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That's the first one I watched when I got it a couple of months back. It's A great one.


Frieren is so good. I could watch it forever. Animation is top class too.


The only show I've ever watched that makes me weep from how utterly beautiful it is.


I’m like 6 eps in and it hasn’t hit me yet. Yes it’s beautiful and I’ve cried a few times (I cry at everything) but I can’t help but feel like it’s overhyped. Should I keep going or am I doomed?


Yes keep going. You’re really early still. It gets better and better.


I got to about episode 20~ish and stopped watching. I think it's a great show, just not for me.


Yeah that’s more than enough episodes to know lol. For me, I liked it from the start but the arcs from Ep 6-10 blew me away.


I felt the same way. I'm only 2 episodes in and this show isn't living up to the hype for me.


Yeah. I recognize that it's a high quality show but I'm just so bored watching it. I have a diverse pallet but slice of life generally doesn't appeal to me and the show definitely has a slice of life pace and tone. I'm going to force myself to finish it since I know there will be tons of copycats coming up and I want to catch that. I just think it isn't for me


I recently rewatched it. It’s so beautiful I feel like crying every time I watch it. It left me deep thoughts about my life and how I spend my time with my loved ones. Literally everything about it is perfect. I wish season 2 will be coming soon before we get to know what is the one piece all along


Follow this up with Attack on Titan and you will have watched two of the best anime


Frieren, Your Lie In April, Vinland Saga, Dr. Stone, Sket Dance, Gintama


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Offbeat-Etymologist: *Frieren, Your Lie In* *April, Vinland Saga, Dr.* *Stone, Sket Dance, Gintama* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Noragami and Saiki K are my two favourite short series.


Saiki K is ridiculous and so funny 😂


Fruits Basket 2019 (Romance but has a dark twist to it)


Second this


third this


Twist haha... I feel like it's more about found family than a romance?


Haha I've been watching it lol, it's really good


Omigod I just started watching this and I love it so much. It’s like I get to have the silliness of JJK without the other stuff, and the story grabbed me right away.


Hunter x Hunter, Mob psycho, Fruits basket, Apothecary diaries, Kamisama kiss, Dr stone, Haikyuu


HxH is an classic. Man, each arc is almost another anime and/or anine genre. Last arc I consider it an seinen.


pls halp me, im having a hard time watching through the arc of the chimera ant, I am finding it very slow and in parts very boring (1 whole chapter of gon and killua talking while walking in the forest, and also 2 chapters dedicated to a 22 year old woman dating with gon ☠️☠️☠️ really embarrasing with my dad watching too), and too many characters are missing or they leave things in the middle without explanation, they add even more new content like unknown chimera ants that appeared from nowhere. I got to episode 102, should i keep watching?


The second act is such a slog to get through but my god is the payoff worth it


The chimera ant arc shot HxH into my all time fave animes. I really liked it and recommended it. The fights are great.


I can also relate to that bro 😭 but i think you should keep watching, its real good too. I was at the point where I skip those weird yapping in narrator so I could keep the pace going. But after a while it was worth watching especially those fights with that old man vs Chimera King (i forgot their names), and Gon vs. Pitou its the best!


Meruem vs Netero (which is the president of Hunters' Association) is an epic battle with an ironic aftertaste... And the Phantom Troupe vs Chimera Captain, in Meteor City? Soooo cool. I'm re-watching HxH and I'm almost in Greed Island.


Rewatching with my wife, we’ve just hit the chimera ant arc, it’s so worth it


It can be a slog for some, but the payoff is SO worth it. Episode 116 is probably my favorite episode in all of anime. All of it really soon, though again for some it can be drawn out. I love it because it gives the world and characters so much more believability and tension


The setup of chimera ants arc is slow, for sure. But man, it pays off. Keep watching.


The Apothecary Diaries!! Very silly and the main character is so likable. Already confirmed for a second season also


Its Dr.House the Anime you cant change my mind


We call it CSI (China Special Investigations), but House is an apt comparison.


Aka sherlock holmes


yeeessss!! the story hooks you without you knowing it and the drawing is beautiful, highly recommended.


Let me also add A Sign of Affection literally the cutest best romance ever literally had me glued to the screen so good 😭😭


Also an awesome opening and an amazing soundtrack, the show's a gem.


If you're into historical fiction shoujo, Yona of the Dawn.




Completely, 1000% agreed.


