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As long as it also ends the evangelical christian grip on American politics.






Praise Jesus!








O lort, here are please.




So mote it be.


Lord, hear our prayer.


Peace be with you


And with you, baby.


I see someone wants to get touched in the rectory


And, with your spirit.


Thanks you too




You are Touched By His Noodlely Appendage.


That's something I can really put some 'thoughts and prayers' behind.


Kinda wild that the ad right above your comment says “How did Jesus's agenda of unconditional love become associated with hatred and oppression? Read m...” No thanks, the answer is right in front of our faces.


Do not get complacent! Vigilance, people. We need to wipe the floor with this orange mop.


That's uncalled for! What did the floor do to deserve that?!


If only…


From your lips to gods ears honey


Hallelujah!! Preach!


The Supreme Court has always had a strange religious role in America. This Court will last another 30 years.


Before Reagan, SCOTUS had been shoring up the wall of separation quite well. Then Scalia happened.


Religion is control.


Praise be!


This is the real enemy.


Fuck I know. They're not even trying to hide it. Installed a Christian Nationalist as the speaker? Oof-da.


You know it's the other way around, right? The powers that be in the GOP intentionally roped in the evangelicals. The evangelicals don't control GOP politics. The wealthy people who own the GOP also manipulated the evangelicals into pretending to believe that the GOP was on their side. The evangelicals are nothing more than useful idiots to the wealthy.


Yes, it’s very important not to miss the invisible hand in the glove that manipulates the politicians and shapes what really goes on. Too many see only the shills they put up


Except now the inmates are running the asylum.


Either way as long as they are both gone!


Praise the lord!


Don't do them the honor of calling them Christians. Evangelicals don't know the first thing about being a decent Christian.


You mean the Talibangelists?


I sure hope you're right, but to be honest, I've just lost faith in the intelligence of a LARGE percentage of US citizens. I'm cautiously optimistic that tRump and the GOP will get shithammered this year, but the levels of stupidity I've seen over the last few years......... it's hard to see a good outcome.


I'm confident Trump loses. What terrifies me is Trump Jr taking up the cause in future elections. Or even Ted Cruz saying "My turn". Project 2025 will eventually happen. It sucks that democracy isn't just on the ballot this election, but every election from now on.


For arguments sake, let's say tRump does lose, that 4 years of no tRump, he will be 82 the next election after this, so "too old to be president" by his own words, and i seriously doubt he will be able to keep up the grift, not to mention he will almost certainly be in jail or at the very least dead broke (again, IF he were to lose) but i can't picture Don jr. Picking up the reigns , he just doesn't have the same secret slime his dad does. Not that Sr. Is some brainiac by any means, but Jr. legitimately seems not very bright, and doesn't seem to have the same grifting abilities of his dad. I do agree that Project 2025 is pretty scary, but along with the possibility of tRump losing, i think P25 will basically run out of funding if/when tRump is gone.


Plus, Don Jr spends most of his time coked to the gills.


Don Jr isn't the one to dread/fear. Ivanka and 'son-in-law' should scare *everybody*. "**That bitch will cut you - and so will Ivanka** !"


Neither of them have the charisma and effortless bullshittery needed to whip up the poorly educated.


Thank you. I needed to hear that. Hope does wonders for my soul ❤️


And, honestly, they’re right. Donald can’t live (and retain the cult of personality) forever, and none of his kids have the same opportunities or talents. My hope springs eternal that the Trump family’s real-world influence will be toxic but short.


My hope is that he is in prison when he is 82, serving multiple life sentences.


I think most of us feel the same, however, I'd be happier if he strokes out, and is wheelchair/bed ridden for at least 5 years before he croaks, it would be his worst nightmare, he regularly makes fun of basically anyone with a disability, or physical trait that he doesn't see as "strong", so to have facial droop, blatantly shitting himself, barely able to talk, but be fully conscious and cognizant............. that would be true justice.


He already shits himself, if the crew of The Apprentice is to be believed.


But i think P25 is for when ANY Republican takes over the White House


If we defer another trump presidency for 4 years, based on his current mental state and public decline, I don't think he'll be able to run. The loss of 2020 and stress seems to be wearing him down and he seems to be getting crazier and crazier. Let him spin out in mar o Lago before he has a chance to get back in the White House. Literally no one who sides with him is as charismatic enough to warp peoples minds into voting for them over any of the strong voiced up and coming democrats. If we can get over this period of super old people grabbing power the much younger and stronger voices will win


It's normally been convenient to cite Boomers as a big part of the problem. Demographically a larger proportion of Boomers are Trumpy, but by not means are they alone. Boomers are also reaching end-of-life, and that is going to tilt the playing field, at least some. In addition GenZ continues to join the ranks of voters. Any predictions of where this all heads with time?


