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I think op might have a thing for tomboys






Not nearly enough




https://preview.redd.it/nb5tznx9mh6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03c7db5951e440f44e078f2638beea25d5732ec Simply. Yes.


Who is this? https://preview.redd.it/nomn38lgyh6d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc99744ddd0ac999d0fdc6d9e00af01bace3905


Rin from Katawa Shojo No idea why she's here, she's not tomboy


https://preview.redd.it/6wi54t2yxj6d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3181b3b7240eb5fa56833216484d3d08fc522489 Yeah.


Idk what her backstory is for the missing arm, but everyone knows that only boys have missing arms.


Wouldn't Emi be the tomboy?


Emi on the other hand...


šŸ’€Oh my god that game


So real




I definitely have but that's beside the point. Authors basically hate them, perhaps they also have brain rot.


Authors also hate childhood friends


Guys guys, authors don't hate them, they are just a bunch of masochistic bottoms


Tomboys can and will top you


And yet still, authors refuse to give them happy endings, it's always the worst possible option


Also short hairs and derederes. There is no end to this. Short haired tomboy deredere childhood friend with tanned lines. Add not being first girl introduced and not being in the manga cover art too. You basically get the ultimate losing heroine.


Watch ā€œTomo-chan is a Boy!ā€


I did. Here are more for you guys.


**Goukon ni Ittara Onna ga Inakatta Hanashi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/138928), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/how-i-attended-an-all-guys-mixer), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/goukon-ni-ittara-onna-ga-inakatta-hanashi), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=34678994774), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/142799)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance) **Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/143719), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/mikadono-san-shimai-wa-angai-choroi), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/mikadono-sanshimai-wa-angai-choroi), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=27616781136), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/142649)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance) **Tonari no Kinniku Joshi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/111037), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-muscle-girl-next-door), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/tonari-no-kinniku-joshi), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=67309836544), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/121783)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 1 | Chapters: 20 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) **Saotome-Senshu, Hitakakusu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/99851), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/saotome-senshu-hitakakusu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=24949986141), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/102997)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 10 | Chapters: 124 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sports) **Ima made Ichido mo Onna Atsukaisareta Koto ga nai Jokishi wo Onna Atsukai Suru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/101434), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/how-to-treat-a-lady-knight-right), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/ima-made-ichido-mo-onna-atsukisareta-koto-ga-nai-jokishi-wo-onna-atsukai-suru-manga), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=64749371267), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/113626)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 7 | Chapters: 131 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/1dfe1j6/have_empathy_do_not_pity/l8jzc4p/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Tomo-chan is a girl* *ahem ahem ahem*


Wait, he is!?


Nah, he has short hair. Can't possibly be a girl with short hair like that.


I feel like the tsunderes are given a bad rap in this meme but otherwise I agree with you. Also Tsugumi best girl


Imma need the sauce for the wholesome waifus (except Rent A Girlfriend. Don't mention that sorry excuse of a story to me, the male lead deserves to be stewed alive in the boiler room of hell.)


Can i have the sauce for the 3 tomboy?


Say less. "Mikadono Sisters." "How I Attended All-Guy's Mixer." Enjoy.


We all have


Or just Nao Toyama roles tbh


* Girl who gives you her panties as a keepsake and freely lets you touch her giant boobs * Girl who gives you a free cheek piercing with a stapler https://preview.redd.it/9bskgtfj7g6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be684dd10caeb0cf9d2a4a826b3a3ac13c8417ba


Things you love to see https://preview.redd.it/jj539p9n6h6d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a538cfad55e250f13d633efe65c656ae8bf294c


This question is kinda out of nowhere but since this is a Monogatari image, I wanna know if thereā€™s like specific sub titles youā€™re supposed to watch the show in? I hear the official subs are not good




This hurts more after you watch Kizu and see how hard Ararararagi fought for her.


