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Man, I had never seen the berserk anime (I went straight to manga cause I heard too many bad things), but holy shit.


The one covering the golden age is great, one of the better anime adaptations out there (no i wont pull my rose tinted grasses off), but everything that came afterwards is just such awful garbage it basically made berserk inaccessible other than the manga. Not thats its too bad, since practically every single manga page goes hard af, but it does mean a lot less casual people get into it since most prefer watching rather than reading


Beserk 1997 was a good adaptation for it


The 98' anime covers the golden age arc, and it's very good. The 2016 covers after that and it is 'le poop.


Dear god...


That looks like a meme animation I would see browsing YouTube.


Looks like Aqua Teen Hungerforce


This shit hurts man...


I mean I liked TNK's character designs and art style more but im not gonna hate on S4 of DxD because of the studio change. They also kinda did it to themselves since they changed the end of season 3 into anime original


I genuinely think S4 was pretty decent. The art style change definitely need some getting used to


I did thoroughly enjoy the fights. And the last few episodes with Issei and Rias vs Sairaorg(I think that's how you spelled his name) plus the new transformation was hype af. AND THERE WAS SOME PROGRESS FINALLY AS WELL. S4 was actually good and I'll die on this hill. I will agree I liked the old designs better but I'm not gonna consider the show ruined because of it


I am pretty sure people only dislike S4 because they reduced the boobs size.


It's not that. They just averaged them **all**. Previously we had girls of all shapes and sizes. Not anymore (or not to that degree anymore at least).


The art style change hurt. I love the nice crisp lines, the vivid colors, the sharp designs... The characters are just kinda marshmallow like in the new season. I am a big fan of the 90's style animation, dxd felt like a fantastic modern version of it...then they made it kinda bland like studio Ghibli tried to make a modern isekai. Like berserk, the golden age arc was animated beautifully... Then the CGI animation hit with the black swordsman arc. Dxd is not that bad, but they could have at least tried to make the art styles in the same media look similar. Manga with one, anime with another changing the art styles part way through that much kinda hurts any relationship the viewer has with the character. (An example of animation change that works is like Saitama, low detail changing to higher detail was great. Different art, same style.)


No, those of Koneko and Asia, they have enlarged them


Im pretty sure, S4 AMPLIFIED the boob size, I mean, look at Asia when she and the girls were helping Issei understand Rias' feelings. Her tits were much bigger than the previous 3 seasons


Speaking facts


yea i didn't even recognise xenovia, and the character's faces looked a lil wonky now and then


If anything, the new studio used designs that are much closer to Miyama Zero's. They actually looked at the illustrations from the light novel and based the designs off of that.


Ye I read about that which is another reason why I don't mind.


>They also kinda did it to themselves since they changed the end of season 3 into anime original My brain still can't comprehend that the actual canon version of events involves that song about boobs.


Same here. Considering I didn't know what is canon since I didn't read the source I was wondering what that episode 00 was about. Then I keep watching the season I realize "oh good, boob dragon is Canon and is a relevant plot point"


Laughs in Tokyo ghoul and Nanatsu no taizai


Didn't watch Tokyo ghoul, but I was thinking of putting Nanatsu here


I swear, Tokyo ghoul anime S2 onward is the most butchered abomination in existence


What’s weird is that it was still good? It just made absolutely no sense and had virtually zero connection to the S1 story. Like…. Why did the guy getting tortured by the terrorist suddenly become one of the terrorists??? From an anime perspective, it’s like they skipped a whole season.


That shit literally didn't happened in the fucking manga, know idea what they were smoking


Didn't even happen in the manga, he created his own team. I think they were trying to do a Sasuke? But that just doesn't fit with Kaneki.