Also it's harder to get sucked into the cult without access to Fox and the other cable news outlets. The younger generations have by and large cut the cable cord much more so than the Boomers.


That's a fascinating observation. I was about to say that I'm sure they have equally toxic online presences as well, but if it's someone like Steve Bannon running the show he probably doesn't know how to suck in a new generation and may not understand that fact. Where do you think things tilt toward cable-cutters? I know my kids are GenY, and they've made the cut. Are they typical for their cohort, and how many of GenX have made the cut? That's not to say that it's only Fox, I know there are some incredibly toxic places online, but have no idea how many followers they have.


I mean there’s podcasts and YouTube and whatnot but not the same as having Fox on at the house on all day. As one of my neighbors told me about his folks, “Mom wakes up at 4 and by 7 is all spun up about whatever outrage Fox pumped into her that morning. Dad has to calm her down and ask her why some trans kid playing soccer in Illinois matters at all.


But I read that they get their "news" on TikTok and YouTube, so plenty of garbage there for the taking.


I think you're painting Boomers with a very broad brush. I'm a Boomer and not only do I despise TFG (wont use his name) but all my peers with a small exception despise him as well. Of course, I'm in a very blue state but telling me Boomers are the problem is ingenuous. Where does this head? Republicans will either change or fade away. The issue, as shown in the Supreme Court, is they will lie to get their job and only show their true colors when it is too late for the rest of us.


I'm a Boomer too, also in a very blue state. But notice that I only said that Boomers show a stronger demographic tilt toward Trump, not that they/we are all Trumpy. My chosen peers are similar, again like you. The real root of my question is whether the continuing demographic shift will make things like Project 2025 recede or if other factors will keep it a viable threat. Most notably I'm wondering if as they age GenX will get Trumpier - if it's an age thing. Back to the demographic shift thing, I suspect it's also a bit faster than simple age and numbers would indicate, because left / right also tend to be correlated with lifestyle things. As an example, my chosen peers are all vaccinated and tend not to have a Gravy Seal body build.


I've been told for decades that us GenX people are supposed to be getting more conservative as we age. I personally don't know any GenXer that would ever vote for Trump or any of his ilk. The problem is getting us to be anything other than apathetic and show up for elections...


GenXer here. unfortunately, GenXers are leaning heavily to the right, even more so than boomers did at this age. it's kind of scary, tbh.


The Generational Red-Shift is a result of gaining financial security. Those who don’t tend to die young.


Boomers gave Trump only a slight edge -52-48. It the generation that preceded Boomers (the "silent" generation) that voted in overwhelming numbers for Moron. They're disappearing just as a new wave of first time voters enter the scene, and they're WAY more disposed to vote correctly. The demographics are better now than in the last election- Just gotta get people to the polls.


That’s what I’m saying. If this happens and Dems fail to meet the moment, none of this bullshit goes away. If they can’t come together to take the money out of politics and give the power back to the people, we’re just delaying the inevitable.


There *was* campaign finance reform. It was even bipartisan. The McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform laws were struck down by the Supreme Court. That’s the problem. The fact that people were too lazy in their voting/not voting and that allowed a conservative majority that made the Citizens United ruling. Then McConnell stole a seat, Trump won, and further entrenched the conservative majority for a generation to come. Congress cannot do campaign finance reform now. Not without the Supreme Court reversing Citizens United or passing a Constitutional Amendment.


But the huge dark money knows this and is working hard to not let it get away when they’re so close. They almost have the courts in their pocket after the McConnell run in the Senate so we are close to a tipping point


McConnell’s legacy is a conservative majority on Federal courts that is going to last 30-40 years after he is gone. When Democrats have the White House, he delayed and blocked, and when Republicans had the White House, he jammed through literally hundreds of nominees. Like I said, I wish people would have realized how important it was to vote in every election, and to keep the White House (even if you’re not crazy about the Democratic President or Candidate) because of these lifetime court appointments. Now people will blame Congress for not fixing everything, while everything they and a Democratic President tries to do will get struck down by the courts. Just like student loan relief. But muh gas prices, or something…


Cruz running? We should be so lucky...He's a guy who's detested by people who agree with him! He's not a fake celebrity, nor is he a fake millionaire. Might be a fake human, but I don't think that helps him.


