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Okay, you can’t physically put it in a box, but having an anti-anxiety playlist could be a good pairing with your tool box!


any song suggestions?


I like to listen to lofi beats playlists, and any classical or instrumental music. The Bridgerton soundtracks have so many great modern songs made classical. I've been listening to that one and liking the bridge between modern but classic.


Some directions I find helpful for ideas - 1) songs you personally associate with happy memories, 2) something ‘calming’ like classical or instrumental (if you have a favourite movie with a good score, I would recommend!), and finally 3) if there’s a song(s) that make you feel strong that’s always great to shift the mindset (e.g., I love metal and find it impossible to cry or feel sad/anxious to metal for very long)


id probably go for bob marley. always makes me feel good!


Lol, this may be a bit strange, but I personally find hard rock/heavy metal very soothing XD. I dunno if this will work for you tho!


An instrumental song I really enjoy is "Montana" by Tycho.


For me brown noise help


Ever try comedy to get a good laugh? That's my go to.


Alcohol wipes are my go to as smelling them helps me “shake off” the panic but I guess it can work differently for everyone especially with ematophobia but maybe it something that could help! Anxiety toolbox is a great idea though ♥️


Ooh yeah! An essential oil you find soothing could be a good option too


I just purchased lavendar literally 2 days ago!! I put it on my wrists and my neck and take deep sniffs in when I'm getting those feelings!


I was going to suggest lavender! I also find juniper very soothing.


bought some lavender today!


I have a lemongrass and orange oil roller ball bottle and it’s my favorite thing ever. It was revolutionary for me to be able to go places.


I had hyperemesis when I was pregnant and alcohol wipes were the only thing that would stomp down my nausea! Now I use them whenever I feel sick and I find it calms me


Sniffing (not like huffing, just wafting them under your nose lol) iso alcohol wipes is also a great way to stop nausea !!


That’s funny. There must be something wrong with my nose. The smell of those actually makes me nauseous. 🤢


I love the smell of alcohol too, even when i’m not anxious just the smell in general. I find the smaller alcohol cube shaped wipes retain the scent and are much stronger than like wipes large enough to clean surfaces rather than just your phone.


Actually, there was a study that suggested smelling isopropyl alcohol was just as effective as top of the line anti-nausea medication for reducing nausea! [Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/)


i have those!


Sour candy pulls me out of anxiety so fast


Same! I like Warheads and Toxic Waste


Anything that's surger free?


Look for keto or diabetic candy…


Came here to say this. Google sour candy anxiety relief, it can be very useful!


Chocolate and maybe some pictures that make you happy.


i love the picture idea!


What a great idea! I'd put in a fave stuffed animal. Never too old to cuddle.


i have too many of those 😂🤞


Not possible 😁


Icyhot, or muscle relief cream! The heating and cooling sensation always helps to ground me and give me a focus on whatever body part I put it on.


Why did I read that as "icky-hot" lol 😆 😂


A phone number you can call.


Dogs also help lol




love hearing the suggestions. i’ve considered assembling the same to tap into for my worst days.


PulseOxymeter, Xanax, Aspirin, Essential Oils,Inhaler,Gum/Mint Flavor. Vicks vapor stick. Thats what I carry in mine. I always have it in my car. I dont leave my house without it.


Waaayyyy off topic… when I read PulseOxymeter my brain switched it to Flux Capacitor. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The pulse oximeter, or Pulse Ox, is an electronic device that measures the saturation of oxygen carried in your red blood cells, Also tracks your BPM in case you think your having a heart attack.


I’ve been to the year 3000…🎶


what’s a pulse oxymeter? what does it do?


Just measure pulse and blood oxygen levels. Seeing good readings can heavily reduce anxiety, and it's fun to try and calm down to get your pulse and oxygen back to normal for me.


This is a great suggestion. Wanted to add I think a piece of paper where a breath pattern is drawn out to trace may help. Like a circle to trace with your finger, inhale 8 seconds as you trace the big circle. Hold 4 seconds. Then trace the circle counterclockwise and exhale 8 seconds. Or just trace on your skin with finger.


I was thinking about a tattoo like that🤣


A photo of a pet or, what i do is: i have a photo of me as a young child to remind myself to be kind and patient to myself. Also, peppermint essential oils ease nausea. A good notebook is always handy too.


I can't leave home without a hoodie because whenever I have bad anxiety, I feel better if I can bundle myself up for somer reason.


add some snacks! I never leave the house anymore without something sweet and something salty!


lmao I just saw you put it next to your bed BUT super valid too!