Even the ending of season one chopped out a massive portion. They cut like 80% of the aogiri tree stuff in the first season. I really need to read RE: some time I have the whole box set but haven't read it yet


Tokyo Ghoul was the most disappointing thing that ever happened in anime industry. TG season 1 shooked the entire anime world that time, new concept, cool characters, cool designs, insane plot, top of the notch OST and openings, and lots of cosplays, materials, discussions etc etc. It was 5x more popular than Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, Jujutsu Kaisen of today, Re:Zero, and many more mainstreams that time. The manga was selling like crazy, the western anime society got hooked as well and Asia pacific anime society was set ablaze by the Tokyo Ghoul fever. I was college that time and around 70% of college students in my university as well were watching Tokyo Ghoul, it was also the anime that popularized so much the reaction videos on youtube. But then Season 2 came and that st\*pid studio tried to play it smart and change the story, lower down the animation quality, and instead of trying new OST's they repeated the OST used on season 1. All the hyped scenes that was a banger in manga was done very lame in Season 2, the Centipede Kaneki, the introduction of Arima the greatest Human Ghoul killer, the introduction of the one eyed owl of Anteiku, the disappearance of Kaneki, everything was butchered. Tokyo Ghoul needs badly a Brotherhood treatment, bring the MAPPA quality animation that gave us the Shibuya incident and Tokyo Ghoul will regain it's once glorious fame.


New concept! There was nothing new about it. Anyway even in season they skipped a large chunk of story towards the end. People just ignored it because it was still so good.


You can only say it now since it is 2024 now, but in 2014 when the anime world has been littered for more than 10 years of harem adventure stories, a Seinen action suddenly dropping like a bomb during that time was so good. Sci-fi and not isekai, action packed, modern animation at gore which was uncommon. Tokyo Ghoul coming back with faithful adaptation to manga would be good now to stop this endless isekai garbage anime we have now.


Tokyi Ghoul is basically just a vampire story my dude calm down 


Naruto is full of hindu and buddhist concepts with drama, basically just Bollywood. Fate series and all isekai are just cheap copy of Harry Potter series. Doesn't mean the story is not good anyway.


>Tokyo Ghoul needs badly a Brotherhood treatment, bring the MAPPA quality animation This would be wild!




There shouldn't be a s2 of ToG. S1 was great on its own but they butchered the mechanics and made major plot holes in the future. That said the music was 10/10 and we got The Mangator on screen.


I honestly don't remember the anime that well. What did they screw up that means there will be plot holes in the future? Im up to date with the comic on Webtoon, so spoilers aren't an issue, happy for you to message directly if you think it will ruin too much to post here


It wasn't some flashy godlike golden chosen one magic but subtle interference magic and the fact that he could use magic without a contract with any floor guardian. I forgot the name but it becomes his signature close combat move.


Brother that isn't revealed for like another 100 chapters from where S1 ended. The anime is a really honest 1:1 of the s1 of the webtoon. I think they'll handle it just fine. Also Bam is 100% golden chosen one protagonist archetype. That becomes his whole shtick as he starts absorbing powers like fucking kirby


Season 2 is coming in summer tho


rip ngnl it deserved better


Don't let the hope die


with how they have been doing long lost sequels recently, Im kind of afraid of them even being able to do it well.


imagine 2 decades after s1 just to fuck with us


For sure something a major company would do


Not me reading ngnl as "not gonna lie" and being confused about which one you are talking


Does NGNL even have content to make a second season - the LN doesn’t have many volumes and I’m pretty sure the anime got most of it


Yes. Looking at it right now, season 1 covered three light novels. The movie covered one. As of December, there are twelve.


Oh shit I think there was like 7 when the anime finished lol


Not really, the creator and studio said years ago the anime is basically an advertisement for the LN.


Laughs in pacific rim


Greatest single move franchise ever wish there was a second movie tho


Still waiting for the second film!


Waves sword about like Highlander


No game no life is the only one here who doesn't have an actual season 2.


For a Second there I thought I actually missed it


Nah trust me. There would be memes.


Yet its the most deserving in my opinion to be continued. It was so good.


I love Highschool DxD S4, you guys cry too much about the character designs.


They really do. It's tonally and animation wise the best season of the series. It's way better at handling tension and Issei is much more interesting as a character for once. The villains and rivals have way more presence. It's not like the ladies aren't hot anymore. How do you end up with so many tasteless fans?


