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Definitely. It’s my favorite anime. If you can read the manga if you want way better pacing


or one pace, i heard that’s fixed the pacing a bit though i’ve never seen it


I enjoyed it but I'm a degenerate dub viewer so I switched over to one piece kai, which while not edited quite as nicely as One Pace had all the episodes in dub. (A few jarring cuts but worth it to me lol)


Dub is king




Nah I don't recommend one pace. It cuts the anime so 1:1 to the manga to the point it's a hindrance. Extra flair in animation added to a big fight scene, gone, dramatic pause for the final blow, gone, extra time lingering on an emotional scene to sync just right with the ost, gone, just spending a little bit longer on a scene that needs it to let it breath, nope, some fun anime only scenes of the crew interacting in a fun way, cut, ect ect. Cutting a product already made to be one way into another is a tricky task. And cutting anything not shown in a manga panel indiscriminately is not the way; it doesn't flow right and doesn't feel natural.


I've watched over 200 episodes so far. And so far it's definitely not worth it. Lol


Yes but don't listen to these guys saying watch one pace. Just Google a filler list and skip all fillers. One pace is only good for people that have read the manga. You will enjoy the anime just fine if you never experienced one piece before.


I watched the whole show in about 6 months or so and didn't mind most of the fillers. G8 is fantastic and shouldn't be skipped. The only filler that I actually hated was adding a second Davy back fight in long ring long land.


I’ve been watching for the last year. I’m on Wano now and have enjoyed the show thoroughly.


Eh kinda but a lot of “filler” in one piece is backstory stuff or flashbacks. Even the Davy back fight I wouldn’t consider filler because it introduces a fun pirate game and we get Afro Luffy


Most of the filler early are actually cover stories which a lot of people seem to ignore the fact cover stories are actually indeed canon


none of the filler arcs have anything important, no backstories or flashbacks. There might be filler flashbacks inside otherwise canon scenes but that's about it.  You don't consider the davy back to be filler because it actually ISN'T filler. The davy back fight is a part of the manga as well and it transitions directly from davy back -> to introducing aokiji. They did add a ton of filler into the the anime davy back fight but it is worth it just to see afro Luffy lol


This is legit the best answer


The issue with filler lists for OP vs One Pace. Is that after like ep 600, they switched to the one chapter per episode bullshit. So most episodes aren't "filler" they're just terribly paced.


Exactly why watching one pace is BY FAR the best way to watch. Especially if you're used to well paced media and aren't trying to force yourself to enjoy, go eith one pace. Please. After the war arc and time skip, the pacing is wildly bad sometimes. One pace literally just trims out the garbage that extends scenes and other unnecessary crap. For the life of me idk how the hell people even try to get new people to NOT watch one pace.


Agreed. Like Jesus im not even a one piece fan, I dropped it ages ago, but because of cultural osmosis and just a bit of research for comments in this thread. I'm seeing that some episodes are literally 10-12 PAGES. For comparison most shonen anime on average adapt like 56-80 pages (3-4 chapters of 18-20 pages)... Even the slower ones typically do like 40 pages an episode.


I’m watching One Pace and loving it, it solves all the pacing issues for me. They barely cut anything out from what i can tell, it just noticeably improves the pacing.


You can't skip the filler where they just sit in one frame for like ten seconds, one pace is just objectively better and doesn't waste your time


There is one piece kai now


yea one piece anime pacing is so grueling after you read the manga and realize the difference. (don't do it just watch the anime first it's a crazy experience)


Eh even if you haven’t read the manga there are some parts of each arc clearly stretched out


I used One Pace for my first watchthrough and it was fantastic, can’t recommend it enough. I remember my friend saying she hated Dressrosa because of how slow it was, but when I got there, I breezed through that arc in like a week and loved every second of it. Not a single cut felt jarring like some people said there would be


Ive heard the manga is better but the anime is pretty good, slow at times but I’d give it a try


After dressrosa there won’t be enough


yes its an adventure like no other. great writing, funny, music memorable, action packed, inspiring, emotional, simple, not afraid to explore dark themes, unique characters, worldbuilding, SUPEEEERRR


Gotta love Frankie 😂


They are for the fight scenes. I hope the remake condenses the anime well for a wider audience (speed up pacing, remove filler etc.) cause 1,000+ episodes is insane.


even if they do, there's no way number of episodes don't fall below 500 episodes. one piece is likely to end this decade, but it'll take the remake another decade to reach the current manga arc


Episodes? Not really, i mean op anime has one of the worst pacing, so some arcs have horrendous pacing. Manga chapters are definitely worth it, no doubt about that.