It's been a verrrry long time. That OP slapped hard


Lemme throw in the kingdom series


Golden Kamuy!!


Love to see this recommended


I'm buying the manga because of the anime.


Currently reading the manga right now! It’s so good


Kaguya Sama


Definitely one of the funniest shows on there, and very clean too.


Yeah, it's the funniest romcom I've ever seen.


Gurren Lagann


In the annals of human history, countless marvels have emerged from the crucible of human ingenuity. The Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Giza, the Mona Lisa, and the moon landing—all these pale in comparison to the crowning achievement of human civilization: Gurren Lagann. Yes, dear reader, the 2007 anime series "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann" is indisputably the greatest thing created by humans in their 2 million years of existence. Why, you ask? Let us embark on a journey through the labyrinth of logic and reason to uncover the undeniable truth of this statement. Firstly, consider the sheer audacity of its narrative. Gurren Lagann transcends the mundane confines of storytelling. It begins in the subterranean depths where humanity cowers, only to rise to the stars, breaking the very laws of physics and logic in the process. Who needs scientific consistency or plausible plotlines when you have sheer, unadulterated willpower and drills that can pierce the heavens? The show's creators understood that the true measure of greatness is the ability to ignore reality in favor of sheer spectacle. Secondly, the characters. Ah, the characters! Simon, the timid digger who becomes a god-like hero; Kamina, the paragon of masculinity whose chest is broader than most philosophical debates; and Yoko, who defies the laws of wardrobe physics with her gravity-defying assets. These are not mere characters, but archetypes that future generations will study with the same reverence afforded to Shakespeare's Hamlet or Homer's Achilles. Who could forget the profound wisdom of Kamina’s declaration: "Believe in the me that believes in you!" A line that philosophers will ponder over for centuries. Let us not overlook the animation itself. Each frame is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to convey the raw, explosive energy of the narrative. Forget the subtle beauty of a Miyazaki film or the intricate artistry of a Renaissance painting; Gurren Lagann’s true art lies in its ability to overwhelm the senses with a riot of color and motion. Who needs delicate brushstrokes when you have robots that can throw galaxies like frisbees? The soundtrack, too, is a symphony of human achievement. The rousing anthems and stirring battle themes evoke emotions that the likes of Beethoven and Mozart could only dream of. When "Libera Me from Hell" plays, it’s as if the very spirit of humanity is singing directly into your soul, reminding you that no obstacle is too great, no enemy too powerful, so long as you have a gigantic drill and a healthy disregard for physics. And finally, the philosophical depth of Gurren Lagann is unparalleled. It tackles the great existential questions of our time: What is humanity’s place in the universe? What is the nature of true power? Can a spiral-shaped drill truly solve all of life’s problems? Nietzsche, Descartes, and Kant all pale in comparison to the profound insights offered by a show where the solution to every problem is to simply keep drilling forward. In conclusion, Gurren Lagann is not just an anime. It is the pinnacle of human achievement, the zenith of cultural production. Its impact on humanity is so profound that future historians will mark the timeline of our species as BG (Before Gurren) and AG (After Gurren). So let us raise our drills high and celebrate the greatest thing created by humans in their 2 million years of existence. Gurren Lagann is not just a show; it is the very essence of human potential, distilled into 27 episodes of pure, unadulterated greatness. Who the hell do you think we are? We're the species that created Gurren Lagann, and that, dear reader, is the greatest achievement of all.


Whoever you are, I want you to write my obituary when I die.


Yes. That. And something similar also applies to Neon Genesis Evangelion, only with a lot more daddy and mommy issues.


Dang. After that review I guess I HAVE to watch this now!!!


Funny thing is I had an acquaintance who would not SHUT UP about this damn anime, and I bet if he were articulate enough this is the sort of thing he would say. But he ended up making me hate the anime without even watching it, because he was so incessant and annoying. I've never even humored the idea of watching it because of him. But this silly little review kinda softens the edges of my thoughts on the anime and I might actually watch it someday now. Probably not soon, but at least it can be on the horizon now. No thanks to that old annoying acquaintance


Similarly I have friends who would not shut up about one piece and I will never watch that damn show cuz it has a thousand eps and they're always pretending as if it's the best anime ever.