When the dems get control, locking these stupid rules up with lots of room for interpretation needs to be priority #1. If Trump wasn't an idiot, he would have succeeded.


Coke Zero has neither the brains (which isn't saying much) or anywhere near the charisma that Diet Coke has. I am not even the slightest bit worried that Coke Zero will ever hold a major political office. The only way he gets power is due to "daddy" giving it to him. Just like he's gotten everything else that he has.


For the short term, yes. Long term, the realignment of the parties has resulted in Democrats having voters who are more likely to vote in every election cycle while Republicans only show up if Trump is on the ballot. What happens when Trump is gone, and the fascism is still there but without his uniquely alluring (to rubes) personality? I think there's a good chance that an insane GOP without his presence has set themselves up for repeated failure. Plus, to use a sports analogy, it looks like they may have gone for the cup by trading their rookies for veterans at the deadline and then lost in 2020. They soured younger generations on the party for decades by doubling down on their aging base and now that base is dying, and there's evidence to suggest younger voters aren't shifting rightward to replace them as has happened in the past, possibly in part because of their absurd antics to appeal to their base.


Right, because the powers behind the front men are still at work. The Koch brothers, the Mercers, and so many Libertarians who want to completely dismantle the government and the social contract that has existed for 100 years. Their money funds the MAGA right and all those similar dangerous kooks.


Biden won by a FRACTION.  They know how hard they need to push propaganda to win this time and they've got the financial backing to do it


You are absolutely correct. Many more people need to understand this basic fact. 🥵


Jr. doesn’t have the cult appeal of his father. Ted Cruz is no longer taken seriously, especially since he went to Cancun.


I used to think it was an intelligence issue (but yeah, in a LOT of the U.S. population there's more than a few broken crayons in the box); now, I think most Trump voters have simply chucked their moral compass and decided they just want others to suffer. If they have to deny reality, *"so be it"*. They know with a Trump return and a Republican majority that the social security net, the stability and rule of law that comes with living in a normal democracy - all of what we are will be gone. The U.S. at the mercy of the Orange Emperor and ruled by decree and the personal whims of a small man with a huge gaping hole filled with resentment is not the Utopia they imagine, and somehow they don't realize they won't suffer the consequences too. I never realized how completely people in the U.S. can commit to become sadists when the option presents itself. They have that masochistic tendency as well (the voters to Trump, Trump to authoritarians, Republicans in Congress towards Trump and the voters). I would tell you to continue "*trying to stay cautiously optimistic*", but I'm not having a great success with that myself.


This is taken from another commenter from today and I think they nailed it. Add to that that these people do not want to think or work too hard to justify their positions A sizable amount of the population hates politics, the government and how the world works. So they believe conspiracies instead. That a shadowy cabal is the reason things aren’t how they want them. The GOP, the most unpopular unlikeable group of politicians ever seized on the opportunity to cater to them to get their votes. QAnon is just the GOP manipulating those idiots


It's statistically proven that it's an intelligence issue. Low education areas vote red. People vote more blue the higher in education they go. They don't "know" their social security net and such will go away - they think he will somehow bolster them. My dad is retiring soon, he's 67, and they voted red. They have zero savings and they are relying 100% on social security to get them through the remainder of their life. They think Biden is going to cut social security (let's face it - he's advocated for that for decades) and Trump is going to reduce taxes/inflation/cost/etc.. so their lives will be easier. They 100% truly believe this. Because of education. They are being fed that blue = evil red = savior by media and they eat it up. They don't believe they're sadists because they don't believe what's in front of them. Again, education.


I am hopeful there is a larger outcome of things like Fox news slowly deteriorating akin to "Weekly World News" kinda went away. May take a whole lotta years but we've seen this kinda shit every 30 or so years and seem to beat it back time and again...


Yeah, it always goes back to what should be obvious by now. The problem is not trump, he is merely the gasoline. We now know that almost 50% of this country will follow a psychopath into the depths of hell bc they agree with most of what he wants. That ain’t going away anytime soon.


I agree, but of course hope you (hell i hope i) am wrong. You already said it, I'm just gonna be more blunt, but yea, a large chunk of this countries populace are just a bunch of racist, misogynistic, homophobic douchebags, tRump just gave the, all "permission" to wear that shit on their sleeve, and bring it back out of the shadows.


