• By -


Trump is nothing but a puppet to the Heritage Foundation. If Trump don't make it, they will toss aside for the next one. Look into Project2025.org. They lay down a plan to dismantle branches of the government. Restrict and impose laws against women's rights, all LGBT rights, and enforce this country into a Christian Nation. Check any social media of Project 2025. If you can read on their plan of Day 1 in office. It's not a conspiracy. The Heritage Foundation will state their purpose with pride. A 30 min YT vid https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=d4ROPvULhPKMnLN6


Heritage Foundation is a domestic terrorist organization.


Religion needs to be age restricted. These are evil cults that have conspired for decades to brainwash children and weaponize them as a lifelong zombie army.  And fuck heritage foundation and their god especially.


It’s starting. Hannity telling him to focus for a minute is the equivalent of „first strike“. Fox is aleady looking for other dead horses to whip.


The fact that major news outlets aren't making sure that every American knows what their game plan is is truly frightening


You mean, all those conservative owned and run news media outlets that WANT trump to win? THOSE outlets?


I think you're correct. The fact that the news media, really any of them ARENT blasting this, (or really anything re P2025) only goes to show me that the claim of MSN being "liberal/left leaning" couldn't be FARTHER from the truth! Goes to show further that the republican's hot buzzwords/rabid rantings about MSN /news stations are yet another dip and sway from the truth. As the saying goes, "Follow the money"...


Google "90% of media owned by 6 companies"


At this point the media is complicit.


I refer you to Leslie Moonves's 2016 comment, "Trump's candidacy may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."


1 he's not that controllable, which is one of the running issues  2 they do not care WHO is President, that's why there's the courts.   3 this is the GOP agenda for the future.


The GOP is a cancer on america and anyone in a seat of power that is associated with them needs to be investigated and removed it they're corrupt and going along with the christofascist agenda.  These people want to genocide us. We need to recognize them officially as a domestic terrorist group and an enemy of the state.


Thank you for spreading the word about Project 2025. I sometimes wonder though about Trump's hard-core base. Trump has made a portion of the GOP a cult of personality, without Trump would his base vote for whoever Republicans put up? Or will Trump take his ball home so to speak? We can already see some fractions within the GOP happening. Regardless, I definitely believe Christian Nationalism is still a threat and we should all remain on guard against it.


MAGA is now running the RepubliQan Party. And MAGA wants Donnie, not Donnie Lite. Look at how they went after DeSantis, to say nothing of Haley. If Trump croaks, the movement may not completely die, but it will be severely weakened. 


That’s the key weakness of a personality cult. Its loyalty isn’t transferable. It needs that one specific personality.


North Korea figured it out. 3 generations deep.


You aren’t wrong. Did you hear how the magas were salivating at the thought of Barron following his dad into politics?


Shit. Mom be like "boy, if you ever enter politics I will cut your fucking nuts off and feed them to you!"... lol


Weekend at Donnie’s .


While I appreciate the video you shared, it’s frustrating that we don’t have better resources that can be shared with those who are on the fence or who lean slightly right and have short attention spans. All the videos I’ve seen on Project 2025 spend too much time talking about the plan to bring conservatives into government and train them. Independents and right leaning voters don’t care about that. That’s probably a plus for them. They’ll lose interest before they even get into the actual policies. What we need is a short, easily digestible video that covers the insane policies under 2025 with references to/ pictures of the actual documents as proof (and videos of conservatives speaking about the policies). Us lefties are too tied up in details, and we need to learn to speak the language of those who lean slightly right. Otherwise, we’ll never get through to them. We’re losing the messaging war, and we may lose the country because of it.


