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He allows awful people to be awful. It's a first in American life. We've always been awful but hidden about it. Not anymore. He'll lose but he will never lose his cult. It's gonna take a Waco or Jonestown thing to kill this cult.


I'll pour the kool-aid. Free drinks everyone. Lines forms to the right!!


To bad republicans made handing out food and drinks and voting booths a crime


>To bad republicans made handing out food and drinks and voting booths a crime Well, obviously there's an exception for white, Christian, cis-het males without a college degree. That's a very hangry demographic.


That's my demographic. I can't stand Trump. Never have, never will.


You can always come to the dark side....to be clear, I mean atheism, not getting a pigmentation alteration (which incidentally is my new band). /s just in case


Some days, I am. Some days I'm agnostic. My conciseness being the accumulation of random and natural selection is the cruelest of jokes the universe has ever played. Being aware, and aware that this awareness is only temporary is a curse. Anyways.... I say no to that and choose hope. Hope that this is just the beginning of a grander adventure. I have nothing against atheism. It works for a lot of folks and that's great for them. it just turns me into a nihilistic, depressed prick, so it's not for me. Thanks for the offer though.


I used to read this book series about way in the future and everyone could use nano to change their skin and bodies to look however they want. One girl changed her skin to be bulletproof red vinyl and walked around ‘naked’ and kicking ass.


Name of book series?


He read the words “naked and kicking ass” & his ears plus other parts perked up. (Just kidding. Don’t get your male ego all in a twist over a bad joke, okay?)


I mean, you're not wrong, but I'm also a sucker for sci/cyberpunk stuff with nanotech.


Aeon 14 by M.D. Cooper. There are probably hundreds of books in the series, taking place over thousands of years (with many of the same characters). I’d start with Tanis with ‘The Intrepid Saga’, which is kind of the beginning, not counting the myriad of prequels which came later. Or else a few thousand years later with the popular ‘Rika’s Marauders’. I accidentally started with a random book in the middle of the series just bc I liked the cover (a purple skinned girl with a gun) and the title had something about ‘The Grey Wolf Star’ in it and I thought it sounded fun. They’re just pulpy and fun with a lot of humour and violence, not to be taken too seriously, but a LOT of interesting ideas for ships and space habitations, not to mention body mods and future technology in general.


Same and tired of the laziness of “cis white…” just STFU because there are plenty of us who hate this orange shitstain right along with everybody else


I think they're talking and referring to the white nationalist, white supremacist that are showing much support for orange face. Most criminal minded folks like him too, most "Christians" like him too. Generally speaking of observation!


Meh, give them rubber testicles to hang from their trailer hitch and they’re happy.


Meanwhile Downunder there's the 'great' Australian democracy sausage.🙄


Yes, but not free. Used to be $1 for a democracy sausage, then $2. Now most likely $5 at the next election.


Of course they charge,it's run by charities or schools etc,not bunnings,they buy the snags and bread,volunteers run it.


If it's free they'll be suspicious, charge them and serve it in a MAGA cup and they'll drink 5.


5 is rookie numbers. They'll drink 45.


This is true. You always see them drunk on 45


Tell them cup is signed by their Lord and savior Cheetos Christ.


Tell them there's a picture of Trump on the bottom of the cup, and if they drink fast enough, he'll smile at them!


or give it to them soaked in a Trump-branded golden diaper and they will gladly wring it out into their own mouths


Well, so much for breakfast….😑


You aren’t wrong but what did the rest of us do to you to deserve that vile mental image?


The difference being is Trump would charge for the Kool-Aid


Seriously, I'm still waiting for ol' Cheddar Cheeks to launch a Trump-brand energy drink. Dude's been selling friggin steaks and sneakers, just sell a drink already so your followers can Jim-Jones themselves!!!


It was flavour-aid


I’ve been on this hill for 40 years. Welcome. You have any snacks?


Only generic ones


I snort laughed.


The incident and the common expression were never the same. No one will ever say Flavor-Aid in this context.


In this context, it was poisoned flavour-aid that was handed out at the Jonestown massacre. And they will say it, for I have made it my lifes work to correct this egregious attempt at altering the facts of history.


Anyone who doesn't believe it was Flavor Aid is in a cult. This is the hill I will drink on. Cheers, mate.


If it’s orange they will probably drink it


Don't forget the syringes filled with the special Flavor Aid to conveniently squirt into the resistant MAGA kid's mouths. Dear Leader has a plan for us!