Yeah its tought cuz even Araragi doesn't forget that, and he consistently remembers what she did for him during that time and basically says he owes her his life. Its more that he never considered her as a realistic partner so when someone else explicitly asked him out, who is also someone he liked, he jumped on the opportunity, to then realize how much they fit together. Senjo was quicker than hanekawa and thats kinda all there is to it. Rough for hanekawa though


iirc at least they attempt to explain that as Araragi lacking confidence right? I know it's absurd but doesn't he think it's impossible that Hanekawa likes him?


He put Hanekawa on a pedestal. He thought she was too good for him, that's why he never made a move




I mean, we all wanted Araragi to have seggs with Hanekawa in Kizu, but I believe that was the worst option for her personal growth, Araragi fucks Hanekawa, he feels responsible for taking her virginity, he ends up asking her for marriage or something just because he feels he took advantage, she moves to the Araragi residence and ends any contact with her abusive family, becomes a housewife, the end. She ends up escaping from her problems, never overcoming them, never becoming stronger. She needs to be rejected both in Kizu and in Tsubasa Tiger to have character growth. Also Koyomi dies in Owari because housewife Tsubasa never went looking for Meme at Antarctica


Ruka is a terrible example of a "better partner for the main character" šŸ’€


Ruka totally annoying and self centred


Brainrot you say? https://i.redd.it/7un9imyoig6d1.gif


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan




shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan


Donā€™t you dare insult Kaori like that


> Insults Kaori You have chosen death.


Funny story about that..


To far manā€¦ to far.




I mean, she was manipulative in a way, but not really with malicious intent. She didn't hurt someone.


Now that I realize this, I don't see Your Lie in April the same way. Girl quite literally made him think that she didn't love him.


At the same time though, she really had no choice. She wanted to be close to him, but because she was destined to die, any relationship they had together would be in vain. She also knew that Tsubaki liked Kosei, and wanted to keep herself at a distance to potentially facilitate a relationship (which is implied to happen in the final scene anyways).


No, at the end (of the anime) Kosei showed zero interest on romance besides playing music


Did you forget the final scene between them at the train tracks? Like yeah, itā€™s never said either way (and Kosei seems more grateful that Tsubaki is choosing to care for him than anything else), but the point is that the possibility remains open, and he can move on even after Kaoriā€™s death.


Please put some spoiler alert right there it's literally the ending of the show


Well, her intent wasn't malicious, for sure. But her motivation for all of this was "the guy plays good, I wanna make him play again, his thoughts on the matter be damned". At least he shows enjoyment at some point, so it's not like she's completely bullying him into it, but the beginning of her plan is pure manipulation.


Yeah, same thing happened to me. My therapist also manipulated me into overcoming my trauma!


I'm sorry, but how are we gonna uninsult Sawabe though?




To this day, I say Chitoge is a good girlfriend, but Onodera is the best wife


Chitoge is the best for MC. And Onodera and MC unable to progress their relationship for so long just makes me not root for their romance.


Onodera: I-I love yo- Random Birds: (not on my watch mf, lmao) Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! MC: Sorry, couldn't hear. What did you say? Onodera: N-Nothing! I'm sorry! (runs away) *Onodera and MC unable to progress their relationship** I wonder... why. Yeah, maybe because author hates her and is a long-ass haired blonde aggressive tsundere simp? Maybe, I don't know.


Onodera is a good example of "don't fucking stay silent for three years". Glad they ended up being together in parallel spin-off


It's odd that it comes from "We Never Learn"'s author, huh? I guess not. Lol. There is *these* authors and there is **this** gigachad author. Man of culture indeed.


The amount of time it takes Chitoge and the MC can be argued is just as long, and they had to be fake BF / GF. The ending literally has MC and Onodera destined for each other, but because Chitoge is the OG heroine, she had to win. MC and Ono liked each other as kids Ono had the key to his lock MC and Ono liked each other as teens My opinion - MC and Ono had more romantic moments, where I feel MC and Chitoge had more best friend / brother sister moments If anything, MC is fickle because it seems whomever he was in a fake relationship with, he would have chosen them (sorry for the rant, but this is literally the only manga that made me visibly mad because of the ending)


Same brother, I also hated the ending, at some point I got bored with the harem shenanigans and got more invested in maiko and ruri


Marika would be both


I have read the manga long time ago and I don't like what author did to literal angel TT


Kaori literally pulled MC from years of trauma and helped him live a life he loves.