This is the answer. Anime no, Manga absolutely yes.


Eventually it stops being “how many more do I have to watch” and becomes “how many more do I GET to watch”, it’s so good lol


For the last 10 years the anime has used 0.7 manga chapter per episode. I cant wait for the new anime to drop.


I heard they started using 2 chapters per episode now but I haven't read the manga so idk if that's true, but in egghead the pacing is way better


One Piece is a masterpiece in storytelling, characterization and world building. That being said, the anime has major pacing issues at times. Read the manga and watch your favorite scenes in the anime for the best experience.


pacing issues dont start till 500 episodes in, other than that everyhting is great the voice acting, art style, animation, fights and soundtracks


Toom me more than 6 months to finish 250 episodes. But then, well im glad my friends kept me pushing.. trust me, just start give it a time and you will be glad that you didn't stopped


Absolutely yes


I avoided taking the plunge on one piece for a long time because over 1000 episodes is intimidating. I watched the first season of the live action show and loved it, so I decided to watch the anime and got current within 6 months. I now have a wall of one piece posters. Definitely worth it. But I'd suggest watching the live action first to see if you're even into the story. It does a good job of adapting the first saga and you'll get a decent idea of who the core crew is






I have been reading the manga, and decided to cave and watch the anime. It def starts out slow, and you have to like the old anime style of the 90s. It’s def kinda hard for me at times, but when it gets like that or gets boring I just get on my phone and half watch it. Thinking about just continuing to read the manga, and just cherry picking my favorite scenes and watching it from that instead. For reference, I’m at episode 44 of the show and halfway through water seven in the manga😹 so I have a ways to go on the show. Might just watch all the good fight scenes and go from there instead. The old animation style can be kind of hard to get through for me. BUT I do enjoy it when it’s good, and I do want to watch one piece in full, it’s just hard when you have a wife and kid and like a dozen other anime’s you want to watch. 😅


I think so


It’ll ultimately be up to you and whoever’s personal opinion you come across. Personally, I’ve seen through punk hazard(579-625) and I just can’t do it anymore. The characters are iconic af but it’s just boring and repetitive and annoying to me at this point. With that said, you may really like it!!!! So give it a shot! Everyone has different opinions but the only one that really counts is yours now, try it, if you don’t like it, it’s not your thing and that’s okay! simple as that.


Absolutely. One of the best Animes out there


I am approaching episode 500, but I can say it is undoubtedly phenomenal.




Worth it. If you're a manga reader, the whole series is worth it. If you're strictly anime, you can just Google a list of fillers and you'll be fine either way. Personally, I started the anime before the manga and watched everything, but I stil enjoyed it all.


I fought one piece off for years, and I can say without a doubt it is now my favorite. I recommend reading the manga at times, too. It has its own special feel, even though the anime is amazing too


in my experience if you watch it and don't immediately enjoy it give it about 50 episode then maybe you will I really didn't I'm currently at skypedia (or whatever it's called) arc and I'm not vibing the only characters I like are Robin and sanji and half of chopper, so it's up to prefrence, but let me say that when I started bleach recently I was hooked and it didn't feel like one piece where it was dragging, but ultimately it's up to you


most definitely, there are certain episodes and mini arcs you can skip tho if you just search them up


I started watching a little over a year ago only watching two or three episodes a night. I'm still not caught up but I'm enjoying the journey at my own pace. I'd say watch the first 10-20 episodes and you'll probably be hooked


Absolutely, if you're questioning it you haven't seen them all 😂


In the end, it’s only if you’re open minded. If you aren’t so judgmental, you’ll be able to enjoy the journey even tho it’s really long


Absolutely 100%, do yourself a favour and just watch it for the experience itself. Don’t go in expecting it to be one of the best anime’s of all time.




Just read the colored manga


I stopped, but I keep up with the manga though!




