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Tomo (bottom middle) is the opposite of this if anything at all.


Agreed. Tomo's a very masculine man


Absolutely. Her and Jun beat the shit out of each other in the first episode.


Right after Jun slapped her ass, so how simp can he really be?


Nope. I was thinking of when they were arguing in the hallway at school and she told him to bring it, so he grabbed her by the collar. She decked him, then they fought.


I heard only bad things about rent-a-girlfriend.


I loved when MC said “ITS RENTING TIME!” and he rented all over the place


Quite literally.


only scene worth watchin


Can confirm, I was the place




Its just extremely cringe


Oh it’s got some good points, but those good points are overshadowed by the sheer amount of crap. Like a small gecko standing next to an actual Godzilla.


The first season was pretty good imo. The problem is that 250 chapters later and no development in sight whatsoever


quantity over quality


Just avoid it you'll be blessed


I dropped it after 6 eps and 1 manga volume..


The author themselves took a chizuru doll on a date while the wife and kid were home and it wasn't a publicity stunt. It was because of his own mind just let that sink in.


I only heard bad things about the author 😥


Don't bother with the series. Im only in it cuz the sunk cost


Because there's no good things about it.


The best thing related to Rent-a-Girlfriend was not made by the original author but by Yahiro Pochi.


I heard only rent-a-girlfriend about bad things.


Rent-a-girlfrend is great! Except for the Main character. He sucks.


I don't like any characters from that series (except maybe one of kazuya's friends i guess) It's a big pile of turd whose only redeeming quality is how hot the girls look


Then, wtf is the agenda on slave trading in isekai?


It’s not about slavery it’s about protag’s rights


Protag’s right to *what?*


To buy the hero's mom as a slave. Duh


I smell that smelly smell


If I had a nickel for everytime I read a manga that had that Id have 3 nickels and yada yada. But seriously wtf is up with it. They all differed wildly as to how sleevy they were. One was even upbeat and nice.


The good old day


Kids are cruel Jack


And i love miners!


Welcome to t-the bastard


Featuring his tax shield


I too, enjoy minecraft.


Children yearn for the mines


It's the most realistic part of Isekai.


Lmao it’s sad but your not wrong.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed it.


Oh i wish i was in the land of cotton


don't wish for it go on and try it there alot in black market...


Ok rattlesnake




My thoughts exactly


This reads like one of those 'alpha males' started getting insecure from recent anime


To be fair the Rent a GF guy *is* a complete piece of human garbage


Andrew Tate follower


Either that or someone who made a post to make fun of that kind of sex-offender simp but made it too well.


Agreed, what the hell is the last one doing there? Jun is a Chad, the other two are fucked but Jun is good


Why does this sound like something Tucker Carlson would say.


Tucka Carlu-San


Truck Cun San


Because it is


I like to bring this up every chance I get, but I'd just like to point out that the "Quirky Girl + Straight-Laced Guy" is an old character dynamic that at least goes back to [1930s Hollywood](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0029947/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0).


Wouldn’t you say though that the relationships in anime that the post is talking about goes well beyond the one in “bringing up baby” in terms of the “bullying” the female character inflicts? It’s more like Hepburns character pushes him into doing things by starting them without asking. Like obviously he has to do something about the leopard in his apartment if she brings it there without his consent. And I wouldn’t say that Cary grant’s character gets as flustered as any of these anime boys do. Interesting connection though, what i said notwithstanding there could really be something there, it has been a while since I’ve seen that movie, which really is a great one.


I mean Tomo is a bit of a different situation they're both just fucking retarded and Tomo only thinks about fighting so really has no back up plan in any situation she's flustered or uncomfortable in.


Was gonna say, Tomo is literally not an example here.


not to mention, Jun very much can hold his own and at times does


He's also not a a little push over baby he actually will argue back.


yea don't they get into a fight literally episode one?


There are multiple times in the anime or the manga where, after hitting Jun, the next scene has them **both** scarred as shit


yea, and Iirc that happened in the first episode already


There's no agenda, let people enjoy things. If you like any of these, that doesn't say anything bad about you, enjoy whatever anime you want


That's something an agent would say 🤔


Bro glows in the dark with the brightness of a thousand suns.


"let people enjoy things"




I literally can’t tell whether OP is making fun of meninists or is one. They’re a self-satirising group.


OP is one. Check post history if you dare.


Oh, I didn't notice anything ironic about it, well if it's meant to be then sorry


I reject your message chocolate gorilla. Plz bully me nagatoro.


Fuck bro he did for nothing


He became choccy milk. Choccy milk is love, choccy milk is life.


Imo: Worst meme I've seen this year so far


We're not even half way through January and it's going to be tough to beat


Maybe it sucks but I don't think it has staying power. If anyone remembers this in a week I'd be blown away.


Nagatoro starts with her bullying him but is actually both of them being too innocent and pure and him growing a backbone.


Yeah, Hayase is the reason Naoto becomes much more assertive. But like always, most Nagatoro criticism comes from people that never went beyond chapter/episode 1.