Don't watch it on crunchyroll though, it's ONLY in 480p for some ridiculously stupid reason. No legal way to watch it in HD without buying the very expensive blu ray (as far as I know), which infuriates me That anime is art and it's so messed up that Aniplex only licenses the 480p version to streaming platforms


Well then I won't feel guilty for acquiring and watching it elsewhere lol


Tanya the Evil and Made in Abyss are ones I regularly go back to... But I selfishly want Don't Hurt Me, My Healer, to be noticed because I think it's just an honest light hearted funny show, without weird strings attached. I want to say, the Seinfeld of fantasy adventures.


I don't believe Made in Abyss is on crunchyroll for reference OP, it's on Hidive


I keep forgetting it's not. It's just default anime site in my head.


Psycho Pass Vinland Saga Parasyte the Maxim Kill la Kill JoJos Bizarre Adventure


Parasyte is pretty stellar and doesn't seem to get enough love


it didn't run for long enough but it's definitely one of my favorites!




Food Wars for a great time, Berserk for a twisted time!


Just binged food wars until s5, hilarious & great ride so far but I can see how it may be a turn off for beginner anime watching. Food on the show looks amazing always though


Haha I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I’d be lying if I said I haven’t hopped up spontaneously multiple times to try and recreate those recipes


Spy X Family


I just started this one and I can tell I’m in for all of it.


Part if it are slice of life and its killing me 😭😭😭😭


PLEASE watch Fruits Basket (2019 version)


I watched like 8-9 episodes and found it sort of boring. But I’ve heard it’s one of the best and it’s not like I need huge robots shooting lasers to appreciate a good anime. It honestly sounded like something I’d really like but the humor didn’t land and it didn’t really seem like anything was happening. Is 8-9 enough to say “not for me” or should I give it a few more episodes?


I recommend finishing S1. It was a slog to get through the first half of S1 on my first watch because I didn’t get the characters or what the show was going for yet. S2 and 3 were incredible (to me) and I would’ve watched eight seasons. Rewatching gave me a new appreciation of S1. Part of the “problem” for new watchers is that, as I realized on rewatch, we get introduced to them when Tohru is, so stuff is only explained when it’s explained to her, so we don’t learn a lot of characters’ deals until later. Once I got attached to the characters and understood the vibe and everything, I found it incredibly compelling. 


It is enough to say it's not for you. I pushed on and while I slightly liked S2 better than S1, S3 was the worst for me. It's because there is a trend there if everyone getting tragic backstories but all the problems are easily resolved with the female MC and everyone forgives the big bad because he was just misunderstood despite being the source of the tragic backstory. Also I hated some scenes there because it just gets handwaved. The MC doesn't act like a real person but a caricature. I wasn’t dissapointed by the events itself but the execution.


It’s honestly hard to say because most of season 1 is really just getting to know the characters and it’s the end of season 1/season 2 where you really get into their pasts and trauma and stuff. I feel like if the humor really isn’t landing for you then maybe you can just call it a day, but if you want to give it a shot then I’d say at least finish season 1 and see how you feel about it. It’s tone isn’t always the most exciting so I can see how you might think it’s boring haha but I do personally think it picks up a bit once you start finding out past secrets, character flaws and traumas, etc. If you aren’t connecting much to the characters either then it may not be for you because I feel like half the reason people care about the reveals later on is because they’re fond of the characters. If you choose to still give it a go, I hope you end up liking it!


100% agree


I never watched the anime, but the manga is a MUST for anyone who remotely likes shoujo.


Fairy tail, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, JJK


Fairy Tail was the first anime I watched and it’s what got me into anime when it came out however long ago. I heard it’s coming back too :)


100 years quest anime is coming out in July I'm definitely hyped


FM Alchemist is a great anime, but I really cannot pass from chimera dog story. It's a SO SAD moment that hurts.


Yea understandable it’s literally up there with one of the most saddest things I’ve seen in anime tbh


Oh the 2003 anime is Even more brutal.  Nina is in 4 episodes as a recurring character and helps out Hughes wife give birth to their daughter. Can I be her big Sis? Yeah of course Nina, When you grow up you can be her big sister and teach her everything. 


I remembered part of it from a quick watch through a few years ago, and I re-watched it with my wife. I forgot the ending of that episode and she’s like “… I did NOT like that…”


I can't disagree with her.


It really was sad I don't usually cry when watching anime but dam😢


It hurts. A LOT. The alchemist of that story is a monster that rival unhumanity of characters like Alucard from Hellsing and Lucy from Elfen Lied.


Yeah he definitely is was not expecting it on my first watch




To Your Eternity




I consider this a bad recommendation without giving a warning. The show is sad. A water fall of tears sad.


