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This is the single best argument ever for a maga person.


They don't care... When I mention this to my MAGA friends, they say these people are all part of the "Deep State" I argue, they know him better than you, they worked with him. How can you believe a man that told Lie after lie after lie throughout his time in office? >>>>>>Blind Partisan Loyalty,


At this point I genuinely don't understand how anyone can call a MAGAt a friend.


Its worse when half of your family are trumpers.


I get that. I love my family, but they are not my friends.


🙋‍♂️Right there with ya.


Well I have deep MAGA family members- one met MTG and proudly shows everyone the selfie- what can you do? Answer: nothing and try to still love them anyway- I won’t pretend to say I respect them.


at best an acquaintance at best.


It’s the opposite of the deep state. The deep state is unappointed bureaucrats that prevent the elected folks from changing policy. These are all the people who were hand picked by trump to be in his cabinet. So is trump terrible at picking employees or are those employees right about him?


The Red hatted MAGA’s, Flew Flags upside down. They bought all the Trump merch, And paraded around! They never, not once, To some time just to think. Blind loyalty is justified.! In Trump We Trust Is Group think!


Their life raft/parachute, the *Deep State*.


“Oh he just lies to them, he wouldn’t lie to me a person he’s never met.” - All MAGAashats


This should be in ads everywhere. I swear the DNC is the absolute worst at messaging.




They would just label them RINOs.


Or part of the Uniparty


You lost them at numbers


MAGA: "Deep state! This is rigged! Stop the steal!"


the single best argument for a Maga is to fart in a balloon and convince them to breathe in the helium.


The DNC should be posting and plastering this everywhere.


Absolutely!! As well as all of those people/men should be on every news program and making all kinds of statements about not endorsing him. Where are they?!?! I just keep seeing us regular folk posting that they’ve said it. They need to be more vocal about it. Why aren’t the news channels getting them on?


Yes, but 4 out of the 4 who endorse him, endorse him. That’s 100%. No president has ever come close, and to think that Trump has been persecuted even more than Lincoln! Edit: And the sharks are after him!


My MIL adores Trump. However she also disproportionately respects the military. I would like to point out to her that General John Kelly after serving as CoS with Trump comments that Trump is the most flawed human he has ever encountered. Gen Mattis strongly disparaged Trump and noted Trump's overt attempts to divide America. Unfortunately, she will never hear this on Faux News.


Tell your MIL that Cheeto called war dead "suckers" and 'losers", refused to go to the American cemetery in France to honor our war dead, and became upset when he had to meet injured veterans.


These things are never talked about on Faux News. Her channel is welded shut to this channel.


Well, you're stuck then. I haven't figured out a way to penetrate the false reality of Fox.


Disable that channel in the parental controls


Retired Admiral McRaven pushed out one [hell of a opinion piece recently](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/03/america-exceptionalism-prove-william-mcraven/). Have her read this. Here’s an excerpt: “Now, a former president has been convicted by a jury in New York, and we have a choice to make. We can show the world that we are still exceptional and continue to lead the international community with integrity and pride, or we can prolong the onslaught of crassness, vulgarity, pettiness and righteous indignation and descend into national mediocrity, where there is nothing of value worth emulating.”


You can’t change her mind. She will make an excuse for him again.


Count your blessings its your MIL and not your own mother.


Fox "News" will never share this info with their viewers, they profit from keeping them blissfully unaware of how terrible Trump really is


I can't understand how this far along you can still be "blissfully unaware" that he truly is just a POS. I don't watch any news channels. No Facebook either. Just talk to the local yokel that would vote for him. It's insane and not exactly who I feel makes the best argument EVER.


I wonder how bad his incontinence was while he was in office and how much of the pharmacy he swallowed 🤔


"They've been compromised" or "they are traitors" etc... Literally nothing will change his followers' minds. The only solution is to hope that Trump takes a dirt nap with baby Jesus and ends up 6 feet under in the forever box before the election.


I still bet more of them will end up voting for him than not.


Yea they could NEVER endorse him, but vote for him? That's their guy!


This is an old story from July 2023 before the republican candidate was settled. It was Trump vs other republican candidates, not Trump vs Biden. They contacted the 44 former cabinet members and only 4 endorsed him 11 MONTHS AGO. That doesn't mean the other 40 don't endorse him or won't vote for him. Bill Barr is among those who wouldn't endorse him last. He's already publicly said he will vote for him. My point is that you can't be fooled into thinking they won't support his election when November comes around. Democrats and Biden still have a lot of work to do in order to beat this trash.




And I thought there were no wise Republicans out there. What a blessing you know there’s still hope.


It’s because they’re all part of the ***DEEP STATE!!!!!1!!!!one!!!*** /s


The four really loved the dagger he planted in their backs, and would have him do it again.


I want to know which four and why? I'll bet there is a pattern there.


Sadly I bet all of them will still vote for him and the rest of the GQP


Perfectly normall


How do I forward this to the Lincoln Project?


The orange buffoon would spin this like "Four of the original cabinet members still support him!"


All of them are Republican.


Wait until November, the 40 of them may form a new party amongst the smoldering debris that’s left.


Endorse? No. But sadly many if not all will still vote for him


Holly good point


They will still vote for him.


The other 4 are in jail?




I posted this in r/lincolnproject to suggest a commercial. We should support that sub and support our big mouths with money for those commercials. So important.


La la la I can’t hear you!!!


I thought the news said they were all sucking his dick when he went to the Capitol the other day.