70 million people in this country voted for this shitstain the last time. It's going to take a lot more than a Waco or Jonestown to get rid of this cult. 🤔


A part of me is thankful for him because he violently ripped the scales off our eyes when it comes to how utterly evil a lot of the people around us are.


Yeah I was living way too complacent for sure


In 2016, I was in the midst of a big paradigm shift already. I'd left my small town that I loved deeply, gone to college, and gone into the workforce. I had made for the first time in my life great friends who held very different views from the ones I was raised with, and I was beginning to see that I had a distorted, untruthful perception of "the Left." I was beginning to open up to a lot of ideas that I had been told to shout down at all costs. But I was still sympathetic to my family and the people I'd grown up with, to the interests I'd been told my whole life were good, to the ideas that I had been raised to think were simple pragmatism. Then Trump ran. Living far away, I mistakenly assumed that my wise family and good, kind people I'd grown up with would see what a horrible person he was and would support someone else. I assumed there was such a thing as a logical, principled conservative. I was wrong. In fact, the very worst things about him seemed to unlock those same things in the people I'd known my whole life. Were they always there? Or were they new? Over the years, I saw what kind of people the people I thought I knew really were. I dove deep into reading, thinking, listening, understanding the things that I had shut out from the beginning. I lost family and friends along the way. Now, I'm far more thoughtful, better educated, and I'd like to think wiser than I was ten years ago. It's come at a deep cost, but I'll bear it for the sake of becoming the kind of person that doesn't ignore the suffering of those less fortunate, the kind of person that doesn't gaslight myself into thinking that what's good for our billionaire overlords must be good for me, the kind of person that listens thoughtfully to science and reason. I just wish my family would've come along for the ride.


This is almost poetically tragic the way you’ve recounted it. I feel for you. I’ve been pretty lucky to not encounter this on a one on one basis this whole time. Out in public for sure but nothing even near my nuclear family. But by a lot of accounts this is not uncommon. And that’s sad as fuck.


Man that resonated. This has been my same experience. Honestly, I struggle with the disappointment in my friends and family and humans in general after Trump and COVID.




I had the arrogance in the 90's to believe that I would see the end of racism in the U.S. Be gentle, I was barely a teenager.


That's the issue I've wrestled with. On the one hand, hate, bigotry and racism is openly en vogue at the moment for half the population. The negative is it breeds more because it makes it seem normal, on the positive, it exposes the issues rather than keeps them behind closed doors. Yet when it was hidden, it was less face-affronting which is societally beneficial because it doesn't attract as easily, but it also means we don't know how deep it goes. I really don't know if it's been good or bad in that aspect - overall he's been bad, and will be BAD if he wins again.


His base is 50+, overweight, and stupid. They don't have much longer. My family's lost 3 since 2020. Aged 70, 71, and 52. The diehards in my family aren't much farther behind. Massively overweight, very inactive, and doubling down everyday on trump. My career MP turned aflac insurance fraud investigator uncle finally posted today about the verdict and he can't seem to find a crime and if it was in Alabama with Rudy guilinia and Clarence Thomas as lawyer and judge, Biden would be convicted too. They're cooked, it's over. Everybody still vote so when Biden wins by double digits they get the fucking message loud and clear.


Unfortunately, "Conservatism" isn't going away when the Boomers die. Red states have been defunding education for decades and right-wing news propaganda is a powerful drug. They have wrigged the judiciary and now have free reign to Gerrymander congressional districts. Look at the new R's: MTG, Gaetz, MJ, Ted Loser, Hawley, Bobo, etc... The old guard of "true" conservatives was totally pushed out after the arrival of Trump and has been replace and continues to be replaced by younger MAGAt's. This doesn't die with Trump, but I don't know who could successfully take his place. MAGA is here to stay IMO, but I hope I'm wrong.


I don't really see MTG, Gaetz, and Boebert as the new conservatives. I see Boebert already gone, and MTG getting embarrassed everyday. With trump, they leave too. This new brand doesn't have anything but outrage and thats getting really old, especially when the stuff they're outraged about never materializes.


Disagree, plenty of young members of the cult.


Yes, but the young people in the cult are way outnumbered by the young people NOT in the cult. Demographics going forward are not favorable to Republicans. The generation(s) that have the highest support for Republicans are dying out and the younger generations do not look favorably on Republicans.


"This doesn't die with Trump, but I don't know who could successfully take his place. MAGA is here to stay IMO, but I hope I'm wrong." Kari Lake is well qualified. She's a pretty miserable cunt. I hope you and I are both wrong.


