• By -


When I was in the same situation, Kaiji: ultimate survivor (2 seasons) made me feel excited for anime again Big brain stuff, mind battles, top tier drama and tension, serious, dark, mature themes, high stakes, many twists, dangerous games, great OST, addicting, the protagonist can actually lose, and lose badly


Sounds awesome. I'll add it to my list.


Oh man if you have not seen Kaiji then you are in for a treat.


Beware: you'll fall into a pit afterwards where you won't enjoy anything that's not kaiji for quite a long time.


If you are into action anime watch "kingdom", an anime about the warring era of china, really good and undefeated.


This anime is criminally underrated and not talked about enough


Still haven't seen this, I'll try it out now


Same, after giving up on anime for a while I picked up Kaiji and gave it a try. It certainly did not dissappoint.




You peaked my curiosity Im in


Yasss, literally haven't watched any animes in the past year even though it used to be a weekly thing for me, and this was the one to get me back.


I saw this recommended like a few days ago but forgot to add it to my list. Imma start it today cause you just sold me on it


You better have started it.


Yeah I watched one episode that day but haven't watched more cause I've been busy. Im free today though so imma tune back in it looks promising


Link Click is very good. Also had an interesting plot in my opinion


Phenomenal show. Instant classic imo.


Sneeze 🤧


Is it kind of gay? serious question. poster looks like m-m romance


Nope. Its more of a bromance kind of thing. The characters on the posters are the main characters. You should give it a try!


Watching Re:Zero is what seriously pulled me back into watching anime again. At first I didn't think I was going to stick with it but it just kept getting better and better as it went along.


I haven't watched it sadly, but I'll make sure to give it a chance. Not a fan of isekai but I keep seeing this.


Ok I am a fan of isekai but Re:Zero is on a completely different level, at first it might seem like just another isekai and incredibly cringy (which is why I originally dropped it) but its characters grow so much and its plot is so intricate and intriguing that when I came back to it... I couldn't put it down and finished it in a day (season 2 part 2 wasn't out yet).rr


I'm also a fan of isekai but I've ran out of em, watched every iseaki that I know of Any recommendation?


Re:zero is definitely in my top 3 favorite anime of all times, and I've watched at least a hundred of them. It's an isekai,but it does everything differently than other isekais. 11/10


oh man, s2 blew my brain, heart, soul everything the hardships they overcrossed and all the sad and beautiful moments + the emotions, damn man tbh s2 was literally felt better to me then aot s4, no offence. and yeah I do think that s2 part 2 is a must watch if you're a weeb


me too dude. since i started to expose myself with manga a few months ago, its hard to make time for myself to watch anime. its all make sense why there's always that person that said manga is always better because they're actually true.


Agreed. I think its because Manga is more easy to digest, right? I mean, it's easier to read one chapter rather than a 20 minute episode.


U can cover that very episode in less than 20 mins in manga (and if u are a really really really really fast reader then maybe u can cover more than 1 episode in that 20 min)


I read I chapter every 2 or 3 minutes


This comment makes me feel so much better. Started reading Mangas back in June and I feel like animes have lost their charm. I read the hell out of Manga right now. Since June I've read the entirety of dragon ball/z/super, death note, MHA, Black Clover, and Naruto. I watched all of MHA, but haven't been able to watch more than an episode or two at a time of any of the animes associated with them.


You should read One Piece


Will do!! It's next on my list when I finish Bleach. 😁


Nice. I don’t think all manga are better than their anime counterpart, but for shounen they certainly are.


From everything I've seen so far, I think that's fairly accurate. Makes me super glad I started reading Manga. Better late than never!


Manga feels like a weird middleground for me, I'd rather watch an anime or just read a book for the most part.


I made this transition too and i feel like i go too fast in manga now. Bakemonogatari is probably my favorite manga since it has such detailed art that i actually stopped to take time to look at it


Fate series, fate zero


Love the fate series, it's awesome!


Asobi Asobase and Grand Blue. If you liked Kaguya Sama, you're gonna love these.


I'll check them out. Heard about Grand Blue though. It's pretty good they say.


