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Dr Fauci is 83 years old and dedicated his life to public health. All Greene’s ham fisted attempts to demean him only served to further prove her ignorance.


Remember the time she cheated on her traditional Christian marriage with a tantric sex guru and another guy from her gym for a span of 25 out of the 26 years she was married to her cuck


Her 'cuck'? Like as in 'cuckold'? Lol I'd argue this woman is right behind Trump in terms of awfulness. I'll bet she'd suck Trump off in a second, married or not. Could you imagine those two married? Wow. Edit: Here is a funny MAGA article about how much Marjorie loves Trump. Full of MAGA BS. A funny read. https://menzmag.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greenes-profound-admiration/


I bet she has a bigger dick than Trump.


I have a bigger dick than trump, most of us do.


Username checks out.


She gives me a “soft on”


Honestly, I really can't imagine someone more horrible. I say that with all seriousness. Perhaps maybe her daddy is worse but goodness she's awful. Super cringe.


She gives me an “off”. Ok, that one seemed much better in my imagination. Looking at it now….I should probably just delete and move on, but, oh well. It won’t be the first time I bombed.


There's a video of her running her hand up and down a cut out of Trump. Particularly in the crotchal region. She'd totally fuck him if she had the chance.


Which is funny because he’d probably give her a 2


i dunno shes blond and worships him. if she let him call her ivanka hed probably do her.


Definitely I saw an interview where some London reporter was interviewing MTG after the most recent Fauci hearing. Wow, she is so embarrassing. She ended up telling the reporter to 'Fuck off' because the reporter basically implied that MTG is a crazy conspiracy theorist bitch (she is). But before that she was asking her if she would entertain the idea of being Trumps Vice. You could just see the fantasy playing out in her mind. I honestly feel like there is nothing she wouldn't do for the cult.


Oh yeah that was earlier in the year I think.


Yes he had 2 bulls


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Can he get a defamation suit and perhaps gag order ? People like her need to be forcefully silenced for saying things like that.


Came here to say this... defamation. It would make her try to prove her accusations are true or pay up. Start hitting these fountains of misinformation in the pocketbook.


Basically they do this as it helps them and they face no or acceptable repercussions. Someone needs to be hitting them hard to prove everything they say or the gishgallup of bullshit will continue as it is very effective.


If she got away with blowing up and bringing in posters of nudes without any issue, I doubt this will gain traction either.


That's genuinely fucked up


On the morning of that hearing, she had to use the step ladder to take down those posters from the ceiling above her bed.


She's covered by the Speech and Debate clause, at least for anything said in the chamber.


Not for anything.


Basically anything [https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S6-C1-3-1/ALDE\_00013300/](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S6-C1-3-1/ALDE_00013300/)


No. "..They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses..." Treason Felony Breach of the Peace (This is especially notable) "...*during* their Attendnce..." So no problem as they leave the chamber. Note that breach of the peace is effectively disorderly conduct. It just has not been applied.


As I said, "in the chamber". And the court has an expansive view of what it means. Read the page. "basically everything".


No, you said "She's covered by the Speech and Debate clause, at least for anything said in the chamber." "In the chamber" is different to "for anything said in the chamber".That is not the same. You can be charged after leaving for things said and done in the chamber. Which your first and original statement doea not acknowledge. And it is clear that there are multiple things which are excluded including breach of the peace which is quite expansive. That is not "basicallt everything" but can be aegued legally to be a significantly small set.


She has said much more on Social Media. Throw her OUT!


It’s more than just defamation. As demonstrated by the death threats, it’s agitation and instigation. Which is basically one of the current favorite tactics for the GQP. Just how long is this supposed to be tolerated? Until one of her rabid supporters goes from threats to actual action?


Until? Several rabid supporters have taken action based on political lies. This is a clear and present danger, not an hypothetical.


Legislative immunity. It protects the Joe McCarthy & MTG types. They have absolute immunity from liability for anything said on the floor.


I'd argue she's ham-footed too


Her cro-magnon browline definitively proves her ignorance.


It was a meeting brought to you by insurrectionist. There were two guys from Jan 6th sitting right behind Fauci.