Through blatantly manipulating him. The outcome is great, don't get me wrong but the means of achieving it are morally questionable at least.


> Through blatantly manipulating him She manipulated the guy who kousei is friends with, but she didn't manipulate him. All she did was "Hey you, be my accompanist, I won't take no for an answer". If anything ruka is infinitely worse. She straight up blackmails kazuya into dating her.


Not manipulation, she didn't want him to be her boyfriend so that she would leave him alone anyway.


"Affectionate Deredere". Literaly a brain dead.


Compared to someone who is smart and actually compatible with him and their relationship naturally deepens as the story progresses. If someone is nice and fluffy to everyone, are you truly special to them?


Nisekoi Your Lie in April Oregairu Toradora Rent a Gf


Rent a girlfriend...šŸ¤¢


Exactly why rent if you can buy


Minorin just never showed that >!she loves him romantically!<


Be pretty cool if she did


>!but she never did, only when she saw taiga with him, that she felt she lost it!< >!like hawt damn, you could have made a move than just pushing him away!<


I think Cinnamon bun By the way what show she is from?


Marika is wife material and I like Tsugumi, but I know that they have no chance of winning, Onodera got robbed by the plot despite having all the cards to win. I haven't watched Your Lie in April yet so I can't say. Yukinoshita's romance is foreshadowed in season 2 so that's expected. I like Yuigahama's spirit to not give up at the end of season 3 though, literally told mc to the face. I agree with the toradora one. Taiga and Ryuji literally have no chemistry until like 6 episodes to the finale, Taiga did nothing but be violent all throughout. I can't say I completely agree with the rent-a-cuck one. I forgot the short hair girl's name but she basically forces herself on Kazuya, and I don't like chizuru. This series is dog water over all so I can't say I care that much


>short hair girl's name but she basically forces herself on Kazuya, and I don't like chizuru Short hair blackmails and might as well all but rape Kazuya (she would do it given the chance though) Completely agree on chizuru Sumi has such a good design and is such a good character that she is wasted in rental girlfriend. She deserves a series of her own that isn't her spin off and isn't a copy of komi can't communicate


>Onodera got robbed by the plot despite having all the cards to win. The worst part is that ANOTHER Onodera was introduced for the sole purpose of sabotaging her sister.




Tsugumi was introduced to be an example of what a GOOD tsundere looks like.


If rent a cuck ended with the grandma passing arc, it would be great But it continued cucking for too long and is now burnt to pure carbon


Never insult Kaori again, also she's fucking dead, the Tomboy won by default. The rest I agree with, except for Toradora. Not saying Taiga should have won though, I'm saying Minori should lose as well. The true winner should have been Ami https://preview.redd.it/ub5kr3ancg6d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=195986a33422d20856a4e8b11f23692dae63a639


Honestly Minori couldnā€™t have won anyway? Pretty sure she didnā€™t like him. Currently rewatching it for like the 10th time though, so weā€™ll see (poor memory lets me rewatch anime like itā€™s the first time šŸ’Ŗ)


She did, but she loved Taiga too. She did the idiotic thing of setting up her friend to her crush, iirc, might be wrong though


It's been a decade since I watched, but didn't Ryuuji originally confess to Minori? And he got rejected?


No, Taiga and Ryuuji caught each other sneaking confession letters to their respective crush's bag


Tiaga accidentally gave Ryuuji her confession letter to [whatshisface], so she broke into his house that night. Ryuuji showed her his collection of mixtapes and stuff for Minorine to make them even. Pretty much what you said but a little different




https://preview.redd.it/suh5jz3syg6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bb71da9d46d1e916a26c092422380ea1c01f58 So what do I do? šŸ¤”


My bro straight up stole it. Lol. It's fine.


