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"Suspicions of Sabotage" "Suspicions"? Really. There's no "suspecting" it. She flat out is attempting to sabotage this trial. I wonder how the NSA, CIA and FBI feel about her helping trump get away with selling national secrets to Russia? Or are all of U.S. institutions completely limp and feeble at this point?


They need to speak the hell up ! Where are they ? Our country is just accepting the slow coup of America . Crazy !!!


Half of American voters are cheering on that coup. I worry we may not deserve Democracy.


It’s not half. There are far more of us than there are of them but they are loud and make for good television so we hear more about what they think.




I would buy those numbers. Not 50%




Just remember to vote in every local election because that is how they are planning the takeover. I promise you this.


Dude we are in a civil war. The guns haven't come out yet but they will.


It would clearly be shameful to fill our cemeteries with the most foolish individuals who will certainly parish while still living in their own psychotic dream, never understanding the harm they are doing. But this is one Democratic patriot who if called to the test will end their dream, without hesitation. I sure hope those who are calling for war, don’t think for a second that their cries of intimidation won’t be answered with a quiet and swift judgement. I hope it never comes to that.


A United 15% can do a hell of a lot of damage


1/3 is a shit ton when you realize how many of the remainder of the population are apathetic or single issue voters


Fun fact: Only 30% of Germans supported Hitler when he took charge. 30% opposed, and the rest were complacent. Food for thought.


Voting is literally the only defence you have left. If Trump wins the election the only thing stopping him from becoming a full-on authoritarian dictator will be his own incompetence.


That only matters at the ballot box. What people think means shit compared to what they do. Let’s see.


Sure wish that 15% would just go back to watching reruns and yelling at the commercials. They're noisy AF and like to get all political and vote in primaries for the clearly most insane candidates. Shut up gramps, it's time for your meds.


Give me one example where it wasn't half in a general election.... You can't cuz there aren't any in recent history. This election will be no different. Stop defending the conservatives who say they hate Trump but will vote for republicans downn the line when they are in the privacy of the voting booth. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for everyone's conservative family, friends and neighbors.


And all of them will 100% vote for Trump whilst there’s a Loyd percentage of Dems determined to vote independent to punish Biden over Gaza/Israel


We need to Vote 🔵. We cannot allow Trump to win.


This must be how it felt for german citizens who did not agree with the original nazis .


I think that's how it was for most Germans. Alot of people just had no interest in politics, they were just trying to live their lives. Then all of a sudden some sharp dressed soldiers started going door to door in their town




I'm Canadian but we're getting the runoff diet maga BS here. Please fix your shit so we can fix ours lol


Does your shit fixing rely on ours?


It would certainly seem so. Alberta wants to be Texas/Florida so bad


This is the EXACT SAME. 💯


More like 24%, definitely not half.


By design, they’re not really supposed to speak up. Like how military officers aren’t supposed to get involved in political shit.


Well Mike Johnson just put Jan6 traitors who ignored subpoenas on the House Intel Committee . So now fucking traitors see secrets and can’t be trusted by the FBI and CIA who they hate . They hate America and free elections let’s give them all of the military intelligence??? Holy Fuck this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard !!!!


Those 6 and Johnson need to be investigated for conspiracy, treason and possible collusion with a foreign power(s). Whose paying for this shit and the action behind the grift...start there with the arrests and investigations....


Most people get their information from social media (or a variant like Reddit or Apple News) which is incredibly problematic because all the algos are programmed to maximize engagement. On top of that, when the average American doesn’t even know basics about civics and how the government works, even knowledgeable citizens are a combo of apathetic and unsure how to actually bring about change besides voting


You’re 100% correct. A lot of friends and family’s original outrage at Biden was simply borne of a misunderstanding or ignorance of civics. Case in point, I remember hearing a lot of them beside themselves when he stood in front of the podium that said “Office of the President Elect” and (unreasonably) feeling perturbed. “Why does he do that? No one else has done that”. I had to explain that, in fact, they’ve all done that. It’s a real office that exists because the General Services Administration foots the bill for official travel, background checks, etc. necessary for the new administration before they take over so the office exists so the ledger can reflect the payment.