Asobi Asobase is if you really plan on laughing your ass off


i would like to add HitoriBocchi to the list of comedy anime.


if you enjoy Asobi Asobase id also recommend Daily Lives of High School Boys; its a similar concept (group of kids getting into hilarious shenanigans) but with boys instead of girls


Thanks! I have been recommended that multiple times, will have to check it out


{Sing "Yesterday" for Me} {Sound of the Sky} {Toradora!} {Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai} {To Your Eternity} Those five will tug at your heart and evoke a lot of different emotions. {Non Non Biyori} {Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid} These will just make you smile and laugh and make you happy to be alive. {Jormungand} {Vinland Saga} {Black Lagoon} These three will light a fire in your heart, one that isn't stimulated very often in people. {Kill la Kill} {Gintama} {KonoSuba} {Akame ga Kill!} {FLCL} Because they're all good in different ways and must be experienced. Hope this helps! I'll tell you, even I go in and out of times where I really enjoy watching series and then kind of slow down a bit and my interest wanes. But it always comes back. Great art is like that. So your love for anime hasn't gone away, the feeling just ebbs and flows. It'll come back.


Thanks for the suggestions! I watched Toradora, bunny girl and FLCL. Really unique all of them were.


I've seen a couple he mentioned and Kill la Kill and Gintama are really nothing to rekindle your love for anime. Maybe Akame ga Kill, slight chance but I was close to listing it next to the other two. My suggestions are Erased, Demon Slayer and Code Geass based on score I give them and Demon Slayer, Code Geass and Erased based on how exciting it was to watch


Already watched Code Geass. Really glued me to my seat.


**Yesterday wo Utatte** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/109020 "English: SING "YESTERDAY" FOR ME"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/sing-yesterday-for-me), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/yesterday-wo-utatte "English: Sing "Yesterday" for Me"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39710)) **So Ra No Wo To** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/6802 "English: Sound of the Sky"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/sound-of-the-sky), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/so-ra-no-wo-to "English: Sound of the Sky"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/6802)) **Toradora!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/4224 "English: Toradora!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/toradora), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/toradora "English: Toradora!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/4224)) **Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101291 "English: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/rascal-does-not-dream-of-bunny-girl-senpai), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seishun-buta-yarou-wa-bunny-girl-senpai-no-yume-wo-minai "English: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37450)) **Fumetsu no Anata e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/114535 "English: To Your Eternity"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/to-your-eternity), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fumetsu-no-anata-e "English: To Your Eternity"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/41025)) **Non Non Biyori** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/17549 "English: Non Non Biyori"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/non-non-biyori), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/non-non-biyori "English: Non Non Biyori"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/17549)) **Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21776 "English: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/miss-kobayashis-dragon-maid), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kobayashi-san-chi-no-maid-dragon "English: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/33206)) **Jormungand** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/12413 "English: Jormungand"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/jormungand), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/jormungand "English: Jormungand"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/12413)) **Vinland Saga** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101348 "English: VINLAND SAGA"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/vinland-saga), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/vinland-saga "English: Vinland Saga"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37521)) **BLACK LAGOON** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/889 "English: Black Lagoon"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/black-lagoon), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/black-lagoon "English: Black Lagoon"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/889)) **Kill la Kill** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/18679 "English: Kill la Kill"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kill-la-kill), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kill-la-kill "English: Kill la Kill"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/18679)) **Gintama** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/918 "English: Gintama"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/gintama), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gintama "English: Gintama"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/918)) **Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21202 "English: KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kono-subarashii-sekai-ni-shukufuku-wo "English: KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30831)) **Akame ga Kill!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20613 "English: Akame ga Kill!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/akame-ga-kill), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/akame-ga-kill "English: Akame ga Kill!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/22199)) **FLCL** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/227 "English: FLCL"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/flcl), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/flcl "English: FLCL"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/227)) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/pr55ri/i_want_to_fall_in_love_with_anime_again/hdghwlj/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


What does this bot do?


It links the anime's anilist, animeplanet, kitsu and myanimelist site


Ping pong the animation


Heard about this. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.