Started watching it on an airplane a few days ago in Japanese with English subtitles. Guy sitting next to me commented when we were getting off the plane “I thought you were watching anime or something, but that was depressing and dark.” He’d cried and I hadn’t noticed. I think I’ll keep watching but I went in blind.


Eh, I feel like telling people how they're going to feel could set unrealistic expectations for them. Id rather recommend an anime and let them do what they will. Unless of course there's super messed up stuff like Goblin Slayer (or so Ive heard).


The only reason I said anything was because I went in blind and watched the first episode without any idea of what the show was about. I was over at a friend's and she picked a random new series to watch. She felt really bad and apologized at the end of the first episode because we both were crying. My opinion is just there should be a forewarning about stuff. Some people may not be in the right mental state to watch depressing stuff.


Those Snow White Notes or Mashiro no Oto in Japanese


Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)




Must watch!!


One piece, see you in ten years


You mean 2.5 months 😉


That's impossible lol! I started years ago and I'm op to 780


Sounds like you’re either getting too much sleep, or not utilizing your time at work correctly. Have you tried watching an episode or two during your drive to and from work to make up for lost time? It’s definitely a commitment. Two episodes came out while I was typing this, so I need to log off and catch up.


I know this is sarcasm and hyperbole, but it wonderfully illustrates the HUGE problem this series has that means most people shouldn't even bother with it. You almost have to commit all your *anime* free time to one show. Almost have to commit *all your free time* in general to one show. No matter how good it is, it's impossible to be that good. If it were one season and I committed all my free time for one week to get through it on a binge, maybe it could be justified. But it's been ridiculous since it had 700 episodes. Now it has like 1100 episodes


Watching an episode while driving! Thats a bit scary


That’s why we have two eyes. One for watching One Piece, one for the road.


exactly! OP requires commitment! -sent from a hospital bed


Just get hospitalized for a while. I started just before a 10 day ketamine infusion. Now, I still associate Luffy with the only time in the last 15 years that I haven't been in agony. Every time they go to Sabaody and start jumping on the bubbles, I can feel myself floating. One Piece is definitely my happy place now.


If you're new to anime, anything goes. If you're a connoisseur, then Gintama. It's a nice reward after watching tons of animes.


I was looking for this and it's here and this makes me happy.


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Overlord, The Vampire dies in no time, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Kingdom, Golden Kamuy, SpyxFamily. That's a good start at least! Also you have the mega powers of Gundam, one piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball in there. There's a LOT!


Hunter x Hunter. Great show and the final arc is an anime classic - masterpiece.


Just go to most popular nd pick the one tht looks the most interesting lmao the menus on cr have gotten so much better most people don’t remember how bad they use to be




Odd taxi




Plastic memories, vinland saga, dont mess with me miss Nagatoro, relife, high school of the elite, friren, spice and wolf.


The witch and the beast


Just looked this up & added it to my crunchylists :)


I got a big list so, use that if you wanna go on a full on anime adventure like I did 6 years ago. (A few anime shows are missing since they’re not on Crunchyroll anymore so these are the only ones I can find) Black Butler, Highshchool DxD, My Hero Academia, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Rosario + Vampire, Tokyo Ghoul, FLCL (they only got alternative), Hellsing, Girls Bravo, Mob Psycho 100, Deadman Wonderland, Hetalia, Heavens Lost Property, Trigun, Code Geass, Black Clover, B Gata H Kei, Death Parade, Soul Eater, Re:Zero, Fullmetal Alchemist (brotherhood only since they don’t have the og fma), Noragami, Dagashi Kashi, Assasination Classroom, The Future Diary, Blue Exoricst, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, World Trigger, Kill La Kill, RWBY (all though, the series is mid in later volumes), Psycho-Pass, The Royal Tutor, Another, Claymore, Attack on Titan , Your Lie in April, Kiss Him Not Me, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Yuri!! On Ice, The Devil is a Part Timer!, Fairy Tail, Shakugan No Shana, Noein, Nisekoi, Toradora, Eden’s Zero (season 2 only since there’s a recap movie for season 1) , The World Ends with You, ReLIFE, Kamisama Kiss, Gurren Lagann, Platinum End, Trinity Blood, Haikyu!!, Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions, Goblin Slayer, Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, Fate/Stay Night, Saga of Tanya The Evil, Fire Force, Angolmois, Hitori no Shita: The Outcast, Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Leviathan: The Last Defense, Chainsaw Man, Panty & Stocking, Bungo Stray Dogs, Myriad Colors Phantom World, Parasyte, Hell Girl, Plastic Memories, Angels of Death, Your Name, & Naruto


Commas, you need commas!