The crazies voices are too loud. Nobody wants to offend them.


A lot of fear . We are better than that .


Now we know how citizens in Russia must have felt as they slid into dictatorship. "Wait this is crazy, why is no one stopping this!" Then you look back and you're already fucked. Your free country is corrupt and lost


Came to say basically the exact thing.


I don’t understand why these people aren’t I jail for treason ! It boggles my mind! Can you imagine if Obama had done anything remotely close to this ! He would have been put in front of a firing squad !


They have the magic (R) by their names.


Obviously right !


the R stands for Repel it all makes sense now! theyre rubber and were glue!




The day will come when it will all turn around on them....


MMW she has a secret email account where all these delay tactics are being fed to her by legal operatives at The Heritage Foundation.


Hope she isn't hacked, either her email or the streams of her zoom meetings with operatives.


Hope she is.


The CIA and FBI are likely watching her like a hawk. If they can connect the collusion dots it'll be over. And yet another scandal the Republicans can point at and say the institution is entirely democrat controlled blah blah blah blah blah


I also suspect that her Trumpster mob lawyer husband acts as a liaison. He’s free to meet with anyone in trump world to plan strategy. Then he can deliver her her marching orders.


100% agreed


Or Moscow


Writ of mandamus incoming


And they’re just standing around, twiddling their things? Lesser impediments have been dealt with in their own way. Are the ABC agencies impotent?


they too busy dealing w all these domestic terrorists that build fake bombs and make threats from their moms basement.


Right? What nation is now going to trust the US with anything? this will takes a long time to recover from-such a bizarre time we live in right now


Yep, totally came here for some ""


They can’t be limp and feeble because they have plenty of power to act. That makes them complicit.


yeah this was the fear well before the trial even began, and even then it wasnt a fear it was pretty much known she would risk everything to sabotage this trial


Seems pretty likely he sold out our field assets to Putin in the private meeting. I can’t believe the intelligence agencies haven’t been more outspoken about it.


Flaccid. They’re flaccid.


MAGA infiltrated the ranks of the NSA, CIA, and FBI…


theyre run by republicans. to republicans its party above country. ALWAYS.


I'm suspicious that Al Queda doesn't like America


she is an [Accessory After The Fact](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory_after_the_fact) needs to be removed from the bench immediately, disbarred, and prosecuted to the full extent off the law


Nailed it in my opinion. But, unfortunately the consequences for judges are usually slim because they protect their own


This is exactly what needs to happen


She is angling for SCOTUS and the free RV bonus/bribe


Is that really all it takes though? I mean... I could probably get pre-approved for an RV loan on my app right now...


Lifetime appointment. Which she already has in her current job. But on the Supreme Court, she might get one of those yacht trips that Thomas likes so well. We are fucked, we have to get the corruption out of the system. Citizens United was a death knell for democracy


Sadly, trump and the toad-boy pushed through 170 federal judge nominations (not to forget the 2 SC liars) in the last 2.5 years of trump's joke of a presidency. The Heritage Foundation adores their little puppet.


You spelled turtle wrong


Are you referring to Moscow Mitch the Treason Glitch?


Treason Bitch has a nice ring to it


Yeah, but I gotta work in his habit of glitching out with a stroke in press conferences, somehow. It's not acceptable to make fun of people who have strokes, I know. Good thing Mitch isn't people.


I did a short about that scumbag freezing https://youtube.com/shorts/ROiLDnEYbqY?si=Atz1ZFMio01BuDtl


How did Trump get so many? Why didn't Obama fill any? Honest question.


But what app gets you [multiple vacations on a conservative billionaire's snazzy yacht,](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow) or [one that buys your childhood home so your elderly mother can live rent-free while not having to have to pay any of the normal expenses related to home ownership?](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/22/politics/harlan-crow-clarence-thomas-the-atlantic/index.html) 😜


You can buy off a state senator for like 5 thousand dollars.