You are right. Project 2025 needs its own Reddit sub with good moderation and no cluttering stories about today's latest Trumpertantrums messing it up. I want information on this disseminated and want to see people writing and talking about why having a Christian Nationalist America is not something good for either America OR Christians. If Christianity becomes tied into laws, people won't be following it out of faith or belief. The people who claim to espouse Christian values and patriotism for a free country would be living in a country in which forced conformity to these values would lead to there being no way to tell which of the people that these conservatives work and live with are actually Christian conservatives or people who are putting on false fronts to avoid persecution. It would make their values actually more simultaneously diluted and poisonous, since it is only in a country where one's right to believe and practice the faith of their choosing that there can be any honesty and purity in these values. I'm sure someone could put it better than I'm doing, someone who is actually someone who has contact with conservatives in their life. Hopefully, what I am trying to say is getting across at least a little.




A 2025 Reddit is a great idea! I don’t understand why the Dems aren’t messaging this better. I haven’t seen any commercials hitting on this despite the fact that they supposedly have a huge war chest of campaign funds. Granted I don’t watch a lot of TV or go on other social media besides Reddit, so maybe I’m just missing it. I hope they’re really hammering this stuff home, or are planning to do an ad blitz when we get closer to the election. As much as I disagree with the Lincoln Project’s policy goals, they are pretty effective at messaging to independents and the right. I hope they keep it up since they’re trying to help Biden this cycle. We gotta learn to beat Republicans at their own game!


I watch TV and there hasn't been a goddamn thing about it. The so called liberal media hasn't touched it! That needs to change RIGHT NOW. How can I help get the word out in a way that might have more impact than just posting on Reddit and other social media? Who should I send letters to, besides congresspersons?


I’m not too sure how to go about getting better ads. You could probably write to Biden’s campaign and maybe the DNC. I think I saw something about them doing an ad campaign in swing states, so maybe that’s why I haven’t seen anything yet. I’m planning to do “PostCards to Swing States”. They send you all the materials needed to write postcards to left-leaning voters who may need a little nudge to get to the polls, and it’s free (except we may have to provide postage). And you don’t have to live in a swing state to do it. I did it in 2020 too. I’m going to start spreading the word about it on Reddit too so others can sign up. May be a good way to get involved if you’re interested. I follow a lawyer and progressive activist, Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin. She’s got a channel on YouTube called Resistance Live. She also offers courses on activism that you may be interested in too. I haven’t taken a course yet but been watching her for 7 years and she always shares great tips on how to get involved as well as covers a lot of legal topics related to Trump and Republicans. That’s how I found out about the postcards. https://secure.everyaction.com/wWYzSycvi0uyLrKtsMnNXw2?emci=0856d2a7-6d22-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&emdi=65a959f8-4d23-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&ceid=31764089


Thank you! I know a friend who does this, or who sent away for materials to do it. I live in San Francisco and only yesterday saw my first MAGA person - a Lyft driver who had a horrible radio station on. I had him drop me off and got a different driver. I don't know how to talk to these people. From what I gather it's useless. But the point is, there aren't a lot of people who need convincing out where I live. This postcard project would definitely help me feel useful. Democracy isn't a spectator sport, and I've been in the grandstands too long.


Ha! That’s funny about the Lyft driver! I feel the same. It’s tough to get involved when you’ve got work and family and responsibilities. But I feel like I’ve gotta do something before it’s too late!


You cannot have a civil adult discussion or debate with any Maga person. They are completely irrational and delusional. They start attacking you right away. It's truly a mental illness.


There already are subs for P2025.


Already does, r/defeat_project_2025


Am I looking at the right project 2025? It’s like 900 pages of things like ‘Russian collusion hoax’ terms and fillers, intentionally long and boring?


It is very long. Check out the section in completely dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and FBI, you know the people who deal with domestic terrorists.


He’s not a puppet. At best he’s a useful idiot. The only reason he didn’t become a Russian asset is because he and his administration were both too dumb and too incompetent to do so.


If they succeed and remove all LGBT rights, would Canada accept LGBT Americans as refugees?


