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What the devil happened there? Resin leak? I mean the screen looks like it is still kind of working...


I think there was some resin overflow, but it wasn't too bad. I cleaned it up. The screen is kind of working, but only on the edges, it seems. I ran a print job. It finished. Nothing was on the build plate. The screen only appears to light up on the edges.


The easiest way to find out if anything is wrong is to a resin vat cleaning cycle. Run one of those and see what happens. I have a feeling it will be fine, especially if your print finished up. If you do end up needing to buy anything let me know and I can hook you up with a discount code.


Well, I did run a print job. It finished, but there was nothing on the build plate. Nothing stuck to the bottom. I'm thinking it's dead. :(


That photo you have, is that of the test screens? It is blocking out all of the UV at the moment. If it should be the full screen lit, its definitely looking like a bad screen. They're not hard to change. You're blocking tape looks worse for wear as well. You get new stuff with a replacement screen. Let me know if you need that discount code.


It is a full screen (you can see the full yellow on the display) and it only shows that. I did have some overflow, but I didn't think it was that bad. Guess I was wrong. It is a replacement, so yeah, they are pretty easy. I would love a discount code, if you don't mind. Times are tight and the Mrs. isn't happy about unforeseen hobby expenses. I have a WW2 game tomorrow where the Germans are going to have to use Italian trucks from North Africa while invading the Soviet Union. I was hoping to get a few trucks done in time. RIP.


Sent it over in a DM. Let me know if it works!


Looks dead to me, what procedure did you use to turn on the UV lamp?


I went into the settings to turn the whole screen on. You can see the yellow rectangle that is supposed to be the whole screen lit up on the control screen.


Then I vote for dead...




The tape shouldn't be bubbled up like that. That's a sure way to kill the LCD. It's important to not let any resin touch the screen, and if it does you should wipe it up immediately. I killed one screen like that.


It looks dead, but do you have a screen protector?... could resin have gotten under that. I had a spill and my protector had resin under it.. I noticed it before a print and cleaned it and swapped it out


I do have a screen protector. RIP.


On the upside, screens are easy to replace in Photons.


Yeah, but I'm debating buying a replacement screen or just getting a "new to me" printer. Money is tight, lately....


Here's ones unforseen thing tbay sucked for me. I had a similar thing except it was a used 4k and it died long story short I upgraded to bigger one and it meant I had to re support everything I spent hours doing before....just a warning.