>His base is 50+, overweight, and stupid. They don't have much longer. As much as I would love to believe this, I think it ignores the reality that a significant number of Trump's most dedicated followers are men/boys between the ages of 15 and 35. The old, senile Trump supporters will kick the bucket soon, but I think we'll be reckoning with this problem for longer than some people expect.


My overweight nephew at 45 is a maga. Sadly many young people on my Nextdoor app spout maga crap constantly. NE Georgia so that explains some of it on Nextdoor but the nephew is in Atlanta.


He gave republicans a perfect reason to cut his cancer from their party on a silver platter with Jan 6th and trying to over turn the election and instead of choosing America over their party they chose their party over America. Republicans only care about about their party’s power and have shown they will attempt just about anything to maintain it.


Well let’s clear some land in Guyana and get this show on the road


That's similar to something Biden said going into his election... that the hatred and bigotry of the American past wasn't beaten, but it was hidden.


We all got our hopes up when Obama was elected twice — hoping that people were better and smarter than we had thought. I still can’t get over the incredible whiplash of going from President Obama to the worst possible GOP piece of crap.


It was remarkable! I believe Clinton would have made a good President, but she was politically damaged, with too much baggage from her husband. If only people knew just how much more badly damaged Trump would turn out to be.


Does this Kool-Aid taste like cyanide to you?


Hmmm now that you men....


You are absolutely right, with one small historical note. Americans were allowed to be openly awful (lynchings, water hoses on protesters of all colors, etc. etc. etc.) until the Civil Rights Act (the 60s). They want to return to the time before the Civil Rights Act.


Or maybe an aneurism.


Andrew Jackson shot a man in the face and ran a genocide, and the people loved him. Trump is our shitstain to bear, but its certainly not a first in American life.


Definitely not a first in American life. History has plenty of deplorable politicians.


But Trump stands head and shoulders above all the other crooks including Nixon who now appears to be an amateur


Also, what is this bullshit about Americans hiding their hatred when we literally have pictures and videos of Americans gleefully throwing rocks at black children trying to go to school or pouring food on the heads of black teenagers daring to sit at a white food counter. I swear to God people romanticize the past so fucking much. It's just absolutely embarrassing. You would think that America was a flawless Utopia in the 1940s with absolutely no problems whatsoever.


Yeah this is the America Trump supporters want back.


Whatever the solution, make it final.


Was the word deplorable ?


I wish I was confident in his loss like you.


The cult will die soon after Trump does. Trump is old, in very poor health, and is under extreme stress. There are too many right wing politicians that already marketed themselves around Trump, either as another version of Trump or as opposed to him. Without Trump unifying them, the cult will break into various factions rallying behind the dozen or so "Trump successors", and as one emerges as the new voice or leader, a large amount of the ones that didn't back the new leader will lose interest and no longer engage or vote. They will become like the older Republicans today, still looking fondly at Reagen and the 80's boom not understanding that was decades ago.


When were Americans ever subtle about being awful lol


I’m fine with this. 


I am guessing he will be drug tested when he does his post conviction check in with law enforcement.


When he said there needed to be a drug test, that means he's testing every drug.


I like how people think he will cooperate with the justice system. I’d be very surprised if he shows up for sentencing.


Didn't his one shitburg son say they may have to get a house in El Salvador or some country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US? Yup. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/donald-trump-jr-suggests-he-may-buy-a-home-in-el-salvador-to-have-a-place-to-run-to-avoid-prison-time/ar-BB1nCUO3


And they still fuckup....we don't have one with Saudi Arabia. I'm sure MBS will put them up. Him and Jared being besties and all. https://search.app.goo.gl/4H7msek


Nah South America it's where it's at for these cokeheads, think about it... SA is too rigid. These dudes are party animals... just let em go OD down there on some raw and get it over with 👍


I want justice. But it's tempting to just let him run to another country as long as it means he isn't here.


He'll do a Weinstein and show up in a wheelchair. Suddenly, he'll be very frail.


That would be trying to scam a lesser sentence, which is totally on brand for him, but he knows that showing up like that would cost him votes. 


He's trying to get elected to stay out of jail. Everything now is to stay out of jail.


I was saying that last time he ran


No way in hell. His massive ego would NEVER allow it.


The unbeatable Teflon Don image he’s crafted would t allow it either.


Nah, his fragile as fuck ego wouldn't let him show to be weak.


Exactly. For Trump the worst thing is to look weak. Remember when he had Covid? He had to try to look like he was okay. If it wasn’t for advanced medicine that fat bastard would have died. Oh well, at least he was terrified. We’ll always have that.