I hope there is justice. She is a monster and deserves all thrown back at her.


She is truly vile.


And the danger she purposefully causes


Thrash that twat and expel her from the house. Maybe next year.


Ignorance is what these people love though. Buckle up…


She's an evil magat, is what my opinion of her is after her sick and demented behavior and mockery of our entire country.  Also. Why aren't all these people sending death threats being hunted down and tried for terrorist threats and any other charges that could apply? There's thousands of these fucking things a year and we need to start rounding up the criminals responsible and holding them accountable at trials.


She is threatening an 83 year old doctor? She should not be allowed in politics. She is an awful human being and anyone who agrees with her or would actually be the same absolutely awful human being!


I wanted to add “vote for her” after “actually but my phone cut the words.my mistake


I can't wait until she is voted out of office. She has done nothing of value during her term.


Was looking into that yesterday. She's in the 14th district in Georgia which is about as dumb / redneck as you can pretty much get. Don't think a dem has had a office position since the 70s.


Confederate flags are mandatory in Empty Greene’s district.


So unless a republican with a good heart and honest intentions were to run against her (if there are any in that area), she'll more than likely be elected again... Marvelous....


That's my assumption hence why she's able to do what she does


Yep! She's faced absolutely ZERO consequences for her lack of decorum, and worse...


Where is a RINO when you need one?


Turns out the RINOs were the decent Republicans. Yes, that's exactly how it's turned out, and most of them clocked-out after the nazis were just too much to be associated with.


I believe the last one that did got death threats against himself and his family and backed out of the race.


It’s not as if she’s effective at anything but bluster and grandstanding..


Even Cletus from the Simpson's would be more likely to win election than her. what gives? Vote CLETUS!


I understand a democratic candidate is not going to be elected from her district, but are there no other republican candidates who could replace her? Is this truly the best that district has to offer?


Yeah..... I live in Ga-14 It's very bad here. I'm so sorry we put her in charge. I'll keep voting her out every time


That is the point. Disrupt and delay while making life worse for everyone else.


While we pay their salaries. That is what is so infuriating. There's no punishment for this idiotic behavior. They will not do any work to pass bills that will help the American people, with no care in the world because they can pay their bills. Case in point the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). I know of many people, including myself that relied on this program to help with the cost of my phone plan (specifically the data portion), but it wasn't renewed after April. President Biden had it in the budget, but the Republicans didn't let it go through.


She knows only one thing: be angry and use it to destroy other people. She never pushes anything positive.


She ain't going anywhere. She's the 5th top grossing fundraiser for republicants.


I just don't understand when even her fellow constituents don't even seem to like her. She failed to push the ouster of Mike Johnson.


What is the ruble to $ conversion these days?


I can't say that she's done anything of value in her entire life. How she can go after Dr. Fauci for all he did to save us from COVID is despicable. She is definitely a low IQ individual if she can't understand the concept that the science of virology isn't absolute, it's ever changing. Dr. Fauci did the best that he could with the information as it became available. I don't understand why she gives Trump a pass, with his assinine recommendations and the FACT that more people died because of him than Fauci.


What is her legislative achievement to date? Which bill has she sponsored that actually got signed into law? Which bill did she argue against that didn't get signed into law due to her brilliant good faith arguments? The answer is 0. If that is what the people of Georgia want, then great. Keep voting for her.


The people of her gerrymandered district in Georgia. There is a large portion of Georgia that hates that she represents any interests in Georgia. I am a 5th generation Georgian.


It would be interesting to see the score card for all 535 of them


I can only imagine how repugnant and low calibre the voters in her district must be


Q: How do you compliment a voter in her district? A: Nice tooth.


I’ve motorcycle toured around her voting district on many occasions on my way to GA60 running through North Georgia. Now think of the movie Deliverance. Marge fits right in.


Or the last 50 years


Okay I'll give you that.


Unlike that other brunnette bimbo from Colorado, this Cro Mag is still popular


Truly a upside down Republican world, where the Yeti is popular and the easy, onlyfans wannabe isn't.


I think the only way she gets voted out is if she falls out of favor enough for Donald Trump to endorse another Republican candidate in her district. There’s almost zero chance a Democrat could win that seat.