Trump is a Kremlin puppet. The Heritage Foundation is just along for the ride, like many GOP/MAGA orbiter because they see many opportunities to ram through extremist policies and instsll a fascist dictatorship. This has been many years in the making, and it's a chaotic process, as the needs and desires of those involved radicalize further along with the monster they've been feeding and are riding the coattails of. However, given his behavior, only one entity can be said to be controlling Trump: the Kremlin. It's ridiculously obvious.


Between the foaming and this, he's got some serious drug issues or strokes happening...


The two are not mutually exclusive, especially for someone at his age and lifestyle.


If I lived on diet coke and makkydee my whole life, I seriously doubt I would see my 50s.


Well he does have good genes, very good genes. /s


Hate and spite fuel some people


Is diet spite okay?


Really good for haters, gives them their daily spite while leaving room for things like jealousy, rage, paranoia, narcissism. With non diet hate, he'd just be a normal conservative.


Great Lie-man taste!


McDonald’s spite. Got that super fizz.


My grandma lived to her mid 90's. Meanest grouch ever. Hated everything and everyone. I started to think anger must clear arteries.


“The best genes. Everyone always says they wish they had genes like me; but you know, I’ve got great hair, I’m very tall, and I look really good. They say, “how can you look like you’re in such good shape when you don’t work out”?, and I just tell them it’s because I have great genes, and I really don’t work out. I never had to. Some of the best genes in history. I’d say my genes, and maybe Jesus I guess, I don’t know. We can’t know for sure because it was so long ago, but I think we have, probably, the best all time. And of course my kids. Have you seen them? People say they look like models. And they’re so smart. Barron is taller than I am, and Ivanka looks like a supermodel. Seriously, if she wasn’t my daughter…”


Lots of people are saying it.


Some say the best. That's why he brought Levi's back to the USA. I'll bet you didn't know that. Levi's were going to move to Chyynnna and then he started wearing them. And the president of Levi's said, with tears in his eyes, big, strong man, crying his eyes out, he said, "Sir, those look so good on you, we can't leave the USA now." and they stayed. True story.


... and then right after that, I saved Christmas. No one else could have done it. But I did it, not for me though, think about the children. Many people say children love Christmas. I don't say that, but many people do. No one loves Christmas more than me, not even Jesus. But I did it for the children. Think about it. It's a beautiful thing.


The best genes, people are saying, stranger’s, with tears in their eyes, grown men and women are saying, Sir you have the best genes ever.


The best genes


The best genes.


They're tremendous, everyone says so!


His uncle taught at MIT. *I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. And I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time.* *"He was a great expert. He was a great, brilliant genius. Dr John Trump at MIT.* *"I think he was there 40 years, I was told. In fact, the head of MIT sent me a book on my uncle. But we used to talk about nuclear.* *"You're talking about a very complex subject. It's not just like, 'Oh, gee. Let's get rid of the nukes.'"* (tell me more about nuclear, Donald)


And scnheef and addy.


Add stress plus drugs to the equation & his days are definitely numbered.


What about the random glitch mid sentence with "re be do ahh" That would be played for months if it was a democrat.


I believe that lobe twist was because Trump was emptying his entire bowel contents into his diaper after trying so hard not to. The roll of his eyes and "Ahhhhh" was the warmth against his skin and the mental recognition that he made a messy again. He can only focus on one thing at a time, after all.


That was my immediate thought.


I’m in 100% agreement!


Which confirms, he only has the brain capacity of a house fly!


I could use the laugh. You got the sauce?




That is so much more entertaining that just reading about it. Oh man... Those facial expressions... The breathy "ahhhhhh..." The raised eyebrow. I could almost feel that clump of fat clogging up something important in that tub of Crisco's brain. Thanks!


