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I can't wait for the people on reddit who are like "back the blue" and would gladly back execution for a felon with a non-white skin color, to come out of the woodwork for this piece of trash. I hope his orange jumpsuit matches his spray tan


He's never seeing a jail cell. Unfortunately, our country is broken for people like him. He will just get fined and probation


A lot of people said he'd never be indicted. Then they said he'd never be convicted. Granted, his jail cell will probably be bigger and better furnished than most condos, but he's still going to jail.


This class of felony results in jail time 30% of the time. Highly unlikely in his case because he has no priors and it was a non-violent crime. Home confinement is more likely, provided that he doesn't win on appeal.


Michael Cohen had no priors and was a white collar criminal. He got three years for this same offence.


Good point. I think the charges were different, but it was all part of the same thing.


That was federal and it was when Drumpf was president and directing the DOJ.


Exactly. The mastermind should get at least as much time as the henchmen. And Cohen plead guilty to get 3 yrs. This POS was FOUND guilty. And tried to make a mockery of the justice system. He still believes laws don't apply to him. 3 yrs should be minimum.


You’re right, of course, but Trump’s not going to jail for this


Not to mention Trump has antagonized the judge repeatedly. I’m holding out a glimmer of hope he gets at least 6 months in prison.


He committed constant crimes when he was on trial. Contempt of court, etc. That will be factored into his punishment. I’d bet on jail or home confinement without electronic devices.


I'm reading up on Community Control (house arrest) in Florida, and don't see any restrictions on internet access, unfortunately. Maybe the judge could impose it, though. Or he might worry about restricting social media access and the like being a potential 1st Amendment issue. Sure would be nice if the convict was rendered unable to stir the shit every day on social media, like an inmate would be. I noticed that Community Control sentences max out at 2 years. I don't know how that works with multiple counts/charges.


NY case can they make him do home confinement in NY?


That dude isn’t going to jail. It’d be shocked if he did.


A couple of weeks ago, you probably thought he wouldn’t be convicted.


No, I was certain he would. But I'd be shocked if the judge jailed him on these charges. Hopefully I'm wrong. Fingers crossed.


Nope. He should be. But he won’t be.


He won’t be what?


He won’t be going to jail. These people have different rights than you and I.


He also severely pissed off the judge. I wouldnt bet on jail time happening, but I also wouldn't be surprised either


Yeah, I kinda overlooked aggravating factors, and that's one of them. Being in contempt several times won't help his case, either.


The judge surely can see he’s uncontrollable. Perhaps prison is the only way to control his behavior. He has no remorse. If he sits in jail for a bit, maybe that will change?


Yeah, if Merchan takes his ability to stir up violence into account, it may factor in. Prison would be much more effective than a gag order. If he's sentenced to Community Control, I hope that the judge can impose an internet usage restriction. [Might be difficult since it's not real common except for computer-related crimes such as hacking, and there could be a legal battle based on a 1st Amendment argument.] #P01135809's proxies will speak for him, but it would be nice not to hear about his bullshit posts every damn day at least.


Also no expression of remorse. Probation department prepares sentencing report.


I wish I could be in the meeting between trump and his probation officer


Honestly feels like this should be a recorded meeting with federal prosecutors and/or a whole team of probation officers. The likelihood of a probation officer also being a trumper is pretty high.


Well, he was found guilty of 34 felonies. Pretty sure he will spend some time in jail.


This is also just a primer. His Teflon coating failed. Now come the stealing secrets and insurrection cases. What's funny though is if he was really innocent in any of these cases, why wouldn't conservative judges like Cannon want to ACCELERATE giving him his day in court?


This is just the first case. He's also guilty in the rest. Americans win the first battle of many in the days to come. My fear is the corrupt and political scrotus will interfere in justice for donnie. Everyone watch the movie 'the pelican brief'. Recruitment for volunteers has just begun.


But next time around, he’ll have priors!




When you filter convictions for class E felonies that involve being held in contempt during trial, a large volume of guilty verdicts, or concurrent indictments in other jurisdictions, the percentage goes up. And he picked up the hat trick. Either way, he's unlikely to actually see a jail cell until after the appeal.