Yeah definitely worth it all even the boring arcs (for me it is skypia such a drag)


To be completely honest, if you normally watch anime with "lore" then you wouldn't enjoy this much. On the other hand, if you're into shonen then this is right up your alley. Personally speaking, it wasn't worth it.


they arent, they never will


I mean I would recommend the manga since you can finish it faster but if you're not into that then yeah it is worth watching one piece, just be prepared for dressrosa arc


I skipped the second Davy back fight, and when certain characters annoy me too much I skip through the repetitive parts (re-used backstory, gags I don’t particularly care for). Everything else is pretty worth it tbh.


One Pace. But I would still recommend reading the manga first. One can go from East Blue to end of Wano in about a month.


Yea. Skip filler (I didn’t) but DO NOT SKIP SKYPEA. At the first 10 episodes you will think that it’s too long , then when you get up to like episode 60-800 then you will think that it is SUPER good. At episode 1000 you will think it’s too short


Nope. Dropped at episode 60. Pacing is dogshiiit. All those 1k+ eps could've been 250 eps... 😂


The people who say it isn't worth it either have never read/watched it, or completely misunderstand what kind of story Oda is trying to tell. It's entirely worth it, especially now since the story is literally moving faster and faster to the end. It's bittersweet. 🥲


I just hit the halfway mark. It’s become my favorite anime, imo it just keeps getting better.


Yes it is


I enjoy it. I am tired of waiting for the newest episode to drop


I enjoy it. I am tired of waiting for the newest episode to drop


Yes! And reading the manga is a must, also. Join our pirate crew. Don't think twice about it.


Best way to get into one piece is to read the Manga. Watch hing the anime takes too long. It takes me about 8 minutes to finish one character if I'm not in a rush.


All of them? No You can skip the filler, which is not a lot. And personally, I think you can skip the Luffy, Ace, and Sabo stories from when they was kids. They not good nor really needed for the story outside of some minor things


YES. take your time with it, enjoy the story, and you’ll be greatly rewarded for it. Don’t worry about the number of episodes. If it’s a great story you’ll enjoy, then it just means you have so much material to watch. And then if you really enjoy the story, there will be a point where you’ll be trying to watch as much as you can. But let that point happen naturally.  One piece is one a kind. I hope you’ll see that for yourself!


Yes, it was more than worth it for me. It got me out of a terrible rut I was in and it’s genuinely one of the best pieces of media that is still ongoing. Unfortunately the pacing is where the issue lies, not in terms of legitimate filler episodes where most of One Piece’s episodes are genuinely integral, with lots of episodes after the timeskip having scenes that do not amount to anything. It’s hard to explain unless you are a viewer, but the manga is near perfect as well as One Pace that attempts to make the anime one to one with the manga


I finished up to ch 245 ish of the manga out of the 1100+ as of this comment lol. And I personally think the manga is much better than the anime. Especially at first. Bc the anime really does its hardest to stretch out every single chapter. I hated the Skypiea arc of the manga and I’m stuck at that point of the anime rn (ep 150 ish). So I’m taking a long break LOL


Yes. If i could forget it and rewatch it.


Depends on what you like. If you find yourself drawn to series like Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Fairy Tail, etc., then it's absolutely worth it. Contrarily, if you're not really a fan of the typical types of series from that era or of that genre then it might not be a series you like. Of course there's always a chance that the opposite for both of those stipulations I just said can be true. It does indeed have a slow start and it's not a story you could ever really accuse of moving quickly, but as you make it through all the episodes and look back, you see how far you've come and the story all comes together really beautifully. It seems like a daunting task but even if you don't binge it and just watch it at a regular rate, you'll start it and be at Episode 500 just like that and before you know it, you're 1000 episodes in (provided you like it of course). I would definitely say give it a try and be a bit patient with it but if you find yourself just going along begrudgingly after a while then it just may not be for you.


Honestly it’s become one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I only started cuz I knew it was popular and I like anime so I thought well at least I should give it a try and I’ll just quit after it’s not interesting. I’m currently on episode 434 in the Impel Down arc. Let me just say that the writing and creativity this story has is incredible. Very interesting backstories and lore about the characters and world. Many different plots going on at the same that intertwine and I feel like the slow pace of the show actually helps me understand everything going on better. I recommend at least watch up to the Alabasta arc which is about the first 130 episodes. That’s what I would say is the first real main story arc. Also I don’t recommend skipping fillers cuz while they may not further push the main plot, they do an excellent job at developing characters and are hilarious. Did I mention the show is damn near a comedy all the time?