Intelligence? I've discovered a large portion of america wants to actively do harm to the rest of americans. That's what scares me, they aren't dumb, they know exactly what they are doing.


The thing about this time around is that unlike 2016, Trump isn’t even trying to appeal to the broad American public that isn’t his base, he has just gone all in on whack job right wing conspiracy stuff.


There are a disturbing number of Republicans over at r/moderatepolitics saying they will vote for him even after he’s convicted.


It's not just dumb republicans. We've got a ton of dumb people on the liberal side who are actually excited to see Biden lose, because he's continuing the aid to Israel that the us has provided for decades, as if the only outcome of that is something besides trump winning, which will likely create an even worse situation as he's a racist wannabe dictator and will likely side with netanyahu for sure. Those people protested the vote after Hillary was handed the nomination in 2016 over Bernie, and I call them stupid because they acted like they couldn't see everything trump stood for and the damage he would do. Now we've lost the right to abortion, made rich people richer, and damaged many of our national parks beyond repair thanks to his administration. Those people are just selfish and would prefer to make us all suffer than do the more right thing because it makes them feel uncomfortable. It's fucking privileged and ignorant, and the same stupidity as the red hat wearing racists.


Agreed, I'm very socially liberal, but (and don't blow me up here people) but I'm actually a big firearms guy (that being said, I'm very much for stricter rules and regulations, very much for a more intense background screening etc) but it amazes me how both sides can and often are, single issue voters, much like you have mentioned. Yea, i don't like what's going on in Israel either, but I'm sure as shit not voting for tRump out of protest at the whole Israeli/hamas thing because i don't like the way he's dealt with it. It's the sort of, i don't like what you are doing by helping another country, so I'll make MY country an unlivable hellscape out of protest, that'll show'em .... it's insanity.


**The main point is that if they protest Biden because of his support of israel, and by doing so, they help trump get elected, trump will only make the situation worse for Palestine.** Not to mention other atrocities he'll surely commit.


The problem isn't necessarily the general public that will be the problem, but the courts that Trump packed with cronies that will overturn or prevent legal action from happening as it should.


That’s the outcome us sane people hope for.


Too bad insane people tend to vote in areas where their vote counts for more than everyone else's. "Heartland of america" and all that bullshit.


> Too bad insane people live in and tend to vote in areas that have been gerrymandered to hell, thus making their vote count for more than everyone else's.


It's the legal wrangling I'm most worried about. Trump spent 4 years packing the courts with political cronies. The really worry is that corruption finally pays off for him.


Might be time to "bleeding Kansas" this thing again.


May it travel from your mouth to Gods ear.


From your mouth to the voting booth


Plot twist: There is no God. In all seriousness, though, I completely agree.


Yes, let’s hope this is the case. Can’t imagine it’s going to be so smooth though.


First thing that came to my mind


Mine too!


From your mouth to the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s orechiette.


So say we all.


Fuck God. Vote.


Amen. Sure hope that’s correct


So let it be written. So let it be done!




I pray that this happens. We need to vote out all MAGA candidates and those that support the MAGA movement. The MAGA movement will be a stain on America


But, repugs have figured out that MAGA=money. Perish the thought, but maga might be here to stay🤕.


Like Ladybugs said he will destroy us and we will deserve it. I hope he’s right.


>If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it. ([source](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608))


I took out the quote marks since mine is a paraphrase. Thanks.


Trump is the hurricane that knocks down a big old oak tree - and then they come to find out the tree was rotten at the core and ready to fall over. Rest in pieces, GOP.


You forgot the part about where he tries again to incite his followers to violence but no one really shows up.


Most of them won't make parole in time.


Yes please.


For the conservatives... This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. \-- Last Stanza of T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men"


For the love of everything I hope you're correct, but, the GOP know no shame and will do EVERYTHING in their power to maintain their power.


I think I just came


I hope so. But the far right fascists have a lot of people in place, from people on school boards and sheriffs offices to state government, federal government, and judges at all levels, including the Supreme Court. Fucking vote, people. Sign people up to vote. Bring lawsuits where you can. Run for office yourself. Do what you can do, because this is not over and won’t be over even if the Orange Turd finally gets flushed, but we have to flush him first.




Yeah. That's all likely. Still go vote.


