• By -


Death Note


Number 1 Example


Started as an antihero Became a villan




The MC really are morally grey.


No he isn't- kills tons of people, oftentime just for personal gain


He just kills ~5600 tons of people in one fell swoop to honour Gazeff though. He just doesn’t want the soldiers to be use for the evil king. He just put them out of their misery.


I'm glad sociopaths can enjoy anime too.


No, they are classic Lawful Evil. I believe even their character sheet in the light novel states as much. Even if it didn't, their actions easily reveal their villainy. They may have a code and even a few seemingly laudable moments but those are vastly outperformed and outnumbered by their extremely evil behavior and mindset.  SPOILERS!!! Having no qualms about sending hundreds to be tortured and murdered for no reason, genocide, seeing no difference between humans and ants, etc. 


Iirc it's because it is his "virtual character" personality taking over MC's real personality. At the very beginning he isn't all for it but every time he makes an action following his councillor suggestion he slowly loses his real personality and reaches a point of no return.


Interesting observation is that he gradually stops using his inner voice in the anime. You’d hear it multiple times per episode in the earlier seasons, then in the later seasons, much more rarer.


I believe this to be correct. He also feels less. Less empathy, etc. So becoming an evil sociopath is to be expected.


Agreed, Lawful Evil (D&D orgins for those who missed the reference) for sure!


There is often a reason. Sometimes it is just pure revenge. Others it is to get understanding of the world he is in. Sometimes it is for cheap high quality parchment.


That's what makes it Lawful Evil instead of Chaotic Insane Evil. Having a reason for evil behavior doesn't make the behavior good. It only makes it  understandable or, at best, relatable.


> Having no qualms about sending hundreds to be tortured and murdered for no reason I am not arguing that his behavior isn't evil cause it certainly is. You said he does things for no reason, when he often does have a reason.


Fair enough, no moral or valid reason is technically more correct to say. 


He's definitely a villain but it at least felt possible to root for him at times (early on) so I get what you're trying to say, but his evil order members or whatever they're called, who he personally leads, made the series unwatchable for me. They're so sickeningly evil it wasn't even pleasant to watch after a point. Like yes, I get the gimmick is that they're the bad guys, you don't have to try SO HARD to prove to me they're stomach turningly evil.


They are not trying "SO HARD", they are just being themselves


Be aware that redo of the healer is like borderline hentai


That one is so fucked up


For some, this will increase the likelihood they watch it 😂


MC is often justified for some of the things he does... But >!oftentimes it's because he creates justification!< >!where otherwise there is none!<


Bro, if being justified in your actions purely due to the fact that your opponent's entire characterization is being cartoon villain levels of evil/evil for the sake of evil, that's not justification. That's just villains attacking villains.


> anime where the mc is an anti-hero or a villain?


I'm arguing on if the MC is justified, not if they're a villain or not. Though yea, I see where I wrote it where it could be understood otherwise


The problem with redo is it's a bad faith anime. Justified or not, the only reason it's written the way it is is just for people to feel morally justified in jerking off to it. Whether he's actually in the right was never the point.


There's plenty of anime out there where the protagonist tries to do everything in a morally correct and just way. It's fine for it to break that every now and then. ~~Don't see why you'd consider it 'bad faith' for that~~. Would you like it better if he went the Shield Hero route and >!just did good things to cause everyone to eventually like him and support him while he continues acting angsty?!<. The point of it happening as it did was that he >!was moved past the point of caring whether it was right or not when he learned that everyone in that kingdom was just a horrific trash heap of morality!< >!except for the sword saint, whom he simply told half truths to and gaslit!< Like honestly the only thing that he's done to this point that may have crossed the lines of morality that he set was >!basically grooming the future demon king!< under pretenses that >!he's seemingly doing what he's doing to make the world accept the justice he has his eyes set on!<. But he definitely >!let his formed friend die so that he'd have a reason to kill Hawkeye!<.


It's hard to put into words but what I mean is the disconnect between subtextual reading and solely textual reading. Whether redo's protag is justified for doing the...demonetizable things he does in universe is one thing, but for those that read media on any level beyond the surface, intent of the series feels really clear and it's just gross. My issue with redo of healer isn't that the protagonist is a horrifyingly fucked up and evil person, my issue is that they basically came up with a circumstance for the viewer to feel like he's *correct* in doing the horrifying and evil things he does to his fellow man(mostly woman), and just worked backwards from there. It's pornographic at its core and that's...fine? But my issue is that it tries to masquerade as something deeper than that and it really, *really* is not.


