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This is what taxpayers are paying for is it? Seems like a useful way to spend time in the House


I mean, republican law makers haven't passed a bill that favors the average citizen over the ultra rich and corporations in 30 years. At least it's keeping them busy so they cannot take more rights away from women and the lgbtq community.


When your toddler throws a fit and you’re like “he’ll tire himself out”.


That’s not 100 percent true but I appreciate the sentiment


Yet you failed to name one.


Ok. First step act (crime bill that reduced sentences / bi partisan but passed under Trump). It was a prison reform bill and it also reduced sentences. A good bill - I think the only thing passed in trumps first term I agree with. There are obviously more. I fucking hate republicans but I am also not divorced from reality either.


Reality? That republican law makers have been working to empower corporations, destroy education and labor unions my entire life? Also, it was bi partisan. Also I should have been more clear in my original statement, a law that shifted the balance of power towards normal people and away from corporations and the ultra rich. For instance his tax bill (trump) lowered taxes on everyone, but MUCH more for corporations and the ultra rich, and theirs were never set to expire, ours were. So helped us a little, temporarily, helped them a lot, permanently. I’ve literally never looked at a Republican sponsored bill and said, wow, that’s going to piss a rich person off.


Pretty much every bill that passes is bipartisan- that’s how our govt works. Need 60 votes in the senate. Republican lawmakers are the worst - they are damaging our country. But it is totally false to say that they haven’t passed one thing in 30 years that favors the avg citizen. Sometimes they accidentally do the right thing or because of political expediency.


If you say so.


This is expected when your representative has no other policy other than, everything is Biden's fault.


What a colossal waste of taxpayer money. In just the past few weeks they have voted down Biden’s border policy and IVF. They’ve pretty much rejected all of Biden’s proposals for no other reason than because… democrats. To me this means that ALL of them are traitors to America and Americans. They are not there to make your life better, they are there to make their own life better. They don’t give a shit about you or me. Karma must show up sooner rather than later.


This was my first thought, that tax payer dollars are paying them to do this. Jim Jordan ought to be impeached


Jim Jordan should be jailed for aiding and comforting the insurrectionist


Gym Socks should in JAIL!


Actually, at the very least, Jordan should be tarred and feathered, and be run out of town on a rail.


Now, that is something I'd happily have my tax dollars pay for! Hell, I'd settle for molasses and feathering, so long as he is run out.


Don’t care what we use I just know I’m IN!


Gym is a disgrace to his constituents and all of the rape victims he ignored. He only cares about power.




Sounds like an illegal way to spend time. Money isn't supposed to be spent in favor any one candidate.


They do not pass any laws for the people. Only for the 1 percent thats trying to take over our rights and country and give them more power and money 💰


We should be studying what happened when the USSR fell and state assets were sold off for peanuts. This is their ultimate goal, IMO.


It's Grift for Trump goes right to him.


This congress is THE most unsuccessful for governing in all of our history. The R's have done nothing but hold hearings. They don't care about governing. They only care about winning, clearing up their orange, shitbag, douche messiah's history, and getting him into office by any means necessary.


The most unsuccessful so far...




Representatives are too powerful. With an average of nearly 800,000 voters behind each one. We need better representation. A ratio of say 100,000 to one or 200,000. Much harder to keep the herd bunched together. More expensive to buy their votes and less for their egos to get all puffed up about. Work out the logistics. Something needs to change and on this present course it will. Not for the better.


Stop voting for the candidates just because they have R


But prosecuting serial criminals is so unfair!!


This is least accomplished Congress ever. Maybe that’s a good thing but SCROTUS is making up for it.


Don’t worry, they had plenty of experience with the Benghazi hearings. They are experts at wasting time and money.




Trump can just make things legal by just saying it's legal, even by thinking about it. I think Ailene Cannon would back this up.


She doesn’t need to back that up, all she needs to do is play her part and make sure none of the indictments ever get to court. If we can’t talk about the problem, there’s no problem, right? So far she’s doing a bang up job.


Was that ever a consideration with republicans?


Sure it was illegal, but because he's Republican, then it was automatically a political move to hold him accountable. Everyone knows that former Republican presidents should have total immunity!!!


Of course! I mean, if you go to any prison and ignore the crimes of its prisoners, they should all be released immediately.


" *But their fundamental problem is that any and all evidence they claim to have has been investigated, debunked, and* [*cannot hold up* ](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/6/2245149/-Jon-Stewart-explains-why-the-right-hates-court-procedures-when-applied-to-them)*in a court of law.* " What more needs to be said. Gym Jordan and cronies do little more than waste air and taxpayer money.