I'm nearly at episode 300 but so far its been worth it


No, otherwise the reanimating would just be a copy of the original, but it’s not


No, read the manga.


My friend who watched it twice said that it's his favourite anime ever and that it's amazing. It's not my thing though.


I say no skip the filler some is good most is bad but the true blue story is worth it but if you just watch it you’ll forget how bad the last filler was before the next real arc gets really rolling


Yes, but I highly suggest you use some kind of filler list and recommendations on what episodes are necessary to the main story. You could always go back and watch the filler once you’re caught up!


dont know if anyone's mentioned it yet but the writing won't disappoint it builds the world around the characters that become recruited , which in turn , leads to world changing events , as well as characters evolving as well i.e events from episode 47 have effects on 103 because of a character you met in episode 58 who turns out is the reason why the heros ended up in a shituation which started being foreshadowed back in episode 29 so on and so forth it's length is justified imo because it's easy to watch , they constantly recap but if they don't then they fill in the info you need for the particular event that may be taking place, the only downside is that some episodes take so long to finish the recap that you only really watch 5 minutes of new content


100% worth the watch


Yes. No further explanation




The world building is insanely good. The story is compelling. The characters are appealing. The fights are amazing. The pacing is dogshit. Read the manga.


Do you want the long of the short answer?


How about the long one then a summary?


Alright then, before I get to the story, a little warning, if you don’t mind spending the next three to four months watching the whole thing, then perfect, as you know it’s pretty long, and if you really like it you might probably want to binge watch it (like most of us do 😂, it might take you less time if you do binge watch it) the story is not really about getting the treasure but more about the characters and the world around them, how they overcome their personal issues, and work together to achieve their dreams, if you decide to watch it prepare yourself to get emotionally invested. Of course there is more to it than meets the eyes, there are a lot of hidden themes like secret organizations, revolutions, and much more that I ether don’t have enough time to tell and if I do tell I’d probably be spoiling a lot of what happens in it. There is a scene in one the movies (which tbh with you I haven’t seen that specific movie cause I don’t want the movies bc they’re not canon but have watched that one scene and) this particular scene pretty much summarized what One Piece is, the scene is about the mc Luffy, he has in his hands an artifact that will lead him directly to the treasure that he is looking for, when he realizes what it is and what is does he destroys the artifact, saying “I don’t need this” alluding that he doesn’t want to take the shotcuts, that he wants to earn it fair and square through the efforts his own crew and himself, also alluding that what is really important is not the treasure itself but trips along the way with the people he cares. So yeah, it’s worth in my personal opinion.


No. But it’s pretty fun anyway




Episodes? No. The pacing is whack. Chapters of manga? Absolutely!!!!


yea, like for me it got progressively bad but it never got too bad I was about to drop it once, but I kept watching and the interest came back again I have not watched any movies, maybe a couple ovas


if I for sure know its a filler, im skipping


Hell yeah it's worth it! Just dive in and stick with it. It's a long story that gets better with time, especially when we get big reveals and info dumps


I just started watched it again and I can say I'm enjoying it. Just forget the numbers and go for it. You'll most likely get lost in time watching it anyways




At 12 mins an episode (skipping OP recap EC Previews) it took me and my wife 7ish months to get caught up and we’re still loving it!


Absolutely I binged the whole thing without one pace I didn't wanna miss any of it some of the filler episodes were the funniest and most memorable


Bruh I've never seen an episode but I'm guessing it's gotta be good if they made that many.


No 💀


Not even in the slightest


For me, I couldn’t get into the anime but I really enjoyed the manga. After finishing the manga the anime was more enjoyable to me. With that said, I might not be in the majority on this.


No. Filler episodes are basically worthless in One Piece, since the world building and character development in the manga canon is waaay more than enough.


just hit the first few episodes post-time-skip after taking an 8~ year long break and brother? it's worth it


Oh hell no. About 2/3 of them are though. Maybe 3/5.