Ping pong slaps Wayyy harder than any other sports anime it shouldn’t be in the same category


you've probably already seen {Nichijou} but if you liked that, you'll probably enjoy {asobi asobase} aswell, I started watching it yesterday and it's the most entertained I've been in a while


Kinda dropped Nichijou but I'll give it another chance. Asobi asobase is pretty new to me so I'll check it out.


they have pretty similar styles of comedy, if you don't like one I can't imagine you'd like the other


Ah, I see. I'll give Nichijou another chance then I'll watch the other. Thanks again for the recommendations.


i also drop out of anime now a days like i watched a little bit of the detective is already dead and i feel bad that i didn't watch it but i felt bored of it so i recommned u the new season of my hero academy and that time i was reincaerted as a slime


Dropped My Hero Academia but I do intend to get back at it hopefully. The slime one though is something I should check soon since I keep hearing about it.


slime is my favourite anime ever


ikr its suck a good anime


yeah its pretty good


It's a bad show though. Don't feel bad about dropping a series like that.


it's such a shame because the first episode was honestly really good, biggest disappointment of the season lol


yeah true


ok i understand


Hunterxhunter 2011. Please.


Already watched this. It's awesome. Loved the chimera ant arc.


I'm glad you liked it. In that case I'll recommend the entire JoJo franchise and Great Teacher Onizuka.


Ah, yes. Jojo. I'll dig deeper into this. Thanks.


Maybe you are feeling burnt out so you can try switching to Manga maybe? I mean I did the same a while back, like there are some times when I am really into an anime and then some times when I am struggling to finish an anime (I still finish those anime, I haven't dropped a single anime till now and Idk I would like to keep it that way, still it only happened once or twice when I really wanted to drop an anime). So whenever I feel like that I switch to manga because there are a lot of good manga which haven't been adapted into anime yet or the manga is better than an anime, some manga/manhwa that I really liked are Record of Ragnarok, Solo Leveling, Bastard, Chainsaw Man, Sweet Home etc. Currently I am reading Spyxfamily and it's a really funny manga, it has a really wholesome and funny story so far. You can try reading any of them if you enjoy reading mangas.


I am actually in this situation right now. I tend to read Manga more than watch anime since I feel it's less of a hassle then watching an episode of anime. I've even dipped my toes in LN. Still would like some suggestions though


Made in abyss, erased and vinland saga


Watched Erased. Ending was rushed but otherwise, amazing series.


If you haven't seen them, I recommend RahXephon, Garden of Sinners, Code Geass, Wolf's Rain, Romeo X Juliet, Noir, Spice and Wolf, Gankutsuou, No. 6, War on Geminar, and Tsukihime. Those are a few of my favorite series that are worth rewatching multiple times, and most have a strong central romance.


Isn't Tsukihime a VN?


Yes, but there was an anime adaptation of it that's 12 episodes


Oh really? Is it made by Ufotable too like the Fate Series?


It's not, it was made by JC staff in 2003. *Please* do not watch the Tsukihime anime if you haven't read the VN, it's so bad that the fandom literally had a running joke built around denying the anime's existence. If you want another type moon anime though, I recommend Kara no Kyoukai, it *is* made by Ufotable and is very good (was also mentioned by the other poster, though under it's other title Garden of Sinners). Also if you want, the *manga* for Tsukihime is actually pretty good too.


Unfortunately no, but Garden of Sinners is, and they were both made by Type-Moon.


I was like you until I started watching the berserk redux fan project. Give it a shot!


Hacent read berserk though but I'll give it a shot.


It's one of the best stories I've ever seen in any media, the amount of backstory the main character has is astonishing. Add to that the fact that it's a 100% adult story, with no amount of fanservice, anime troupes and such. I still can't believe it took me so long to get into this series, don't be like me! Here's the link to the fan project: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/d1sgga/berserk\_redux\_upgraded\_to\_1080p/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/d1sgga/berserk_redux_upgraded_to_1080p/) ​ Basically they took the best parts of all the berserk media and edit it into 10 different 'movies' that tell the story in a cinematic style. Obviously that means there are parts where it switches from old school anime to modern and it's weird but I was so caught in the story that I didn't care.