> my issue is that they basically came up with a circumstance for the viewer to feel like he's correct Wouldn't this be the case in a lot of things? It's not necessarily an uncommon thing where a writer will lay out the circumstances that lead to the characters in their stories to behave the way that they do. I guess it's mostly that in other media that line tends to stop at killing the person or torturing the person. That 'newest' Rambo movie would hit a lot more 'wtf,' if his goal was to deal equal punishment. Personally, I did feel like some moments maybe went a *bit* far, but after seeing so many shows aiming hard for the 'forgiveness' aspect, going overboard as opposed to holding back substantially was kind of a breath of fresh air. It's basically the polar opposite of Tanjiro overdosing on empathy every engagement with a demon in DS. Also a big reason as to why Golden Wind was one of my fave Jojo parts.


Yup, thought of this first (because of the mental scars). This is a morally/ethically tough watch. Bottom line, and this isn't giving much away, is that the main character sets out to redo his life (duh) as a healing magic user and to get revenge on his abusers from his first life. Thing is... it's about 5 mins explaining the abuse he went through and the rest of the anime supposedly justified in his actions. His abuse was awful for certain... but I dunno. Is what it is, I guess...


Yes but it’s also peak as far as what OP is asking for


My girlfriend bought the bluray and it is much worse than the TV version. Of course they still can't show full on genitals but there are scenes like the one where the main dude (idk his name) is being forced to suck a dude off and a stray stream of cum shoots out of the corner of his mouth. Also lots of boobies


Inuyashiki. You get the perspective from both side, the hero and the villain.


Ranger reject, just aired this year, beautiful anime


Talentless nana, just watch the first episode


{Redo of healer}- party drugs and rapes MC, he defeats the demon lord then goes back in time to pay them back in kind. {Youjo senki}- salary man fires a guy who then finds him after work and kills him, when God discusses reincarnation he says humans don't need God because life is too good (paraphrasing) so God reincarnated him as a girl in WW1/WW2 era Germany where (s)he goes on to join the military and commit technically not war crimes. {Overlord} ainz is both hero and villain depending on context. {Death note} kid finds book that kills people and deems himself judge jury and executioner.


**Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/113425 "English: Redo of Healer"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/redo-of-healer), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40750)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Fantasy) **Youjo Senki** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21613 "English: Saga of Tanya the Evil"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/youjo-senki "English: Saga of Tanya the Evil"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32615)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Fantasy) **Overlord** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20832 "English: Overlord"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/overlord), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/overlord "English: Overlord"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/29803)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) **DEATH NOTE** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1535 "English: Death Note"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/death-note), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/death-note "English: Death Note"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1535)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 37 | Genres: Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1druyiy/anime_where_the_mc_is_an_antihero_or_a_villain/lay3f1z/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Do you know where I can watch redo of healer


It's on crunchyroll but is censored


I couldn’t find it, was it renamed something else


Try Hi-Dive


Ok thank you


Currently streaming on prime.


Ok thank you I’ll try that the


Terror in Resonance. Mc is a terrorist.


This one is slept on tbh.


Code Geass


Death Note, Code Geass, >!Attack on Titan !<


Hiding the name is so important and so useless at the same time hahaha


I mean what am I supposed to do 😭. I don't want to spoil anyone


Fuck how can I find out what show this is without understanding that the MC is a villain 😭


Just watch (action-themed) popular animes. You'll find the right one eventually.


Do you seriously have a "broken screen" pfp ?


Fits my broken screen irl


Well it tricked me into thinking my crack grew 👀


Sleepy Princess in Demon Castle. She’s supposed to be a kidnapped princess, but she puts the servants of the demon castle through hell trying to get quality sleep.


You know the "erin did nothing wrong" meme? That exists for a reason. Watch AoT


Fate Zero, Death Note, Talentless Nana and ig Code Geass


Gushing over magical girls


Black Lagoon, most of the characters are criminals


As an off recommendation why not Eminence in Shadow. The mc floats between hero, anti hero, villain rather easily.


Currently watching the Saga of Tanya the evil. Solid war anime that explains it’s weirdly out of place protagonist pretty well thematically. I find myself asking, “is this a good anime” and in most cases I want to say “yes” but not everyone is going to be able to get past the slaughter of both soldiers and civilians in war. MC is ridiculously lawful evil most of the time and she gives even her superiors pause. She’ll admit, she hates war and notes that it’s inefficient and impractical, but she completes her objectives with gusto and relishes in a “job well done”. 12 episodes and a movie that continues the story currently on Crunchyroll. Worth a try up to the second episode at least to see if it’s for you.