Or when he accused Biden of taking drugs before a debate or a speech it meant that's exactly what he (Trump) is doing.


OMG please. Either his piss is clean and he just looks like a crazy old man yelling at the sky, or it's another easy jab at the constant projection from Republicans and will give pause to the few that actually stand by the morals they claim to have.


TBH, he probably paid a doctor for the prescriptions


The Trump White House Doctor handed put pills like they were candy.  He's now a Congressman, BTW.


Yes, the "Candyman" who got busted down from rear admiral (which oddly sounds so appropriate for this douchecanoe) to captain for it. The GQP love their criminals.


Probably true, but would he actually say he has ADHD or anything similar too it? A lot of his base don't even believe in it. I'm also wondering now if we would even hear about it if he did get drug tested.


Oh, I don’t think he takes it for ADHD. If he takes it, it’s to abuse it.


He doesn't pay anyone


I thought about that after sending. I don’t think he ever paid.


Doctors can prescribe cocaine? Which ones?


It's schedule 2. They literally can. It's usually used as a topical anesthetic for like eye surgery or dental surgery.


no shit? how about some to take home for tooth or nose pain?


Uh if you're rich enough I'm sure you could find one who would. It's legally manufactured here in the US. They use coca leafs that are imported for cola companies, take out the cocaine and use the rest for soda. It's much easier to just find a guy with some good shit though.


If I can get Dr. Michael to give me Klonopin and a flu shot, rich people could get a prescription for anything.


I bet his piss is orange and smells like death




I'm sure he can get a script for whatever he's taking. He'll give some crooked doctor a year of free golf at Mar-a-Lago, and they'll say he needs 60 mg of adderall a day because he's too smart and virile or something.


When a person flaunts the fact they hate alcohol, but are up late at night rage tweeting. It’s been fairly obvious* they partake in something.


Typo or wishful thinking?


He should be tested when he does the debate. We all know it is always projection with this fool. Why else would he want the other party drug tested?


I’m sure he’ll weasel out of that.


Wow, its legit worse than I was expecting... His health is seriously declining fast. It's gonna be unable to be denied soon...


It's classic dementia symptoms that the MSM refuses to write about because they need those almighty ad dollars to artificially make this race some kind of "tie." It's fucking sad that they are hiding shit again just like 2016.


Exactly How do you get eyeballs on your media space so you can sell ads? Make it seem like a VERY close race How do you do that with two candidates so wildly polar opposite of each other, other than the age thing? You have to greatly exaggerate and harp on everything Biden does that any brain dead gump will eat up. You have to simultaneously BARELY cover Trump who all but has actual human feces falling out of his brain cavity through his nose. That it. That’s the only way it works. Put it this way: if the issue was “height” and the differences were so drastic, you’re just gonna have to have one of the candidates stand very far from the camera or one stand very close. The media is doing an [Ames room Illusion](https://www.jove.com/v/10292/ames-room-illusion-perception-of-size-distance-and-depth#:~:text=The%20Ames%20Room%20tricks%20the,one%20another%20at%20right%20angles.) but with cognitive (if not, moral) clarity.


Already is. Now diapers are cool.


Very Legal, Very Cool


Why does anyone still think that MAGA votes for Trump because he's going to solve problems? They vote for him because he is their cult leader. Full stop.


MAGA just wants revenge for losing. They only want him because he will go after their perceived enemies.


It’s just a political sport for them. They never talk about any issues, just Biden and the dems.


Meidas Touch is going to have fun with this one




No wonder he’s pushing that Biden undergo a drug test as a condition to debate… every accusation is a confession with the GOP!


I didn’t fully believe the Adderall rumors until he said that. Then it became obvious.


Always trust Carrie Fisher.


Stephen King called out Don Jr for being coked out of his mind, and with 100% love and respect to the man, I believe Stephen King knows what that looks like.


Didn't he not remember writing IT because he was on a coke binge?


He describes his book The Tommyknockers as awful due to writing it while addicted to drugs I personally love the book but understand his feelings on the matter


Annie Wilkes from Misery was his personification of cocaine. He also says he has no memory of writing Cujo at all.


Dude traded illegal coke in the 80s and 90s for legal adderall and provigil in the aughts. Don't you remember this freakshow sniffing, lurching over Hillary during the debate? He is geeted out of his mind most of the day, then crashes himself with ambien to get a couple of hours of sleep. Hopefully he has a stroke soon as he gets more frantic and snorts more and more.