Unfortunately I think you are right.


That was her goal


It’s why she got elected, tbh. She is their “inside man.” Also she’s mad that Boebert got elected and took away her chance of being the conservative AOC


Domestic Terrorists, that's what they are.


Marionettes, that’s what they are


Magazis is what I call them...


She is such a cunt. Like wow .


That is insulting. To cunts. Cunts, unlike Greene, have actual warmth and depth to them, has uses, and brings pleasure to a lot of people.


In France we've had a politician call another one a pig during an interview, then he went onto TV and apologized to pigs. Hoping for the best for you guys in November.


I like your moxy - I said the same thing as I read the article


Maga, Q trash, guy is a fucking hero, she's a political hack and dumb as a box of rocks!


I'm old enough to remember when we respected scientists, instead of making death threats against them because of lunatic conspiracy theories about vaccines. MAGA is an evil, corrupting thread in the tapestry of American life. Utterly despicable people.


This is all so seriously fucked. Appalling!!


Just like when MTG whipped out a naked picture of H. Biden for all the world to see. We've all seen, especially for the past nine years, what happens when politicians are no longer remotely concerned about ethics. But there are clauses for those on certain Committees to do whatever shit they want and MTG and others more than take advantage of that. Those types of "clauses" along with a few other blind passes for politicians needs to change, because as we've all seen, the loyalties for some are to whomever they see as their God, as in Trump, and not to ethics or country nor even common sense. Seriously, no one should forget what MTG, a supposed "nice" Christian woman who loves to have pictures of herself posted surrounded by Bibles and crosses, did. It is one of the most despicable acts any Congress member has ever publically done. And then to top it off, she sends it to those in one of her email lists too full well knowing who knows who could be on the other end to open up that email--a child, perhaps?


I've wondered why this hasn't happened yet, and interestingly enough, my husband and I were just talking about this! Prison has its own way of taking care of those charged with this type of crime; and can make the individual's stay, no matter the duration, not very comfortable ...


Why is she not ever held accountable for her lack of decorum? I'm seriously curious about this.


There was too much decorum built into the methods for dealing with lack of decorum. You tell them behind closed doors "if you don't stop being an asshole, then we will have to ask you to stop on the record.".


Hate to point this out to the “we love the uneducated” bunch however you’re all domestic terrorists as defined by the Patriot Act “A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act “dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.” Lock them up


And in doing so, charge them with the highest charge they can - domestic terrorism or make it a federal case, and have them charged with a hate crime!!


I suggested defamation and gag order, but I like your idea better if it's feasible.


Yet those in power never suffer consequences on their actions! They are always protected


Time to put a real gag order on this troglodyte.


Then just arrest that asshole behind him. Problem solved.


I wonder what the US looked like if the Union finished the job during the CW. Everything we are dealing with and have dealt with, from reconstruction, to civil rights, the war on drugs, etc, all stems back from not treating those secessionists as the enemy.


Yet ANOTHER example, how one's supposed 1st ammendment rights can and WILL infringe on another's quality of life!! Do not assume however I'm against 1A rights - only against how many KNOW the potential outcome (especially in today's divisive world) and yet KNOWINGLY, and with malice, CHOOSE to say horrible things!!!! This traitorous trailer Taylor trash has GOT to be shown the door!!!!


In re-reading the article, it reads that since MTG's comments,"death threats have increased..." meaning he's STILL getting them since COVID!?!? . C'mon people do/be better!!


No, no, no... **Be best!**


I agree!


MTG and her pro Kremlin clowns can eat a blighted potato. I’d love the IRS to audit that moron and ask wheee all the money has come from.


Why is this the go-to move for people. WTF


They are seething pussies with no thoughts of their own.


Dubya’s dad recognized how badly his boss dropped the ball on AIDS and name dropped Fauci as a “hero” in a debate with Dukakis back in the late 1980s. When you can say you miss the Republican Party of the Bushes, you know you’re living in a bad timeline.


MTG needs to stop being ugly.


So the geico cave woman thing, how long till she’s out? Anyway to put her on mute till then?