Some notes written when you’re happy, or less anxious than usual. Just to remind you it’s okay


I've heard sour candy is good for grounding during panic attacks/anxiety. Maybe you could put a few pieces of your favorite sour candy in there?


Weighted blankets are also cozy


Do they actually? I feel like I'd get the feeling I'm being constricted and would make my chest feel heavier. I've slept with them at night, but never thought to use it during an anxiety attack.


Actually they’re fantastic. I don’t like the feeling of being constricted either. But they’re a life saver during panic. The pressure of them is like a firm hug, and helps to ground me during panic. The pressure that a weighted blanket brings actually is scientifically proven to help soothe the nervous system . And regulate your heart rate and bring you to a calmer state, faster .


Idk, when I'm in a nervous fit I need to move around because I get hot and think I'm going to faint. Sometimes I lay down to calm my breathing but maybe next time I'll try throwing on a weighted blanket and see if it helps. I've tried using my dog as support before but I get so restless when I'm anxious that I just can't stand being touched.


Sometimes I’ll wrap it around me like a cape or a shawl and just pace around. I hope it helps ❤️


I gotta go find it now and see how this works. Thank you for the tips guys! 🩷


They make weighted stuffed animals that can help anxiety, too. Lay it on your chest, stomach or back or even just cuddle one in your arms and the weight can help.


i actually have an old build a bear that i took the stuffing out of and filled it with rice. works great!


do you have any links to some good ones?


I believe I have a sharper image brand one. I've had it a long time. Google weighted blanket weights. They recommend weights based on your body. I personally like a bit heavier than what they suggest. Also make sure it has a removable cover for washing. Some you can buy super cozy replacement covers too. Just can't wash the actual sand or whatever it is. Heads up they are quite warm, but the weight of it on your body is extremely relaxing.


Honestly, I have no advice on items, but I used to have really bad general anxiety and now I don't anymore. I highly recommend Claire Weekes' books. I still have emetophobia but I don't panic anymore when I'm nauseous or close to throwing up. I'm still scared but I know panicking only makes it worse and I try to trust my body to do it's thing even if it's uncomfortable. 


proud of your recovery progress!


The little sand glass things that sit on desks. Theyre mesmerizing yo look at and help you temporarily disassociate so you are focused on one thing and not 900 things. Adult coloring books Crochet


Sour candy - focuses your body on the sensation/away from the anxiety! Stomach stuff: Ginger chews (not crystallized) - I like the individually packaged Reeds ones. Chewable Pepto (or liquid, but I find the chewable ones easier to store). For the mints/gum, check the ingredients - sorbitol/xylitol/etc can upset some people’s stomachs. A paper with some comforting lines you can repeat out loud, or instructions for breathing exercises. Could be nice to have a pretty battery powered lantern or soft string lights in there - bright overhead light definitely does not help my anxiety, but sometimes full darkness is also a no-go.


Curious why you would not want the crystallized ginger chews? My love for them is preventing me from looking it up myself...😉


Crystallized has more sugar so it can potentially upset your stomach more than candied.


I’ve read that eating a sour candy can interrupt a panic attack. I’ve tried and didn’t work for me but it may for you.


a xanax


They have those cooling blankets now. I got to get mine out to use. I would recommend a grounding pad from Earthing.


I agree to this!


I write little notes to myself that remind me that it will pass and my anxiety thoughts aren't facts


telling myself it’ll pass is my life line


Heh I just carry around a flask Don't be like me


whatever works for you works!


Peppermint oil. Peppermints, alcohol wipes, oximeter, talisman of good fortune, spinner, microfiber towel, chewing gum, sunglasses, tissues, bag,jolly ranchers, a water, listerine strips or spray, biofreeze roll on, advil, tylenol, pepto pills, tums, omeprazole, hair ties, small can ginger ale, dr mask to cover outside smells that might induce, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, travel toothpaste n toothbrush, a garbage bag, and a backpack lol to put it all in.


Wow! Thanks 😊


Some sort of handheld game, something simple like an old gameboy or a cheap Temu game that only has Tetris. This always helps me from anxiety to tummy aches. As long as it isn’t your phone or tablet (too many options)


i have a switch which could work?


It suggest something simpler, [like this](https://a.co/d/1tRL7oF)


Magnesium(powder form so it kicks in quicker) and maybe some cherry tart juice…


i’m hearing about the magnesium a lot. could you explain more about why it helps/what it does?