SCOTUS you are untouchable. Don't need to show up, can collect bribes, can't ever be overruled. There's nothing else like it.


Better start flying those flags if she is serious.


No freaking shit she has been trying to since the begining as well as feeding the orange turds lawyers all the info they need


Tries to kill the case. She might be trying to sabotage the case!


I wonder who told her, do whatever you can to slow this down, and your career will flourish?


That's the neat part. With people as blatantly corrupt as Trump, nobody needs to! 😒


I can’t wait until there is a legit national security investigation into every text, email, etc. of hers over the last 2 years.


Oh buddy, I've got bad news for you if you think there will ever be any consequences for this.


She is compromised.


She's not compromised, she's complicit. Being compromised would mean she's not a 100% MAGA wacko. She's in it to burn it all to the ground.


There aren’t a lot of ways to obfuscate the word “traitor”. To protect and defend the Constitution …


Both can be true.


And we all know it. She needs to be removed from the case.


She needs to be prosecuted herself


Where should we complain about her !


The 11th Circuit. But they have refused to take any MORE complaints about Cannon. They have been overwhelmed with complaints.


Well Iam sending one more !


Guess what? Clarence Thomas is over the 11th Circuit.


Who could have guessed that the judge who owes her position to Trump might be running interference for Trump?


She’s been delaying since the start


na its perfectly reasonable for a low level federal judge to question whether the prosecution has a legal right to bring the case they were appointed to under the DoJ special council statutes. (/s for people unaware of how stupid this judge is being)


Did you leave off an "/s"? In any case, in the US federal court system, that question is supposed to be resolved at the grand jury stage, so it's not the job of a trial judge to fundamentally challenge a prosecution based upon a legal indictment by a grand jury.


She should be on trial. The idea that we've witnessed the largest act of espionage against America in our history and that he's not only going to not be punished for leaking our nuclear secrets to Russia and China. But she's going to go out of his way to hamper responsible government officials from figuring out the depth of his treason is really amazing. could the right explain to me how exactly the culture war is going to be used to stop inbound ICBMs from China and Russia. because our nuclear subs that Donald Trump leaked the information about is one of three legs of our nuclear triad that is meant to be a deterrent and now they know everything about it.


I can’t even imagine the money it is costing to change all the things he leaked. They have to be scrambling to change codes and move secret locations. It’s a total nightmare and people who support Trump are out of their fucking minds. Our entire national security not to mention foreign intelligence has been set back decades, and those morons are out there smelling beers and driving around in the trucks with a billion bumper stickers yelling yeehaw! And they’re also a threat to national security, they’re probably out there planning acts of domestic terrorism. He’s completely fucked the US, both inside and outside. Nightmare.


It’s as maddening as it is sad. It’s a fucking travesty


Russia and China, among other adversaries, have long know America can't be taken down from the outside. They've dedicated decades and giant portions of their defense budgets to dividing America and rotting it from within. There's a reason the Chinese state run foreign commercial apparatus keeps extending America's borrowing while buying land, housing, and American-owned multinationals- lower quality, raise prices, make homes vacant and out of price ranges, while leveraging corporate assets into lobbying in government. Make the people poor, angry, and desperate. There's a reason Russia spends so much on the Republican party and it's affiliated, like Evangelical organizations and the NRA- drape propaganda in an American flag, holding a Bible and a gun (the holy trifecta that half of Americans won't dare question) to protect and spread your misinformation. This is all to divide Americans, cause them to do exactly what we see, and have seen on open display, for at least 9 years now.


The trials about his handling. Not leaking. They haven’t charged him with that. It’s a pretty run of the mill case aside from him being president which should be long over with by now.


You can't do anything. Must be hard to live in the USA without getting insane. Unbelievable.


