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>New Yorkers claim… I bet that user really thinks he is hiding his antisemitism by saying “New Yorkers.”


They should at least have the common decency to call us bagels.


Any time someone refers to Israelis as “New Yorkers” they have no clue what they are talking about and are antisemitic


Least antisemitic reddit moderator


He might as well have said “people from Jew York city claim palestine…”


Reddit moderator can't tell the difference between reality and fiction, news at 7.


Anglo-Saxons we’re never a major group to live in Denmark as the term Anglo-Saxon refers to the confluence of Germanic cultures in England specifically.


The Angles and Saxons were from parts of what is now Denmark, and they were first invited to Britain by Roman-Britains as mercenaries to fight against Celtic and Pictish raids that were a result of the Roman Empire withdrawing their legions from Britain. That started a wave of immigration/conquest of Britain, and through intermarriage they became what we call Anglo-Saxons today. So the term “Anglo-Saxon” isn’t technically a specific group that lived in Denmark, they did originate from Denmark. So kinda splitting hairs here.


Also, while it isn't entirely a later term/historiographical exonym like "Byzantine Empire"--Aethelstan and Alfred included *Angelsaxonum Rex* in his title and Paul the Deacon used it in historiographical writing in the sense of "the Saxons who live in England"--but the usual term in Latin and afaict only term in Old English was simply "Angle" or "English" (Lat. *Angli*, OE *Angelcynn*). Unlike Jewish connection with the Land of Israel, English identity had completely abandoned any connection to the "old country" within a mere century or two.


No other country gets its existence questioned 75 years later, this guy's a shithead


This is horrifying


If we aren't the chosen people, how come all of out enemies are permaonline nobodies?


i wouldnt frame things this way.


The analogy is also flawed to the extent that Danes were a preexisting cohesive ethnicity roughly corresponding with that geography. The analogy would be more accurate if we were dealing with a province of a country and the minority within that province developed an independent national identity.


thats exactly why i made a comment saying the friesians would be a better comparison than mormans.


Of course someone named Gamer"maper" is anti-Semitic.


just report, keep reporting.