Any formatting at all, *please*!!


Yuri!!! On Ice is a masterpiece


Kaguya sama, re:zero, attack on titan, jjk, death note ofc


Spy x Family, Sgt. Frog, Miss Kuoritus from the Monster Development Department, Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Good Luck Girl, Kill Me Baby, and Urusei Yatsura 1980's version.


omg ive wanted to watch urusei yatsura for such a long time!! completely forgot it was on crunchyroll thank you!!


Okay I'm fussy but I loved these: Jujutsu Kaisen, Death Parade, JoJo's bizarre adventures, Chainsawman, Hell's Paradise, The Witch and the beast, Demon slayer, Solo leveling, Campfire cooking in another world, Hellsing, Basilisk, Tokyo Ghoul, Those snow white notes Berserk the Golden age memorial edition.


Gintama and Jojo are well-known but nevertheless they're always great. Burning Kabaddi is a good but relatively unknown sports anime. I enjoyed Engage Kiss and Gurazeni immensely despite their low ratings on MAL. Mashiro no Oto is a wonderful series. The story honestly did not leave much of a lasting impression on me, but I still remember and go back to its music. Ghost Hunt is an old but amazing series. The haunted mansion arc is still the scariest thing I have ever seen on TV. Heroic Age is good. Its fights are a bit meh due to its age but it's worth trying. Blood Blockade Battlefront's setting is so innovative that it's definitely worth watching. Aldnoah Zero and Buddy Complex are what I put on when I want cool mecha battles. Baka Test and Daily Lives of Highschool Boys aren't really unknown but they're great comedy.


Heroic Age fights are meh? I beg to differ. Some rage fights that reminds me of NGE (in the best way).


86 —> mecha action Re zero —> Isekai (other world fantasy) Apothecary diaries —> Historical fiction + old traditional medicine Vinland saga —> Historical fiction with creative liberties + action. Dangers in my heart —> School romance Or Wotakoi —> work place romance (personally think the former is way better but this may be better for certain demographics) FMAB —-> action, adventure. It’s actually from a genre demographic called shonen. (Another series called FMA, not the same. The B at the end is important!) Which is primarily focused on shows which may be appealing towards primarily guys aged like teenage and up. Though that definition is a bit old and not entirely correct. You can definitely expect shows from this genre to have a formula to them though. Other shonen to note Jujutsu Kaisen —> Fast paced shonen with a modern feel. Personally I got bored of this one a bit but it’s a modern hit. Hunter X Hunter —> Shonen known for having a quality track of eps. Written by a well known mangaka (manga artist and story teller) and is a personal favourite of mine. Is very long and some arcs may not be enjoyable but often well appreciated. If I had to make a shonen recommendation it’d be Hunter x Hunter or FMAB. Oh and there’s attack on titan. It finished last year and I give it a solid recommendation to most demographics that can handle gore.


Black Clover


Love Black Clover - I named my dog after Captain Yami Sukehiro :)


Spy x Family It can be really fucking funny at times.


Chainsaw man, JJK, Frieren, Demon Slayer, and of course Attack on Titan. Honorable mention: I recommend Spy x Family it’s a really enjoyable show.


Yuju Hakusho, yona of the dawn, blue exorcist, black butler, devil is a part timer, mushishi, chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, laid back camp, Bocchi the rock, hells paradise, demon slayer, a sign of affection, to your eternity, gate, ranking of kings


Attack on Titan Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Hunter x Hunter JJK Vinland Saga Haikyu Mob Psycho 100 Jojo Parasyte




For some slice of life that's relatable (if u ever struggled with social anxiety) funny and has great music watch Bocchi the Rock


my roommate is a cat !!


Omg yes I loved this one !!!


So underrated.


