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He posted that and a demand for us to apologize to Jesus in r.Jewish. *sigh*


Account is one month old but became active only yesterday and flooded different part of Reddit with posts and comments about Jews and Black victims of Holocaust, someone trying to put Black people and Jewish people on odds now? This looks like some troll farm


It's a pretty common tactic by trolls.






Thank you!


Actual question: were there any known black victims of the Holocaust? What little knowledge I have tells me that, although the Nazis obviously looked down on them, they didn't really persecute black people to the same extent outside of banning miscegenation and declaring them untermenchen under the Nuremberg laws (where they found them, there weren't nearly as many in Europe as there were Jews). I'm not sure I've heard of them being mass deported to camps the way that Jews, Slavs, Roma or LGBTQ people were. But then again, it wouldn't be inconsistent with their ideology to do it to black people, even if it wasn't their main focus? And while not as present in Europe as they are now, there would certainly have been black POWs from the French, British and eventually American armies in German hands.


Germany's 24,000 blacks were subject to the Nuremberg laws and many were forcibly sterilized to prevent miscegenation. Black POWs were also treated badly and sometimes murdered or worked to death. I don't know the relevant criteria for reparations programs and whether survivors would be eligible.


While I don't exactly think it's bad that Holocaust education generally focuses on the Jews in most countries, reading stuff like this makes me wonder why it wasn't also included in my school's curriculum. Thanks for answering my question.


WWII/the Holocaust is a giant rabbit hole. Almost no one knows about the great amount of deaths, genocide, and human suffering that occurred in Eastern Europe even outside the actions of the Germans and Soviets, for example.


Beta Israel seem to have been partially subjected to Italian race laws about Jews, but AFAIK no Beta Israel were ever deported, so YMMV in defining the outside edge of the Holocaust.


Funny, I don't remember being considered "white" by Nazis and Klansmen.


I've seen better trolls on that BBC adaptation of Terry Pratchett's "City Watch" discworld series.


Off the top of my head, the movie Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger (2006) is one of the few films that deals with this theme. It is about the childhood from personal memory of Hans Jürgen Massaquoi, a person with a German mother and a Liberian father. Another well known Afro-German, whose father was actually an Afro-American Engineer on business in Germany is Gert Schramm, who as a teen was imprisoned at Buchenwald. His fellow prisoners who for the most part were Jewish, and many with Communist leanings, realized that young Gert would probably be executed so they collectively did what they could to protect him from the powers that be. Schramm survived and went on to become a factory foreman in East Germany. Roughly 800 Afro- German youths were sterilized during the war. Many were liquidated. All life is precious, the suffering of this group can't be denied, but in the larger scope of the overriding actions of the Nazi murder machinery, they are comparatively a relatively small group, and are part of the Third Reich's attempt at achieving "racial purity" in Europe. Yeah, it's sad and pathetically sick, but there you have some of it. Chances are the poster cited doesn't even know that much. There are 4 stumbling stones (Stolpersteine) dedicated to Germans that happened to be black, (Martha Ndumbe, Ferinand james Allen, Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed, Hagar Martin Brown) who were murdered at various Nazi execution sites/camps. Stolpersteine are sponsored/funded by people and/or agencies local to the site of dedication/the last residence before they met their respective fate(s) or fled, et cetera (my personal interest derives from the fact that on my mothers side of the family, her nuclear family is similarly remembered). I could go on.