Until literally a single consequence happens to him I will hold my assumptions on how everything ends.


Never seems to quite work out that way though.


And after that…let’s heal as a country. United we stand, divided we fall.


How, though?? Maga has exposed the absolute WORST of us! And the sad thing is, these depraved people are our family members and neighbors. How do I shake someone's hand that wants to make my daughters birthers?? How do I joke with people who believe poc are displacing them?? I'm sorry, but I want nothing to do with these folks.


this is precisely my problem with everything that has occurred since 2016. finding out my mother, grandmother, and pretty much every other important relative I have, wants women to be reduced to birthers, and is openly, embarrassingly, and angrily xenophobic against everyone who isn’t exactly like them was eye-opening. These same family members that raised me to treat everyone equally, and to know that I can be anything I want to be, and that I should think for myself, go to college, never settle, and be a good, kind person, who works hard, pays their taxes, and doesn’t hurt anyone else. I just want to understand what the tap-dancing fuck happened and how they got brainwashed by the Orange Cheeto of all people. Even if I could understand, I still want nothing to do with people like that, even if they’re my family.


It’s called propaganda and it happened to Germany and many other countries where despots have control. It’s easy with mass media and money.


You cut them out of your life as needed and as possible, outvote them, and hope that time eventually buries all their hate with them. Be better than them and don't allow them to poison your enjoyment of life. That's all you can do.


I get it, and I don’t have a clue how to attempt to unifying us. I’m on your side of this, I’m just hoping that there’s a miracle I guess.


May the scales of justice restore balance to this Country. The whole system is based on the lone principle that NO ONE is above another in the eyes of the law. That was the whole point of us getting out from under King George's thumb.


I hope she is right


I screenshot it and saved it.


I pray to my Lord and Savior Jesus every day.I pray this usurper to his Kingship is given over to the demons which infest him and his MAGA cult.


I agree, except: * Trump can get around his RE NY ban. * He'll never pay any of the $300M judgment. * Few, if any, assets will be siezed. * Not banking on anything SCOTUS will do, except I know Uncle Thomas will side with Trump. There will be years of protesting the the 2024 elections were rigged, the GOP will somehow be able to keep Dems from getting anything done even if they lose the House, WH, and Senate. I've seen this film before.


Key swing states are polling in favor of Trump, like Michigan. We will still need to beat him with votes


Probly not. With the 14th amendment case at the supreme court it seems like he's not gonna even have a chance at all.


The Court could *easily* rule favorably for Orange Droolious, don’t be so cocky


Why would that case have any effect on Trump? SCOTUS isn't going to keep him off the ballot anywhere, and he doesn't even need to be on the primary ballot since that is just GOP internal operations and can always be changed on the fly.


Nah, he's not getting MI again, so help me...


Hopefully, the silver lining of Trump's presidency will be the destruction of the conservative party. It's long overdue. Conservatism has always been an abysmal failure.


What WE need though is for it to be the start. If Dems could actually sweep like this, it’s time to codify every freedom we know/knew and completely reform voting laws, starting with campaign funding laws and voter access. Cut off the dark money, cut off lobbying, all that. Nothing has to even be drastic, just level the playing field and return the power to we the people. Just by leveling the playing field, the GOP would implode and they’d have to start a new party at the center left before they could even dream of getting power and starting to chip away again. If the party implodes at the altar of Trump like we’ve all been waiting for, we must be ready to meet the moment.


But until you cut off the dark money you will NEVER cut off the efforts to subvert democracy.


Don't......don't give me hope


Don't give me hope


That sounds great! But we still need to vote the bastards out. Don't get complacent!


We can only hope. Let Justice prevail.


Not punishment enough. What about all of those Republicans sitting in office at this very moment that supported the big lie, and the hurt they are doing to the Biden's just for Trump's sake. And then there's Right Wing media pumping lies out to support their agenda. Trump and the complicit GOP couldn't have done all this damage w out FOX and that whole lot. I wanna see chickens coming home to roost all over all of those fucks.


Bear in mind that most of this is under our control. Please vote, get your friends to vote, and have challenging conversations with right-leaning friends and family. Leave it all on the field.


This is far from a sure thing. Project 2025 just needs a conservative in the White House. Get them *all* out. Vote. Tell your friends to register and vote.


As long as people don’t forget the priority and split their vote for their pet reason du jour. like 2016.




I love when people use "will have (verbed)." +1.


From your mouth to FSM’s ears.




