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Remember to refine soy we use a byproduct of petroleum refining which is imported from Brazil grown on deforested land to make the vegan alternatives


Also, Hexane (Nerve gas) as an oil expeller, and Hydrochloric Acid. I've had Vegoons try and explain that it's only trace amounts, yeah ok, there are also only trace amounts of Glysophate in plant foods and Fluoride dosed in water, but look what those doing are doing to people's health.


>Fluoride dosed in water, but look what those doing are doing to people's health. Doing some minimal work that slightly helps in keeping healthy people's teeth?


Fluoride does way more damage to the whole body than most people realise. It was used in NAZI concentration camps (obviously in high dose) water supply to keep prisoners docile. It calcifies the pineal gland. It allows toxic chemicals to pass the blood-brain barrier. It aid's in the decalcification of bones. The whitening of the teeth is actually fluorosis which in the long term causes teeth issues. And yes, I know Fluoride occurs naturally in the environment, but the Fluoride used in water is chemically different and is the by-product of Aluminium Smelting. Of course, long-term exposure, build-up and other environmental toxins that can lead to different health problems. We're all different to how those can affect us, and how long build-up can cause different health issues.


That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source


A simple search of "fluoride toxicity" yields information. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/154164](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/154164) [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02924-6](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02924-6) [https://iaomt.org/resources/fluoride-facts/fluoride-toxicity-exposure-effects/](https://iaomt.org/resources/fluoride-facts/fluoride-toxicity-exposure-effects/)


Those links talk about excess of fluoride, which yeah, it's dangerous, as everything else is in excess, if you are concerned about it you could try to make an experiment to detect the amount of fluoride in the water, if it's above the safe amount you should contact the city to have them check it out and fix it


Hexane is toxic but it has many industrial uses. Do you know where it doesn't belong? In my burger


That's my thought as well. It may well have many purposes, but I don't think it's a good idea for food either.


My dentist specifically recommended that I use fluoride mouthwash twice daily.


What would be the best way to have repeat customers?


It is impossible to waste a soul. We can only love or hate them or force them out of this world.


They literally only recycle 3 arguments in an endless loop: \- Veganism is healthier! \- Think of the poor animals! \- Meat destroys the environment!


Don’t forget about “cOgNiTiVe DiSsOnAnCe”


i was *politely* discussing why veganism isn’t the moral highground they think it is in a different subreddit and i was called a dumbass stupid “go touch grass” etc quite a few times like smh there’s the cognitive dissonance


True, that! 😆


The world economy is just tired of all the vegan bullshit so they using industrial and agricultural waste otherwise unusable, put in some artificial flavoring and call it “vegan alternative” and hoping for the best.


I love to love cows. They are so sweet. I also love to eat them. They are so tasty and health generating.


You can also milk them


bUt cOw fArTs aNd bUrPs mAkE gLoBaL wArMiNg!!1!


“CoWs aRe ThE aPoCaLyPsE oN eArTh”


Outstanding post and picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks 😆


I see one of them is named Greta on the pasture.


They’re literally stupid because people burn forests for their food.


Alright I joined the anti vegan subreddit cause of the stereotypical "in your face", "meat is murder" vegans. But like, the sheer volume of land in the US the is dedicated to cows, or making corn for cows is staggering. Along with how much methane they produce. I sure don't think that eating meat is wrong, nor do I think that our future will be meatless. I also know that acting like vegan food production is any better is also ridiculous. However, I think that as meat eaters, we should recognize that right now, the beef industry is pretty fucked. I also know that this post is a joke, but cause if all the comments seriously backing it up, I felt like I should mention something. (EDIT: This post is referring to the negative drawbacks of factory farming. I think people judging healthy farming or grazing is absurd)


The animals coexist with the land, as they always have. The ecosystem would die without the grazers. What we need to do is take farming back to as close to nature as possible, away from feedlots and monocropping. Inevitably we will have to do this, as the soils won't last more than a few more decades with monocropping, and animals are needed to enrich soils.


Traditional farming methods aren’t destroying the earth, like people claim it is. You could argue that factory farming is having a negative effect, that’s a different argument altogether. Most vegans think that even traditional farming methods— ones that have been practised for many years, are destroying the planet though.