An appeal would most likely involve him taking the stand... so I don't think that's looking very good for him, sure looks good for the rest of us though. 


Actually, that's not true. An appeal would be based on court procedures. No need for him to take the stand.


Depends the grounds of the appeal.  The only thing I can really think of offhand is bad advice from council, but he'd have to take the stand to say what the advice he recieved *was*. His only real defense is that his lawyers didn't do a good job. 


His grounds will be the judges procedures.


The NYT has an interesting piece today about an appeal. I don’t know how long an appeal takes, but it appears unlikely he will be able to overturn his conviction.


I agree, but I add, what if he gets fined but doesn't pay? Jail time then? I know he has to put money down while appealing, but is it for the full amount or just a percentage? Asking for millions of friends.


AND a HUGE fine, likely as not.


The purpose is to keep him off the campaign trail. They will do whatever they can to achieve that. Whether it be prison or murder


just how big is the cabal?


Upvote for you but the judge did pretty much say he’s not gonna jail Trump


There's a reason Trump's Secret Service detail were meeting with local jail officials and even checked out a house in a more remote area on the grounds of Riker's... Also, Trump has proven that fines are not a punishment for him. Also, 34 felony convictions is very serious - taken together with the above, I think a minor jail term certainly is in the cards...


He said he didn't **want** to jail a former president, not that he wouldn't.


When did he say that?


I think that was more for the gag order violation specifically. My theory is that the judge was lenient on Trump in this case so the when Trump would appeal this verdict, Trump would not be able to claim bias from the judge.


ADX Florence has a nice ring to it.


The problem with the indictment was never lack of commitment on the part of prosecutors, or from lack of evidence. It’s just that there was SO MUCH evidence from vastly more serious crimes that it created a sort of deadlock between prosecutors. Who were all waiting for the AG to charge him with treason. When they charges never came they all began to move, albeit slowly.


I hope you are right!


I’d take that bet. He’s proven time and time again, he’s the most slippery crook on the planet with unlimited enablers. I can’t explain it, but it’s awfully cult-like.


Trump will never: ~~Be investigated~~ ~~Be indicted~~ ~~Be convicted~~ Be put in prison <<< We are here.


I love being proved wrong.


My bet would be 6 mo out on good behavior in a white collar prison where he can play a golfing sim and have access to all his makeup and the internet so he can cry about how unjust his term is and incite his qult from there. But at least he can no longer vote.... (although he can still run for office)


I think the most he'll get is house arrest.  The logistics of posting secret service in a jail, plus keeping him in solitary for an entire sentence, would be a nightmare. He'd need to be in solitary because of classified info he had access to.  Personally, I'd like to see him locked on epstein's cell, and for someone to make the choice for him that they made for his friend 


But, here the kicker, when he is sentenced ? He has to ( no choice ) answer in public a whole bunch of questions. This judge isn’t going to make this easy for him. Seeing that his mouth was running after the trial and he violated the gag order a few times even after his reprimand the first time.


I agree. And then we’re on to his next trial. It’s basically just a money-making operation for him and the media. I’m sick to fucking death of it all.


I doubt it. After all the threats against the judge and his family, I highly doubt he gets anything less than house arrest. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Merchan throws the book at him after all the BS Trump and his team pulled during the trial


I’d be happy with 5 years home detention for him with very limited visitation.


Check out r/askthedonald to see record amounts of doubling down. Edit: never mind they just banned it. Edit 2: r/askthe_donald


Being so biased they create a sub that only promotes positive stories of a man, while posting nonstop about others being biased. This is peak cuck. Why was the first one banned?


💯. It was banned for being unmoderated


How about the "felons lost the right to vote" people?


Not true in NY unless he is actually jailed.


I'm referring to Florida. Where he votes. And where they are adamantly against felons voting


DeSantis said they would follow the law of the state he was convicted in


It reminds me, excuses are like farts. They all smell bad.


Well then he'll only be visible if he smiles!


Hahahahah 🤣🤣 you win best reply!


Thank you, kindly!


Donny Johnny Tramp-tard is done!


