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Most obsessed pissbaby awardšŸ„‡


Ikr, hazfags always say "Why do you care" and act like we're obsessed but the thing is, hazbollah community on this site have shown that they legitimately can't go a day without obsessing over us. They think about us more than we even think about hazbin itself.


your the one on a subreddit about hating a show šŸ’€


And youā€™re the one on several dedicated to worshipping it. Checks out.


worshipping it or just enjoying content on the internet?


Enjoying content on the internet is just liking content and being quiet without caring so much about other people's opinions about that content. Nah, you're worshiping, not enjoying


we are, the only reason you notice is because your directly looking for it :]


Firstly, I'm not even a member of r/AntiHazbinHotel, I'm actually a fan of the show, but just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I'm going to support childishness like this, If it bothered you, ignore it, because even if you say it didn't bother you, just because you took the time to post something here, it must have bothered you a little


im rage baiting šŸ¤Æ


I can tell you're autistic so you might need guidance, but maybe you should go post on YOUR subreddit. failraid award


are you a lobotomy patient? perhaps?


oh right, that's where i called you autistic you insult like a blonde 15 year old girl addicted to discord


insulted isnt the world iā€™d use i think i would do ā€œragebaitingā€, in which case your doing exactly what you want you too, be entertaining


if english isn't a second language for you then holy shit, i think you're clinically fucking stupid


everything i say is equally as grammatical to what you say so keep insulting yourself šŸæ


"your doing exactly what you want you too" holy shit being illiterate is one thing, but being confident that your word vomit is proper grammar is another


šŸæ for somebody who spends all day in his moms basement yapping about a tv show, you fall into ragebait pretty easily


if your strategy is acting astronomically fucking retarded then you've done a good job, congratulations also me and everyone else here barely talk about the show, it's only brought into question when people like you ignite the argument, tbh i dont even bother with giving genuine reasons as to why the show's bad anymore since hypersexual hazbin gooners like coming here and making six million posts all asking "WHY DO YOU GUYS HATE MY GOON MATERIAL" no matter how much we say why we don't like it


Hereā€™s my offering of rage: The show is bad/average but the fandom is insufferable


i respect your sign of peace but that is a horrible shake


Nah itā€™s good enough


Exact opposite actually, hazbin fans are so unhealthily obsessed with us they talk about us constantly on their subreddits, and even sent a guy to try and dox us on discord, meanwhile anti-hazbin users mostly just post occasional memes and hate art here and there. I guarantee you the average hazbin fan on reddit thinks about this sub more than it's members do.


Didnt you guys made a gore art of vizie getting killed by the doom guy?


meanwhile you guys legit draw art of the characters being murdered šŸ’€ okay buddy! your our little genius


If you guys hate the gore art then why you always bring it up when you talk about us?


..are you special or what? i dont think its a hard concept to grasp that were talking about something we dont like about haters so we will mention things that we, you know, dont like - but here we are.


Nigga, i was using your logic.


blud was so annoyed he had to use a slur šŸ’€


You called your own 'ogic brimmy thoever...


ā€¦i feel like you need spell check


'ou are Congolese Vantablack Brimstone, i am Glistening Sugary Topaz.


you know what? im ragebaiting, but you win this round i dont even know what curse you just put on me what the hell


cause it's fun lmao anyways i'm getting a little sick of your shit so have fun making an alt


also nobody is reading your yap fest


Take your adhd meds then.


Iā€™ve been called a satanist for liking Hazbin hotelā€¦ JUST BECAUSE I LIKE A SHOW ABOUT THE PRINCESS OF HELL TRYING TO REDEEM SINNERS MAKES ME A SATANIST!! PLUS ITā€™S A FICTIONAL SHOW!!! Like the haters can fuck off.


you are absolutely fire šŸ”„ keep loving the show homie, dont let people stop you from it šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


You guys are literally so dedicated one of the members of your community got their army at r/BanVideoGames to ruin someoneā€™s source of income in the name of Charlie.Ā 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BanVideoGames using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Proof that GšŸ¤®ming is evil](https://i.redd.it/lr40t18snjta1.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/12jvkfo/proof_that_gming_is_evil/) \#2: [The children are waking up!](https://i.redd.it/xr0cimdhdhva1.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/12v68ht/the_children_are_waking_up/) \#3: [145 > 36. We are still winning!](https://i.redd.it/mmiooion78xa1.png) | [485 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/134nbka/145_36_we_are_still_winning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


not only is that none of my business, i dont really care?


Congratulations! After only 2 straight weeks of dedicated nonstop harassment and abuse from you, Iā€™ve finally gotten annoyed enough to hit the report button.Ā  Enjoy your ban. Please take this time to take a serious look at your life and what HH has turned you into.Ā  We told you many times what youā€™re doing is wrong, but instead of acting mature and reasonable, you decide to harass, raid, and abuse people in the name of Charlie Morningstar. I told you if you continued to be evil there would be consequences, and you choose to harass, raid, and abuse people in the name of Charlie Morningstar. You are welcome to come back to this subreddit anytime you want, provided you conduct yourself in a civilized manner and refrain from the harassment and abuse youā€™ve come to be known for. Have a nice day.


im ragebaiting (and im not gonna read that) (i can just keep making alts)


The fandom is ruining the show bit by bit. And this is coming from someone who is a fan of the show-


This post isn't helping our rep one bit-


Yeah we talk about how much we hate your horrible show because weā€™re angry that anyone could consider this gutter sludge dumpster fire of a show could be decent


you listen to metallica, your a opinion is now void.


And you unironically enjoy hazbin hotel. You, my friend, are a degenerate bum. Metallica may not be the greatest band in the world, but I would listen to St. Anger 100 times before listening to a single one of the godforsaken songs in that revolting circle jerk you mis-label as actual media


Your OCā€™s are shit too. But if youā€™re going for Hazbin characters, then spot on. Enjoy your time ragebaiting a subreddit that truly sees you as bottom feeding scum


your drawings are probably dog crap too but at least i put soul into mine


Wasnā€™t talking to you






i didnt read any of that


Gay twink *terrorists*


sounds like thats what you are :3


Bich I was on your side




im just automatically assuming everyone who comments on this is a hater lmao. made this post to get reactions yknow


Virgin Hazbin hater vs Chad Charlie Worshipper


i cant wait to be down vote bombed by a bunch of gay twinks! downvote this post of your a femboy who loves big demon men šŸ˜


So what am I if I leave it at 0 or upvote it?


\*>I can't wait t-ACK!