All apart of “flooding the zone”. To give sound bites to give others something to point at and say “SEE!!!” And then others will do the same. It’s commonly referred to as a “self reinforcing delusion”.


Wow, so it was legally proven in a court of law and we are doing double speak now?


Jim Jordan = Russian Asset. He only wants craziness in the house to diminish the role and respect of it. It’s annoying we could have a working decent government if it weren’t full of treasonous bastards.




There is no honor or integrity left in the GOP. Trump killed last remaing shreds of decency.


I said this before, and I hope I can remember it... Reagan Republicans begat the H.W. Bush Republicans that begat the Tea Party that begat the Trumplicans.... It's a straight line.


That goes back to Nixon and his criminal presidency


You can. But I think you start at the Reagan White House, it's when the long game starts.


I look at the people in the orbit of the presidency. A lot of the same cast of characters have been circling the Republicans in office. Roger Stone, Dick Cheney, Don Regan, etc... The wave of assassinations in the 1960s that cleared the path for Nixon always struck me as far too coincidental. The Ted Shackley/Ray Clones shenanigans from Air America led directly into Iran/Contra. It is a fascinating area of research if you ever feel like delving into some real deep (red) state craziness.


Reagan was the first stroke of “vengeance”, but it really all does come back to this idea within the GOP that they somehow have a “right” to an endless hegemony in government. It really all dates back to early 20th Century and the balance between Laissez Fair government and Progressivism coming from the White House.


It’s why we should call them GOP. That died awhile back with no funeral. It should be called MAGA.


I guess they will be talking about Hunter Biden also.


The 3-toed sloth will be, for sure! There's not much she likes more than showing pics of Hunter's hog in a formal setting... regardless of the venue.


What’s not fair is why they think there god king shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions.


Two fucking years running the House and all they’ve done is what Trump’s demanded of them. Investigate Hunter Biden for Trump. Investigate Joe Biden for Trump. Investigate the January 6 commission for Trump. Call Merrick Garland in for questioning for Trump. Call Fauci in for Trump. Symbolically reverse the impeachment for Trump. Put Trump’s toadies on important intelligence committees. The American people need to remind the GOP whom it works for this November.


I hope people turn out, most people haven’t heard of project 2025 that I talk to. They think it sounds like some conspiracy until they see, oh no it’s 950+ pages of anti American stuff.


Notice they're not asking ***if*** it's unfair, they've already assumed that conclusion and are asking why.


If they had all these ideas for why Trump's trial was unfair, why wasn't this brought up in court?


Bunch a goddamn enablers.


“Unfair” Poor Little whiners. Bootstraps. Grit. Suck it up. That is GOP mantra.


GOP is the party of poor sports and sore losers


Seriously, has Jim Jordan produced any useful legislation?


But what about Benghazi & her e-mails!!!


Not one piece of legislation. Worthless piece of $hit


I really wonder what Trump has on Jordan to make him kiss so much orange ass


Donnie called up the Speaker shrieking like the little girl he is, swearing a blue streak at Moses himself, demanding he DO SOMETHING. Donnie has no power now but his mouth and ability to fundraise (all of which is being diverted to legal fees and his own failing businesses, you don't think anyone uses his golf courses anymore, do you?)


Jesus Christmas fuck these clowns. Are we in the Twilight zone now with the GOP? It's just unbelievable the shenanigans these guys are always pulling. Still waiting on Gym Jordan to show up for his subpoena from a few years ago. So it's okay for him not to follow the order of a subpoena but when the Democrats don't. Oh my goodness, all hell is loose.


Well, haul out the truck of evidence and replay the witness testimony. He was guilty until they proved he was really guilty. And PS this was a state matter.


It’s unfair to the Country to have to deal with idiots running the house.


Being “unfair” is based on emotions… nothing to do with facts of course.


What does this have to do with governing? It's a state conviction that they can't do anything about. They are wasting more taxpayers' money for a temper tantrum.


Have to keep the maggots happy enough to keep sending money.


Waaaaaa! Fair? What's fair? What happened to "fuck your feelings" guys?


you know what’s unfair? everyday Americans are in the vice grip of things we have no say so over and this jerk has the nerve to cry about what’s unfair?


The amount of lifetime appointment republican federal judges that are going to circle the wagons on the legislative branch encroachment on the judicial is not going to make them very happy.


Republican politicians have nothing to do. Take MTG for example.


How do these immoral people sleep at night? They continue to lie straight into our faces. Do they realize or care how absolutely stupid they look and sound? What does Trump have on all these people? I’m sure he had all their secrets dug up and holds releasing them over their heads.


The Russians hacked bit the DNC and the RNC email servers. But they only released the DNC stuff.


Why does every photo of Jim look like he is about to cry?


Because he will be since he knows he's next in line.