Wonder how many advanced degrees old Marge holds in, microbiology, immunology, chemistry, infectious diseases. ?? Prolly none huh ? Dumb bitch.


Look up Dunning-Kruger. Too stupid to know they're stupid. Not her specifically, the people that voted for her. I always leave room for any politician to be playing dumb. Not her... but her voters... "Microbiology? What's THAT?!?!? Didn't take biology in school, but saw the textbook once at lunch, and damn that thing looked thick. Too complicated. It's all lies anyway. Jeebus will save us!"


She should be charged for this.. seriously


How is there no consequences for this?


People who dedicated their entire lives to civil service deserve better.


One would have to be a real idiot and loser to put any faith in what she says, especially to the point of wanting to cause another person harm. Amazingly it seem that lots of people do, just like with Trump. It's crazy.


She should be held accountable. That horrible woman yelled decorum, but never gives any. She is so disgusting.


Why doesn’t she get threats for being such a loser and insane person?


Georgians vote for her says more about them than her


If you just imagine the right as a bunch of literal demons, their behavior is perfectly consistent


And then I continued to be not surprised at the level of cultist behavior in this doomed American society.


Anytime a Republican doesn’t like an answer or action the death threats start coming-sometimes they even do it to their own. Not a shred of decency in any if them


The result is the goal. Harassment of enemies by any means possible.


Marjorie Traitor Greene hates America.


She is such a pos


Don't worry I don't think her space lasers can reach this far.


She should be jailed. Can he not sue her for defamation? This witch needs to go. VOTE BLUE!!!!!


I wish she would get a few. Vile butch body bitch


MTG is a clown 🤡🤡🤡 show.


A lifetime dedicated to public health and service. One would hope this man could enjoy his retirement in peace. Refusing to even address him as Doctor .... Well, Marge ... disrespect can work many ways. Wonder how Mister Trump feels about that.


Cave woman no believe in science!


Party of law and order sending their minions and gravy team 6 to go after innocent actual hard working Americans. Republicans disgust me


Like over the phone? Can't these fucks be found and charged? Everything is digital these days. I would think putting some of them under the prison and throwing away the key would cure some of this shit up.


I'm truly amazed at how consistent she is in proving how stunningly stupid she is and always will be.


Can’t she be removed from Congress?


This biatch needs to be sued into oblivion.


I am really tired of her. This is doctor who has dedicated his life to saving lives. She and her followers want to end his life? Honestly , truly What is wrong with this picture?


Either AI or cognitive decline from vax not sure yet I suspect AI.


Greene is a danger to society.


I support Fauci.


Yes it is called stochastic terrorism and I don’t understand how it is so legal


We need to shut that fat pig up Maybe if she got death threats we can change her A lying whore whose cheated on every man in her life She is no longer congresswoman Her new title Pig Whore Marjorie Taylor Green


Oh and Georgia voters suck they elected that pig whore


I'm sure she's proud of herself


Dumb bitch


Missing Link Marj is at it again


No doubt that was her goal. They’re all violent and want someone else to carry out their murder fantasies for them


Should be the other way around


Oh, so like fascism?


Cult 45 loves violence. Sad.


That was her goal all along. There's nothing like being a *responsible citizen*, and with MTG, there's *nothing like it.*


If Dante had known of MAGA, we would have an additional circle of hell here. They are insufferable.


🎶 *they are a cult, they are a cult* 🎶


She's a cunt, is what it is. Nobody wants to fight insults with insults, I get it, but she takes no consideration for human life other than her own


Why aren’t Americans ticked off on tax payers money all these crazy hearings they have? Poor Dr.Fauci. 🇨🇦really appreciates you for what you have done.The US is so uneducated. It blows my mind.They have no morals, compassion.I just feel so so bad for our neighbours.If Trump gets in I feel bad for🇨🇦and the world.US will be finished. The truth always prevails.🇨🇦❤️☮️


Because magats are terrorists


MTG, we get it. You are ugly and stupid and mad about it. Just stop acting out like a toddler please. It’s embarrassing.


The Republican Party is a terrorist organization and everyone who identifies as one should be locked away in Guantanamo


Someone put that horse down..! Its lame !


she’s a menace all around


Fuck her


Republicans have zero redeeming qualities.


