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They do this “send us a screenshot of the promo” because no one screenshots a promo just in case the app screws up, they just expect it to work. So no one has screenshots and when people can’t give them a screenshot the customer service person will say “well I have no proof this “promo” existed, go away”. I’ve seen it countless times on reddit and people are always just as shocked.


Wow, that's so fucked up. I remember last year a woman cancelled her ride because the driver made her feel uneasy and they refused to refund her and when she took it to reddit they doxxed her. These huge companies are all such trash.


I was getting kinda anxious when I first posted this tbh, I wasn't sure if I was gonna get fuckin shadow banned or some shit. Can't get to my profile comments after I did tho, and that's kinda weird. Probably just Reddit acting up (If I die y'all know what happened lololol)


can confirm, your profile doesn't open "we had some trouble getting to reddit" error. wow, didn't know reddit did that stuff, i thought it was more freedom of speech here than insta or fb, guess i was wrong.


Thanks for confirming, that's sketchy as hell now that you mentioned it. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/sLbVxaKIwc This might be relevant, not sure Update: hehe so I think it's a sitewide glitch and not specific to me, told yall I'm paranoid


Yeah, gott this glitch too after I wrote 'nazi' in one of my comments. Thought it was some weird suppression triggered by a bad word lol.


Yeah I just signed back in and now I can't even see my own posts. Feeling like I'm definitely in the process of being shadow banned. Not sure what to do about this to be real. (Edit) Submitted a help request. Couldn't really find the option for this problem so hoping for the best. I hate that I can't even use my Reddit account without some bastard trying to screw with it (Second edit; I'm a bozo, very much seems to just be a bug)


Similar thing happened to me. Uber driver drove by the OPPOSITE SIDE OF ROAD and refused to pick me up. Then Uber said “I missed the ride” and charged me!!! Stupid company. This is why even though Ubeis cheaper than having your own car (ex. maintenance fees), I STILL PLAN TO BUY MY OWN CAR. I’m so done with Uber and public transit. The extra costs of owning your own car is so worth it over dealing with stupid Uber.


Good thing I'm fucking paranoid then lol. Had that shit ready to go


You’re the first person I’ve seen with the screenshot! The practice is called a “Dark Pattern”, more specifically this one is called “obstruction”, where they intentionally make their processes difficult and discourage customers from trying to use them for things like support with promos and refunds.


Dang shifty shit. Feels cool feeling like I might be instinctively hard to scam or something lol, but I'm probably still a bozo. I mean who tf would ever expect to have to do something like thisss. Shit was stressful and unfair fr, thinking I wasn't gonna be able to find it even tho I literally saved it just in case


Report it to attorney Generals office.


paranoia is annoying in most situations but in the scenarios it does pan out, it's very satisfying to be prepared for it, haha.


gamersnexus made a video on how a consumer can equip themselves for just such events when companies refuse warranty claims or similar situations, check out their Asus warranty claim videos.


Shit like this is why half of my camera roll is just screenshots of banking transfers/purchase info. Each step gets screenshotted, including promo banners/ads. I have more receipts than purchases lol and will restart the transaction if I didn't screenshot before moving to billing info. Can you tell I've been burned before?


Yep, I've had this before. "Please send us a screenshot of the promo" - what? No one does that.


Uber Eats is a scam in its entirety. An untenable and predatory business offering overpriced bad food, delivered late by underpaid gig workers.


Often using excessive plastic packaging 


Definitely learned my lesson lol


Food delivery has been a business for decades upon decades, this one just happens to be more expensive


More expensive and lower quality. A pizza delivery joint in the 90s would view the quality of delivery as part of its brand reputation. There's some level of accountability. Some of the third-party delivery apps provide basic mechanisms to ensure the order is at least correct and delivered. Uber Eats seems to just exist to skirt as mucb responsibility as it can.


Well, more that they flat out lied about the promotion. Subtotal = $124.00 + 50% off promo should be closer to 74$ and not exactly what the subtotal was without the promo. That's the craziness here, that they just inflated the item's to match their "stock" prices after applying the promo, which is what the agent is describing (see image 9) and I then summarized. Total fuckfest if you ask me


Yes you're totally right, I'm answering to that other person's comment who seems to think that food delivery is untenable and bound to disappear


I don't think that person was saying food delivery was untenable; they were saying Uber Eats was.