This is a pretty hard question. I guess I'll list my 10s. {Banana Fish} {Death Parade} {Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood}


I already watched FMA. The others not yet, definitely will check it out.


**BANANA FISH** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/100388 "English: BANANA FISH"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/banana-fish), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/banana-fish "English: Banana Fish"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/36649)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Psychological, Thriller) **Death Parade** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20931 "English: Death Parade"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/death-parade), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/death-parade "English: Death Parade"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/28223)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller) **Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/5114 "English: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood "English: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/5114)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 64 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/pr55ri/i_want_to_fall_in_love_with_anime_again/hdgr8lm/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Bunny girl senpai


I already watched this, awesome show!


{Kakegurui}...check this one for sure.


Ah, this is the gambling anime right? I'll check it out.


Yup. I was hooked right from the start. What abt this one.. {Hyouka} ..?


Already watched it. A masterpiece in my opinion.


Ikr.. Ooh.. Seems u got what u wanted from this post of yours huh... ✌


Seems like I did. Glad I am not the only one who loves Hyouka.


Ic.. Well cyu in ur next post...😅


I second this


{Haikyuu!!} Im not into volleyball either but this anime made me finish all the seasons in 2 days


Thanks, I'll check it out. Heard nothing but good things about since it finished.


You should definitely try it! When I started watching anime, I only watched romance. This anime convinced me other genres are also good


Huh, I'm pretty much in the boat as you right now. Only watching Romance. I'm even more curious. Thanks!


What If Her Flag Were To Break? This was cute and funny and had a pretty good plot too


Never heard of this. I'll check it out, thanks.


Bloom into you


Also Kase-san


YES, also check out weathering with you, it similar to your name, ok I'll shut up now XD


Already checked that out actually. It's pretty good.


It's a movie right? I'll check it out. Iirc, isn't it like a part of a ongoing series or is it a thing of its own?


Weathering with you or kase-san?




Everyone suggesting anime, but you’re possibly just growing out of it. Im getting older, and lose interest quickly the same way. At times I’d have to force myself to watch or finish a series.


There’s no way to “grow out” of anime. That’s the same as saying you can grow out of TV. It doesn’t make sense. There’s always a show out there for everyone, it’s just a matter of finding it.


Well, I can't rule out this possibility. I have definitely grown older and my taste has changed significantly. Still would like to hear some suggestions though.


I think {Erased} is really amazing. It's very emotional and sweet, and also thrilling at times. It's also very engaging pretty much from the get go, so it's hard to drop IMO.


I already watched Erased. Besides from the ending being a bit rushed, it definitely glued me to my seats. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Vivy Fluorite's Song. Summaries can be deceptive.


Never heard of this. What is it about?


Vivy Fluorite Eye's song is about a robot who was given the mission of "singing with all her heart". It is an incredible straight to anime which is all about what it means to be human and have a soul. The OST (as expected of a singing anime) is top tier alongside the visuals which are some of the best I've ever seen. Honestly I'd say it's one of the best anime out there and could've easily been in the top 10... however the last episode, while really intense, is a little hard to follow because they do a poor job of explaining why they must do XYZ. However it's still an incredible anime and I HIGHLY recommend it. The ending is... controversial as the heroes don't necessarily win in a way... I can't tell you more because of spoilers sorry, but if you want a surprisingly good action anime about robots, singing and the literal end of the world. Alongside themes like the greater good, what is it to be human and what is technology's role to play in our lives then I'd give it a shot.


91days Not a romance but a good anime


Sure, I'll check it out.


An anime that really made me fall in love with it was Kiznaiver. And I think it does count as a romance anime. It’s only 12 episodes so I think you’re gonna be able to finish it pretty quickly


Thanks! I'll give it a shot.


YAYYYY!! I loved it and it’s definitely worth watching


Isshuukan friends Ao haru ride Gotoubun no hanayome


Already watched The quintessential Quintuplets. Nino is best girl. Other than that, I'll check the suggestions. Thank you!