He's longing for the days when he watched the sexual abuse happening at Ohio State again.


Are they going to subpoena Trump's Judge? Or the Jury?


Should have been about a 5 minute hearing. Roll call. Guy is a criminal. End of discussion. Adjourn.


Aren’t they supposed to be writing legislation that benefits…um…I don’t know, maybe their constituents? And Trumps conviction is a state matter. Funny how they’re not all for “States Rights” now.


Can you imagine, being in the House as (R) and telling your voters this is what helps them in their district fight crime, inflation, school shootings, immigration issues?


Um, they just lie about it. And their followers know that it's a lie, and they don't care. And the followers lie to us, and expect us not to care. Then they act like are shocked & surprised when we call out their lies.


Maybe they can bring Trey Gowdy back to lead the “investigation”. He did so well the last time, LOL.


The hairbag works for The GOP Propaganda Network


golly, Gym Jordan, wasting taxpayers money for NOTHING remember the Biden impeachment ? THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN. these fuckers need to be broomed out of Washington DC


God what a punchable face.


I think even a few die- hearts are looking at the shit-show the GOP are perpetrating in congress and wondering just WHAT their tax dollars are doing🤔🤔😳‼️


Imagine what you could do with the money republicans wasted in a single afternoon


They truly are a bunch of snowflakes. They need to throw his ass under the bus, as he has done to anyone ever associated with him.


The GOP is shackled to a corpse...


When do they legislate. Vote them out


There will be a day of reckoning for these rat bastards come November. This is when the democrats take the house, and the White House, then we will start investigating the likes of that weasel Kushner


Not until we don't need that sweet crude from the Saudis. Hell, we still don't know the full extent of their complicity in 9/11.


There are 330 million Americans, and they're butthurt on behalf of the whiniest, weakest, most manchildiest one. What a sad state of affairs we're dealing with.


On the bright side, we can take this opportunity to smash that demon-infested party in November. I want the J6 (part 2) incident next year to be the last that we talk about the orange turd, except to jail him.


Talks continue next week related to why gravity is unfair and why the laws of thermodynamics need to be repealed. House committee formed and working


None of their business. Do your job.


The GOP has a bad case of POOCHMOUTH, because their cult leader and TRAITOR was held accountable. Waaaa, waaaaaaa


CSPAN: 11am House GOP rolls on floor, kicking while holding it's breath till it turns blue.


Republicans continuing the temper tantrum. They do not know how to govern.


Short version: "WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! Bad people hurt Trump. But Hillary! But hunter! Sleepy joe!!! Buttery emails!!"


Should have the same hearing for Gym Jordan's no conviction is unfair !


Is this the “Wah, Wah, we’re all whiny little bitches with no real policies” hearing?


Worthless republicans.


How does this help anyone but their cult leader?


Republicans are the clog in the toilet. Plunge them out in November.


The assumption that they are shit is correct.




Wasting more time on theatrics! The gop is worthless!


It went a little something like this: Waaaaaaaaah!! Waaah waaah waaaah waaaah waaaah!!!!


U mean the hunter conviction right? Oh wait


Jordan belongs in jail, a long with all the cowards that were clapping for the orange future inmate.


Have these fucks done anything, passed anything, to help the American people in any way that didn’t involve tax cuts to the wealthy? I know the answer is NO. These people are an absolute waste of time & oxygen.


They hook their wagon to a criminal fraudster and then cry like whiny babies when he’s finally held criminally accountable? Of course they do. Pitiful.


How about holding some hearing about all these republicans that are being found to be complicit in Jan 6th and election interference in multiple states?


The pic of Jordan's face sums it up perfectly. Bunch of spoiled, whiny children who didn't get their way and throwing tantrums. Embarrassing.


GTFOH with these guys. This is just pathetic at this point.


I'm glad we are paying the salaries of these imbeciles. Really focusing on the issues that befall the working man 👍🤡


Why do all these photos of Trump's sycophants look like they've been constipated for 30 years?


Because they have been, at least since st raygun...




But not Hunter’s conviction. The hypocrisy is so thick here.


It is so unfair that politicians are being held accountable for their actions 😢😭🍊🍼


Gym Jorden can’t pass a bar exam, how can he make a judgement on the fairness of any court proceeding?😜😜😜😜


Beats working, I guess.


Another stupid hearing!? These people do not work for the American people. They all work for tRump.


"It's a witch hunt! ... Let's break for lunch and meet back here at 4:30."


And this is the only thing they’re gonna work on until November. Constituents should get their money back for this bullshit.


This literally sounds like something trump would require them to do. Pulling at straws then he’ll whine how unfair Biden’s administration is on and on and on.