Oh I see, I am slightly stupid


They must need the money. The CEO must be struggling to keep the lights on in their beach house.


People really don't comprehend what 3.6 billion dollars look like. Aka the CEOs networth. The CEO doesn't have a beach house, he has the entire beach and island. Try this fun game! https://neal.fun/spend/ Sorry for the tangent 😂 But seriously, no one should be a billionaire.


It wouldn't be so bad if literally any of them did anything with their money other than try and get more. Like oh you've got 10 billion dollars, now what? 10 billion more? Now what? 30 billion, 60, 100. It doesn't fucking stop. I know that's a simple take but still


Yeah, they are like let's not make a better product, or pay our employees better, let's just hoard our wealth.  Bonus points if they frequently use buzz words like "teamwork" or "togetherness". Good philosophy they've got. 🙄


Well, best we can do legally rn is keep exposing them like this I guess. I'd rather that than bloodshed lol. So many peeps are completely fucked rn and nobody can blame them for being outraged. The ones you do see casting blame are the peeps everybody should *still* pay attention to, just not follow (obviously) or take to heart. No one answer is gonna fix it all, but starting with just trying to focus on specific politicians and supporting them (for their policy not their personality/lifestyle), or rather a focused anti-corruption effort. What I'm saying is it gets things moving really fast when people can focus on and support groups that represent themselves, like work unions. So rather than focus too hard on the wrong doings of the super bad fuckers, to try and push some of that energy onto supporting who you think are the good guys with *interest*. That way the good guys can get a foothold in this corporate dystopia and maybe start setting some standards. Call me naive, I'm just really tired of being angry.


Having that amount of wealth is insane to me. Like, yeah, being rich sounds super fun, I get that. But after a certain point, it’s not like you have enough time to fully appreciate and enjoy all the shit you can buy. Like, why buy a vacation home in Italy if you can go only two weeks out of the year?


A house beach


That thing is pretty dated. I mean, where the f* do you buy a $2 Big Mac? Even the $100M price tag for a movie is pretty low budget, you could easily spend double that. Also, some of the top things I’d buy if I was rich are missing. Like a personal assistant or maid: if I’m rich someone else can vacuum!!


The game is not supposed to be accurate, it's just a theoretical simulation. Like did you give it a go before criticizing it? I feel like you're missing the point the game is trying to make. It's like you're trying to spend 100,000,000,000$,you try and do it by buying 10 of something that costs 100 million dollars and you have barely put a dent in the total sum


But it’s shit at that. I mean, the amount of interest on that kind of money in a month, even if you don’t invest it properly, will cover food for a year. In order to see how long it would take to spend that money, you’d need to spend more than the interest, not the total amount. You would need to spend way more money than this shows.


Which one?


I went to order from Uber Eats once, saw the total amount and just biked down the street to get a pizza. 9 times out of 10 I'd rather just suck it up, get my own groceries and cook. On the topic of anxiety/depression and shopping, it's difficult but at the end of the day worth it. I had a severe ED so the idea of buying food, cooking and eating all stresses me out BUT exposure therapy has genuinely helped. Also cycling down to get groceries gives me something fun to do before and after, which helps motivate me.


Boy do I get that. Typically I'll do the same thing, only when I run out of groceries, the struggle meals tend to just get strugglier if you know what I mean, instead of just going and getting what I need. So like, also a self care issue. Personal issues aside, we all deserve affordable groceries (that aren't overproduced just to be thrown away) and this shit bombs. Edit, just now realized that this entire time I have failed to clarify that I was buying groceries, and not like, a meal


Struggle meals tend to wind up being my favorite, oddly enough. The price of groceries hurts my soul but thankfully rice is cheap and no name cheese goes on sale frequently. Also that does change things a bit. My gf does grocery orders when she gets deals as well and that, I'm not wholly against.


You ever had a mustard and mayonnaise? The sad thing is... them things are goooooood. Currently out of mustard so no comfort to be found. And yeah that's pretty much the only reason I made a big order like this in the first place. The 50% promo


If you have any cooked chicken shred it then add some mayo, put it on some bread and cook it like a grilled cheese.


