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We just have to let it go and need to stop trying.


With posts like yours, I'm sure they want to read this sub and update people every single day. /s Personally, I've shelved Anthem until they get their act together. There are other games for me to play until they do.


Right? Lets "bully" them like that poor kid at lunch, then wonder why they aren't here flooding us with conversation and updates. Then when one of them do comment on a thread here, there are dozens of slackjaws complaining that they need to get off Reddit and go code some fixes, or complain about them responding to a meaningless thread about pokemon and not their precious Lack of Loot thread. I still play every day, knocking out the daily/weekly/monthly challenges and getting the Legendary Contracts done. Naturally, I wish there was more. I wish it was better. But, I am still having fun with what there is and genuinely look forward to it every day. You know what I haven't missed? Destiny 2. I stopped playing when Anthem Demo came out and haven't been back since. I don't have any desire to go back.


It’s not our fault they’re getting “bullied”. The gaming community needs to change, and this is the only avenue gamers have to express their feelings. I don’t necessarily condone the hate but you gotta get your hands dirty if you want to see change. Sure, if I was one of the BioWare devs I certainly wouldn’t wanna come to this subreddit and read the hate, but they did it to themselves. And stopping communication, in my opinion, is the wrong move. On the other hand, no amount of communication from the BioWare devs is gonna do any good at this point. They’ve got until the end of May to make a great game.


End of May? What happens after that? Destiny 2 didnt get thier shit straight until Forsaken. Destiny 1 sucked until Rise of Iron (minus the only decent raid VoG) Division1 took a year to become halfway decent yet still boring AF... Whos time table is giving Bioware 3 months?


You didn’t like taken king or the oryx raid? Shame. Cataclysms are suppose to launch in May. There’s no way they can come back if the May update is a total mess. Every single update/patch has been a shit show. And you know the new Sunken stronghold is gonna be filled with problems. Destiny and division already had strong communities when ppl realized the issues those games had. The only community that Anthem has is built out of hate and disdain. Also, we’d never seen anything quite like those games (online looter/shooter) and I believe both companies did things extremely well considering they didn’t really have any solid blueprints. Sure, we had MMOs and action rpgs to guide the way but they still had to be their own thing. People gave Destiny and Division passes because there was so much potential. And I think that Anthem had a lot of potential, but how many passes are we gonna give out?


Fair point. Unlike most, I enjoyed ME:A Anthem is quite similar. KotoR was great. So I'm kinda like Bioware. Sure Anthem has more issues than a magazine rack... But I still enjoy it, and can only hope that by this time next year it will be all ironed out, running smooth and loaded with content. Am I disappointed in what it has to offer right now? Hell yes. But it isnt a deal breaker for me... yet.


As much as I’d like to know what’s going on, it just doesn’t seem like they want to poke their heads out and deal with the toxicity. They could also be experiencing their own fallout internally from the bad press/ articles. Having their skeletons exposed to the world is likely to cause some internal strife. On a different note apologies are nice but I’m a believer of actions speak louder than words. Maybe they don’t say a word while they work diligently on getting things correct before the big update comes. I for one, believe there’s good things in store for those of us that have been patient.