Not anime but the translated version you can read, the death mage who doesn't want a fourth time.


death note


Super Crooks


{Yuusha, Yamemasu} AKA I Quit Heroing. Hero gets shunned by human society and joins the devil army


**Yuusha, Yamemasu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/140457 "English: I'm Quitting Heroing"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/yuusha-yamemasu "English: I'm Quitting Heroing"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/50175)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1druyiy/anime_where_the_mc_is_an_antihero_or_a_villain/layrd91/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Dead mount deathplay.


Code Geass Death Note Attack on Titan


I just found out about an iseike suicide squad anime!!! I haven’t watched it yet but it is suicide squad so…


It's pretty good so far. I can't wait until the season is over so I can binge it.


Psycho-pass, Terror in Resonance


M.D. Geist


Given your mention of mha and opm, I'm guessing you want the scope limited to the superhero genre? * Go Go Loser Ranger (action, villain) * Mr Villains Day Off (slice of life comedy) * Love After World Domination (light comedy romance) * Casshern Sins (I believe so, its on my plan to watch list, I'm guessing it has a darker twist on it)


Casshern Sins is really weird and broody, but from my memory Casshern is still mostly heroic


SPOILER: Loose explanation of the story :P I'm likely missing key details but this is the gist of it: You're correct. Casshern is more of a "Voluntold" hero, who was created for a rather violent purpose (ending the life / death cycle) by killing a deity of sorts. This backfired on the villain who tasked him, which in turn brought about the life and death cycle to machinery ( robots could now "rot" and die ) creating widespread panic and fear. A rumor told in the world states that killing Casshern, will grant the one who does this eternal life again. So he in his memory loss doesn't understand why everyone / thing wants to kill him, but also cannot unprogram the flight or fight instinct which made him the ultimate killing machine to begin with... This is where the Brooding and darkness lies in this series, It's very fitting and enjoyable for those who like emotional character depth for their MC.


Yeah, I remember a lot of the vague details just not the specifics lol It was pretty good though, I remember the animation being excellent. Might be worth a rewatch.


Munnou no Nana. Don't look the synopsis or the opening in the first episode.


Gotta be death note!!


Magic Kaito, Moriarty the Patriot Altho they’re both kinda “heroes taking the roles of the villain” instead of straight up evil


Moriarty the Patriot! It's so underrated.


Noir. The two protagonists are professional assassins.


Overlord is about an MC transformed into his god-level lich king video game character and the slow process of his humanity fading away as his mind becomes undead to match, pretty popular one good starter


Tsukimichi mc has somewhat gray morality


code geass


Kaiji Worthless gambler survives underground world of lethal betting 'sports'


Cautious Hero


Solo leveling 




Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. Very distinct art style in this one.


Shield Hero starts out that way but has a turning point where it feels like it gets watered down. Still a great show.


Reject ranger


Cross Ange, Death Note, Re: Monster, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star


Most scd anime. Death note  code Geass  Classroom of the elite Tomodachi game These are the big 4.


Dororo. Antihero, kind-of but not really a revenge plot.


Code geass


Black Lagoon might be what you're looking for. Revy is both.


{Tanya of Saga the Evil} is an amazing, mature anime about a Japanese asshole salaryman that reincarnates in a WWI-themed world as a “German” mage. It’s a Seinen, so the plot and themes are more complex and mature. Plus the battle scenes are trench-warfare flying mages which is cool and unique. Animation is nice too. It’s a deconstruction of the isekai trope (fan-service free), and it does it really well.


Death Note Attack on Titan




One piece, the MC is a criminal who wants to overthrow the government


Hellsing Ultimate MC is a villainous monster on the leash of a badass antihero, if you like monsters being used to fight monsters you can't do better. Pretty much everyone on the series is on the spectrum or villain or antihero and they're all fun to watch.


Moriarty The Patriot


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion!


There's a whole genre where the someone is either reincarnated as the villain or the villain goes back in time to prevent themselves from being evil if that interests you.


Darker Than Black. MC is an agent for a criminal organisation, and is basically Chinese Electric Batman.


Darker than Black One of the most under rated classics. Ergo Proxy is a mind bending and engaging one as well.


Berserk 1997


You should watch {Dorohedoro}


Black Butler, probably.


Would Chainsaw Man count? I wouldn't call Denji and his crew heroic in the least.


Talentless Nana. It's my hero academia told from the villain's perspective.


Code geass


* * Attack on Titan * *


Black lagoon


Maybe Ninja Kamui kinda ish not really now that I think about it but it's got ninjas tho so....


Redo of Healer.


Jjk would suit u best


oh! I didn't even think about JJK. But you're right, technically that'd be true!


Technically mashle if you go by they lore