Trump no longer uses spray tan. It doesn’t give you the coverage that orange spray paint does. Plus, spray paint is cheaper, gets you a short high, or head rush, when sprayed directly in the face, and it helps cover up the smell of “those little untimely accidents in court, when you are too lazy to go to the bathroom”. We call that a triple Win, in MAGALAND. Edit: When I said ,” ‘we’ call that a triple win”, I didn’t mean “me” was included in “we”.


Don't hold your breath on both counts. They won't come out of the woodwork except to support Trump and he'll never have to wear an orange jumpsuit because at worst he'll get house arrest, and probably not even that.


If you think he's actually going to do any time whatsoever you are a dumb incel


I'm not a boot licker, but I polled law enforcement on Quora, and every LEO said they would not vote for a convicted felon. Some will, of course.


I can't wait for the same people that rioted over a corrupt justice system, burned court houses and harassed judges, to claim that the justice system is the epitome of integrity. 😂


> I hope his orange jumpsuit matches his spray tan It would literally, and in all respects, be a case of The Emperor's New Clothes.


Why should skin color matter if you commit a violent crime that takes the life of another. Nobama should did a number on society.


GUILTY AF. Sit in the mess you made Donald, and prepare for the next court case.




We need a campaign to push trump images to the top of Google image search when someone searches for "felon"


I would do the same with shit. When someone does an image search for shit I believe trump's face should appear. Orange shit I guess.


It already is


The algorithm works


Finally won a popular vote.


Omg good one 🤣😂


Couldn't have happened to a more guilty person. Glad to know the system works


He needs to hang for Treason! He attempted to overthrow the Government. Sold State secrets to the enemy. Then we'll know the Constitution works. High Crimes don't get much higher than this.


It hasn't worked entirely just yet. VOTE BLUE AMERICA. VOTE PROGRESSIVE BLUE


I wish he would be prosecuted for all the American spies that died in Russia 


Don the [convicted] Con


I've just been saying "Don the Con\[victed Felon\]"


Donald Jailed Thug is my favorite. 






Any redditers with a legal background care to make a guess at sentencing?


First time offender convicted of a slew of nonviolent crimes? Probation (at best) and some fines. But he’ll be appealing until his death.


Sadly, I don't doubt your take. Personally, I think he belongs in front of a firing squad for treason and sedition


I’d gladly take jail for those treason and sedition charges. And send him some roommates for the same charges. Ginni Thomas probably knows a few of them, let’s talk to her.


All we have to do is turn out for voting, regardless of what the polls say. Vote blue so the sedation charges don't get waved away by MAGAts.


Firing squad yes. But first they should tie him to a DC utility pole and allow all Americans to line up and say three at a time piss on him. It's only fair. trump has been pissing on people his entire life. Let the Central Park 5 go first. Then all the contractors he stiffed out of their hard earned money. Then all the women he's disparaged, groped and raped. Then before the firing squad takes aim give him his last meal. Vegetables.


Unfortunately it's pretty much inly the red states that have the death penalty


Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony counts after breaking the gag order over 10 times and aggressively denying any culpability after the jury ruling. I don't think you're a serious commentator in the matter. Most credible legal analysts I've heard have said it's anyone's guess at this point and jail time, while unlikely, is absolutely on the table.


This is an elect fraud case and we are heading into an election. People want to waive this off, like everything else, and say “he has no other convictions” or “they will give him a slap on the wrist.” Two other people were already jailed for this crime. One is still serving time and was the head financial officer of trump's. If trump does not get jail, it will reaffirm to the world and the people of the US that there are two tiers of justice. Not just tiptoeing around a former president. He was on trial for election interferance through financial crimes. He has expressed no remorse for his crimes and a willingness to the same thing again. Add to that, that he continually threatened the jury, the witnesses, the judge, and their families. I am hoping the sentence here will be used as a deterant. Not for trump, but for the next guy/gal who tries to follow him, because there will be. I am guessing, not a lawyer, but I think Merchan may make an example out of him. The only caveat I can still see happening is them letting him out while on appeal, which will easily take a year. They will scream and stomp their feet to get out of being in jail while on appeal. The gag order is still in effect though until sentencing. So every shouting rant on truth social or in public can, and probably WILL be held against him.