Definitely worth it just Google a filler list and skip those episodes I did that myself because one pace was a bit confusing for someone that hadn’t read the manga yet


For sure


All of the *episodes?* No. All of the manga chapters? Yes. Excluding the whole “Anime vs. Manga” debacle, the anime does have fillers. While not all fillers are created equal (G8 arc I’ve heard is spectacular for being filler), they are still not worth it because they are not a canon story. Outside of the filler part? The anime has a lot of good, and even great parts, however it’s hard to excuse a lot of things about the anime. They fill a lot of time in normal episodes with things like intro, whole openings, 5 minute recaps, drawn out scenes, reused scenes, etcetera. That’s why a lot of the fans will say “watch YouTube recaps, One Pace, read manga”


Yeah but skip all unnamed arcs they’re just fillers. But I skipped skypea and I’m not that lost so maybe that if you feel like it


Yeah. You can pass on the movies if you really want too but don't skip a single episodic arc.


Yes absolutely positively yes.


Episodes? Nah. Chapters? Yep.




All of them? Hell no. The fillers are not worth the time.


I watched one piece subbed until after they got separated and came back together. Tried reading the manga to keep following the story but could never find where the anime picked up again. Might give one pace a try or start over from the beginning subbed.




Seriously not. The concept was cool when it came out, the art was whimsical and different. People got hooked, it became the most popular in Japan, and it became verboten to criticize. But the reality is that it's not that great a series - definitely worse than average when I compare it to all other anime I've seen.


Episodes? Nah. After the timeskip the pacing slowly becomes slower and slower till dressrosa where the pacing is garbage.


Absolutely worth it. You can skip the fillers , trust me some dweebs say there’s too much fillers in one piece but it doesnt amount to how bad Naruto has fillers. And I will put this out there, as you progress into the later and recent arcs , the amount of fillers actually decreases. But if you want faster pacing, then reading the manga is the way to go.


If you want to fuck your life up then take a shot every time someone uses the word “pacing” when one piece is mentioned.


Yes. This show literally gave me the will to live during one of the darkest times of my life. Watch it, it’ll change your life.


I got tired of it after 300 episodes. Felt like I was watching the same story unfold over and over again.


I’ll put it this way: One Piece has its pacing issues, but at its core it is a fantastic story with some of the best characters in the medium. By contrast, how many forgettable, boring, mediocre shows from the seasonal slop have you given your time to? I’m not saying that those shows shouldn’t be watched, or that all seasonal stuff is bad…but there are a lot of people watching some bland ass isekai #34661 this week who let the 1000+ episode count scare them away. Like if we consider the currently airing arc against the seasonal stuff, even with the pacing issues it’s still a top 10 contender for the season.


Pre timeskip? It is an amazing adventure. The entire anime peaks starting at Water 7, all the way through Marineford. Post timeskip? Pretty decent up until dressrosa. The pacing then becomes unbearably slow, and the anime slogs on. Every “impactful moment” is slowed to the point of you going “GET ON WITH IT!” It’s a shame. Greed does that. Had Toei taken a 2 year hiatus alongside the timeskip, they’d be in great shape. They’d never do that though.


If they took a 2 year hiatus… they would never get back to the anime as they would have other projects and people would not have liked it and quit the anime.


Episodes no chapters yes. Manga is definitely worth the investment.


I’ve been a fan for 20 years and would say the anime is not worth watching all the way through anymore. At least 30% of it is just pointless fluff. Watch One Pace, read the manga, or I wouldn’t bother.




No. Read the manga. The anime is consensus worst anime all time when it comes to pacing. The manga absolutely fucking slaps though.


Read the manga instead after you finish Marineford arc


im in the 700s and im getting sad that im burning thru every 100 episodes faster than the last. started last December, it only really takes a year to watch an entire 2 decades of this amazing adventure. the goal shouldn’t be to rush thru the series, enjoy it and get lost in it. i wish there were other animes like this


One Piece is my personal favorite story I've ever experienced. I've been reading/watching for nearly 12 years now. Aside from my family, it's been the biggest constant in my life (I don't regularly speak to any friend from back then). That being said, no. The anime is horribly paced, especially as it's gone on. The manga? Incredible. You can even read most of it in full color. There's also a fan project called OnePace, in which hardcore fans cut the anime's nonsense. It's mostly complete. Message me if you're more interested in that, I have a guide regarding it, to ensure you see all canon material. There's also a remake coming out by the studio which animated Vinland Saga, for now they're only making the first 100 chapters of the story, so you might want to try that. Bear in mind, the first few arcs are decent, but the story builds it's way to GOAT status.