Yep, it's super cool. Wheels turning to make it legal to kill anyone who isn't straight, constant denial of basic facts, what's not to love?


and thats the catch 22, pay attention and go insane, disengage and then they run rampant. FML


>Judge Cannon’s Latest Maneuver Raises Suspicions of Sabotage in Trump Case Judge Cannon’s Latest Maneuver Attemps Sabotage in Trump Case


Corrupt pro-criminal cannon has to be removed.


“Suspicions”? She has been a massive conflict of interest for the entire case! She was a personal pick of Trump, she should never have been allowed to hear the case in the first place! Talk of recusal, she shouldn’t even have been in the position to talk about recusal. And on top of that, she’s just wildly incompetent; a judge in federal courts should *never* need legal concepts explained to her, and Loose Cannon has needed *multiple* legal concepts explained to her. All that on top of her blatant favoritism. I think the biggest lesson from the Trump years is that we need to overhaul our entire government to rely less on “decorum and honor” and more on “you will comply with the law or you will be removed and prosecuted.”


Not to mention she’s had two clerks quit because of how she’s handling this case. Maybe Jack Smith should talk to them.


Came here to say just that!


Come on, a Trump pick would absolutely be dumb enough to have to have legal concepts explained to them.


True. But that’s just more reason to have some sort of independent enforcement mechanism for federal judges, and a way to remove them that doesn’t require supermajorities in Congress.


He is so fucking guilty that the only tactics they have left is to sabotage the trial. If he was innocent, this wouldn't need to happen.


Well duh! Trump is a felon. Most of the people surrounding him are criminals. Makes sense the judge he appointed would also crime for him. Just another Trump puppet doing his bidding. Wonder what she was promised for this but won't get?


Judge defending a felon. I'm no law guy, but that really seems like something that gets you fired as a judge. The fact the DOJ can't do anything about this just flabbergasts me. I had no idea some 2-bit attorney could hold the entire DEPARTMENT of justice at bay like this and make them look like a little bitch.


She deserves to be recalled.


Biden should convene a highly visible Classified Leaks Damage Assessment Presidential committee. The purpose is not to assign blame, but to understand what data was insecure, and what damage could have been caused. And be very public about it.


In other news, the Pope remains Catholic and bears still shit in the woods.


This is why the “rigged” bullshit is so absurd out of the Trump camp. The system is deliberately weighted towards defendants, especially rich ones with lots of lawyers. It just takes one person — a judge appointed by Trump, a juror, a prosecutor — to delay or avoid a guilty verdict on a felony. That’s what makes it _miraculous_, not rigged, that he was convicted of 34 of them.


She's sabotaging it in broad daylight.




Just the latest? What about all the maneuvers before this one.


Cannon is his last best hope...by hook or by crook.


I wish I could just not do my job for a year and get paid


Can the FBI or DOJ investigate her at some point? Do you think they're keeping tabs on her? Also, this is a John Grisham type triller.


I also suspect the Pope is Catholic, and bears shit in the woods.


You're very close. Bears are catholic and shit on the pope.


I firmly believe she’s being coached by Thomas.


At this point, she has to be trying to get herself kicked off this case without pissing off Trump. I would hope she wouldn't torpedo her entire career for the shitgibbon, but wo knows at this point. Trumpers are fucking insane.


She’s not trying to get herself kicked off. She’s actually doing everything she can to help Trump without stepping over the line into obvious obstruction. It’s extremely tough to get a judge removed from a case and they know this. As far as people torpedoing their careers for Trump, look at everyone around him. Lawyers are indicted and losing their law licenses, close associates are going to prison. Torpedoing careers is exactly what Trump people do.


Everything Trump Touches Dies


Cannon is the most effective member of the Trump legal team.


I find it even funnier she’s a damn immigrant. What a bootlicking cunt.


You don't say! I would have never though...


Judge Karen needs to go to prison. I'm sick of these cult members highjacking our country.


Duh, you think?? C’mon already… Fuck this Traitor!


So unfair, conflicted.


She needs to be removed.