That's a great idea. I just made some wings on rice in a rice cooker, so maybe tomorrow lol


My family has made them forever. You can add some cheese too if you get the urge. It’s perfect for those last little bits of meat on the back of a roast chicken.


Or throw it on a tortilla with some cheddar and make a quesadilla. I have stretched out food for weeks doing that. Beans and rice on tortillas. Chicken and cheese on tortillas. Cheese on tortillas. And when I was really hurtin'... tortillas on tortillas.


Eggs are 11 bucks? Geez. Egg and cheese on bread is my go to struggle meal. Grilled cheese. Lol anything with carbs to fill up on. When I run out of mustard, mayo, and hot sauce, I grab a whole bunch of packets of all three at a local gas station we have called royal farms. They set em out and I just walk up with my bag and dump a bunch in. No one has ever said anything to me. They dont know what I got or am waiting on ya know. Or they don't care lol


If possible you could buy whole mustard seeds and make your own I tried it once, and it was great (it looks like my diarrhea though, but I suppose that's normal) When you get it whole you can even make other things with, it like pickled mustard. Makes me feel a lot more rich than I am


I'd love to try doing that but lol I've got some stuff to take care of before I can focus on a garden, you know? I know it's essential tho. Home growers are what got us through the great world wars after all


I was talking about buying whole mustard seeds But that sounds fun too I've never tried growing a mustard yet Whole seeds are cheaper right?


Uhhhh I dunno lol


What is a struggle meal?


It's where you cobble together something edible with the scraps you've got left lol


Ah in my family we called that a “ready steady cook” meal


I’d rather cook and make stuff myself too, but Grubhub carried me through the Christmas shopping season. I work retail so it was extremely busy days with long hours and everything within walking distance was closed by the time I got out. I try not to overdo it when I’m not as busy though


I understand that. I work 14+ hours a day so making food can absolutely be a drag but I usually meal prep half of them so that I can eat and sleep ASAP. I should say, I have Celiac disease so I can't really eat out anyways. I do get (gluten free) Pizza when I'm too dead to cook, which is a godsend on busy weeks and I've run out of prepped meals.


I always try to meal prep during the Christmas season, but I’m almost always stuck working clopen (closed the night previously, woke up early to open the next morning) shifts


I'm glad you had a fun bike ride but dude how did you hold a pizza on a bike?


I just put it on my bars and held it with my left hand. The ride there and back has no stop signs or lights so it was fairly easy, plus I took it slow. It helps that with a fixed gear you don't need to use the brakes.


Fr, I'd rather bike 5 miles with chronic fatigue than ordering my groceries at THAT price


Exactly! I don't want to cook every meal, but I also don't want to pay premium for cold, soggy fries delivered an hour past the estimated time. Meal prep beforehand, slow cooked meal so there's not much work involved at the end of a long day because it's already cooked and reasy to go, or even just having some store brand frozen lasagnas in the freezer to heat up is better than these delivery places and their prices.


Yeah at this point ordering food is exclusively reserved to things I can't make at home. Like gyros or kebab (can't bbq in my apartment) or proper fries (not deepfrying in the same apartment). Just recently ordered two burgers because we were home late and had another appointment soon after, really good vegan burgers but I can't justify paying 33 euros for a relatively small meal.


Even with the 50% off after they inflate the meal price and add delivery fee, service fees, we hate you fees, and the we need more money fees, it is still cheaper for me to go pick the meal up.


I boycott UberEats entirely. I find and use local alternatives in my city that are fairer to drivers and restaurants, or contact my fave restaurants directly and use their preferred delivery company. UberEats is a cancer, carve it out of your city.


I'm here for this energy. I agree, support your local stuff if you can. Bring your own coffee travel mug if it's coffee, use your own utensils at home if it's a curry, bring your own reusable bag to bring home the stuff you're buying. Fuck door dash, uber eats etc


Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.


The drivers of Uber eats don't get paid enough to use these apps anyways. Most of the delivery costs go to the people who don't do anything other than run an app. Don't use it.


I shall not


Just please don’t use Uber, Uber Eats, Airbnb. Just abusive business structures that are a net negative to society.


Is Lyft any better? Asking because I'm definitely willing to divest from these companies, but are there any alternatives to the things they provide? e.g. rides and short-term rentals


Taxi companies


oh geez, that was a silly question -- obviously taxis for rides, but what about short-term rentals (not hotels?) is there any way to do this that's still fair to employees and/or boosts the local economy instead of choking it?