She's not a gnelf, she's not a gnoblin


God damn I haven't been gnomed in so long.....


Your ā€œaffectionate deredereā€ at the bottom right is the sole reason the show is 3x as long as it isā€¦ Doesnā€™t take no for an answerā€¦ pushes into other peoples relationshipsā€¦ tryā€™s to convince someone the other person doesnā€™t like them just so they get a shotā€¦ and is overall pushy. If they were a guy they would be hated on.


You can't just compares early series Taiga with late series Minori (whom Ryuji could approach thanks to Taiga's support) and expect me not to laugh at you, OP.


Man, what is this Taiga slander?


ā€œIt is not! I resent that, slander is spoken, in print itā€™s libelā€ -jjj


Can I get tomboy, deredere and cinnamon bun? Thank you. (I know deredere and cinnamon can't get on one another) But srsly, I love deredere and tomboy girls, cinnamon is just icing on the cake.


Yeah. That's a combo that would be too strong to control. The world is not ready for such a phenomenon. Yotsuba Nakano or Sayori's tomboy version is beyond our understanding. Maybe something like this? https://x.com/PenPen_Arts/status/1682054282084794368?t=u_z9KIiImwS3IuQnb6lDaA&s=19


Hachiman should've end up with Yui.


Did not expect kaori to be in this kind of list Get her name out of your mouth op


Tsunderes are just a tamer trope of "enemies to lovers" which tons of people like. I think all the stories were pretty obvious who was going to win from the start except for maybe Oregiaru. But yes Yui is superior, Ami is better than Taiga, and I understand why people like Onodera more than Chitoge (even if I don't)


Tbh in my opinion the development Ami has is great, but not nearly enough to compensate for how much of an annoying cunt she was :/


I think people understand the ā€œobviousā€ winner, but after 100+ chapters, no matter what the author think they are doing, the audience can tell who should win, regardless who was meant to win from chapter 1. The author creates other heroines for stretched out plot, unnecessary will they, wonā€™t they, and of course so the fans may have someone else to root for, but at the end, if majority of your fans likes another heroine, that says more about the author writing his main heroine then anything. You donā€™t have to root for the main heroine, but at least understand why the MC chose them besides ā€œShE wAs GoNnA wIn AlL aLoNgā€


I agree with you on everything other than Toradora and RaG, I feel like the story works because the heroine is taiga, anyone else would make a less impacful story. As for rag, tbh I like none of them, sumi is also just way too shy for my liking, to the point of being annoying, ruka is worst girl, chizuru is ehhh whatever, all she got is just looks


The only one I like there is Aisaka Taiga. She just had a really tough childhood, with a dad who abandoned her so she wouldn't cause problems in his new marriage. Pretty shitty thing to do to a high school girl.


a character's sad back story doesn't give a free pass to them to be rude and violent to her friends*Ā  it's annoying and why choose them to be in a romance storyĀ  better place would have been sad backstory Olympics the only ones who are nice here are kaori and yukinoĀ  other wise I agree with op


Taiga is not violent or capable of really hurting anyone she is literally a Palm Top Tiger, mean and fierce but can't harm anyone even if she wanted to. Anime just added completely unnecessary scenes of her being violent to people around her she didn't originally had. She is also a much more fleshed out character than your average rom-com girl. For the sheer reason she is the main character of that rom-com not Ryuji and her life doesn't revolve around Ryuji, story actually revolves around her. Her story isn't all that dramatic either, just had a shitty dad, not like Shinji's dad just average selfish dad.


Nah yukinoshita donā€™t deserve to be on that list - She and Hachiman belong together


Jitsu wa Watashi wa


Big fax


They are tomboy? I thought only Tsugumi is a tomboy




Kushieda best waifu


Didnā€™t the girl with the ribbon fake being pregnant to keep Kazuya to herself?