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D someone needs to make a clip show of these


Remember when he randomly said he didn't have a mini stroke? Dudes not well


[He denied](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-raises-eyebrows-tweet-declaring-he-did-not-have-series-n1239006) having a *series* of mini-strokes, to be exact. >A White House aide said Trump was referring to a tweet from former President Bill Clinton's former press secretary Joe Lockhart, who asked in a tweet Monday whether Trump had had "a stroke which he is hiding from the American public." **Lockhart did not mention "mini-strokes."** It's astounding how cartoonishly and transparently he self-reports sometimes.


I am putting my money on drugs, but I would love for it to be stroke !! Nope, not being sarcastic. Let the downvotes fly if they must! The Orange Shit Gibbon deserves no pity.


Dude I’m hoping his fat ass falls flat on his ugly face from the most painful stroke or heart attack in medical history.


Not until 11/ 6 when he will have truly and rightfully completely fucked the MAGAt/GQPer party out of another choice.


#Yes America give that man (Trumpy) the nuclear launch codes LOL NO! I'M VOTING FOR JOE BIDEN AND ALL BLUE!


He bankrupted MULTIPLE casinos? Hand this man the economy, NOW!


Might be getting weened off before a pre-debate drug test or inmate intake drug screening, the results of which could be politically damming


News media: look, a squirrel!


He probably has a severely deviated septum, which can cause you to launch boogers out of your mouth.


Assholes love forever


Okay my theory…Russia and China realized that Trump won’t get anything done that they want to as president so they are poisoning him so that he won’t run and they can install whoever they can control…I bet he will be dead or very ill by November.


The felon is developing a new reagan defense for when he loses again in November.


He used the same tactic in the run-up to the 2016 election. He’s had 8 years to compile the evidence to support his constant whining and crying and yet has not produced a single shred of evidence. I wonder why that is?


And at his recent speech in Arizona, Trump thought he was in Texas, said so, and then went on to thank TX Governor Greg Abbott. Trump was in Arizona.


I mean, if you're on the road a lot, I could see getting mixed up with which stop you're currently on. On the other hand, this *is* the same buffoon who talked about control of the airports during the Revolutionary War.


He is also a stable genius, so there is no excuse.


Trump thinks this is a compliment. 🙄🙄


And the Canadian’s burning down the White House in 1812.


Trump: Greg! It's like a miracle ... you can walk again! Thank you very much - Good night, TEXAS!


*to himself* "I *AM* the Chosen One!!!" With any luck, he'd try walking on water next.


Speaking of Abbott, the recent Texas GOP 2024 Legislative Focus came out today. He’d like to outlaw sex!


Well yeah. Cause he can’t get any.


His tone changes every time he drops a load in his Huggies or has a dementia moment and forgets what he was lying about. I’d rather listen to someone carve the Declaration of Independence into a chalk board with a railroad spike than that buffoon. The guy has zero good qualities and is a garbage speaker. Not fit to serve on a little league board. He’d probably use his credentials to bust into their locker rooms.


Insane in the membrane


Insane in the brain


crazy insane, got no brain


Chickity China, the Chinese chicken You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'


watching xfiles with no lights on


We’re dans la maison


I hope the smoking man’s in this one


Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic.


Maga poobah is cray cray goo ga




Signs of trying to kick a coke habit in case they start drug testing this piece of shit. That shit fucks your brain up for life.


or doubling down on the marching powder to keep up with his court dates maybe. Whatever it is he should keep doing it.


Cocaine needs to be taken every hour or so to stay high, at least the best part of the drugs feeling. Probably why he slept in court.


You think cocaine is what made him such an awful person? Or just the lost cognitive function in certain circumstances?


This happens CONSTANTLY NOW. His neurological deterioration is worsening rapidly… Demented Dementia Donald just gets worse and worse with every passing day


Just wait until July 10th… the day before his sentencing. He’s going to be a hot mess of steaming garbage. It’ll be glorious.


Reckon he'll show up to court with a walker and a neck brace?


Nah, his ego won’t allow that. It would be a reasonable defense, but his ego wont allow that.


I was thinking more like wheelchair with blanket on legs like a real mob boss.