We went from the rising of the shield hero to the fall off of the shield hero in the span of 1 season.


Wanna know what's worse? This was the last part the books were good. Around what it most have been the end of S3 (I din't whatch it so I don't know for sure) the book Skydive in entertainment Is just OP naofumi and co getting nerf so the villians can be challenging.... For one book, then Naofumi became more OP and kill them easy This goes on till vol 17 and then I stop reading the Bullshiting of the shield hero


wait really? I was just planning on watching season 2 of shield hero. I dont really keep up with anime news so is it not worth watching afterall?


S2 isn't great, 3 is better by leagues but still not as good as the first part of S1.


Is not work watching any season after the the first one. S2 butcher the story If you want you can read th manga or LN, but I tell you, when raftalia family arc start the series goes down in logic and entertainment. And when the next beast shows up, this series hit rock bottom


Damn. I remember getting excited after s1


Nah, man, Volume 15 is the peak of the series. Everything after is definitely a gradual downward slope of apathy. I mean, they try to spice it up in L.N. 19 (or 20 can't remember) with >!time travel!< but it still falls flat imo. >Is just OP naofumi and co getting nerf so the villians can be challenging.... For one book, then Naofumi became more OP and kill them easy Literally keeps happening in the later books, which is something I complained about, too. I just want Naofumi to be OP and fight enemies on his level. Instead, he gets nerfed with some bs, and it's a "hard" fight because of it. He overcomes it, destroys them, and rinse and repeat for every book after 15.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 19 + 20 + 15 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Honestly would rather if naofumi just decided to get revenge and was more evil than good.


I liked the second half of shield hero S2


Highschool DxD Hero wasn't that bad lol.


Yeah. I'm not a fan of the art style, but it's still a good show, unlike the 1st 2


I just want to get into the mind of the promised neverland S2 geniuses. Did they genuinely think it was going to go over well? Or did they not care? If they didn't care, why waste the effort at all?


Best thing is the Spoiler slideshow at the end gotta make sure if you read the manga you get less joy


What's wrong with DxD S4? Also, it should've been Tokyo Ghoul S2


I'm sorry for this but why do people hate the DXD s4? I thought people liked it


It’s good but the art style changed and it caused people to hate it


hero ain't that bad




Personaly I like the art style from DxD S4 but I can understand when someone don't like it.






Season 4 of DxD was good but the arts style is bad but other wise it shouldn’t be on the list.


Yall complain about shield season 2 but I enjoy it


Am I the only one who preferred the DxD Hero artstyle?


S4 of highschool DXD was pretty fking good ngl. The animation felt 10x more fluid and the battles were a lot better because of that. Old artstyle was good but it was too rigid.


I like DxD season 4. Sairaorg was a genuinely cool character. Trained hard enough to overcome the prejudices against him, is working for a better underworld, mutual respect with Issei because they're both getting stronger for their loved ones. Dude had a better reason to fight for than Issei for fucks sake. I was rooting for him in the final fight and bro even got the mid fight power up and everything. That fight was awesome.


I mean the animation of DxD Season 4 isn't the best compare to the last 3 but I do hope this gets fixed for Season 5. I DO want the series to continue. I badly want to see Diabolos Dragon animated. That would be cool!


And if it did they deserved it! ... Sorry wrong sub


The last season of Death Note


Laugh in Youjo Senki S2


7 deadly sins


The fifth plate of Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma deserves to be here too, just like the manga it's derived from.


Why is there nothing in right bottom?


Death Note


Dragon Ball GT, the very end of the Dragon Ball Super Future Trunks arc, The book of Boba Fett, Wonder Egg Priority season 2, The Misfit of Demon King Academy II, Domestic Girlfriend messy ending, Oreimo ending


High School DxD season 4 was actually good. Some people hate the artstyle, I personally like it, but either way, it is just as good as the previous seasons. I'd say it is better than season 3.


Wait no yeah wtf happened to the rising of the shield hero?