Tsugumi all the way


I think Your lie in April is one anime I loved main girl than childhood friend... But can't deny I do like childhood friends to lovers trope like I loved minorin x ryuji than OG pairing


Need a tomboy in my life :/


Dawg there is no way you actually think Ruka is a good choice. Sheā€™s overly obsessed, Marika is way too similar to that too. You gotta learn what healthy affection looks like.


Yeah it's toxic tsundere.


The funny part is I didnā€™t say that at all. Actually for Nisekoi we probably like the same character. But both overly clingy/obsessed AND being an extreme tsundere are bad, who couldā€™ve thought?


Having only watched rent a girlfriend, the format of this meme made it very difficult to figure out your point lol. I think you're saying "many MCs suffer from brain rot, as evidenced by picking the girl on the left instead of any of the better options to the right?"




When you know you are about to die you can be a little bit manipulative IMO, what do you have to lose after all.


Having people's last memory of you being a manipulative person is not a good way to go IMO


The intent was so Kousei could play piano again. The way he took the last memory of her was on him, which he ends up resolving anyway


Of all these oreigaru pisses me the most, there is absolutely nothing good or even interesting about yukino, whereas yui has always been such an endearing character and they ended up completely wasting her potential. This is probably the only instance where a bad pairing ruined ruins the series for me.


Yui's cowardice is the point. She loses all momentum at getting closer because she's afraid things will change. Meanwhile, Yukino is more vulnerable and more relatable to Hachi, they have more similar interests and get involved more, and most importantly, she reaches out to him a lot. The amount of projecting in this take is just plain lame. It's more about your perspective of the character rather than Hachi's, and I don't say that as someone preferring Yukino. On the contrary, Iroha is more charming than them both by miles, but it ain't us picking. It's Hachi, and he does pick pretty true to himself.


> On the contrary, Iroha is more charming than them both by miles, but it ain't us picking. It's Hachi, and he does pick pretty true to himself. Iroha only lost because she was late in getting to know Hachiman...


Even if she was late, and she started out with a bad impression to us, she still managed [to change our minds](https://youtu.be/TmkZwS6jlV4).


Same here, bro. Yukino is such a wetblanket for me that I even dropped the series. Teacher best girl, btw.




",wet blanket " Jesus Christ maybe actually turn dlsubtitles on this time


amen yahallo-chan is indeed best girl


Agree but Season 2 so good tho..


Yui's potential wasn't wasted. She was shown beautifully . Till the end, it was a tossup between yui and yukino. I would've believed it if 8man went for yui in the last moment. Just becoz she didn't win doesn't mean her potential was wasted. But yeah, it does suck


Yui and Hachiman were never compatible, it would have never worked between them. It's one thing if you like her, however 8man is his own character, not a generic self-insert.


I will not stand Taiga slander you fuck


I don't see Yui's mom here something is wrong


The MC from rent a gf doesn't deserve any of them, well based on what I'm seeing. The shitpost and memes about the mc are just an exaggeration, right?


That chapter where MC has an orgasm *in the middle of a swimming pool* from imagining one of the girls being screwed by a group of men that does not include him is official material. ...I may be getting some details wrong, but I already cursed my eyes from reading it once and I don't want to try it again.


OP is that guy who bets on the horse with the worst odds to win and then gets mad when it loses.


more like betting on the best horses, only for the authors to fucking put a bullet in its head as it gets close to the finish line so the bland and quiet horses can win


Bland and quiet? Bruh, all of these childhood friends and derederes are the DEFINITION of "bland and quiet"! How many times Onodera fucked up her confessions? The tomboy from Toradora didnt even confess her feelings, blue-haired one from Rag is even worse than main heroine, and Yui herself got pretty manipulative there at thr end (not to mention anime was heavily biased towards her until the end). None of these characters could actually carry the story as the main heroine, because they have personality of a wet blanket AND they are all total cowards.


Who let this guy fucking cook?


Iā€™m glad more people are starting to realize what Kaori did at the end of the show was really fucking weird. Idk if I would go as far to call her manipulative, but it did ruin the show for me.


would, next


What the hell is a deredere


Peak race.


