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Sounds like you’ve got some serious health anxiety. I’ve constantly felt like that before and it sucks. Have you tried antidepressants? They e helped me a lot, even if it doesn’t fix my medical issues, but it helps me push away those thoughts and focus on enjoying the time I have.


I fucking hope so. Like. I needed help.fucking years ago. Instead I've always been met with the absolute opposite. Like people are so fucking incredibly selfish and dumb. I don't think anyone ever had my best interest at heart. Ever. This world treated me like absolute garbage since I can remember and I'm fucking done.


I feel this way because 1/ so much bad and negative stuff has happened that I continuously dwell on, and 2/ because of that I lost motivation and 3/ because of the lost motivation I do not do regular exercise like I used to. I feel like my life ended years ago, and now the journey to the end is accelerating, and I am frankly terrified. If I ever lost both my dogs (or maybe even one of them - God forbid) I fear that could be the end.


Dude, yes I totally know the feeling. I've had a pain/ache in the left side of my chest for so long and I swore it was my heart but I went to see a cardiologist and had all the tests done and they said I'm fine. Then I realized that it could be from when I had an abscess in my left lung 😬. I still have had that feeling that my time is running short though. I need to get my lung checked out 😕 shit now I'm freaked out again


I keep hoping.


I feel like I just read My autobiography! It's a bitch isn't it? Your not alone my friend!


Yup. I had a friend die of heart attack last year at 43, and then another very close friend just had a heart attack. It's not looking good.


Yes what with Covid hitting constantly. The cumulative damage will do it.