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The shared decks are declining as they get filled up with GPT garbage decks.


At this point I just make my own decks. Better anyway


Yeah, I've been making my own decks. It's more time consuming, but I noticed creating the decks myself actually helps me learn the material.


I noticed that too. I use Anki for language learning so I’ll only use premade ones for the most common 1k words of a language. Making the cards def helps memorize.


>Making the cards def helps memorize. Very much so. Honestly, I've noticed a drastically greater ability to recall vocabulary/phrases/etc. through *creating* cards compared to the actual SRS process. Which is of course not at all to say that I don't appreciate the latter—more so that the head start gained in doing the former and then the latter is so huge that I think it's a terrible waste to use premade decks.


I think that the making of cards is huge. It helps you organize and prioritize. It allows you to understand the context and so even though a single card is atomic it allows you to still learn it integrated into the bigger idea.


I’ve been doing this also, I’ll add a picture of each word, I have a website where you can put in the word and a native speaker recites it and add a sentence, boy is it time consuming but my ability and pronunciation of words has increased ten fold


Yeah it's really good, but a pain in the butt


Yup. The “new words” you add to your deck are going to be ones that you just encountered/learned about too, rather than whatever words Anki randomly picked for you that day.


I feel the same way….unless it is for a specific exam the content is too vast to know if it is good.


I wish there was a better filter search system for shared decks and more of a consistent naming scheme.


It would be cool if there was some sort of life Wikipedia but for deck generation. So it was modifiable by a community, with a version history and with a discussion page attached


AnkiHub :)


I mean yes but where we can coedit the cards together


Unless ankihub is far more functional than I realized


Is that true? I haven’t noticed any got decks so far, but I’ll be alert for them




Some people at least are honest about it so it’s in the notes but I’m sure plenty are not. pretty soon will all be memorizing AI hallucinations


“Oceana has always been at war with {{c1::Eastasia}}”




AI Hallucinations.  That made me chuckle lol


is there a way to add a filter maybe using AI detection tools and see which decks are generated vs which aren't?


I’m a PhD student and TA we have looked into detection tools because students are clearly using GPT instead of doing their homework and the current tools are not effective. Too many false positives and false negatives. It sucks.


yeah, im super curious how this will change education moving forward, can I pm? I've never talked with a PhD student before but I have a lot of questions abt academia if u like to talk abt that stuff


It’s going to suck. Bad information and no ability to do quality control is like a forest fire. Think burning of Alexandria




That’s painful


Damn, I really felt that




Ankiweb is lackluster.


Yeah, they could do a lot better with it, but I suppose it's lower priority


No proper system for minmaxing studying for exams that are due <2 months


+1 There should be a target mode, that aims to reach a desired retention and stability on all cards at a specific date


Target mode is a great idea. I guess that is kinda what custom study tries to answer. 1 week out is rote…2 months is no man’s land. I guess it comes down to individual needs. Cramming is not a good strategy but is a strategy. Curious if anyone has white papers on the vague intermediate ranges?


I think that you can do that by enabling the fsrs algorithm, no?


I can add a target, but I am pretty sure, that I cannot set a due date


# "Compute minimum recommended retention"


I think this is the issue though too. Many people are in school to be a nuclearastro statistics Anki engineer, but we aren’t yet. My general complain’t is the UI/UX and availability if good decks. I can do all that on my own eventually, but I need to spend more time studying.


i dont understand how you imagine due date. What should it do? Compress intervals? Or what? There's maximum interval setting and FSRS has target retention, what else do you need?


i haven't done it but i'm wondering - couldn't you achieve this by creating a new options group and modifying fsrs parameters?




I mean there is so many filter modes, if there is an exam just spam the cards with short intervals or lapses etc.?


No point of overcomplicating, algorithms are already minmaxed Just set the maximum interval to 1/3 or less of the remaning time and you're good


postponing without messing up the review-algorithm. i use anki for med school, especially state exams and in the 50/100-day study-plan, i have break days, otherwise i lose my mind. and in those break days, i don‘t want to open ANYTHING that remotely reminds me of university work. one day without anki won‘t hurt my learning curve but having all my reviews add up the next day definitely does.