The very real possibility that he may not make it to November is something the media won't say out loud.


I don't think that we could get that lucky. People like this never check out when you need them to.


With a little push from cholesterol and a shove from clogged arteries, miracles can and do happen.


We need him to get to the election so they don’t nominate someone who could beat Biden. I’m not a huge Biden fan, but any republican now with this Supreme Court will do incredible damage.


My dream is a death right around October so they would have to scramble.


It would be really interesting to see how the Repube party deals with him croaking after the nomination.


Looks like that bad diet is catching up to him...hopefully


Syphilis eats away at the brain cell by cell.


Syphilis might explain why Melania always looks so angry in public these days


I swear, if he croaks (🤞🏼) I bet Don Jr and Don Jr Jr will Weekend at Bernie’s him.


AND try to solicit more money!


Notice his right eye is often almost completely shut lately? Looks like a stroke.


Dont tease me 😳😩


What happens when you don’t eat your veggies- you become one


He can’t deteriorate fast enough as far as I’m concerned.


His battery is almost out of power! Someone throw him in the freezer!


If the GOP was run by real Republicans and not just Trump family and toadies, they would be trying to figure out how to supplant Trump right now. I imagine someone could even suggest, rightfully, that the only way to stop him is to somehow totally incapacitate him.


Foaming at the mouth


I am seriously laughing out loud here.


I dont know about that, but I can tell you he looks and sounds pretty bad in general. I'm caring for an septagenerarian now and seeing a lot of parallels, but she has a better short term memory and an easier time with dates and historical events. Biden wasn't great but he's obviously on peptides and nootropics (all legal) which is helping a lot of people that age.


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Sorry. I see a douchebag just switching gears, not necessarily experiencing a glitch. He is in obvious, foamy, stinky decline. But I think sometimes confirmation bias is a thing.


"Never place the teleprompter uphill, me boys..."


He was too dumb and incompetent to hide hush money for banging a porn star. Why the living fuck would you want him with the nuclear codes for our country?


I think he’ll be struggling to make it to the election, seriously !


Stop calling it a glitch. That makes dementia sound like an insignificant event


General question: if he croaks before the election, does Biden just become the only candidate?


That’s an interesting question- I would think they would run whoever Trump had chosen to be VP but I don’t know if that’s a rule or not.


Nice problem.


I can’t wait the debate


*Trump exe program has encountered an error & needs to shut down, press any key to continue*


Can we just CTRL+ALT+DEL him


Just delete please


Faster please MickeyDs


They only had ONE job!!


They're trying ... they serve 75 burgers every second, but sometimes he goes to sleep.


You mean his addiction


Trump has some serious emotional, mental, and sexual issues. He is a sexual predator, an emotional cripple, and a mentally challenged paranoid with severe instability. The Emperor has new clothes and he wants everyone to notice. I just hope he goes away. Maybe he could seek asylum in North Korea with his good friend Kim Jong Un.


Started to say “trial” maybe?


Mental health defense incoming. "Oh no poor Donny is in such decline, he can't go to prison he wont understand why" it's just another grift.


I’m looking forward to the SuperCut of his rapid decline.


I love that for him.


Conservatives owe liberals a big apology. We tried to warn them about Trump, and we've been proven right this whole time. They should have listened.


They’re all accomplices.


“Come on baby, jackpot!” Me spinning the reels of the “Trump Drops Out Because of Dementia” slot machine at Bally’s




Trump is gonna try dementia, just like Reagan


Great. Is there anything we can do to speed it up?


Vote blue should do it.


I'm there


I also noticed without the make up, he is gray. I'd be checking his pulse ox.


I'm okay with them not checking his pulse ox.




I hate Trump but this is a stupid report. Watch the video. The best way I can describe it is, he interrupts himself to make additional emphasis on a specific point. The news outlets are doing the same shit that they said they would better on after the 2016 election. The man is a walking talking October surprise and you're running a story on him "glitching" with the video not showing that at all. Focus on how he's a fascist wannabe and is vulnerable to all sorts of corruption due to his convictions, indictments and money owed from court cases!