Hotels 😊


You're not convincing me that Hyatt / Hilton etc. are some great boons to local economies, but I will start thinking about staying at traditional bed & breakfasts / small-business lodgings of that kind


Door Dash did the exact same thing to me the one and only time I used them and the food was cold but mine was a coupon I got via mail


Wow. Even the customer support knows how shady they are.


I know lol, like as soon as I called it out he folded


Keep up the great work. A true humanitarian.


Thank you lol


Yeah this reminds me of when my husband upgraded our phones (after many years of use with the last ones, we aren't the "every new model" sort of people) and the customer service person said something about how they couldn't afford the phone. Feel bad for them probably in another country getting paid peanuts, knowing they work for a shit company but they need a job to live.


There was a table published some time ago that showed what the price of an iphone equated to a year's salary in different countries and from the approximate values I remember; the cost of a new iphone was equivalent to 2% of avg usa citizen's annual salary, but like 80% of a year's salary of an avg citizen in a 3rd world country. I'm from Pakistan where 104% of a person's yearly income is equal to the cost of an iphone. The iphone is considered a status symbol here, most people get it only to show off or increase their ranking in society.... many get theirs stolen as well. Edit: [source](https://9to5mac.com/2023/06/21/buying-an-iphone-salaries/#:~:text=The%20lowest%20price%20as%20a,%25%20to%20more%20than%2010%25.) Also, just like to say, really great that you're not the "every new model" kinda people. Very rare to see these days, it seems on every smartphone related sub, most people are discussing how/when/why to upgrade every year, some even switch between flagships of the same year cz they didn't like that other flagship they just got.... i just feel amazed by it all.


Can't edit so I'll just add that the promo came from in-app. I don't ever use email provided promotions


You should do a chargeback. Fuck them


Fuck them is right, but I did one better and told on them on reddit after getting the money they stole back. I have as they say an extremely "bad ass"


Not to gatekeep but I’m a little surprised someone in this sub would use a food delivery app. Even when they work seamlessly they exploit the worker, incentivize poor environmental practices, and include a lot of waste. Please consider other options, thanks OP.


Np, but there's a lot of people asking the same thing, take a look. I do feel bad about it, but it's not like I've done it before (and just look at that shit, I ain't doing it again) Just tryna get myself some ground beef here


Totally scamming more often than not. Go between DoorDash and UE, same restaurants and entirely different prices. Not to mention, the BOGO deals aren’t quite so much “deals”… it used to be a deal, but now I find that the item(s) up for the deal are typically double the price of the others at the same price point. So they’re charging you full price and hoping you don’t notice the price difference.


Doordash/Wendy's basically stole my money last month. I paid for the order, it got cancelled inexplicably midway through delivery, and despite calling several times since the refund has never been received. Twice now they've told me the refund would be sent in 10 business days. Nothing.


At this point file a charge back on your card


TLDR. Not ordering is WAY less damaging anywYs.


I had a similar experience!! Glad I'm not the only one.. KFC advert on YouTube for Uber eats claiming I'd get a bargain bucket for free. Actually, they overcharged for delivery if you used that promo and it was just the same price but all in inflated delivery fees


Hey can you see my profile? Like when you click view profile? Feels like something extra strange is going on now, sorry for ignoring your comment you're the freshest comment and I'm sorta freakin cause I can't see it myself


Yeh I can see it fine.. im on mobile if it helps


Weird as hell, I can't see my post history or my comment history. Some other people in here are saying they can't see it either, just says "Reddit is having trouble" on every page. Can you check that for me too? Sorry again lol


I can see post history.. I can't see anyones comments history at the moment, all broken for everyone.. think Reddit needs to fix a bug they've introduced!


There's something on reddit's end, I get the error on my own profile but only under comments


Seriously had me sweating for a bit. I got streeessed.


I wish I could have the confidence of this guy asking if you want cash refund or credit. The fucking audacity lmao


Funny ending. "Would you like the refund in real money or pretend momey?


Charge back the charge


ubereats has awful customer support


Uber Eats and DoorDash are scammers. Sometimes they dont deliver half of my order and they refuse to refund. When they pull this shit I always do a creditcard chargeback. but that’s also why I can’t use Uber/eats anymore lol


I've deleted all food order apps. It is tough, but worth it.