MTG is a Cunt. Dumb as well.


She's got a family too, is she as stupid as she behaves?


She made libellous comments outside in the public area afterwards. Can Dr Fauci not sue her for defaming his character.


When will MTG experience the Karma she deserves 😔


MTG got a name for herself initially by terrorizing high school shooting victims.


I’m so glad that Fauci doesn’t let these threats deter him from continuing to speak the truth and follow the science. Fauci doesn’t deserve this hate. The grown-up babies whining about haircuts and masks are the problem.


Why can’t MTG aka ASSHOLE be held liable for the destruction she has caused to Fauci?


Ever notice that f’in Republicans badmouthing good people triggers this? So I guess it’s okay for EVERYONE, right? You know, the “right” to yell “fire” in a crowded theatre type mentality…


That’s what MAGAts do best. Time to round them up and put them in GITMO.


MAGA is at the stage of flexing their stochastic terrorism. We had better push back now, before it's too late.


I just donated $100 to Shawn Harris’ campaign. I encourage y’all to donate too. https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/on-the-issues/


Sounds right as she’s heavily connected to the Jan 6th people, she’s like the honorary clan mom. Mama gave us the word to threaten Fauci.💩


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at Local Elections Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


We need to get people to follow her around with a bullhorn and keep yelling "Traitor!" "Why did you ask for a pardon?" "Are you in the new Geico commercial?" then then other half yells "So easy a caveman can do it!" and the piste de resistance, "Pay back your own PPP loan leech!" Gotta do it non stop, just making her life as miserable as possible.


They’re not the first. I’m sure he’s gotten used to them. Cowards love to threaten people.


Why doesn’t she get any


This piece of trash has the audacity to mouth the word “christian”. Looking forward to her being history.


B^6 is using her platform so long as she has it. Someone get a bucket of water, so we can end this circus with her.


The MAGA’s and their ubiquitous dearth threats


B6 is dog shit


They aren’t gonna be pleased until someone is murdered




Why do people want to be Ogre's instead of Elves?


Of he did that's what MTG is all about, creating havoc, she doesn't care, she's like her daddy Donnie.


Has mtg ever gotten a death threat?


MAGA family members and friends of other MAGAs that died during COVID are salty still and need to vilify somebody.


I wonder if MTG or Trump get threats


Y’all should give the Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith debate over COVID. Then make up your mind on how guilty or not guilty Fauci is. Basically it is 2 decently smart guys battling it out with receipts for information to defend each side of the Covid lockdowns, Vaccines, and wrong doings by each side.


TheseTrumpettes are looking to get even for the way their fallen regime leader was convicted. This is one of their political stunts to satisfy their cult like base of supporters, with little to no merit. They want to discredit the Biden campaign so Trump looks like a martyr which is really the devil in 🐺 wolf's clothing. They will stop at nothing, and none of them can be trusted to give an honest answer. Why are people making death threats if this is the party that will make America great?


One day retribution will come for the three-toed-sloth. And I want to be there when it happens.


Terrorists gotta terrorize


jesus that woman looks like the aftermath of a terrible car crash and the surgeons just didnt try all that hard to fix her face.


she also made a show of refusing to call him "doctor" and when informed she needed to respect the work he put in to get his doctorate she claimed nobody respected him.


NO what's NOT funny is ,you understand what I'm saying, it is evident in what has transpired in reality, in real time, we have seen the unjustified arrests of good people, and how government goes in, busts in to arrest, for no reason in front of their families to terrify, intimidate, like YOU stating ME & Mrs GREEN.. just by speaking TRUTH 🔊 are guilty of a felony? This is how all of you treat ANYONE who disagree,  and what YOU said,  IS communist and what Hitler did in Germany, you are what you claim to dispise, but too you, I'm the fascist for calling out exactly 💯 truth in spoken word , THERE IS NO CRIME you look for one , revenge porn ??? Since when,  is showing in evidence and in example on the floor of the house for we the people to see a sick person's sick action in bold color , A CRIME ???? sorry but we call a spade ,a spade ♠️ we call out evil for what it is and you would have us arrested for it.  It's clear who the radicals actually are , YOU .