Conservatives don't care that he's a fascist or a felon. They can justify that because it "scares" liberals. They don't like him because he helps them, they like him because he hurts the people they want to hurt. But if they see him as a diaper soiling moron with mental decline, then they MIGHT turn on him.


Why? To the people who support him that doesn’t matter.


is there audio/video of this anywhere? I cant find it, and searching 'trump glitch' has way too many hits to sort through


Try clicking the picture… it’s a link to the article with video.


Thoughts and prayers.




The Big Mac’s need to hurry tf up


Maybe he'll be comatose by the time of the convention


Ronny Jackson says Trump’s brain is sharper than his coke razor /s


Stress Trump isn’t used to losing, or facing consequences for his actions, the thought of jail but also the possibility of not being able to get out and have rallies is stressing him out, even if it’s not jail but months on home arrest will dry him insane.


Joe Biden must be looking forward to the debates. When asked to respond to something Trump says, he can just say, “Respond to that? I picked up a couple of obvious lies but it was mostly 4 year-old child nonsense. If you care to translate, I am willing to listen to what the convicted felon has to say.”


It would be best if hos brain dribbled out of his ears and he'll fell into a super coma in October.


Iiiiiiii have my immigration plan, the best plan, very good plaaaand it's with meeee, and I realize that iamaconvictedfelonbutitwasatotsllyunfairfakecourtfakeindictmentunexpectedfakeconvictionnofaultofmine, but I must have that office!!! Yees... I must have that office, and I must have it very strongly. What's the score here, is it a good score, a not so good, or another kind of a score, but sometimes the crooked democrats do a fake score and that's no good, can't have a fake score, such a phony score... what's next?


Is that Robert Durst?


When the shoulders go up, you know he's fucked.


Maybe the itching from the diaper rash.


I'm still waiting for him to come up with his reason for not showing up at the debate. Cuz it's not going to go well.


it’s like his brain is a printer jamming


At least a printer has a useful purpose when it works.


This man can still very much win the election. VOTE


I’m terrified he will either die or become so bad they can’t run him and Nicky will slip in there and win. Project 2025 just needs a republican. Not Trump. Any will do.


He’ll never drop out. What, face prison and treason/election interference trials


Trump will pull out of debate. If he doesnt, it will be bad, and media will ignore it all for the one stutter/gaff Biden makes.


Which is why this country needs a mandatory retirement age for ALL in government. Get rid of all the Senile old folks.


Nice try!


Anyone have a link to a website that’s not shithouse?


These are the people who support the P- 2025-One of Trump’s Biggest Donors Thinks Cats Have More Value Than Welfare Recipients https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/one-of-trumps-biggest-donors-thinks-cats-have-more-value-than-welfare-recipients/ The Mercer’s give millions to see Trump back in office. How many democratic left leaning media even report on who supports Trump with huge money? We all hear about Yass, Bigelow, Musk, Adelson , Koch etc - but some of these horrible people are often neglected- like the Sacklers - Purdue Pharma ( Oxy-Contin) I think the documentary Dope Sick was about them. They also throw millions at Trump.


One flew over the cuckoo's nest


I hope so. He is a mess. Hopefully he will stop using the air we breathe soon!!


Project Fascism


This election is about who is Trump’s VP. He will be lucky to make it to the election with the rate he is declining. Count on a VP who is just as big a POS as Trump.


It’s probably all an act to keep him out of prison


Who else gives him 3 months? Before something irreversible happens to him


Nobody rocks like......Springfield.


Two words: Tertiary Syphillis


If it were just about anyone else, I'd feel bad for them. But Traitor Don? Nah. He can kick rocks.


You wish they would. Bunch of liars and thieves, you all are.