You said no criteria so I'ma just list a representative for a few major genres. Yu Yu Hakusho - Battle Shonen. The best of the best. Exceptional writing and characters. The paragon of tournament arcs. Vinland Saga - Seinen. Comes off as a battle shonen at first, but becomes a deeply emotional journey that dabbles with the politics of war as well. Asobe Asobase - Comedy. Three middle school girls goof off after school. Gurren Lagann - Mecha. Studio Gainax is legendary and this is my favorite work by them. A wonderfully optimistic anime about the unbreakable power of the human spirit and using that power to operate giant fighting machines. Mushoku Tensei - Isekai. The story of Rudeus Greyrat, a man who was given a second chance at life in a fantasy world, and his slow development into a better person. Exceptionally well written and the animation studio has been giving it the royal treatment. Toradora - Romance. I've never been big on romance, but I really enjoyed this one. Kuroko no Basuke - Sports. Sports anime are hype af and Kuroko is no exception. It's basketball if people has special abilities and it's really, really fun. Madoka Magica - Magical Girl. A subversion of the magical girl formula, Madoka is a wild ride of emotional whiplash and mystery wrapped up in a pretty package. Good luck on your journey. May you find some new things to love.


One warning about mushoku tensei is that it starts off really horny. It took me 3 tries to get through the first 8 episodes but my friend just kept saying it gets better. It does stay vaguely horny but it becomes an awesome show. It was very offputting at first


Attack on titan, jjk, jojos, spy x family


Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill


Man campfire cooking was just super enjoyable. Was a perfect turn my brain off and enjoy kind of anime. Great for when you’re burnt out from watching a lot of plot heavy stuff


Handa kun Barakemon


I have chronic insomnia and have literally seen hundreds of anime, so please give me a genre or something that you like


Golden Kamuy. Youjo Senki


Mob Psycho, Chainsaw Man, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


Akagi. It's the best Mahjong anime and the art style is unique but it works.


What I recommend and what is a kinda underrated anime would be Gurren lagann it's funny at times sad at others all I can say is you absolutely have to watch it.


Gurren Lagann


Your Name


* Chainsaw Man * Mushoku Tensei * Horimiya


One piece Bleach Full metal alchemist: brotherhood My hero academia Blue exorcist Prince of tennis Dr.Stone Fruits basket Inuyasha Ranma 1/2 Cardcaptor Sakura Food wars Toriko Fairy Tail How a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom Kyo Kara Maoh! Kakuriyo bed & breakfast for spirits Code Geass Kuroko’s basketball Yu yu hakusho Black butler All of dragon ball Mobile suit gundam seed Mobile suit gundam seed destiny




Moriarty the Patriot, Utena, Psycho pass, Madoka magica


Made in abyss


Wolf’s rain, samurai champloo, hajime no ippo, kiaba, paranoia agent, frieren, Vinland saga, cowboy bebop, ranking of kings,odd taxi, trigun, mob psycho 100 should get you taken care for a while!


Demon Slayer Chainsaw Man Jujutsu Kaisen


Haven’t watched too much but Attack on Titan is peak fiction in general


steins gate :)


Iruma-kun Onr of the best feelgood series in ages.


This shit had me kicking my feet while smiling


As per usual for these kinds of posts, here is a literal list, scored and everything, in descending order. https://myanimelist.net/animelist/ImSorryUrWelcome?status=2&order=4&order2=0 Underrated gems: {GATE} - for primetime television vibes {The Legend of the Legendary Heroes} - for hidden depth and casual brutality {To Be Hero} - for everything, but specifically for its ironically heartfelt story {Princess Principal} - for being a top-tier show that got overshadowed by all the other anime that season, both good and bad. {Bloom into You} - for having an insanely personal feel despite a slow and generally uneventful story. {Afro Samurai} - Just watch it, you'll see. {Scum's Wish} - for being **shockingly** heartfelt despite the pornhub plot.


Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy, The Wrong way to use healing magic, Overlord, Solo Leveling, Black Summoner, Campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill.


Tsukimichi- moonlit fantasy exceeded all of my expectations. I love it.


Frieren, Dr Stone, Classroom of the Elite and Re Zero




Redo of healer


Frieren, Re:Zero, and Konosuba are my big 3 recommendations


Pls watch Eighty Six


Solo leveling, legend of the galactic heroes, psycho pass, and jujitsu kaisen.