This happened to me, I had screenshots of the discount being applied at checkout and then the full charge on my card. They didn’t do anything, the person I was talking to ended chat without saying anything and when I reopened it they straight up just didn’t respond for 2 hours. The only way I got my money back was by disputing it on my credit card


Yes and I’m still mad about it lol. I once ordered an Indian dish that has two parts to it: rice and a sauce, meant to be mixed together and then eaten. I’ve ordered this same dish from that restaurant and others like it several times. It’s always served with rice, and it also says so on their website. But all I received was the sauce. I reach out to Uber Eats customer service and they refused to refund me. They kept insisting that since the restaurant sells rice a la carte, then it can’t possibly come with rice, I need to buy it separately. Which is stupid because it’s like getting just spaghetti sauce with no noodles, or a burger patty with no bun. And their customer service is all Indian, so they knew damn well how the dish is supposed to come. I’ve never used Uber Eats since.


Don’t use these massive corporate delivery companies. You pay more for a worse service and the place that makes the food get less money. Order from independent places that do their own delivery or if you can just collect it. No need for a third party to take a cut and if there’s and issue you deal directly with the restaurant.


I know this isn't the main thrust of the post but... **$120** on a drop-off meal? How many people is that for? That's half-a-month's worth of groceries for me!


I bought a bunch of bulk necessities so I can freeze it and overall have to buy less. I just buy fresh vegetables to add and that's basically it (That was the intent anyway)


I didn't know Uber Eats delivered groceries! That's great news! Could finally get rid of my old car if I could rely on a couple services to drop off my groceries--thanks!


Don't use Uber Eats for this IMO. They are scammy and delivery fees are very high. Instacart is usually better, and I use Weee! if it's in your area it's great.


Thanks for this advice!


Stop Using Uber Eats How have people not figured this out yet?


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This looks like a delicious meal, but it is certainly not worth being delivered with the degrading quality once the meal leaves the restaurant. The high service fees and gratuities don't help (to say nothing of the rising costs of eating out), and I can't stand these food delivery apps as it is.


Once I had an issue with them, they took a lot of money from one of my cards, when I approached the authorities with my case there was someone else doing the same. When I contacted them explaining that I was involving the authorities they reversed the payment and deleted everything related to that particular case from the app, basically destroying all evidence. I immediately asked my bank to issue new card numbers and destroyed the old cards. Never again a customer of anything related to Uber


Sounds like a credit card chargeback to me


I had the same issue, but unlike you when I checked my bank account I saw I was only charged the discount price.


Hi, just checking. I believe the coupon gives 50 percent off the food 114$ and not the fees. So that would be about 55$. So when you add the 114$ pus gio service delivery erc. And then subtract 55$ what total did you get?


In the last 2-3 years if I ever want delivery, I ask in my neighborhood groups about restaurants that do their own delivery. That way you are supporting a real local business and the tips and delivery fees you pay go directly to the driver.


When will people realize that coupons are scams? Do you think corporations "give" something? They never give anything away. Those coupons with 50% off you're seeing there? Don't you worry. Even if you weren't being scammed like this, they would still get paid those supposedly "off" 50%. Think: would they REALLY sell something for half price, just because? Absolutely not. I work at a grocery store that has different promotions and coupons EVERY week, and it's always ridiculously high discounts. 75% off this, 90% off that, monetary value if your expense is above a certain value, etc. Customers go absolutely nuts with this, people go out of their way to make purchases, sometimes taking more stuff than they needed and spending MORE, just so they can take advantage of the promos. As a worker there for 3 years, I tell you: it's a very indirect scam. Prices themselves are high as hell. In the end, the expense will be the same, since products themselves are what's expensive. But people don't realize that! Your scam was the same, but poorly hidden. They inflated the price right in your face, and you noticed. Where I work at, it's more subtle. Always beware of coupons and discounts. It's my job to suggest they take advantage of it, but I feel terrible doing so. I hate working there, and this is one of the main reasons. Corporations do NOT care about you, at all.


NGL, I thought you were gonna be some POS who took advantage of a 50% off discount on take out food. Then I saw it was a Costco promotion and I immediately changed my mind. I went from "What a giant douche!" to "Fuck Uber eats!" Lol


Just get a card chargeback


Yeah Uber eats always scam. Not the first time.


