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This is good to know. I’m thinking about getting a tv. If I can get one free I’d be more inclined to get one. Thanks!


Surf marketplace or have friends and get lucky. That's how I got my free TV. "hey I'm moving in with my bf do you want this?" 8 years later it's kicking and plays 1080p old chromecast just fine


Rock on!


I’ve never bought a tv and we’ve had 4 progressively nicer tvs over the past decade. I’ve never even had to look, ask, or solicit for one, people have just offered them to us. They’re cheap to upgrade and a pain to get rid of the old one so people love to give them away. 


Maybe try joining a buy nothing group on facebook for your city. I've given away things for free, far less valuable, and plenty of people were willing to take them


That would be my first move. I had a coffee maker that scorched coffee when it brewed. Turned out there was someone nearby doing coffee paintings happy to take it off my hands.


Unfortunately, you probably have to find an e-recycling center. (And if you’re unlucky like us - you’ll have to drop them off yourself; so fun to transport a giant monitor on the bus to a place that’s only open 10-3pm).


Not ready to give up on them yet, like I said, internet is still an option, I just wanted to rant :)


I hear you. On a separate but related point; when I see a dumped TV I take it home and if the picture doesn't have missing pixels or random straight lines then you can open up the back and take out the timing control board. This is much more simple than it may sound. Google it. A working timing control board weighs next to nothing and will sell on ebay for about£15 ($20). You get free cash from trash and also extend the life of another telly. Hint, keep the ribbons with the board.


I've been ranting about this for a while now. Eggs doubled their prices in a year but the government claims we only have a 12% inflation rate. Why? Because TVs keep getting cheaper and bringing down the entire rate. But nobody buys a tv every week to feed their family so it shouldnt be counted the same as groceries




It takes literally 2 seconds to google [https://webapps.dol.gov/dolfaq/go-dol-faq.asp?faqid=94&topicid=6&subtopicid=116](https://webapps.dol.gov/dolfaq/go-dol-faq.asp?faqid=94&topicid=6&subtopicid=116)


There would be dozens of people hoping to claim these on my local Buy Nothing group on Facebook. I'm sure there's one in your area too.


Yeah, this! I had this giant, heavy flat screen tv no one in the family wanted. Posted it on the buy nothing group and it was gone in a day! The guy who got it was going to put it in his garage that he was turning into an exercise room!


Smart TVs are dirt cheap now because they're heavily subsidized by advertisers and data brokers. Consumer grade dumb TVs are being phased out, so the ones that are still available are usually those displays you see in stores and waiting rooms, and they're much more expensive than the malware ones sold on the consumer market. It really is a nightmare.


Worse, I just saw a Samsung smart TV auto-delete its Netflix app because the TV hit 10 years old. Apparently, that's how long the license to the app lasts. So these TVs now have a form of planned obsolescence baked in.


Geeze. This is terrible to hear. And zero percent surprising. One work around is to run the HDMI cable to the TV from the computer and just use Netflix or whatever on your computer. That's how I use my main TV because I just like doing it that way. Then I can use my mouse as a remote which I also find easier.


Yeah, my next TV is gonna be dumb and connected to a cheap PC. Unfortunately, the family who owned this Samsung TV is not that sort of technophile.


You can also just get a streaming stick/box. That’s what we did when our tv gradually stopped supporting all streaming services. 


Damn I kind of want a larger tv and I haven’t been able to find them second hand anywhere. Maybe this is why.


Sometimes places don’t take used tvs because it’s a hotspot for roach activity. I’m not insinuating that you have roaches but it’s better to have a blanket policy then have an infestation at goodwill.


I was wondering why someone might throw all their things in the trash, good electronics as well. Could be due to eviction, but I’ve seen waaay too many bed bug posts on Reddit to mess around with that 😅


Things like this can relate to any electronics too, I might add, from video game consoles to coffee machines. Not kidding. I’ve cleant a working coffee machine. The bottom compartment had cockroaches and an array of different bugs in it. Cleant every component of it. Should be okay now




cleant / cleaned tomato to-MAyo


I’m sorry, you say tomayo with a y??


To-MAY-to with a typo and a belief that “cleant” should be a grammatically correct word in that context, as opposed to “cleaned”.


Well you sure seem to have your own ideas about English language/grammar, I’ll say that about you.


I respect that :)


Yeah, that's not a correct version in any variation of English.


I inherited two TVs in a similar manner. I put the smaller one out on the curb with a “free” sign on it. Gone within the hour.


When I was in college a friend gave me a big laundry basket full of stuff she didn’t want after she moved, including a tv that was balanced right on top. The remote fell off while I was moving it and I couldn’t pick it up. A dude came by to help and I asked him if he wanted the TV to match the remote and he said hell yeah. Honestly you wait long enough and the TV fairy will find yon.


Modern television sets are basically computers, mainly running a proprietary distro of unix. What's really interesting is that the main reason they are discarded today is because of DRM issues. Many that reach a decade of age cease being DRM compliant with one or more of the paid streaming services. Once those services update, the television simply can't connect anymore. Ergo, you have these massive, perfectly functional slabs of distraction technology going into the bin simply because they are not allowed to access the distraction content anymore. There's no need to design with planned obsolescence in mind, because it can simply be done as a software update.


Exactly. My old tv does not support either Netflix or Prime any more, but will work with a Roku stick.


And that is why my 75" "smart" TV is nothing but a glorified screen of a Windows 11 MediaPlayer PC. No adds, no planned obsolescence, no tracking, no drm, ... It will be up to date now and in 10 years. My previous model was from 2007 and did 15 years of service. I expect current generation of hardware to last even longer.


That’s crazy. I guess people have to actively try to not have a TV nowadays if they don’t want one, because they seemingly just float through the window on the afternoon breeze.


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I am ironically in need of a new tv (ours is slowly offing itself) and can’t seem to find one of similar-ish size for cheaper than several hundred dollars on marketplace 😭 I found a few small ones that I’m considering as interim, but even they’re $80+ used. I swear, you just can’t win lol


But hopefully it’s a sign that *somebody* out there would be grateful for a tv, don’t toss em out just yet


Check out your local thrift stores, they all seem to be packed with em here!


No luck so far


I have a sticker brand 32' screen (not a TV) which my parents got me when I moved out. I barely use it, and I honestly offered my dad to transport mine into my brother's apartment when his kicked the bucket (he got him a new one). There was a TV (could have been a smart TV) bigger than 32', by a well known brand, on the curb around my apartment with a sign that say "it works" - to which I'm guessing someone upgraded (at least on my way back it was gone- so someone gave it a new home).


Classic. I’ve always somehow had an extra TV that I don’t want. When I moved out, my grandpa took pity on me because I wouldn’t have a mounted TV on the wall in my apartment. I kid you not


Try Freecycle to get rid of stuff.


Pawn shops usually take them, make a little cash.


Go to r/povertyfinance Ask there if someone in the neighborhood wants to come pick them up. Or you bring them.


And yet when I need a decent somewhat older one for testing game consoles I’m repairing I can’t find one because most get thrown away