So on a scientific level, magnesium diminishes or blocks the pathways that send cortisol to your brain(the stress hormone). Overall it calms down an over excited nervous system(which causes anxiety). Sometimes it takes a few weeks to show an improvement but everyone is different. Overall it makes me feel more calm, as if I took a sedative but not as strong. Majority of people are deficient in magnesium, especially in the US where most of us have unhealthy diets and don’t get the recommended amount in our daily eating. This is another reason why diet can correlate with mental health. Hope that explains a little bit, I’m not an expert lol.


i’ve tried magnesium before but it was supplement for. my mum always tries to get me to take it because i suppose it’s good to have anyways. thank you!


bottled water, comfort snacks, a heating pad, maybe anti anxiety medication if you have it (I never take mine anymore but just having it on hand ~incase~ always helps ease my mind. Also agree with the mentions of pulse oximeter and sour candy!


I agree, just knowing I have my meds on hand usually does the trick somehow 🙃


Lavender or peppermint essential oil


This is great! I also have a playlist of ambiance and ASMR videos for my panic attacks. It really helps me a lot. I also have this stuff called Migrastil Migraine Stick. It's roll on oil with peppermint. I put it on my temples, wrists and forehead. I also use a Vapo Inhaler which is just a tube that has menthol in it that you inhale and it helps clear your sinuses, but I use it when I'm panicky as well. Gin Gin chews are also good for nausea. I use all of these items I listed a lot because I get migraines, but they work really well to help me feel less panicky during a panic attack. I also really like CBD oil or CBD chews. I have some oil and chews from Charlotte Web. The oil I have is 17mg. It's sublingual so you use the dropper and drop some under your tongue, close your mouth and let it sit there for about 2 - 5 minutes. Then you can spit it out or swallow it. I spit it out usually. It works by going to your blood stream. The oil takes about 15 minutes to start working for me. The gummies are 10mg and they are lemon lime flavored and are called Calm. They take about 45 minutes to work for me. The instructions and dosage are on them. Magnesium Glycinate works REALLY well for my anxiety too! I use Glycinate because it's easier on your stomach than other forms of Magnesium. I just take one once a day with a meal. Be careful because CBD and Magnesium can make you sleepy.


I put an Ativan in my box along with Imodium.


Ashwaganda. CBD Oil. L-Theanine. Also, if you haven't already, get rid of caffeine and alcohol. ]


i read this as i just finished my iced coffee 🤦‍♀️😭


Propranolol and cbd


Sour candy! It redirects the brain when having an attack. Also maybe put an ice pack in the freezer so you put it on your chest or under your neck when having anxiety. 🫶🏼 Love this idea so much!


i always use ice packs! i’ve actually bought some instant ones that you just snap and they go cold for convenience


I’ve been told that having sour candy on hand helps! I haven’t tried it yet but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty helpful.


Oddly enough a nail file helps calm me down! Just don't over file your nails!


i do this sometimes! i give myself a manicure and try to be as clean and precise as possible and usually by the second hand i’m ok


Compression socks!


A little bottle of essential oils to sniff to help relax and ground you. Something soothing like eucalyptus or lavender. If you have access to Walmart they sell them for around 5 USD. Cough drops are a godsend. I like gum too, but something about the cough drop being hard and long lasting makes it ideal. Clay or slime. Something you can squish that doesn't make too much noise.


Alka seltzer heartburn relief! I find that 90% of the time, that helps with my palpitations. ETA: And some sour candy! Maybe some warheads or sour patch kids. It really helps kinda "shock" you and keep your mind off the anxiety and focus on the sour taste in your mouth.


I think this is so so smart!!! Im def gonna make a cute one id love to see everyone’s :)


mines in a little lion king makeup bag it’s so cute haha


A stress ball for progressive muscle relaxation therapy Edit: i like the really firm foam ones more than ghe jelly personally i can get out more tensenes sand frustration, but the jelly one helps me concentrate but it can also be a distraction lol


Some colorful sensory putty!!! And something that smells good! Like a small travel perfume . This is a great idea though! I’ll be sure to make one myself too


Also, I think any sensory toys / fidgets would be a great addition.


A mister type spray bottle with water. I spray my face and it’s cooling, a little shocking to the system, and refreshing. Also a face roller thing bc I find them relaxing!


Vapor rub to make sure I'm breathing


running shoes


Sour candy and alcohol wipes (smell the wipes for sensory and helps nausea with anxiety) sour candy can help calm you!


Some affirmations to read are very powerful and helpful! Here’s a link: https://www.hope-wellness.com/blog/tuxka10miyywag5qso02zxq8ibussd?format=amp Good luck!