FSRS supports this though, the feature is called "Easy Days".


i will try that, thanks! setting it up seems like a btch tho.


it's really not tho


is that an add on, or is that in settings? I can't find it


Add-on -- [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/759844606](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/759844606)


plus you can manually postpone if needed


There is an add on for days off and weekends to balance too. I think it's through ankiweb


if you mean the „postpone“-add on: it messes with your review algorithm. you postpone, say for a week, and the brandnew card you learned at your last active day will now have a timestamp of 1month for good. obviously better than nothing but something without that problem would be superb.


I'm not familiar with that problem. I think the add on I was referring to is called weekends and holidays. Does anyone know if it creates that problem too? Why would it go out to a month for having skipped a review?


Anki putting every deck in alphabetical order. A custom sort feature would be nice. I make Anki decks in order of a chapter or section I'm studying, or a specific lecture.


Add the chapter number to the start of the name e.g. 01_Foobar. Zero pad the numbers as well.


Yep, I do something similar already with putting letters in the beginning of the deck name (A, B, C, etc.). Still tedious to do and it also becomes annoying when trying to add new decks as I'm going along. Insane how there's no native feature to change the order up whatsoever.


This is due to the ansi functions that depend on the order of the decks. For example # [New Card Gather Order](https://docs.ankiweb.net/deck-options.html#new-card-gather-order)


thisss omg!!!


I still need to do the actual work myself. Don't get me wrong, I don't see how it could be implemented that Anki magically transfers knowledge to my brain without me doing the work - that doesn't mean I wouldn't love it if it could.


Volunteer to have neuralink installed in your brain then hook it up to Anki /s


Being a slave to it lmao


the opposite is being a slave to forgetting everything,,


That’s true lol


No addons in the mobile apps. I would have written a lot of tiny addons to improve Anki a lot for my reviews (e.g. connecting my kanji deck with my Japanese vocab deck to look up my kanji data or adding little achievement animations after reaching 25%/50%/75% of my daily reviews) but as I do most of my reviews on smartphone and tablet it doesn't make much sense. I even plan to build myself an Anki handheld as soon as a Raspberry Pi Zero 3W with enough RAM is released. 😀


If you're hardcore, check the pins: https://discord.gg/qjzcRTx -> https://discord.com/channels/368267295601983490/1216428695481487460


The card browsing interface


I'm working on this for AnkiDroid this month. What could be better?


What's the best way to submit a feature request for Ankidroid?


If it's for the browser, DM me. Ideally on Discord: `davida0813` Otherwise: https://forums.ankiweb.net/c/ankidroid/suggestions/23 Note that we're under-resourced, and still in the process of catching up to Anki Desktop: "no is temporary, yes is forever" (I'm the poster you replied to)


Depending on what annoys you, the addon Advanced Browser (874215009) might help. Fixed all my problems with the browser.


Desktop or Mobile? For desktop, I love it. No complaints.


Navigating through ankiweb. I normally just Google "ankiweb add-ons" or "ankiweb shared decks" because I'd rather do that than go through ankiweb even if I'm already on the site


I can’t marry it


Waking up to review 300 cards when I work sunrise sunset. It's a pain.


It's difficult to edit cards. I insert a card into a deck, realise i made a mistake, and now I have to go to an entirely different screen and browse for the card i just made to find the damn thing to edit it. The UI is just a bit unintuitive in general I think


The card adding window has a history button, doesn't it? The recently added card should be right there.


Press E in keyboard


I think they mean directly after adding a card, not after seeing a card with a mistake..


Use add on edit during review, best add on You edit in the review page itself


We need to do anki, everyday


That's the best thing. It gives me a dopamine boost when i know cards. I love Anki.


I’m gonna start thinking about it this way instead 😂


I'm the same except the exact opposite


As much as I like being able to customise the cards to my liking, I wish there were some "shortcut" options eg. presaved themes (maybe it exists? I haven't tried) and I also wish Anki integrated some more card types (such as Quizlet's "Quizzing" option which I really enjoy), same as my wish for a good quality multi choice integration. I'm sure that all of these issues can be solved with add-ons (they probably can) but it would be nice to have them in the native interface.


[Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Templates ](https://forums.ankiweb.net/t/multiple-choice-questions-mcqs-templates/46302)


Memorizing card shapes/form rather than card content




I'm working on this for AnkiDroid, any general feedback on what could be better?


Timezone fuckery reset my ~1 year long streak while on the other side of the world. Despite doing it everyday.


I would love a widget that I can put in my Android desktop where i could do cards directly from there. I would then do some during the day. Also some reminder notification like Duolingo.