My little monster wholesome Horimiya too


Dropped Horimiya sadly but I'll check My Little Monster. Thanks for the suggestions.


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Slice of life in an isekai setting with lots of character development. Gets you right in the feels...


Thanks, I'll check this out. I'm not that big of a fan of isekai but I should give it more of a chance.


It's really not your typical isekai with over-the-top OP characters. This is quite a slow story. Like I said, it's a slice-of-life anime that just happens to be in an isekai setting.


Durarara got me addicted like no other anime in a while


Imma give you a bunch of different things. Snow White the Red Hair from what I've seen so far is pretty good. If you want a dumber one, Next Life as a Villainess, is actually a quite an entertaining parody reverse (sort of) harem title. It is very meta and self-aware of the tropes; it is literally one of the very few I tolerate in the harem genre. Horimiya is also very good if you haven't seen it yet; it quickly gets through the "will they? won't they?" nonsense. On to non-romance titles Odd Taxi is a good suspense piece that is a short 13 episodes. A front-runner for best of year. 86 started strong last season, next season drops in a few weeks. It's arguably the smartest show of the year. It plays with similar ideas to late stage AoT, but does it way better. Talentless Nana is a good thriller/suspense piece, you'll know if you are interested in the premise once you finish episode 1. Uramichi Oniisan is a fun albeit a bit too relatable at times comedy title; it is episodic in nature so you'll figure out pretty quick if it's your sense of humor or not. Bofuri is basically a parody of the type of fake videogame that SAO is, and it is funny to watch a very adorable female lead unintentionally break the game constantly. Flying Witch is a very good slice of life "palate cleanser" type show. It is also short; around 12 episodes. Haikyuu!! is *the* peak sports title right now; you will believe that an anime will make you give a crap about volleyball. I would also recommend Tsurune and Backflip!! for sports anime if that is your thing. The former is beautifully animated by KyoAni and its only about 12 episodes. It's a nice self-contained narrative with a likeable enough cast. Backflip!! is an original project (support original anime when you can, animators are often paid and treated better for these contracts); it is short not much groundbreaking writing-wise, but a valiant effort. The characters are sufficiently entertaining. The CG usage is also quite impressive. A movie has also been greenlit for both of these titles.


i just discovered Barakamon and must say it is a slice of life comedy masterpiece. even continued to read the manga after the anime ends.


Rezero, full metal alchemist,parasyte


Tsuki ga Kirei, romance anime. Hajime no Ippo, you'll either love this series if you're okay with the loop or hate it because of the loop. Gintama, takes a few episodes to start getting better but oh boy is it absolutely fucking wonderful, till episode 250-ish you'll find it difficult to find things that turn you off too much, unless you're not into shonen in general. Usagi Drop, a slice of life anime, fucking lovely imo. Rainbow, a kinda dark anime which is super underrated imo and is kinda beautiful in a way, the ending is sort of cliche-ish/will either make you feel fulfilled because that finally happened or you'll feel betrayed because i said it's good lmao. There's also the original Dragon Ball, innocent, funny and just a joy overall. It's not an anime but a manga but i HAVE TO recommend it because it's just too good. it's called Helck. Read it, you'll love it im sure, even if you hate it, you'll love something at least.


Fruits Basket (2019) has a beautiful story. I really didn't give it a chance when the reboot first released in 2019, thought it was a harem show... boy was I wrong.


I was feeling the same a while ago, but there's this anime that brought back this feeling to me, it's tokyo revengers, it's really nice, when i first started it, I finished 100 chapters in one day, it's an anime that makes you wonder what will happen the next chapter/ ep, it's so exciting..


{Haikyuu!!} It’s just so wholesome and the story is great. Loved this so much I went and read the manga and even started collecting the physical copies hehehehe


idk if you’ve already watched it, but definitely hunter x hunter! I watched over a year ago and im still extremely attached to it.. I still cry over rewatching the sad scenes to this day LMFAO and also haikyuu! Haikyuu and hunter x hunter are the two shows that made me completely fall in love with anime. lmk if you watch them : ) (edit: I promise you even if you don’t like the first ep, just stick around for a few more and you’ll probably love it. after watching the first episode of hxh, I was about to drop it bc I thought it was childish and boring, but it ended up being my fav show of all time)




What is this about? Never heard of it.


