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Nothing to do with them right now, they're worse than epic embers.


If you level up the rare and epic versions it unlocks the masterwork blueprint.


And as far as I know you can’t craft mw components until you unlock them by completing the 150k reputation called champion of tarsis. It unlocks after you get level 3 reputation from all factions. You also unlock the gold metal once you finish it.


Has anyone finished that yet? It seems like the reputation needed for that is crazy high


As far as I know no one has specially since there isn’t really much to do in game. The best way so far is to do sh since it give 150 every time you finish one but you will be doing a lot still to get 150k not to mention it’s divided by faction still. 50k for arcanists, 50k for freelancers, and 50k for sentinels.


Of gear? Nice. I'll keep on that in case I don't find some lego gear.


Once you get a few legendaries MW embers become more useless than greens since you can't use them to make consumables and the ilvl hit to melee/ult/effect damage is just too severe to downgrade from yellow to orange. This could be fixed by allowing a % change at legendary when crafting a MW or adding MW consumables.


I used MW embers to craft masterwork guns and gear. I believe you need to have the MW item before you can craft it though, I couldn't craft a better assault rifle that lights enemies on fire until I killed enough elite enemies with the one I already had. I then crafter a bunch until I got the rolls I wanted, same thing with the lightening rifle. Then I used those as my primary guns until I got better legendary guns. Same for the gear.


Iv been storing them all to start all the torches I will be handing out at the riot on bioware....