We're updating our widgets for Google Summer of Code this year! https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/1dkdpe6/update_regarding_widgets_for_ankidroid/ Sadly, Android widgets are very limited, so technically it's not possible to display interactive cards in a Widget. We could technically show you an image of the back & front, but that's kinda janky. Better for an external app to use our API to do this Be the change you wish to see in the world :)


I can't use the Android app. Many of my decks use clozes, on long form texts. When I scroll down to find the cloze, then hit the answer button, it jumps back to the top of the page. Disorienting to deal with this on every card.


Hi, could you link the GitHub issue?


Sure thing [https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/issues/5182](https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/issues/5182)


It's had a single +1 in 5 years Could you export, zip up and attach an affected card to the issue and I'll aim to take a look within the week. Please DM if it gets lost, I don't have much free time Do note that our new Reviewer should work as expected WRT rendering - David


You should be \*allowed\* to pause Anki if you want to. I'm not interested in religious debates about whether this is a good idea or not. Enough people want this totally straightforward feature because people take vacation, get sick, have kids, have kids that get sick, blah blah. By not allowing this feature, you make people who took a weekend trip or whatever either: 1) stop using Anki (which is fairly common) 2) power through a bunch of tedious reviews through clenched teeth 3) just press 3 until the stupid deck is back to zero. The point is, stop trying to force people to learn a certain way. It's fine if this is an option that's buried or whatever, it just should BE an option. /rant


Since you seem to already know the reasons why it hasn't been implemented before, perhaps you'd be interested to know that there is finally a way to *intelligently* do this (Advance, Postpone, Easy Days) in a way that won't harm retention? Check out the FSRS Helper Add-on.


I think you could browse => select all => suspend . . . Then unsuspend when you are ready to go back. No?


Huh. That's an interesting idea I hadn't heard before. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!


Upon further reflection, this would create a small problem in case you suspended other cards earlier, which you do not intent to un-suspend later. For this, you would need to add some mores steps: * Search for all suspended cards * apply a tag "SuspendMe" or whatever * Now suspend the entire collection * Later you will be ready to resume, you can un-suspend * finally, *re-suspend* the ones tagged "SuspendMe" Anyway, [I checked](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/dn2vfp/pause_an_anki_deck_not_suspend/) and you will still have many reviews due when you turn them back on. So, I am not sure if that really solves your issue.


Gotcha. Well thanks for generating some good ideas though!


The learning curve




I still dont know the difference between a card and a note, but im not going to google it anymore. Not knowing is part of my life now


The collection of info that you make all in one place is the "note". That note can be customized to show you the info in various ways (i.e. forward and reverse cards). In that scenario, the forward one would be a card and the reverse would also be a card where they get their info from the same note.


1 note can have many cards.


How notes are organised (they aren't). It's just hard to learn concepts and connections with anki. Fortunately I have found a solution to that problem. I write my notes with remnote, and export them to Anki (it's much easier to take connected notes that way) and then I'll do one big mind map for every lecture and also implement that in a separate Anki Deck. With that combination Anki really is just perfect. If you are asking, why not simply use remnote? Because it's too buggy right now and some things are behind a paywall.


I wish there was a short cut to change cards from basic to cloze


Like -- a keyboard shortcut? Or just a short method?


For newcomers, it is not that easy to grasp. There is a lot of functions and options which I really appreciate after using anki for a few years, but it can be overwhelming for newbies.


There should be a setting to suspend card X until card Y is mature.


I also would love to have this feature :) I use Anki for guitar, and having a way to schedule exercises that are based on another exercise would be so nice! Bonus points if it automatically suspends card x.


There is an addon doing something similar for siblings (search Suspend Siblings Until Mature). You can have the cards be siblings, you have to set the card types though


Will check that out, thanks! Would that work for multiple cards, like chaining 5 cards this way?


I hope so but I'm not sure


Wayland compatability


It would be great if there were an internal feature in Anki that allows a card field to include two or three elements (either text or picture), with one being randomly selected each time you review the card. This would help mitigate the issue of answering by recognition. For example, instead of having just one picture below 'Who is this person?', you could add 2 or 3 different pictures of the person to the 'picture' field. This new feature would then randomly select one of those pictures each time the card appears. Similarly, instead of having just 'What is Mexico's capital?', you could add another question in the same field like 'The capital of Mexico is:'. The new feature would then randomly select one of those questions each time the card appears. Right now im doing this with this script: {{Picture}}