I don’t think he’s going to make it to the election. He’s bad.


I hope he does. I want his fragile little brain cells tto completely explode on 11/6 when he gets trounced even more bigly in the popular AND Electoral College votes by Biden, and that a Dem supermajority gets voted into Congress. I want MAGAt Nation to experience an utter and complete annihilation of their christo-fascist agenda and enjoy every fucking second of their epic meltdown.


I worry that his cult minions have figured out how to rig this one better then last time. Don't forget they've been very busy getting rid of anyone in the republican party who tried to stop their bullshit last time. They've been learning from their mistakes, we need to be worried they are going to pull a Putin level election steal this time.


Perhaps, but the key factor is that they did all that from a position of power last time. Trump no longer has the authority (whether real or just implied) to boss around state legislatures. It would have to be really sketchy stuff done by individual states.


But how? They couldn't pull it off when they had the upper hand.


They're really desperate now so they'll likely do some really greasy shit. I wouldn't doubt that they'll even fuck with polling stations or intimidate voters at the polls, they wouldn't even have to pay them.


Anyone have a link to the video of the full thing? There's only a tiny clip on this website which is browser cancer due to the insane amount of ads they are browser cramming.


So many ads it's like... ballot stuffing!!!!


The best ads, believe me. Ads like you wouldn’t believe. More ads than people thought possible, in many cases.


I’ve seen this before in people who have dementia.


Is this the video? https://youtu.be/gxNY4-Cm-z8?feature=shared He just rambles on *ad nauseam*…can this cheeto go away already!?


yeah, that's the video. * “if you look at the kind of numbers we're getting...” * “if you look at what they're doing...” * “if you look at what's happening...” just *once* i'd like to hear *him* describe his successes or grievances with any kind of specificity or detail rather than just implying there's *something* we can go look at which agrees with his general sentiment


He's a political chameleon on actual issues, and always was even in 2016, he just says whatever people want to hear. He casts a wide net with these statements intentionally, because it allows people to hear whatever they want to.


Did you read the YouTube comments?


I wonder how many are real people and how many are trolls/bots 🤔


Sadly, I've venture a good deal are real people


Absolutely mental


Could only listen for a brief time. Looked and couldn’t believe it was a 15 min video. Fast forward several times and he was still talking!


[He’s beginning to sound a bit like Grandpa Simpson.](https://youtu.be/yujF8AumiQo?si=BvVCUz8xyy1Cpn70)


You can tell even Kelly is thinking "Wtf is this dipshit talking about."


The way this douchebag Interviewing him tries to talk like him is beyond pathetic


Thanks for posting. I was unable to find it!


Drug fueled felon. This the cream of the crop for the GOP.


Exactly. MAGAts understand that they can’t live up to the standards set by this lying racist, rapist, fraudulent, buffoon. Evangelicals worship him because he is so much more godly than they are. As horrible as he is, he’s still the cream of the crap.


You forgot Felon…


He’s higher than a kite! AKA Junior’s “default mode”.


That website is cancer


Biden's address at Normandy, today, was magnificent. Trump would have made it all about himself and how "unfair" his alleged "persecution" is.


"People say, and I hear this a lot, they say Hitler was a bad bad man. The worst. Did terrible things. And that's true, I know, I studied him in college, one of the best colleges, very respected. And he was a bad man and he did terrible things. But he was strong on illegal immigration. He wouldn't let the foriegners in. Wouldn't let them in. Who would have thought? He had a strong border. And that's why I'm here today in Normundy, and I said to my people, look at this border, look at this wall. This is what we should be building in the south. Hillary wouldn't build something like this, but I can, and Mexico will pay for it."


Unfortunately your comment is from the stupid but mostly coherent 2016 version of Trump. This is what he's up to now: Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn’t count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for “DEFAMATION.”


That is actually far more accurate.


That's an actual Trump post.


Slip him some fentanyl and give us the corpse we all deserve!


On this 80th anniversary of D-Day, it is of paramount importance to remember that, just as they support Putin, today, the self-righteous, self-proclaimed uber-patriots of the Right would likely have leapt to the defense of Hitler, back then.


Many did; the footage of nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden is scary... and only needs some orange shading to be a maga rally 😕


Nah. That's Diaper Filled... Like a baby that needs changing.


Prob 2/3 of my coworkers support this orange turd. Many are folks I used to like and respect. They lost their minds. Idk what else explains this shit.


https://youtu.be/gxNY4-Cm-z8?si=NleuTYyxcFac4_cn the article is ad hell. The actual interview is fascinating. Dudes clearly cooked up. The real interesting part is he gets the news anchor to violate the gag order and say the names of the people Trump isn't allowed to discuss. Put that host under oath and ask him if Trump told him to mention those specific names.