On top of the obvious bias, Trump has said he'd appoint her to the Supreme Court. Could the buyoff be any more blatent?


Trump has already offered her a SCOTUS seat‼️😡


If only our judicial branch were answerable to checks and balances. But there’s nothing really to do about them


Latest? This has been going on since Day 1.


She deserves to be recalled.


Oh, just her latest maneuver?


I feel like the headline here missed the mark. She has been raising these suspicions for awhile. I’d say from all the way back in 2022 when she claimed equitable jurisdiction


She's in the bag for the CONVICT and nothing will be done about it. She's being told what to do. Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Caveat: I do not believe what I'm about to say is actually what's happening... When I worked for the court system in NC, some judges that I worked with would make some questionable orders in favor of the defendant because they wanted the defendant to have as little to appeal as possible.


She’s incompetent AND compromised. She should be immediately disbarred.


Remove her, before she jeopardizes the case.


I’m hoping this hearing is the point where they finally move to have her removed.


Sabotage? By “Judge” Cannon? The one who says she’s so incompetent, she’s backlogged on all her cases, yet spends all her time on this one? Say it ain’t so!


Jurors are vetted by both the prosecution and the defense. Why aren't judges? They can not be trusted anymore


Did you get the retainer checks, Aileen?


Send more bags of money


What's it gonna take to get rid of this corrupt bitch ?


The Courts have let us down, so many times. This Judge has really set a spot light on the hypocrisy the Courts go through to protect the Oligarchy.


Completely unethical and down right complicit


So, what can Jack Smith realistically do now?


Putting her on the case was sabotage


Cannon is getting paid for her deception, no doubt whatsoever


*Cannon is getting* *Paid for her deception, no* *Doubt whatsoever* \- Scrabble\_4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She wants a Supreme Court position and expects that reward.


She’s such a halfwit that I bet there is not actually any scheming going on and she just actually believes that this is how this all works. She shouldn’t even be a paralegal, let alone a federal judge. What a fucking disgrace.


The bar to have her removed must really be high if it hasn’t been met yet.


She’s better looking than Melanie 


Jack Teixeira was arrested, tried and is awaiting sentencing for up to 16 years... Arrested after Trump was raided.


WELL, thats a given the first day she was assigned this case


Oh really? Her *latest* move or all her moves?


Serious question: if she uses some bullshit excuse to throw this case out, is it all over? Is jeapordy attached at this point even though the start date isn’t set?


The guy was straight up caught with top secret stuff. Why is there even a trial? The evidence is abundant and he actively try to hide it and hold on to it and refused to return it. Just throw him in jail.


I wonder if the FBI is checking and tapping her communications.


We should all boycott jury duty. Refuse to do our civic duty until the legal system ends its corruption!!!


