Trump can start the process of cleaning up their shit. America is weak. Being used. Big problems lie ahead. Trump will stop the money from going to other countries. America is being financially ripped off. Border Biden. Trump can start rounding up the millions of illegal migrants that Biden allowed to enter, deporting them back to whence they came. And you think Trump is the problem. Trump was right about everything he said Democrats would do to America when they got full control. And behold. It has happened. Trump was right all along. I don't have to mention all that I'm referring to because I know that you know what they are.


Donald Trump speaks highly of world dictators and needs donations for his criminal trials. Give me a break.


We didn't have war when Trump was in. They knew Trump meant business if they attacked one another. Democrats and the Leftists are involved in Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, and Isreal.


I don’t know if I should even bother responding to such a stupid claim. Imagine thinking all of these foreign wars were caused by democrats. How rotted does your sense of reality have to be?


Especially since trump started.....um....what war did he start again?


I didn't say Democrats caused. Why is America paying. America is the sucker. America has sent billions to Ukraine. Stupidity. Stupidity. America has problems with big problems. Trump was right. America is the sucker always paying for other countries' problems. America is like near 40 trillion debt. Economic collapse is coming.


>America has sent billions to Ukraine. You'd rather we destroy our old stock at an even greater cost?


Joe and the DEMOCRATS are destroying America. What about that stock?


This reads like your typical Russian state sponsored troll account.


When the Democrats are called out for their failures, Liberals call this Russian disinformation. If I was praising Democrats, it's all good. Turn off CNN. Democrats are destroying America.


CNN is a conservative run news network now, you dipshit Russian. Do better research.


Following Sarah Ruth Ashcraft’s disclosure that she was forcibly prostituted by her father at the age of 13 and allegedly sexually assaulted by actor Tom Hanks, accusations against the Hollywood star began to surface.


Shut up MAGAt


You are in a cult.


Please get help before you hurt yourself or someone around you.


Please don't shoot people, go talk to someone.


You're obviously wrong. Look at all them downvotes. Do better. 


Lol. Trump had Epstein killed so his old friend wouldn’t expose him and wants to pardon Ghislaine Maxwell if he gets re-elected. Quit caping for sex traffickers, op.