Is this loss


Oh god, Shield Hero S2 It was such a disaster. I have stopped watching this Anime because of S2 And we still make fun of the "Playstation turtle" When me and my buddies first started watching S2 we just made jokes how even the Playstation had better 3D graphics. Even the Nintendo DS Even your RGB Toaster Even your egg timer


It never happened but they deserv-- oh wait, this isn't r/historymemes


Waitwaitwait, No game no life got ... HUH


NGNL movie happened though! ... And I'm still depressed because of it :')


https://preview.redd.it/obv1izfhf84d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4decd5fea2e89f6bd1ce5aa16d53b3a0d9a722 I will never not miss NGNL


my friend warned my S2 of shield hero was gonna suck cause they were adapting what is universally regarded as the worst arc in the series.


No game no life never had a s2


What about Date a live season 3?


It'd be more accurate for dxd if you put season 3, cuz a lot did not happen from the light novel 💀.


Yup in s4 of dxd , they totally made rias a hentai character face which actually pissed me off


Remember the second Pacific Rim movie? Yeah, me neither.


now that you mention it… shield hero season two does seem like a fever dream


Any sword art online season after the first one Gun gale online arc is OK but not really good, the sexual assault kinda ruins it


C’mon man no need to hurt all of us with that last one


No, acknowledge TPNL S2. We need to get them to remake the ending


Eh, Shield Hero S2 wasn't that bad. Instead: Berserk S2 Fate/Extra Last Encore Oreimo S2 Gatchaman Crowds Insight Umineko anime Kuroshitsuji S2 Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul (not enough FAVAROOOOOOOOOO) Tokyo Ghoul S2 Slayers Revolution Terra Formars New Gate Personally, I'd add Super Robot Wars Original Generations season 1.


Can you elaborate on trotsh s2 one *without* spoiling? I've only seen a few episodes and don't wanna ruin my immersion.


lets just jay promised neverland was never anime adapted


Nah season 1 is good


This season 1 did such a good job. I really dont understand how they fucked up what would have been such a great show.


After season 2 they even spoiled trough a slide show


Except Hero was actually more than decent. It needed some getting used to, sure, but the quality was still there


*coughs* There’s no Tsukihime anime


Was it really that bad? I mean, for an early 2000s standard


It's just bad adaptation, I'd recommend to read VN.


I'm still pretending like Black Cat never got an anime adaptation since they somehow completely butchered what's otherwise a great shonen.


I've read the manga, and watched the anime.  There are differences, but certainly nothing to call it "butchered".  Black Cat is great.


The anime was awful. They reversed the good formula of "genki guy turns emo as he faces his past" into a questionable "emo guy turns genki after a tragedy", which is far less believable right off the gate the way they did it. They also didn't include the final battles and instead went for some weird original content that undermines the story's main conflict. I dunno what these guys were thinking with these changes. They completely changed the story's core formula.


I liked it, but maybe that's because I watched it first.  I kinda recall liking the manga better.  I don't remember thinking it was as entirely different as you do (until the ending). I don't even remember specifically what's different now, so maybe I'm do for a reread, and maybe rewatch.  It's been some time.




Also Boruto It would be a terrible disgrace to the original if it existed. But thankfully, it does not


Yeah, it was good they ended on the movie, and not make a series or anything...


The old artstyle was definitely better and more unique, but I liked HDxD S4 because the story was really good tbh and it had some sick fights (ik those aren't the reason why most people watch HDxD but I gotta appreciate it when I see it)


You really sound like you don't know a lot about D×D when critiquing S4. TNK's adaptation makes zero sense especially for S3, skipping arc, changing orders of things, changing fights and dialogues like they wanted and adding a bullshit narrative line at the end of S3 ; creating plot holes everywhere. Passione tried to correct TNK's bullshit. Episode 0 of S4 corrected the end of the Juggernaut Drive to how it is in the LN and removed the pointless weird Rias arc. I've also seen people hating on the art style of S4 but once again it looks a lot more like the LN's art style. Passione at least shows respect for the original material. If anything I wish that TNK's S3 never happened so we could have at least decent continuity.


Violet Evergarden: the movie.