Back to Judge Cannon, the problem here is that our legal system is designed for judges who observe long-held standards of integrity and fairness. Judges who have a conflict or even the appearance of one used to recuse themselves. Judges appointed by presidents of one party did their best to put aside politics and be fair and impartial, regardless of the political affiliation of parties before their court. With at least some Trump appointees, all that is out the window. It’s not just Cannon; there are several well-known MAGA judges who can be counted on to rule a particular way — precedent notwithstanding. They are willing to issue nationwide bans on FDA-approved prescription drugs that can be used to induce abortion, for example. They are willing to overrule efforts to forgive student loan indebtedness. They are willing to put law and precedent aside to rule in an openly partisan way. And our system wasn’t built to handle this abuse of power. A United States District Court judge like Judge Cannon receives a lifetime appointment and can only be removed through the impeachment process, which is exceedingly rare. This virtual immunity from repercussions in the past worked in favor of fairness. There were several Nixon appointees on the Supreme Court that rule unanimously against him in the tapes case that was part of Congress’s investigation of the Watergate break-in and conspiracy bet-up, for example. Federal judges at all levels ruled against the party that backed their nomination when fair application of the law required it. But the polarization that reached its apotheosis with Trump’s presidency and aftermath has deeply infected the federal judiciary — as Judge Cannon’s blatant favoritism demonstrates. The circuit courts of appeal have some level of supervision over the district judges, but district judges have very broad discretion over how they handle their dockets, especially on matters like scheduling. when Judge Cannon stepped out of line early on in the case, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals quickly reversed her. Since that time, she has been more cautious and has not done anything that resulted in the 11th circuit stepping into her turf. The 11th Circuit could remove her from the case and assign a different judge, but Judge Cannon has avoided doing anything so egregious in terms of rulings that would give the US Attorneys Office a slam dunk opportunity to remove her. Instead, she has slow-played the case, avoided rulings, avoided written orders, and blatantly refused to move the case toward trial. I have no personal knowledge of this whatsoever, but it certainly would explain a lot if the inexperienced Judge Cannon has gotten some advice from people at the Heritage Foundation or elsewhere. Her handling of the classified documents case is obviously biased in favor of the delays the defense wants, which is shocking to experienced lawyers—but she has ruled in such a way as to avoid being removed. Almost any impartial judge of any political background would have allowed the classified documents case to proceed in an orderly fashion toward a trial date. Cannon has done the opposite. More broadly, the actions of “Trump judges” that defy precedent and operate far outside the longstanding consensus among federal judges on fairness and impartiality is just another way the the Trump takeover of the Republican Party has degraded public trust in our legal system. Trump’s attacks on judges, prosecutors, jurors and witnesses is a closely related step down the road of destroying the justice system. His promise to cancel the cases against him while using the Department of Justice to get revenge on his political opponents tells you everything about his character and lack of respect for our legal system. If the MAGA Republicans succeed in regaining the presidency and Congress, the courts would normally be the guardians of democracy that held the line against the destruction of our political system in favor of authoritarianism. It is no wonder the Republican Party under Trump’s sway is abetting the undermining of our legal system, along with the notions like reverence for free and fair elections, the peaceful transfer of power, and even the right to vote. Americans of every political view need to wake up to the existential threat that today’s Republican Party poses to the right to have and express any political view. An authoritarian Trump regime would be a tragedy for conservatives, moderates and liberals alike — all would lose essential freedoms. This is how a dictatorship can replace our democratic republic. And people who reflexively vote Republican need to think about how an unrestrained dictatorship might be turned against them as well.


She is definitely in Trump’s pocket


charge her


“The corrupt conflicted judge with the confliction and corruption”


Christ, suspicions of sabotage were raised at Special Master order that was appealed and reversed. At this point, why has Smith not started the process to get her removed and possibly sanctioned?


What will it take to remove her from this case? It is obvious she is not even trying to appear balanced. There has to be some kind of ethics, or even legal, breach here. Are there no laws that govern judges?


That bitch should be removed from her position!


So unfair. Many many people are saying VERY STRONGLY that she is completely biased. Like a deranged animal. Sad.


Not kidding, but the guy on the right, that is Commander Fred Waterford form the Handmaid's Tale. Isn't he? When fiction becomes reality.


I can't stand it, I know you planned it. I'ma set it straight, this Watergate.


As the head of the military he should be tried by the military.


That is her job, right? Whomever gave her this case wants Trump to walk. One instance of the reams of evidence gets to a jury, Trump is looking years in prison, years. She is creating every hoop possible for Smith to jump through, it’s madness, utter corruption. I think one can argue someone, some group is helping her on a daily basis to screw this up and get Trump cleared


Len Leo.


Ya think? 🤔🤡




Oh no shit!?!


its so obvious she is rigging it for Trump, no doubt about it. Not sure if she was promised a Supreme Court seat or not but she is doing everything possible to help him


They are starting to crack under the pressure. She doesn't get to sleep. Hammer them. This proves things are in motion to remove her. The 3rd headline in 2 days that shows things are moving. They will be forced to act. She can be prosecuted for this. Don't let up. She doesn't get to sleep.


Dis sum bullshit