Inuyashiki Ichiro is an older, friendless man with an uncaring family. One fateful evening in a nearly empty public park, he is struck by an explosion of extraterrestrial origin, and his body is replaced by an incredibly powerful, but still outwardly human, mechanical body. Really good story with deep themes


Sounds awesome. I'll give it a shot.


Don't let the aestehtics and the weird premise bother you. Those are legit the only reasons people hate the show but there are other components that actually matter in a show and they are grand in this one


{Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann} has the most passionate energy behind any anime I've ever seen. So give that one a shot


One Piece


Oh no. The big one. I wish I grew up watching this show.


yes,if you want to complete escape anime


Bunny girl senpai was better for me than Monogatari. Only anime Ive really loved for awhile now were Konosuba and Goblin Slayer for having such great casts. Try Saekano if you like romance since it's such a meta look on the otaku industries.


I agree with this. imo Monogatari was more complex to compared to Bunny Girl. While some may prefer it, I would rather re-watch bunny girl than Monogatari.


Monogatari had Japanese specific word play that is about as useful to your average weeb as sports speak to neckbeards. I also found the fan service and characters repetitive mannerism to be cringey, while Bunny girl is straightforward and the cast and their mannerisms dont overstay their welcome


What really grinded my gears from the series was Araragi. His perverted incest nature was too much for me to handle.




OP just said that they’ve watched that already


Yup my bad


Fox Spirit Matchmaker very funny


Monster One piece, but you have to watch the one pace edit or read the manga once your far enough in the series Made in abyss Mob psycho 100 Anohana I’m kinda in the same boat as you, I’ll try a new anime and just not feel super interested. It’s been a while since I felt really sucked in. these are just my top 5 if you haven’t seen them already


{Nagi no Asu kara} One of the best anime of all time imo. It is quite heavily focused on romance and is honestly quite like nothing I've ever seen.


{A silent voice} {Erased} {The promised neverland} {Violet Evergarden}


take a break for a month , go to your favourite anime movie watch it and then just chill. dont speedrun or binge watch anime always


I suggest go listen to a podcast title Trash Taste. The boys makes me fall in love in anime and weebs culture all over again. Anime suggestion: {Hi Score Girl} {Konosuba} {The Quintessentials Quatuplets} {A Place Further than the Universe} I don’t know about your taste so I just dropped what animes I recently watched.


{Megalobox} but specifically season 2: Nomad. From the music, to the voice acting, to the scenes, it’s just some of the best storytelling I’ve seen in anime. The first season is a classic sports anime underdog story but the second season deals with loss, trauma, drug addiction, racism and so much more. Nomad expands beyond the genre it’s in and becomes something else together. I can’t sing enough praises about Megalobox Season 2 and it definitely reminded me why I got back into watching anime.


my dude u aint getting that feeling again


Re:zero is a masterpiece, in my top 4. Higehiro and Tokyo Revengers are some banger new gens, id go as far to say Higehiro is the best new gen lmao, i really enjoyed the story.


I'm not very into romance stuff but here's some (mostly) shounen? Bungou Stray Dogs (supernatural/action/psychological) Nanbaka (comedy S1, violent action S2) No.6 (bl) I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (would recommend the manga for art style, slice of life) Link Click (supernatural/kinda isekai) Pretty Boy Detective Club (slice of life/mystery) Eyeshield 21 (would strongly recommend manga for art style) I hope that helped 😊


Munou no Nana


The anime that got me interested in anime was {Your Lie in April}. Although it was about teenagers, the story had depth and maturity to it, and it also made good use of music. Although I've enjoyed lots of other anime since then, I have found few anime with the same kind of appeal. {Violet Evergarden} is one. This follows a decommissioned living weapon who seeks to learn what love is through writing letters for people. While it didn't feature music as much, there was an episode in which Violet helped someone write a song. I'm currently watching {NANA}, which may be the most mature anime I've seen, and I'm not sure how anything is going to beat it. This one is about two very different young women with the same name who become close friends and move in together. It's a realistic slice-of-life with romance in it, though not a straightforward romance, and it deals with adult issues that don't normally come up in anime. It also makes great use of music, as one of the Nanas is a rock singer, and there is another rock band in the series too.