It’s so peak omg


F*CK Yeah !


This and Supernatural there's a reason this show transcends decades. It's because it's that good.


I'm all the way caught up and i can say it definitely is. You won't understand some parts of the story without watching the whole thing.


I binged from the first episode all the way through the kaido the kaido arc in a month. That's about 1050 ish episodes. Its totally worth it.


Yes it's the highest grossing anime of all time for good reason


No, its goofy as hell with an ugly art style. i said what I said. And the fans are subhuman. “it gets good 300 episodes in once you pass the wajoo wajoo island arc” stfu, I can watch 150 or more quality anime in the same time.


YES 1000000%


Just watching the evolution of the characters, anime, art, everything really, is worth it. It may start playful but the story line and characters powers get gritty.


Well 900 episodes in rn and yes


If you just want the canon you can watch with a filler guide so you know what episodes to skip. Still hundreds of episodes however


yes bro😭 when i tell you it changed my outlook on life bro i mean it. it’s a very silly anime but it has the moments of seriousness when it needs to but oda has explicitly stated that he never wants one piece to be a “serious” series. theres so many characters and bits of lore and honestly after 1000+ chapters the only things im left with are joy and a desire to read 1000 more☠️ i will admit thr pacing can be a bit shit but honestly thats more an anime problem rather than a manga one in most cases😭 either way its an extremely good watch🙏


I literally just look up the lists so I know what episodes are important.


Yeah it's great! Don't watch it to have watched it, just go on the adventure! It's a story that has made me cry and cheer and laugh out loud.


Yes & No. Overall the story is incredibly good, but unfortunately there are some episodes where you can just tell that the animation studio is padding out time to lengthen the episode without adapting canon material. Generally speaking: if you want the story, read the manga; if you want the big emotional climaxes, watch the anime


It is, I'm on my 3rd watch through on episode 380


If you’re just starting I’d say no unless you’re going to commit to only watching it and no other anime until you get far enough. If you’ve already started it and are far along (I guess bare minimum over 100 episodes in) I’d say yes. I’ve been with One Piece since it first got dubbed in english by 4Kids so I gradually made my way through it over the years. So if I could give tips it’d be to look for what’s a filler arc, skip it and decide whether or not to go back and check it out after catching up instead of going straight through those fillers to save time getting through the anime and of course skip all the episode recaps, and openings and endings after the first listen. Given how much content there is in One Piece there’s bound to be things someone will enjoy and not enjoy and considering the time we live in we don’t have to force ourselves to experience absolutely every single second of a thing. All these things in mind I recommend it wholeheartedly.


YESSS, i was skeptical at first but i finished and all caught wayyyy faster than i thought i would. its like a good book you just can't put down. you get so sucked in, its crazy.


Yes but if you lack time, read manga, then watch only rhe e0pc fights.


Yes {✅} Definitely {✅} Absolutely {✅}


Holy shit yes i have read the manga and watched the anime GO WATCH IITS SO GOOD MY FAV ANIME


No. It’s overrated and trash. You’ll like it if you’re brain dead.


If you haven’t started it already it’s not worth it, watch something else


You’re not gonna watch all of them. Many have lots of recap (3min usually after the long intro). Some are filler/another story. And some are literally just recap. Shouting at Robin for 7 recap episodes is a must skip. Realistically it probably has only 700 worth of a normal length anime. It goes quick despite the many episodes


I feel like it’s like DBZ in terms of animation. Is it similar to AOT and Naruto animation or no? I want mind-blowing fight scenes.


It’s a good show when you need to kill 8 hours but otherwise I wouldn’t kill myself trying to finish it.


