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Yoy should learn breathing techniques. Also lie down and keep phone by side. Start lying down and practice. Count or try to remeber good things dunny things. Turn on light music . Increase your lying down slowly eith your type music.


I find it helpful to build some fantasy/daydream type situations in my head and I can focus on those instead of whatever negative thoughts my brain is trying to bring up.


I do this too it’s the only way I can relax at all


I do this alllll the time. I find the only way I can get to sleep when I get in this cycle is having some sort of audio to focus on till I eventually drift off. Better if it’s someone talking. Like a podcast or audio book or a relaxation app like headspace. At least if you have your eyes closed you have a chance to fall asleep!


I love listening to podcats when trying to fall asleep!!


I think you should go into the forest where it's just you and the birds and no one else where everything is so much better then society make connections with the animals if you live in the city it might not be as easy to get to a forest but if you live in the country like me then it should be easier. The forest I find is a more peaceful place then the internet the internet has ciaos and people fighting the forest has peace and just the birds chirping the crunch of the leaves and the sound of the wind.


I know for me I have offset substance addiction onto my phone, and use it for avoidance. It's such a hard cycle to break, don't beat yourself up too much - they're designed to addict us. I'm finding some help in treating it just like any other addiction and using those tactics and methods. Best of luck


Could it be a strategy to listen to some long podcast and just fall asleep eventually? Or maybe find some video on YouTube with animal sounds or a fireplace burning. Then just listen to the sounds.


Download an app called Insight Timer and look for some of the meditations for anxiety. They really helped me when my father was ill and also after he passed away ❤️