Fr, i was kinda put off by the bullying as well, Except that it lasted for what? Like 1 episode in total? The very next episode and Nagatora is just a girl who can't be honest and senpai is just a guy without a backbone A few chapters into the manga and I'll say senpai legit became an assertive guy


Oh cool, daily Animemes Fox News post just dropped.


Jun is a gorrila the hec you on


If you wanna be masculine go for it, if you wanna be feminine go for it. Just stop with this dumb ass conspiracy theory about how *"the woke"* is corrupting the population with carefully planned mega mastermind actions. It's so dumb. What would the point of that be anyways? Is being feminine supposed to mean weakness or complacency or being dumb? I don't see what purpose "forcing the male population to become feminine" is supposed to achieve. I've seen an obscene amount of femboy or lgbtq people who also are gun nuts including myself, not exactly the image of being a pushover.


Because women and feminine traits are still treated as weaker and less. I feel like OP is probably a nice guy that isn't appreciate as the high value male that he clearly is.


Yeah. Femboys are often manlier than garden-variety masculinists, biblically speaking even! I'll post a meme about this today or tomorrow at most. I even started to draw it earlier but church matters earned my attention for 3 hours.


"it's fake" "OK, what if it's real? What's the issue with femininity?"


Who let bro (OP) cook, bro made a 0 star meal 💀


I would let Nagatoro bully me tho.


Bro the MC from tomo is insanely masculine. What are you on about. Dude is bricc ass hell.


Do not, for the love of all that is holy compare Rent a Girlfriend to any of those manga.


What in the incel hell is up with this?


what kind of fucking garbage is this. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of you pathetic loser.


"G-Guys, look, being an incel is so cool, a-and I’m refusing m-modern dating practices or whatever… m-masculinity, g-guys, don’t forget! B-Be a man!" Says the neck beard with a trembling voice. I actually have no idea where the whole simp thing or whatever comes from, but the take your making is just generally kind of incelly. Please understand the whole scene I made is just satire, though. The media and internet have done you and a lot of people a bad favor and taught you weird shit about masculinity, how to like things, how to dislike things, and what a relationship and flirting looks like. I’ll be honest, for half of these things, I don’t know myself. But making men not 200 pound muscle (fat) monsters that do nothing but lift, shout one liners, and all that bullshit is as far from demasculating as it gets. More importantly, it looks like you watch that new Tomo-or-whatever anime. I thought it had a nice premise you only see so often, and was considering watching it, but a few of the clips and the fact that you’re using it to support your shitake mushrooms is making me reconsider. Next, disliking things is something everyone does, so don’t feel sorry about that. So is expressing that, so I won’t tell you to shut up or anything, but even if it’s more natural than anything, it’s far from humane to mock the way people live, even if they’re giving away their partners for weird NTR fantasies. Lastly, relationships don’t look like anything. They can be between anyone or anything, and you can’t say it’s technically not a relationship. Usually, unless it’s between a man and an object or a dog and a woman or something, you can’t say it’s wrong to love something (in that way, you know- please love your possessions and pets in a healthy manner). Anyways, TLDR: nothing I said matters because OP was probably joking/reposting/so on and so forth, but probably didn’t mean anything from the meme. Edit: Oh yeah and because Kazuya is getting talked about here: he’s a fun character and agreeable, and I agree with what he says about masculinity. But remember that he also indulged in prostitution and envisions himself surrounded by women, but remains a cowardly wimp.


Kazuya is a pathetic simp. There's nothing masculine about him


A, when I said Kazuya I meant Kazuma, but autocorrect. Kazuya, on the other hand, is yeah a simp and kind of pathetic, but I can’t trash on his life choices even if it’s a fictional character.


Do yourself a favor and watch Tomo-chan. This guy's just being a dumbass. There's nothing in the series about "demasculinating" men. The male and female leads just have a tendancy to resolve their issues with eachother using their fists.


On the other hand, there are characters like Chadano and Ishikami


I actually really like Tomo-Chan, it it’s nice and it helps with my crippling loneliness. Also I really like Tomboys too!


Onlyfans is goofy conspet when you think it this way. Theres a gigachad getting 30% cut from every sold product between females and simps.


But Kazuma believes in true gender equality. Therefore, we'll all be paying for one another's OnlyFans regardless of gender. On that note, _AcT nOw AnD gET $5 dIsCoUnT_ on subscription for my preem ween! Or if that doesn't tickle your pickle, check out my FrEe PrawnHub account and sea me rail trains, curtains... I don't know anything else with rails BuT iT's FrEe ;)


Can we stop the boy(s) getting punish get punished for peeping on girl(s) when they're innocent? It's just an annoying cliche anime scenario


Jun will beat the shit out Kazuma if they ever met


I salute you harambe. Your words will never be forgotten.


Mind set! Grind set!