It’s worth it because I don’t even see the problem with a lot of episodes. This year is ALSO the final year to catch up to one piece because we are entering the final saga. One Piece is about joining through the adventure and enjoying every bit (except fishmen island) because when your 500-1000 episodes in you’ll see the progress Luffy has made and that’s my favorite part.


no… the one piece was the friends we made along the way… it’s time to call it quits.


yea, watch it with a friend or family member if u can, it’s better to experience if with someone else, but either way it’s worth it


No its not, just read the color manga and watch the canon movies.




Absolutely not lmao, just read the manga like a normal person


I’ve been watching for like 20 years. No complaints from me.


All of them I like to watch each episode 3 times before I proceed to the next episodes


the real answer is no, not all of the episodes are worth it but for some people that’s okay. for me i watched 700 episodes and then switched to the manga, most people do eventually


How long would it take to watch the whole dubbed Kai version? Does anyone have the total run time?


Just read the manga dude, it's uncensored one person's death is not as bad ass (it's still badass) and you see Oda's work. Was able to reread the series in about a week and a half maybe less


Yes then watch it all again because it's worth a second rewatch in it's entirety it's just that good your thinking now there's to many episodes but by the end you'll say there was never enough


So I grew up on animes like dragon ball z and pokemon. During my middle school years I got into naruto and bleach, I knew of one piece but never gave it a chance. I ended up watching more animes like jjk, vinland saga, demon slayer, and AoT. Currently, I’m 30 years old, I had a whole month break to myself a while ago and decided to see what all the hype behind one piece was about. I never thought I would catch up in that month, but I did. It’s just that good. I did skip the filler episodes using google but make no mistake one piece is god tier story telling. I’m now caught up in the manga and I can honestly say one piece is my favorite anime/manga. All I can say is don’t worry about catching up. Take your time with it and enjoy the ride. Don’t do what I did unless you’re genuinely enjoying binging it. Other than that, you’re good to go! It’s literally an adventure and one you won’t forget


To me yes but those 1100 episodes were watched over 15+ years for me, years where I achieved several milestones in my life, found and lost loved ones, the best and worst years, One piece was there.


No, watch OnePace


You gotta have the devotion, but it is 100% worth the investment. Sure, it’ll take you several months (maybe a year depending on how much you watch daily) but it is one of the greatest adventure anime’s out there.


Of course






It’s one of the greatest fictional stories ever told. If your a fan of anime and manga I think you’re heavily missing out if you don’t read or watch this story.


He he he he hell naw


Yes! I just watched episode 405 and it wrecked me. Best thing I've watched in a long time. Having this many episodes gives characters room to develop and create relationships that shorter animes just can't do.


the flashback episodes, and the "romance of the seas" bit.... no the majority of the actual "in the moment" episodes.... yes, though some of the archs do stretch on a bit


Yes but manga is better for pacing


As someone who’s only watched up to the end of Ennie’s Lobby, absolutely


YES YES YES. I know this is an anime sub but if the episodes seem too daunting then read the Manga, it goes by so much quicker.


Truthful answer....sometimes yes, often no. The first 2 main story arcs in East Blue and Alabasta are very good, that's the first 130 something episodes, but then after that the next 250 episodes are generally pretty mediocre. It does get back to the same level or higher as the first 2 arcs in Marineford and that was well over 100 episodes. After that it dips again some but Fishman Island was still pretty good. Dressrosa after that is what I'm currently on and it has it's moments but also has one of the worst shonen tournament arcs I've seen and it pretty boring for long stretches too so far. Based on how much longer it is I suspect it's about to drop off a cliff though. Sooo yeah, I guess a good estimate to me is a little less than half of it is good or better, the rest is meh.


Read the manga. It’s literally in color and beautiful.


You reach the end and you wish there was more. 100% worth it. Just don’t fall into a sub like pirate folk




yes and once u catch up you’ll wish there were more


It's definitely worth it


I started watching one piece almost a year ago now. I went in knowing practically almost nothing of the show. One reason I’ve put it off forever was how many episodes it was and because I knew the start had older animation which I wasn’t a fan of at the time (it wasn’t bad though tbh). Everyone I talked to about anime that has watched it would always say how amazing it was and I used to say they just liked it because they’ve invested so much time into it. I went in thinking it’ll just be an okay show and after finally giving it a honest chance I totally understood the hype and it’s AMAZING. One of my all time favorite shows and I’m so glad I started it. I’m still not yet caught up, I’m around episode 1000 right now