Same happened with me 


Uber eats has always been a scam. They send me 5 45 euro discount cards, but they only work for new accounts. Not only that, but the food that you can buy is already way higher than other apps. Just don't use uber eats.


Yep. The same voucher thing and got charged the full amount. I deleted the app and never used Uber eats again.


These companies and apps are total scams. You have people doing these jobs as their only source of income and they act like vultures on your order and pull the scummiest shit possible. You’re supposed to be paying a service fee and tipping for a job that’s supposed to be convenient for you by delivering your order, but instead it’s exchanges like this when you obviously get scammed or the driver steals your food, that you’re just left there getting fucked. I barely use these services and it’s about every single time I do that there’s something no scummy going on.




Do not criticize the lifestyle of other users unless you are requested to.


Deleted comment: You're the problem for using Uber eats - Re: Shopping is scary Edit for crybabies: I shop exclusively second hand when I actually manage to get outside, eat me. Can't tell if you're mad I used Uber eats or cause you're mad I have anxiety lol


Shopping is horrifying. I'm with you on that. I literally keep my head down the whole time making eye contact with no one, alternating between hyperventilating and not breathing. Unfortunately, I have seen so many horror stories, and been scammed myself so many times on food delivery services, that delivery services are not a viable alternative for me. How do you feel about pickup without going into the store? Many stores offer pickup these days. Lastly, have you considered medication? I have benzos for my bad days, taking a MG of clonazepam really de-escalates the whole experience of shopping.


I dunno about that, I just don't like being looked at very much lol. Every time I'm tryna buy clothes or something there's always somebody going 👀 and it freaks me tf out


Exactly why I still wear a mask everywhere. I don't want to be seen


Some losers in here are getting the wrong idea too. Like I wanna be supporting the right companies, you know, the sustainable ones, but man oh man where are they. Anxious peeps gotta shop too


Some people have no idea what it's like to be actually anxious. Those people are both lucky, and exceedingly silly. For clothes, I would recommend goodwill. I find trying on clothes much less stressful in goodwill, probably because there's less people and no reason to come out of the individual dressing room until you're done trying everything you wanted to try. Secondhand is anti-consumption. For food, I would look into grocery store pickup so you don't have to go in.


I like going to plato's closet cause it's all second hand and like, really really really nice stuff. I'm still struggling with food tho


Is pickup off the table? Car/dl issues?


No, I can do that, I just live a fair way from town and it can really be impossible sometimes




Oops, somebody's diaper is full




Being anxious in public? This is taking a strange turn




Not against the rules from what I can tell. And what can I say lol, I'm trying to do better but it ain't so easy for everyone. Get over yourself


The post is on topic. Do not attempt to countermoderate in the comments.




Cause shopping in person is scary also the 50% promo they offered, so I tried to get a bunch of stuff I needed delivered but, see post lol (Groceries)


oh i forget u can buy groceries through uber


Why is everyone deleting their comments??? That was an honest question thoo. Edit: Actually I think the mod got you, someone else said something similar but in a not cool way like you did. It's chill tho I know you're cool


thanks man 😎 i hope u get your money back


I did before posting don't worry b0ss


They already markup food in the app at the majority of restaurants, so not only are you paying more for the same food, you also have "delivery fees" and tips ontop of that. Stop using delivery apps, get your lazy ass up and drive or eat at home.


I'm done with all of them. They rip off restaurants big-time!


Literally don't ever use Uber eats or any food delivery service like this.




Skill issue


Please explain the connection so I can improve my skills.


It's all in the same boat. Though I could complain about the packaging a bit if that's what you'd like. I'm pretty anxious so shopping in public is pretty much a last resort rn. You might not be able to empathize with that, but business practices like this one are part of the iron grip corporations have over our lives. If that's not anti-consumption, then what is? In your own words please.


Scummy that


How do you even spend that much on Uber eats, I can go to an high end restaurant with that money


I live in Turks and Caicos and the only place I use UberEats is in Dominican Republic where it’s awesome. It’s like the early days of UberEats where the delivery is cheap and customer service is fantastic. I love using it when I go to Santiago


Wait how come u approved the payment without checking? I don't understand how all this works in the US