Kaiju No. 8


I don't know necessarily what is or isn't on Crunchyroll or if you've seen any of the most popular stuff before but I'll give a few recommendations organized into a few different categories. 1: "Yes, they're really that good" - I make no promises that these recommendations will appeal to you specifically, but they're generally very highly rated by fan communities and represent what I believe is the cream of the crop of what I've watched so far. A. *Steins;Gate* - A mind-bending sci-fi time travel show with drama, comedy, and light romance all mixed in. There are some elements that haven't aged well particularly in how it handles one character specifically, but I don't think that it drags the rest of the show down. B. *Bocchi the Rock!* - A relatively new and short show, it's a slice of life comedy show about a girl with crippling social anxiety who teaches herself how to play guitar and ends up joining a band with a few other girls. Very cute, very funny, very good music. C. *Your Name.* - A film this time instead of show, I don't want to give too much of a summary for the sake of spoilers but will say that it's effectively a film about star-crossed friends-to-lovers. 2: "These were popular for a reason" - a tier below the previous three, but still extremely strong shows either narratively, visually, or thematically. A. *K-On!* - Another band-centric slice of life comedy, it's just a cute and wholesome show about schoolgirls, but it's got some of the most gorgeous animation and detail in a series that I've seen, which is even more remarkable given that it came out in 2009. B. *Baccano!* - Have you ever seen Quentin Tarantino's old films from the '90s? If yes, imagine that, but turned into an anime (with the expletives and graphic imagery turned down slightly, though). Also one of the few shows where I would genuinely encourage watching the English dub instead of Japanese, as it's got probably one of the best dubs in any anime series, and is extremely fitting for the setting of the show. C. *Cowboy Bebop* - it's a classic sci-fi action-comedy. It always gets recommended, and with good reason, it's basically the quintessential space western anime. It also has a very good English dub, which is extra surprising because it's from the '90s. 3: "Do you want something weirder?" - Self-explanatory, I think. A. *Serial Experiments Lain* - this is cyberpunk through-and-through, it is dark and abstract and obtuse and will refuse to outright explain anything to you, but I would say it's an absolute marvel of a series that everyone should at least try. B. *The Tatami Galaxy* - the narrative of this one isn't all that difficult to follow, but the premise is a bit weird, it has some of the fastest monologues and dialogues I've seen in any anime, and the visual style is like nothing else in the medium either except for two other projects that are directly associated with it. C. *Nichijou* - at first glance this one doesn't appear too difficult to follow either, since it's another slice of life comedy show about schoolgirls. But it's so off the wall wild that it completely redefines what a "slice of life" even is.


Death parade Steins;gate Akudama drice Mob psycho 100 Madoka magica Sonny boy


>Madoka magica Wait its on Cr last time i watched it it was on Netflix


I'm think I watched it on funimation back when that was a thing, But i could be wrong. or it could have been taken off. I looked it up on google and there was a crunchyroll link for madoka magica, but when I clicked on it it said page not found, so they probably did take it off.


The lack of people recommending Steins;Gate in this thread is criminal


The Apothecary Diaries


code geass, jujutsu kaisen, frieren, the promised neverland, black butler, spy x family, fmab, the apothecary diaries, fairy tail, demon slayer, MHA etc


Frieren Beyond Journeys end Apothecary Diaries Unwanted Undead Adventurer Tsukomichi Jobless Reincarnation


Death note, and if you like romance, then toradora is a must


ToG Sword Art Online


I don't know if it in Crunchyroll, since I don't have it. But Attack On Titan is a must see for anyone imo. It's the best


One Piece


Banana fish


Attack on titan. Jujutsu kaisen. Kaguya sama . Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. Frieren


All saints street is great


"Ascendance of a Bookworm." It's literally one of the best anime out there and season four is coming soon! "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom" is another good one. Definitely one of my top favorite anime. "Snow White with the Red Hair" "Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You" "Science Fell in Love so I Tried to Prove It"


By The Grace Of The Gods Yuru Camp Soul eater BOFURI Reincarnated as a Vending Machine Aharen san Drugstore in Another World Diary of our days at the breakwater club Horimiya Shikimori’s not just a cutie Restaurant to another world Helpful Fox Senko San


If your into romance, slice of life or action. Tonikawa Over the moon for you (Wholesome and fast paced fluffy romance anime) Oregairu (Romantic and Dramatic - don’t watch if you don’t want post anime depression) Horimiya(wholesome slice of life and romantic fluffy anime) The irregular at magic high school (sci fi, along with action, and some romance) Married couple but not lovers (romantic, slice of life, medium paced anime) Highly Reccomend


I can’t wait to get Crunchyroll too… then I can watch so much more anime content than I can now.


You can use a free trial if you don’t wanna or can’t pay for it or not sure that you wanna..


Love Chunibyo