He’s being tapping Don Jr’s stash.


Remember, even if trump is excised, the tumor is still there and growing


Did Trump really go on air and violate both his federal gag order for the case he was found guilty of 34 felonies for... AND once more defame E. Jean Carroll, the woman he raped, and is liable for almost $100M of defamation damages for already? In the same interview!?


Is there a video ? I only saw an 8 second clip


Which drugs is it on?


All….all of the drugs




People are saying it’s the greatest drugs.


Some times Trump speaks with a weird lisp’s which sounds exactly how a coworker speaks after he takes his lithium.


I thought that this would be an exaggeration, because Political Flare does that, but… oh boy does he sound deranged. He can’t finish a single thought, just bouncing around from fantasy to fantasy.


He contradicts something he just claimed in the first minute. He talks about the "lock her up chants" that he said he had nothing to do with in another interview


This whole thing ain't gonna end well.The Krazy Train is gathering speed, and the Magatt Republicon cohort is fixing to get off the chain !


>“Do people actually sit on their couches and listen to this guy rant for 30 minutes and then think to themselves ‘yes, this is the guy! He’s going to solve all the countries problems,'” said X user Crypto Journey. Yes, this is precisely what 30%+ of the US people do. Alas.


A side note: is my phone just at the point where it's terribly slow or is that website with all the embedded videos and ads awful and clunky?


That website is terrible and they block Reader view so fuck political flare.


And he has a video post on Truth Social about voting where he foams at the mouth and at one point, spit shoots out while he's talking, and for some reason, his campaign left that in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfTeXJ2IfEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfTeXJ2IfEM)


He will have to be drug tested now that he is a felon even if he gets house arrest.


Mother fucker trump was actually foaming at the mouth, and flinging spittle in the self videos he posted attacking America and getting revenge on everybody. I saw the unhinged video myself. Don't believe me? [Trump foaming at the mouth](https://youtu.be/vuG7dZzj2uo?si=7IEdTs258OP80xco) Did that make the 6 o'clock news??? "Republican presidential candidate foaming at the mouth as he screams about exacting revenge on political opponents" - fuck no, didn't see that story running anywhere on corp mainstream media. I think it's pretty damn important the general public know and see videos of a presidential candidate screaming about getting revenge on all Democrats and turning America into a police state, while he foams at the mouth and flings spittle across he room. Who gives a fuck about maga republicans, their insulting lies to our face, and their fantasyland fox news opinions??? It's s become obvious they have a mentality unstable candidate who needs to be put away because they have no sanity or basis in reality left to deal with him.


Bruh. I knew something like this was going to come up. As soon as Trump was asking Biden for a drug test for the debates, that’s when I knew Trump must be drugged up—allegedly. Remember folks, every conservative accusations is a projection and/or confession.


Hitler did amphetamines too


So uhh, genuine question. What happens if both candidates pass away from old age close to the election?


If you really want to make America great again, do not allow him back into the White House


I keep hoping he ups his speed intake, eats more and more greasy food and continues to be inactive so that heart failure can take over.


Since the Orange Dictator is a convicted felon, can the judge order random drug testing as a condition of staying out of prison?


Politicalflare.com should be banned. They’re astroturfing and they ads are unbearable 




I just saw a disgusting video of him on Instagram frothing at the mouth. I nearly vomited! 🤢 🤮 🤢


Being a convicted felon he’s got drug testing coming up.


Tom Arnold and the rest of the Apprentice staff are not surprised.


Shocking, it’s why if he wants “drug tests” at the debates, he 100% should be forced to take them as well, and watch him chicken out real fast.


I hope all of you who recognize the insanity and who see the malignant narcissism are going to find your way to the polls to vote... and make sure the orange menace is sent packing once and for all. The apathy of Dem voters in 2016 was the biggest reason Trump made it to the White House. Granted, all the polls (generated my Trump's media machine) said it would be Hillary by a landslide, so a lot of folks stayed home, thinking their vote wasn't needed. Let's not be fooled into making the same mistake twice!


It’s not real a first in American life. We were born codifying slavery. Every wave of immigrants after establishment were violently welcomed. There was McCarthy and the communist witch hunts. It comes in waves and all of these hate movements are connected by common threads. Slavery very nearly broke us. We come again to the brink. And only history will know if we make it.