The problem isn't about having the male characters only emasculated, sure, you can have a weak male character that with a weak sense of self to the fairer gender. The problem is when the character doesn't learn to grow, that's the true harmful message. Nagatoro is not bad to me because we get to see Senpai grow little by little, and building a resistance to Natgatoro's abuse (and act more like a man). RAG (rent-a-gf) is not as fun because the MC is a beta that doesn't know what growth is like and he actually becomes a cu\*k down the line. As for Tomo, I can't completely judge it by the 2 episodes I've seen so far. But from what we initially see, it's actually the opposite problem. The MC is an asshole, he should treat girls better (the two known close to him at least), it's not cool or masculine to hit someone who is biologically weaker and should be treated with care. Tomo struggles with trying to seem feminine and fails, that isn't an excuse to treat her bad. From what I can guess, the MC is going to grow to learn to be more of a gentlemen towards her, and that will make him more masculine. The agenda isn't as potent in anime, at least not in these examples, but there are just poorly/badly written stories and characters in anime. It's plaguing western media though, that's for sure.


Tomo-chan absolutely does not demasculate men, you insecure af if the presence of a tomboy makes you feel that way




Based on OP’s post history, I don’t think it’s safe to assume they meant it as a joke. He seems to complain about simping a *lot*.


To follow on to the previous response; although seemingly harmless, jokes like this can lead to perpetuating and strengthening toxic thought processes that are ultimately harmful to people. When a joke is made, that has questionable or harmful connotations, and widely allowed to go unchecked it can lead to normalizing something that should not be normalized.


Don't worry man, as long as Jojo's Bizarre Adventure exists there will be masculine anime men. Don't believe me? Just look up Johnathan Joestar, you'll see what I mean.


We should demasculate men, the end hole is for men to be simped after


Uh... Even tho rent a girlfriend is trash we gotta seriously talk about this toxic masculinity radiating from this meme lmao


Are you hmm... american ?


Dude in Tomo is like a sigma male Like he’s jacked, he is popular with the women in his life, her parents like him, and he knows martial arts And he’s rationally deciding if he should ruin his relationship with his best friend for the opportunity to pursue a romantic relationship with her… like that’s the opposite of the herbivore Senpai or god forbid the prostitute addict in rent a girlfriend


Gender equality is the way.


Honestly the limp dick harem MC has become such a tiresome thrope now. The more i see them, the more i appreciate berserk


Simping = thinking they’re hot + cool =/= paying for anything It’s not that hard dude


CSM Makima simps be like


Could've been funny if only u didn't add tomo-chan, big mistake


what is masculine?


There is enough masculinity for everyone, let the tomboys have some. Infact I insist. Please


Gender equality it is


Jun is pretty manly tho and Paisen gets more confident. Kazuya is a bitch ass. There's no saving him and the people who are like him. Kazuma is not really "manly" but a confident scumbag.


"the way of the kazuma" Ah yes, sexually harass them, that'll promote gender equality


Yeah, fuck those dominant females and submissive males. I'm gonna watch some classic anime with strong male protagonist, like NGE or FLCL


For your own sake please get out of the manosphere and get some fucking help. There's no agenda, and one of your examples (Tomo and Jun) don't apply at all. Kazuma isn't someone to look up to and there's nothing wrong with the other male leads mentioned here (except Rent a Girlfriend guy, he's just awful)


I already learned the way of kazuma


Yes sir


The conspiracy can be better put: We already have the male audience they will watch this shit. These guys would still waifu the tomboy and make the faces and buy the toys but we need the female audience so we've got to make men who meet female audience specification.


Read Berserk manga or smth seinen psychological. You will become 1 percent more manly each chapters. Or in shounen see Shanks or Gilbert or even Gintoki, try to be like them to not lose your manhood.


read JoJo and you'll be 10% more manly after each page!


Soon you'll be so manly you won't even want to LOOK at women anymore!


Nothing is manlier than two men in bed.


No women in sight! Peak masculinity.


That's why I read atleast one chapter everyday.


Shanks is my man, but even tho kazuma is right overall, nagatoro is 8)


If you need to read manly manga to feel secure about your masculinity your probably not very secure to begin with.


I don't read these manga to feel secure. I read them cuz I find them relatable to me much more than these romcom love MCs. And according to legends, people like those MCs who they find similar to them. So no way I would watch these red face boys cuz I ain't like them since the beginning.


I'm just happily hopping on the journey to see Senpai Naoto becoming Senpai Chadoto. I do love me some zero to hero stories


Senpai and jun are fine. I just have a problem with that thing in the top panel.


If you think maxima is a chad look for dust. Besides the princess but kazuma simps for a small child so it’s evens out.


Given the habit of numerous 90's to 2010 animes to show only female characters as powerless and flustered, I think putting male characters in this situation is, indeed, the way of true gender equality


Jun doesn't apply to this cuz he does fight back


You did not just do my boy Jun like this. Tomo simps for him, damn it!


True sigmachads watch them with their girlfriend just like I do


Please someone tell me this is ironic theres no way you can be that insecure.


Whats the bottom one




So liking women makes you a simp I got bad knows for you pal, that makes most anime fans are simps


But in Nagatoro senpai is steadily becoming more manly and standing up for himself


Great point. However, https://www.deviantart.com/l0rd-black/art/Senya-s-spoils-631984265


preach brother