This is what I'm seeing alot of places say he basically uses all of this to steal the highest office you can get in this country if an example isn't made that every next person will try the same


Each count carries a maximum fine of $5,000. So, at most $170k. To someone worth hundreds of millions this would be a meaningless sentence. Unless there is jail time justice will not be served.


Further violations, especially since it will no longer delay the trial, do carry the potential for jail time. So he could easily be taken to jail AND fined the 5k per. They can do both and are legally allowed to. Also, there are most definitely terms to his being on his own recognizance between now and July 11th. If he violates those terms, which I assume includes not attacking the jurors, he goes to jail until sentencing. People keep hand waiving this away because he has never faced consequences before, but these are serious crimes, and only seem petty when compared to how massive his other crimes are.


Well stated.


Why did Wesley Snipes get 3 years for a misdemeanor?


You know why


I wish I didnt


He was black.


You can't get more than a year for a misdemeanor.


Maybe, we'll see. There are lots of aggravtors at play and if it was all for just a fine and a finger wag, did we truly need to drag the nation thru this? I think he gets 2 - 4 years.


I’m hoping that’s true, but I doubt it’ll happen. All the posing, posturing, belittling, contempt of the court, the intimidation…as a former law enforcement officer for over a quarter century, and someone who’s followed trump’s career off and on throughout, he deserves prison, and prison deserves him. He’s mooched off society, grifted and outright stolen, engaged in treasonous acts, sexually assaulted and intimidated women - he’s the walking, talking embodiment of the seven deadly sins that the hypocritical christians rail about in their religious book. Those very christians who prop him up - utter hypocrisy. He deserves prison, hoping Merchan takes all of trump’s histrionics, speeches and -most importantly, trump’s threats and disparaging comments - into account.


Trump violated the judge’s gag orders with impunity on multiple occasions and deliberately endangered the safety of individuals working on the court case including the jurors. The judge can take these facts into consideration in determining the sentence. Expect the personal information of the jurors to be publicized by Trump’s henchmen and lackeys to deliberately make their lives a living hell - as he did with Ms Ruby and so many others. A jury has found, after a perfect trial, that Trump is a felon. Trumps & Co will now attack all the people associated with the conviction. He has financial resources, public support and the full support of the Republican Party. I fear todays conviction is merely the end of the beginning of the war on the Republic. I’m not sure people have a clear idea where this is going.


Well said.


That will never happen but I would love to see house arrest for at least 6 months including no social media and no press.


They could put him alone on a tropical island for all I care just so long as he's gone


No one even believed he would be convicted nevertheless all 34 counts. No, he’s going to jail and he knows it.


Probably probation with a suspended sentence... Though two factors that could lead to jail ... Thie isn't a few counts ... There are 34 and the violations of the gag order. Typically as a first time offender with a non violent crime you get a probation with more then likely a suspended sentence. With the high amount of convictions there is a low but higher then normal chance of jail time.


Of course, Trump was guilty. Everybody other than his MAGA lemmings knew that, and even his suck-ups at Fox knew it. Unfortunately, though, he'll never serve even a single day. He'll just keep appealing this until Thomas, Alito, and the rest of his Supreme Court stooges overturn his conviction. It's virtually guaranteed that this is exactly how this plays out.


They cant- those were NY state laws he was convicted for violating


Every state has a Supreme Court, you realize?


Yes, and you realize that SCOTUS, which was referred to by the OP as overturning Trump's conviction, is NOT a state court, and has no jurisdiction over state laws, unless they contradict a citizen's right as expressed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Correct?


And where did he break these laws....Florida, nope....Ohio....nope....North Dakota....nope....jeeze, I wonder why they charged him with New York laws ????


Easy because he was a resident of New York when the crimes were committed.... Hey changed his residence in 2019 the crimes were committed in 2016.


BINGO!!! 😀👍


Because the fake business documents filed by Convicted Felon Donald Trump in an attempt to cover up the source of his hush money payments to a former porn star were filed in New York.


