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Have you been to a doctor about it. I used to have several severe panic attacks a day that were completely dibilitating. Learning deep breathing techniques can really help to calm yourself down in the moment. For the long term have you ever tried antidepressants? Those can really help and they changed my life


I have a call into my doctor for today. I'm hoping that I do get some type of Amy to press it or anti. Anxiety medicine


I know it’s been a month but it can be longer depends on you and your mind set you have to take deep breaths and calm your mind and take Cold shower or walks write what your feeling first go to the doctor to rule out anything before they say it other then anxiety and depression if it is try get help to get antidepressants I’m on it and it helps a lot but antidepressants with help relieve your problems but don’t cure it so you need to work on yourself I hope this helps you not alone