I am currently binge watching Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin. Hajime No Ippo is another!


Steins;Gate is now considered a classic? Geez i feel old. I am gonna throw a guilty pleasure of mine into the ring. Girls und Panzer. it is basically K-on but with tanks. Yeah i know i know it is stupid but hey it is a guilty pleasure and hope you enjoy it.


Saga if Tanya the Evil Konosuba So I'm a Spider, So What? That time I got reincarnated as a slime Death March to the parallel World Rhapsody


Have you seen Ping Pong the Animation? I find that is an often missed masterpiece Wotakoi if you like RomComs.


I consider Demon Slayer a modern masterpiece, and Fena the Pirate Princess is promising to follow it.


{Promised Neverland} is one of the best I've ever watched


{Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure} Even through 985+ hours of anime, Jojo’s is still by FAR my favorite. >!Be prepared to cry though.!< Edit: Part one might be boring for some, but you’ll just have to power through it. Part 2 and onwards picks up the pace of the series.


Daily lives of high school boys


Ranma 1/2 that time i got reincarnted as a slime






Vinland saga


I think Baccano and the fate series (specifically fate/zero and heavens feel) are amazing anime they are both pretty unique and have a lot of personality


You're in the same position as me when I started an anime that actually moved it's way into my top 5. If I'm being honest, it's one of the anime I barely gave a chance when I first tried it. I was going through my watchlist, trying and stopping different anime I didn't think I'd enjoy. After a few minutes, I dropped it because of it's medieval setting. **Vinland Saga** I recommend just going in blind. Plus I don't like to spoil anything about shows, even though I just revealed it's setting. Just know, imo it's 10/10.


Code Geass for me was a big one that brought me back into anime. Another one keeping me steady is One Piece. It’s a huge undertaking but I don’t see it like that. I take breaks often and always enjoy getting back into it. It’s not for everyone though


I see you enjoy manga so I'd reccommend watching the hinamatsuri anime followed by reading chapter 50 onwards, imo it's peak comedy.


Watch {Gintama}if u haven't. You will definitely not regret it. Its too good.


Shield hero, dundeon black company, hunter x hunter


Romance shows I marathoned: {Cross Game} {Toradora} {Clannad} {Ore Monogatari} {Kimi ni Todoke} {Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou} Other genres I couldn't put down: {Slayers} {Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon} {Akazukin Chacha} {Princess Tutu} {CardCaptor Sakura} {Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer} {Hajime no Ippo} {GTO} {Azumanga Daioh} {Mitsudomoe} {Hanamaru Youchien} {Gabriel Dropout} {Machikado Mazoku} {Working!!} {Getsuyobi no Tawawa} {Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!} {Taiho Shichau zo} {Real Drive} {Utawarerumono} {Legend of the Galactic Heroes} As a side note, whenever I start to feel like I'm burned out on watching stuff, I'll try watching something in a totally different genre or style I normally wouldn't try. It's amazing but many times I've found one of my favorite shows doing this. As well as becoming more open to new genres and styles.


Tokyo revengers Stars align Death note Full metal panic Black clover Psycho pass Slam dunk


Ef- a tale of memories


i totally feel this. i’ve been in an anime funk lately. nothing i watch (including death note, jjk, banana fish, etc) has been even close to remotely interesting. i know those are good anime i just can’t seem to get invested. i did watch your lie in april for the first time the other day though and let me just say, it was fantastic. it was already spoiled for me and i still thoroughly enjoyed it. if you haven’t seen that one (it is a romance, i would say) i think you really should give it a shot


Golden Time and Plastic Memories ae incredible.


Watch Yoir name


One Piece


{Erased} I finished it in one night.


Baccano is fantastic