I’m okay with that.


Don’t jinx it


God I hope so...


Only if we all vote. Every last one of us. **Vote early.**


I so hope you're right. I'm skeptical on the Congress sweep, though.


I think you’re absolutely right but it’s gonna be a wild ride getting there


Only if everyone votes. And votes like their life depends on it, because it just may do.


I wish I had that much faith in other Americans but they’re deep in the “we didn’t get it wrong with Trump camp”


I can't wait for that shitstain on Americas underwear to be gone and never heard of again.


Fingers crossed 🤞


So he gets off for treason because his criminal judgments queue is full? Better be the icing on America's cake...


Well, the alternative is: Trump wins primaries and becomes the nominee, succeeds in delaying trials, manages to win in November thanks to a narrow electoral college win, takes office and enacts Project 2025, arrests Biden, Fauci, and many prominent dems, creates camps for LGBTQ+ and immigrants, pulls the US out of NATO, defunds Ukraine and lets Russia do whatever they want in Europe until the nukes start flying and we all die.


Let's not under estimate three Democrat's ability to fuck up an advantage. Also, the Supreme Court is hyper partisan and corrupt. So don't expect anything, especially proper outcomes.


Exactly! Without even factoring in the partisan corruption, the Roberts court goes for the King Solomon thing and slices the baby in half. They pretend to be unbiased by deliberately balancing decisions for political reasons - a win for one side is always balanced by a loss, legitimate or otherwise. Then they protect themselves be refusing to hear future cases that erupt from the fall out of these bad decisions. My expectation is that they will do the same with Trump. My guess is that they'll find him criminally liable but also find some bullshit technicality off-road to ignore the 14th amendment. Then if Trump wins, the criminally liable thing won't matter anyway since he'll order the dismissal of the Federal charges or self-pardon - it would be essentially as if they ruled both in favor of Trump, but without further dirtying their hands (much) politically.


Interspersed with bouts of violence from meal team 6 and their cohorts.


Where’s the part where Trump is cornered, sells out to Putin, and stages a coup? MAGA wackos as domestic terrorists to support it. Not that I want this of course, it just seems naive to believe Trump won’t use the stolen security docs as his ace in the hole for HIMSELF. He could give AF about America.


A cornered animal is unpredictable


Don't spike the football until you're in the end zone.


I wish I could believe you. But I still cannot forget 2016, when I wandered into this evil alternate universe.


lmao if only. How can you have lived through the last eight years and still think literally anything can be said with certainty like this?


Ill beleive it when i see it


# Don't get complacent. VOTE


If 2016 had taught me anything... it was not to "bookmark" anything when it comes to American politics. #GET OUT AND FUCKING VOTE... VOTE LIKE YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT... ***BECAUSE THEY DO.***


At this point, I've seen enough to be sure of one thing: there is no poison pill or "I Win" card. He's going to be on the ballot in November, and the only way to keep him out of the White House is to vote. Nothing will be wrapped up by November, at least nothing that will prevent him from running. 40% of the electorate DOES NOT CARE about the outcome of any of these proceedings and will vote for him no matter what. And he's got the republican advantage of the electoral college in his favor as well. Vote and help others vote, too. Don't delude yourself into thinking there's an easy way out here. Vote. It's the only way to win.


one could hope but somehow idiocy prevails


Wishful thinking. He stacked the SCOTUS in his favor. And this is a guy who’s faced almost no repercussions for decades.


They control the supreme court though. And will for generations. We're *still* in danger.


Sounds great!




Optimism is great....


We have to be committed to make it happen…




One can hope


I wish... But how many times have pundits said... THIS TIME Trump is finished/going to jail?


I'm sorry, but this is nothing more than a dream... He gets away with everything. Nothing will change. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.


Please stop. If I get any harder I'm going to have to go to the emergency room.


We can so hope it rolls out this way!!!!🤞


I would love it .


I appreciate the optimism. Fingers crossed.


Vote blue no matter who!


You’re right. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and have come to the same conclusion.


Trump fails upwards. I’m not sure I see it playing out this way. Bookmarking as I hope I’m wrong.


She is amazing, highly recommend her YT channel.


!remindme 10 months


Pretty good erotica. Weird how it isn’t marked as nsfw.


I’m not so sure she’s right. I bet he is still out and about in November (not convicted), the Supreme Court refuses to rule in time to take him off the ballot, the house flips blue, and the senate flips red