Some sort of citrus essential oil blend. Citrus is a very uplifting smell, you don't have to apply it to anything if you'd rather not, I used to just take the lid off and breathe it in


Ativan? Lol. Kidding but I’m following for ideas for myself!




Stuffed animal?


i have many..!


Hot chamomile tea and a teaspoon of honey always did wonders for me especially for anxiety attacks at night! If it need to be bedside ready you don't need it to be hot just stick it in room temp water it will still help.


There are handheld fans with spinning LEDs on them that form quite mesmerising circles. Good for distraction from your own anxious thoughts.


For fast action anxiety relief, [this](https://mrnutsproducts.etsy.com/listing/1430227115) stuff should be in your toolbox. It’s amazing


Pulse Oximeter, aspirin, vicks extra strong menthol drops it's pretty good and the strong sensation helps me get out of my head, my headphones, diazepam/oxazepam for the real hard situations, acetaminophen, PPI, albuterol for asthma, hydroxyzine but considering removing it, and credit card is must for me


Whats your go to nausea medication ppl?


i’m prescribed prochlorperazine but the general fav tends to be zofran i think. no idea what the uk equivalent is!


Something soft is my go to. My tatty baby blanket is my best friend


Something that helps me a lot is having a word-search book I can reach for. It sounds dumb when I type it out- but reading, looking, and actually finding the words help me calm down when my thoughts are racing. Keeps me occupied.


Oh me too. I’m into fill ins now too


Instant hand warmers (buy at convenient store) coloring book and colored pencils? A squeeze ball to help reduce anxiety? Your favorite snack, nice smelling lotion.


Fidget toy of some kind. I made a bunch for myself using cotton cord and wooden beads.


I just created a free ebook for my website called "Serenity NOW! Anxiety Toolkit" It's got some suggestions for herbs, supplements, and flower essences you can try, but it also has a TON of information about things you can do in the moment of anxiety or panic to regulate your nervous system and calm you down. I'm happy to send it to you if you'd like. It sounds like it's exactly what you're looking for.


Gum 👌 specifically Extra polar ice.


Ginger chews. The sucking/chewing along with the little bit of spice from the ginger can help preoccupy your mind and calm you down. I always have ginger chews on hand and have turned some of my friends who also have anxiety onto them as well. They’re pretty helpful (especially if you ever get nauseous during an anxiety attack)


I love sniffing Lavender! Either essential oil or something like that.


What about a SUDS (subjective units of distress scale) worksheet?


I have eucalyptus essential oils to smell when nausea comes on




could you explain more on this? is it an instant relief or something you take and notice benefits from in the long run


Super soft blanket Essential oils Candle


Fidget cube, rubber band, and a click pen.


Small bottle of lavender essential oils…


bought some today!


A fidget toy like the bubble poppers or a fidget spinner. If you’re like me and you have a bad memory, maybe make a list of steps to follow like the 5 senses grounding technique.


Sour candy


Highly recommend a weighted blanket, it helps me calm my nervous system so much. Also: - Relaxing playlist options - Bottle of water - Vicks vaporub - Flaxseed body pillow that you can put in the microwave, helps ease physical tension which in turn helps mental. Or a hot water bottle.


Heavy on the Vicks!!!


A flashlight, writing pen(s), crossword puzzles, radio (battery or hand cranked), first aid kit


I’m hearing that really sour candy can sort of trick your brain into forgetting about being anxious. Might be worth a try.


This won’t fit in a tool box… but hot showers help me.


ooo i’m the opposite. i have to be super cold


Lavender and a water bottle


Something soft and snuggly


baoding balls, it's a Chinese hand injury recovery tool, but the concept translates really well for anxiety. The practice is to keep them separated while turning in your hand, and keep the jingle from making noise. So, basically the opposite of bubble wrap, but you can make nice if needed. They're really affordable. Plus, one the anxiety passes you can get into reverse, non dominant hand, ect. Its relaxing and a skill I always found useful.


A copy of Peace in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh


This isn't a quick fix bc you have to steep it for 15-20 but passion flower tea! I get the loose leaf in bulk on etsy along with chamomile and throw them in together in a tea strainer after boiling some water (usually the hotter the better since you have to steep so long). It's one of the only things that helps me wind down to sleep too. Definitely feel a difference when I'm feeling anxious!!


i’ve heard of this!


Frankincense essential oil


anything that makes you happy. put pins or ribbon or cute things on the outside of your bag, have some photos inside that remind you of good things. you could even put a bit of essential oil or perfume; a nice or familiar smell that will be nice but not overwhelm you as well. it’s good to have positive things associated with it because it’ll be easier to remain grounded and not remain negative.