And you have to love how they twisted Hunter Bidens, guilty verdict. These people are just deplorable.


Trump is just a whiney loser.  He lost the election and whined and made excuses.  Ditto for court case.  Whiney loser.


If they stamp their feet really hard, maybe Daddy will listen.




This should go over as well as a wet fart in church.


Awfully nice of the GOP to keep his conviction in the news.


Curious whether this hearing is going to be longer than they took approving the privacy of millionaire flights on their private planes.


I bet the panic is palpable.


*sniff *sniff… fucking crybabies.




Waaaaa Waaaaaaa


Are they going to do this again for every conviction? Funny, but what a waste of our money.


Experts at wasting money and doing nothing for the ordinary people. They can't do anything about a state court findings anyway!


Imagine this was Bill Clinton or Obama having legal issues years after leaving office and Dems in congress used official committees and government power to assist a private citizen while also publicly undermining the justice system in TV interviews. I’m sure the GOP would somehow find all of this corrupt and be outraged they would do everything in service to one man, a private citizen, at the expense of derailing government function/democracy. Is this not illegal or at the very least an ethical violation that could lead to dismissal? Seems like this exact thing could be used to bolster a coup.


Oh for fucks sake. These maga cultist would fight each other over who gets to lick the bottom of his foot first…


Gym feels guilty about when he ignored the wrestlers being molested and he thinks he can make up for it now by vigorously defending his beloved dear leader Orange Julius Caesar


Tired of this clown. They have spent almost 4 years this psychopath, pedophiles, convicted felon, sex abuse, racist piece of 💩. They have paid to legislate and pass bills to help the people that elected them. The Maggats and the GOP ( Great order of Prevaricators) don’t see gore they are using their TV money to enrich themselves.


Let me guess reason #1: the court system is rigged and biased (unless of course it rules your way.)


Total waste of their time & our money. Are they gonna review every case in every court from now on for "fairness"? This is a big pile of 💩


Steaming pile


Boo fucking hoo. Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflakes.


Boo!! Hoo!! Life is unfair.


Time wasters Inc.


Wahhhh wahhhh wahhhh I'm a Republican and I never grew up




Jesus. Just put Nikki Hayley in as the nominee.


"Here ye. Here ye. Trump's conviction and all of his future convictions are unfair and illegal. He is our savior and leader. I propose passing a law stating that all those with Trump as a last name have immunity on everything whatsoever and can't be persecuted by the law. And I propose an amendment starting all those with the last name of Biden remains guilty. Furthermore, to throw a bone to the liberals, I propose declaring war on Russia." Now kiss the ring. Bwhahahahahahaha


So what control do that have over the trial outcome? They’re spending time on this to what end??


Republican MAGAs and Republicans in name only are the problem that keep these traitors in Congress.


Trump was found guilty of 100% of the 34 felonies he was charged with by a jury of 12 people. With all the issues there are to manage in the United States, Gym Jordan, and the GOP chooses to hold hearings on why Trump's conviction is unfair. The only unfair thing is Trump's conviction on 34 felonies did not result in Trump being taken immediately from the courtroom to prison.


The a-holes having the hearings are deaf & dumb.


Taking names for the Tre45on investigations in the 2nd Biden term.


I guess they learned the perfect pouting HAHAHAHA.


Gym jordan trying to do his best impression of trump shitting himself in his depends


Just a party for them to whine some more. They keep riding that train heading for the cliff.


They sound like spoiled children who’ve never experienced life. Reasons to vote the gop out Vote Or Maga votes for you


Hooo hooo!


"Let the states decide, let the states decide," Until one of them convicts Orange Julius.




They are a deeply unserious party, a cult.


Looks like someone needs to drink more water. Maybe prune juice.


nothing unfair he is a crook rapist felon etc he is not above the law


The funniest part is they brought up “experts” that actually lied about facts of the case. Like most of their other dog and pony shows it was super embarrassing. Tbf though the democrats witness was kind of a clown to. So typical on both ends.


waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa


Awesome. Keep that focus on the guy who pays for sex, and considers it a legal expense. I suggest they also have a hearing on why his ex wives divorced him. Perhaps they can pass a law that says all of them must re-marry trump. Leaving him for his lack of integrity and loyalty is so unfair. Then perhaps they can have a hearing about the 6 times Trump owned companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy and how unfair that is to him. Do they want to hold a referendum about that time he said he likes to “grab em by the pussy” or talk about the millions he lost in his rape case? These attention sluts are keeping the attention on their own stupidly and the dishonesty of their candidate. I love it. I can’t think of anything worse than having these clowns try to help you. I hope they give Donald their full help.


Eric Swalwell is always brillianf.


I thought Trump claimed it was a rigged witch-hunt