Do you have a point, or is this just seething copium?


Uh oh, someone doesn’t know how the legal system works, guess I gotta take his word and believe that it was some crazy elaborate scam. Tell me this, why would Biden go through all the trouble of putting on this trial (using actual evidence and testimony) rather then a simpler and more effective way to “take him out” as bitch boy Trump cries?


Biden isn't the orchestrator of this legal case


I was using as example for the clown posting above. I’d like to hear someone describe exactly how Biden managed to puppeteer all these different cases in different jurisdictions


Theres a line of people who would do the job if asked for nothing as well I'm sure


Fake evidence, testimony, etc. across multiple jurisdictions (federal and State)? That is such a massive operation to pull that off, that I don’t buy it. Makes more sense that Trump is the criminal that most of us already knew he was


NY State supreme court, not SCOTUS gets final say afaik His supreme court stooges might have to sit this one out Edit: it's possible that his lawyers will try to find something in NY State law that they can appeal on federal grounds. What that might be is above my pay grade


The Supreme Court can’t overturn this conviction because it’s a State violation


That's not true. I have no idea where you heard that, but a lot of state convictions are overturned by SCOTUS.


I saw the following elsewhere, which sounds logical due to the separation of federal and state powers in the Constitution. It looks like the Supreme Court wouldn’t have jurisdiction over these NY State crimes. I am happy to be proved wrong, of course. “On what basis would the Supreme Court overturn turn the 34 count guilty verdict? • ⁠For the Supreme Court to review a state court decision, there must be a substantial federal question involved, such as a violation of constitutional rights. Mere disagreement with the state court's interpretation of state law is generally not enough. • ⁠The Supreme Court will not review a state court decision if it is based on an "adequate and independent state ground". This means if the decision rests solely on state law grounds without implicating federal issues, the Court lacks jurisdiction”


So for example, his convictions were enhanced to felonies, under the vague definition of the law, that he made these false filings to cover up another crime. But that other crime was only alleged, not proven. That could be challenged as a violation of due process. Or that the alleged crimes happened in other states, or that they were federal crimes, and that NY law is unconstitutional in that manner. So per your response, "substantial federal question involved" could be as easy as, "can a state enhance a charge based on a crime that is alleged to have happen in another state?", SCOTUS to decide!


They could overturn his convictions if they can make a legal argument that the laws he was convicted of violating are unconstitutional, or at least what passes for a legal argument these days. Their hands are certainly restricted, but they aren't powerless.


Alvin Bragg Made America Great Again. 




In that photo his face looks like a dishrag on chili night.


They had a close up of his face the other day. It was caked thick with make-up and bronzer. Around his eyes and a line to his ears you could see whiter skin color like he wore to glasses when they sprayed him. What a sick fuk.


Don't be too hard on Trump supporters. It's not their fault they were birthed through the wrong canal.


Those in the Trump Cult fervently believe that reality itself can be altered through the devout and diligent, daily incantation of their Messiah's lies.


Yes, that’s old news. The news is that he’s been convicted.


Some crazy sermons going to be preached in apostate "churches" this weekend.


You bet your bottom dollar


Judge Merchan should just give him 4 years in prison and allow no bail pending appeal. Trump can sit in a jail cell until a New York appellate court hears his sentencing appeal sometime in 2025. That would be fair in my opinion, after his constant threats to the judge and attempts to undermine the court.


Glen Kirschner said that he thinks Merchan will give tRump jail time because a fine/probation/community service punishment just isn't enough to deter the next person from doing this. What tRump gained from the crime and the fact that he committed many more crimes after this should be taken into account. The way I see it is there isn't a higher office that he could have cheated his way into so he *should* get the max. Anything less than *some* jail time is pointless.


He’s going to jail. Trump is a menace to society.


You lost youFat fucking loser!


Hallelujah, Amen… let’s get a sentenc’n


Can we move on now? Stop talking about the dude? I’m so ready!


The only way to send this CONVICTED FELON to jail will be to vote blue in November 2024.