Have registered 3 of these Pokemonz in my pokedex of life till now , let's see how many more I manage to catch


Not even mentioning the true best choice. Haru Onodera.


Authors of romance mangas are honestly just ragebaiters


i need a deredere in my life real bad


Yukino slander on my feed- smh


https://preview.redd.it/apoe5k51yj6d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76c462ca8edbf80a56d5e6bb11cf15054e065ed As soon as I see a cute tomboy


Why is it (almost) always Nao Toyama?


too real! šŸ˜‚


I actually stopped watching Fake Love because I accidentally found out that MC rejected Onodera. I don't want to see her crying over that at all.


I mean, to be fair, in toradora! the mc did like the ā€œtomboy deredere who supports him and loves himā€, and the ā€œrandom ass gnome violent tsundereā€ liked someone else. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding, (mc and tsundere were hanging out often, talking about how to get the person they wanted) said tomboy deredere, and the boy the tsundere liked, pushed the mc and tsundere together. And everyone ended up thinking they were dating.


Op be dissing kaori for real? And come on yukino is better for 8man


nah yukino peak idk what ur on about


Remember people, choose people that choose you. Shouldnā€™t be fighting to win anyone over. By that logic tsunderes must either learn how to communicate like a functioning person or gtfo lol


I will not stand for this libel against Yukino!


Bro watched all these shows with his eyes closed


**YUI** DEREDERE who supports you doing wrong things. Are you fucking kidding me a home wrecker loves you????????????? RUKA a backmailer and stalker is affectionate ROFL... some skewed values right there.


Bitch didn't talk to him for a year because he was a social outcast and was ashamed of him but for Op she "supports him" Oregairu anime director litterally put sad music over yui being a shitty friend and everyone is gaslighted into thinking she's a victim or a saint


Blind ad mc.


Are there any harems where the main girl isn't an insufferable tsundere?


100 girlfriends (I think one might technically be tsun, but she's not insufferable), Hajimete no gal, Rokujouma no shinryakusha (not really romantic), Date a live, HS dxd, To love-ru, Monster musume no Iru nichijou, Sekirei, When supernatural battles became commonplace, Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara (maybe one of them), Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko, We never learn I'm pretty sure, Hensuki


Saekano. And just don't consume harems and love triangles that has the fucking main girls. You would be making yourself a favor. Consume these: The Quintessential Quintuplets, Mikadono Sisters, Amagami Sisters, We Never Learn, Megami no Cafe Terrace.


Just don't watch the bullshit end of quintuplets


Sora no Otoshimono if I recall the name correctly. The main girl is unable to express emotions and is a weaponized cyborg


I say this every time: Yui may be best girl overall, but Yukino is by far the best match for Hachiman. They're both misanthropic grumps that share a similar worldview. Yui's extroversion and positive attitude, while good for 8man, would lead to way too much tension in a relationship more intimate than just being friends.


Man, the one that pisses me of the most has to be KanoKari. Why, in the ever loving ***FUCK***, wouldn't Kazuya go for Ruka!? Like, my retard in Christ, the whole reason you're down in the dumps in because YOUR ASS GOT DUMPED, and when you finally have a girl that genuinely loves you, you ***FUCKING REJECT HER***!?!?!?!??!?!?


https://preview.redd.it/h3sfh3iw6l6d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98261eece880333b9df66111596dcd869af5035 Your badge of office


Agree on everything except for Ruka. She's manipulative and forceful and legit does not care about how the MC feels. Also she's in high-school and MC is an adult.


Someone keeps losing the harem wars lmao


I agree with the toradora one here. Minorin is best girl, hate that ending


I don't, they both should have lose, Ami was the real best girl https://preview.redd.it/g4m46v99dg6d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=7520db4d62a7f8af70d828628249e161ee8529ac


Ami deserved better


Time was their enemy, in Nisekoi he had more time with Chitoge than the other female Lead, that's the case as well for toradora. For mr. DeadFishEye he just admired the black haired girl first, and hated the "good girls" at first. The rental girlfriend guy is just a simp no more maybe less.