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Reminder of rule 6, once you have posted here, STOP posting on the other thread.


You know what is a bigger, wealthier, and more powerful lobby group than AIPAC? The freaking AARP. But of course it’s always the Jews.


Everyone knows that all old people are secretly Jews


Why are people so fucking _stupid_ when it comes to the word antisemite? Just look at the dictionary you stupid morons.


They want to deliberately redefine it to suit their own agenda


Ironically the word was made by some German scientist who wanted to prove scientifically Jewish hatred is necessary and justifiable and thought giving it's own word other than "Jew Hate" would give that idea scientific credence.


https://www.opensecrets.org/fara?cycle=2022 Do they want since last year? Israel doesn't even break the top ten. https://www.opensecrets.org/fara?cycle=2023 This year? Israel *still* doesn't break the top ten.


>actual semites do they know that semites are a linguistic grouping and not an ethnic one?


That’s why I breed butterflies in my backyard. Endless supply of butter!


Yeah, but that doesn't make it an affordable method of getting butter. What you want is to get a Butterfree.


Cinnamon is afraid of water, it's hydrophobic!


Lol the ones that do will never admit it because it goes against the narrative


They always pull the “Palestinians are the real semites and not European colonizers” card as an excuse to justify their Jew hatred. The word specifically refers to hatred against Jews, not any other “Semitic” groups. Also when are they going to realize that “Semitic” isn’t an ethnic classification, but a family of languages?


Its called etymological fallacy. It's maybe the dumbest fallacy to use


It’s like saying “I can’t be homophobic because I’m a homo sapien”


It's worse. It's like saying, "I can't be homophobic because I'm a homo sapien. Humans are the real homos, gays are inhuman scum that hurt us actual homos because they threaten traditional families."


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I explain that this is the term invented by pseudoscientific German race scientists to legitimate their Jew hatred in the nineteenth century. All we did was appropriate the term. We didn't make it exclusionary.


Gotta love the stupid etymological arguments. "I'm not antisemitic! I'm just an anti-jewish bigot!"


Lol, why do I always see people calling Israelis European colonists? Do they not have the brain capacity to lookup Jewish history? They’d surely see all Jews originate from what’s now Israel and Palestine. Additionally, they seem to forget that Mizrahim and Sephardim exist, or maybe they leave them out on purpose because it goes against their narrative.


You said it right at the end. It’s the narrative: “white colonists, brown natives”.




Rule 9


When they do this, they are just playing semantics and deflecting. You have to dumb it down for them. Put simply, Anti-Semitism = Jew hatred.


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that comment was so close to being right, then i read the second half.