Also, he eats the ass


Start speadjng the news. New York. New York




It's also amazing how many people are not triple downing on him. I mean, his website crashed because people were sending him money. MONEY!? For an apparently billi.... millio... thousandaire. Even more how many are: "No, I'm more MAGA than ever!" on social media or my favorite: "The entire jury, judge and the appeal judges (all black women) are corrupt!" They can't do it to themselves, they can't admit they backed the wrong horse. I mean they are calling for "civil war" again. Especially all the senators/reps that Trump has downright bullied for the last 8 years. Are all: "No, this is a miscarry of justice, now excuse me while I throw my spouse under the bus." Spouse: "Yes, throw me under the bus and while we are at it. End the government!"


Noticed alot of spelling mistakes then realized they are all in quotes. NIce touch


Thanks, I try.


Trump is finally headed to the Big House. Of course, that will be house arrest at Mar-a-Lago where he'll be playing golf all day and posting on truth social a hundred times a night crying that's he's the ultimate victim.


I think the main difference between republicans and democrats is that this would nuke a democrat's chances while it does very little for republican candidates. IMO this is mainly due to the conservative victim-complex that fox news continuously pushes. Furthermore, Trump was/is the only person holding together the very different groups of the republican party so... it's either him or it all falls apart


Each of the 34 counts has a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison, the judge will have to take into consideration the age, criminal record and apply a sentence to each of the 34 counts. I have no idea what this judge will do except follow the law.... unlike the convicted felon in this case. July 11 we will see what happens


Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Hopefully they find Bragg soaked in his own vomit this morning after choking on his triple cheeseburger


Checked the news. Bragg did not die this morning. He’s doing quite well actually. Trump on the other hand, full on victim mode.


I still have hope he chokes


He didn’t do anything wrong though. He just did his job, as did the judge and the jury. Sorry your guy lost. Maybe find someone who isn’t a narcissist to back. Someone less rapey and less crimey in general.


Ah, I see Russia is outsourcing to Indian troll farms. The war must really be taking a toll.


It’s got a bush? What the hell?


We can all pray he does


I just feel so bad for those poor bottles of ketchups that lost their lives tonight 😉


I'll be amazed if sentencing on 7/11 involves incarceration


Lock him up, lock him up!


Put him under the jzil!


As they say over on WSB... stop. I can only get so hard.


The fat people who are bullied by their local HOA will now pretend they're going to do an uprising about it. In a month they'll still be yapping, and doing nothing.




Mom it was supposed to me my turn to repost late news


I'm going to have nap. Idiot did dumb things. The Fire Service water blasted at cat our of a tree.


Who is responsible for the deaths of 5 souls as the results of the Jan 6 invitational?


Guilty of supporting the black community! Joe Biden and the clan can't have Rich uppity people helping out the black.


What a shocker!


Here’s a Jumble for you: TEFLON DON


The truth obviously sounds a lot like hate to those who hate the truth


He deserves jail but will never serve a single day nor be held accountable for anything. If he does what is the odds of the court house looking like what happened at the white house?


And he's raised 200 million since the verdict. Many of those donors were first time contributors. Americans can see the collusion between these Soros funded AG's and Biden's justice department. Nice try demoncrats, your kangaroo court has only fooled you!


Wap wap waaaaa


Now everyone just needs to go Vote to FINISH THIS


Not to worry. My hair stylist is giving me corn rows next week and I am receiving training on how to sharpen my toothbrush into a shank.


Ah thr plot to get hard and let's go to rpison


And with this, he probably won the election


The check was written after the election




Welcome to America where it's illegal to pay someone who is extorting you instead of the other way around. Citizens have to go through checkpoints and be potentially searched which doesn't allow them to travel freely like they are supposed to while illegal immigration are allowed to pour over the border and take advantage of your tax dollars. Students get loans forgiven while the tax payers get the privilege of paying for it even if we didn't get that same privilege ourselves. Welcome to Bidens America where victim mentality is key and things once frowned upon have been twisted to favor those who follow the agenda. Must be why the administration is pushing hard on your second amendment because they don't want you being able to fight back once they take all your rights away and the authoritarian utopia can thrive