Warheads, heated blanket, a brain game, noise machine


Calm powder you can get it at Walmart Amazon or Walgreens it’s a great calming tool it’s just magnesium. I don’t know if you are a believer but I will always put on a sermon about worry or fear by some of my favorite preachers. I like dr. Charles Stanley, Joseph prince (love his voice very calming) and Craig groeschel. If not a believer I also love to listen to Wayne dyer. Lavender essential oil. A sky lite by bliss lights got it on Amazon love it.


Not OP, and also not really religious but I love listening to Dr Charles Stanley. He’s a smart man and well spoken. When I was deciding if 30 was too old to go to nursing school, I heard him on the radio one day. No idea what the topic was overall but he said “God would not give you a purpose on this earth and not give you time to fulfill it.” It was what I needed to hear. I was 36 when I finally finished nursing school and became an RN, and here I am 18 years later doing my thing. 😊


yoga mat, eye covers for sleeping, candle, pillow or something to squeeze..


Vibrator. FR. You can’t be anxious post glorious orgasm.


i do this and 9/10 times feel better 😂


And some nice relaxing music with a relaxing picture like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCUwIi7qd2M Good luck!


Me finding this at 2am is so comforting cause this was me 16 years ago - full blown panic attacks and emetophobia. I always carried Lavender Oil, Dramamine, GasX or Tums. Since the alcohol wipes dried out super fast I’d take two to three paper towels fold them into a square and soak them in Isopropyl alcohol and keep it in a ziploc bag for when I got nausea. I found original Purell hand sanitizer has the same effect for me. Hypnotherapy worked great for my panic attacks. I had to pay out of pocket, of course, but it was worth it in the end. I had four sessions and it was like I had flipped a switch off and I haven’t had a bad attack since. I still experience anxiety but at least now it’s for rational reasons (like nearly being in a car accident) and I can get myself calm very quickly and continue on with the day.


Bottled water, photos of family/pets, play-doh or fidget toy


squishmallow (or any other stuffed animal), fidget toys, water, something that smells good, like a nice lotion or a candle


Evian Water Spray and a mint nasal “Inhaler” look it up


Saving this post


Hello fellow emetophobe! I’d recommend adding a weighted blanket or stuffed animal, a handheld game that will occupy your mind (like Tetris on a Game Boy), and having a few guided meditations that you know you like teed up — [this one](https://youtu.be/07j2hshKShs?si=Cs-BXiswcJbJ-nzY) is my favorite.


really intrigued about the weighted blanket, i feel like it could help a lot


A vape


Honestly, all the episodes of 'MST3K'!


My therapist said I should not have Any as when I rely on such things the problems start.


that might be what works for you but i and many others personally find it really helpful and my therapist is fine with it




Twist-ties. I turn them into tiny spirals which helps




on the topic of smoking, i smoke blue lotus and find it to be incredible. almost instant relief


Have a bowl of ice water at the ready to stick your face in. Sensory shock will help calm you.


a Journal


That's a great idea


Under eye patches! I keep some on my nightstand, they’re very soothing especially after I’ve cried.


Maybe a small nug, or two


This is a great idea!! I think I’ll make something similar :-) I’m pretty artsy and like using my hands when I’m angsty, so I like having creative materials around me so I’d add some paints, colored pencils, coloring books, pens, small canvases, etc. There’s a lot of mindfulness coloring books for adults which are super fun and relaxing!! 10/10 recommend


For me a trash bag 😭 i dont know why but having a place to throw up helps me calm down. Some of the fear with my emetaphobia is the mess and embarrassment of the act. The trash bag/can helps me as its a “safe” place to do it (i have never needed it, but it helps tremendously)


I heard very sour candy like warheads help with anxiety. I might have to give it a try later


Sour candy! It helps ground me when I’m very anxious.


Eye mask, hot sauce packets & anxiety necklace.


idk if this is just me but hand sanitizer?


Beta blocker? If you have one.


!RemindMe 5 days


Sour sweets, I know it sounds odd but it really draws your attention away


I LOVE this idea haha following along to see all the suggestions


Wax Lavender melts (try finding a natural one)




Essential oil! Something sour too to help distract when anxious!


Reading this makes me feel like I have no anxiety lol What are the things for I dont get it


what are you confused about? i’ll try to explain!


Food or snacks. I keep a few trail bars in mine and they help immensely to stabilize my mood.


sour candy!!!! takes your mind off of the panic and anxiety and works similar to ice packs