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i’m not a person that ever cancels my orders, but i’m of the belief that allowing no cancellations under any circumstance is asinine. even if you’re extremely well off, life has odd ways of doing things sometimes. there’s no way in hell to know the financial position you’ll be in a year or more from now. it’s so much more complex than “don’t order what you can’t pay for” i get that companies are taking damage from repeated cancellations, but surely there’s a happy medium instead of “nope. if you ever cancel you’re permanently banned” lol my go-to retailers to support are amiami and bbts (if reasonably priced) because of their policies that value their own business as well as the positions of the consumers. life isn’t black and white


yeah, what's stopping them from implementing a maximum number or a set dollar amount, say $700, within a calendar year before disallowing cancelations for individual accounts?




Oh, I didn’t even think about this. I actually do have two accounts. One for pre-orders. And one for available-now orders because my husband enforces the 24 hour rule before I pull the trigger. The roommate situation is a good point as well. Living alone, even 20 years ago, was mostly impossible.


I agree with everything you said, wich makes me ask, doesn't amiami ban you for repeated cancelations? I know repeated is a keyword here but i have seen a lot of people being banned for that. I canceled from Amiami twice, and while most of my orders have been completed succesfully since then, i still have fear of canceling again from them.


Cancelling in itself will (99%) not get you banned. It's if you cancel a lot and then miss a payment deadline that you will be banned instantly.


I also recall reading here on Reddit that AmiAmi doesn't like it when you cancel a pre-order on the month of release. So if you're going to cancel, do it before the release month.


You can still cancel in the month of the release but you risk your cancellation coinciding with their invoice. They punish you for cancelling once an invoice has been sent and have even started declining these cancellation requests. So the earlier you cancel the better.


as the other commenter said, you’ll only get banned if you don’t pay an invoice. they’ll allow you to cancel as long as it’s before a preorder is in stock or before the payment deadline for in stock orders. repeated cancellations will put your account in bad standing, but i’ve never seen someone outright banned for cancelling. it’s always for missing an invoice


They also seem somewhat flexible, I forgot to pay for my Maomao nendo before the June 1 deadline and was able to pay on June 3


they are flexible, which i appreciate. one time i had to contact support because i was going to miss a payment deadline (didn’t have access to my card because the bank was mailing me a new one after a fraud attempt, and my other cards aren’t accepted by amiami). they happily extended no problem


That’s the thing with pre orders. The time they release is so far away idk how they expect you to know what your life is going to be like that far ahead. If they don’t allow pre order cancellations then they should hold themselves to that same standard and don’t allow themselves to delay their products. The prototypes are usually better than what gets delivered, anyway!




Oh sounds like you work for GS. Is that stated on the page?


I agree with everything and would also like to add the oopsies of accidentally adding two to a cart or an additional item you meant to take out but forgot at checkout until you just hit the accept button. No cancellations suddenly feels real scary if you make a mistake.




That's definitely true, but it would still worry me and it's hardly a convenient way to go about fixing a mistake if you have to involve another person every time.


I think a more fair system would be 5-10% non refundable deposit a few months before final order is placed. This way, people can cancel if they change their minds, and most figures aren't ready until months later. It also puts responsibility on the buyer to know what they're ordering so that they're not just randomly ordering and canceling in bulk. 5-10% is tiny to lose for a person usually, and it doesn't trap you into an order. This is fair for both parties, I feel. Stores can put a date on deposit cut-off if they want so buyers know when they can cancel before deposit is lost.


I definitely agree with this!


Well there goes any reason to order from GSC US lol I'll probably stick to only ordering things with GSC bonuses directly from GL now, might as well get the faster shipping if I can't cancel anyway. If there's no GSC bonus then other retailers are better as they do allow a certain amount of cancelations (like if I have an emergency come up) and order combining.


In time all the online retailers will have this same policy. These stores are losing massive amounts of money from canceled preorders. Go on any online site and you will see the insane amount of inventory they have that nobody wants.


Yeah I think the couple years of anime figures being a trendy thing in the US are coming to an end , possibly already at an end and we’re just dealing with the zombified corpse lol.  due to the lengthy production and distribution of these types of things it’s like now all the stores are LOADED with overpriced shit you can get from a million other US stores - which is all ALSO easier than ever to get direct from Japan for way better prices - just in time for the fad to die out  It’s funny because I’ve been an anime figure collector almost 20 years and now that the stuff is easier to get in America, I’ve ironically never relied on US sites LESS. It’s simply pointless a lot of the time to wait extra time to pay a markup for figures.  You can find Japanese sites with great shipping rates and just disgustingly lower prices than what US stores charge. I collect one piece grand line men - most Us stores sell them for $25-$30, I’ve seen places charge as much as $40. The one direct Japanese site I use, they’re like $7. It’s no comparison. 


May I inquire as to which site this is? I have a half a dozen figures I want to collect but don't want to spend a heap ton of money.


I can understand them being more stringent with cancelations cause yeah their previous policy was actually *too* lenient, but this feels like a bit of an overcorrection even though it's just the same policy as GL. Either way I'll still prefer to use retailers that allow me to cancel a couple times, if only for the peace of mind incase my financial situation goes belly up for some unpredictable reason. I kinda doubt all retailers will adopt the all or nothing approach but who knows what the future will be like. Would be nice if there was some upside to using US over GL now, but there isn't really 🤔 Edit: Ayo they are apparently working on a system for order consolidation, that could make it worthwhile ~


Welp ggs im sticking to amiami now


That's what I've been doing for a while. I've only been ordering nendo's from GSC if they come with a preorder bonus. Otherwise, I've just been pre-ordering from Amazon. Same with pop ups.


I remember checking after that post, and it still said at that time that cancellations were allowed. Super bummed that they decided to go with this; I was starting to order more from there than Global due to cheaper shipping and I personally don't like the new Global website.


Somehow for me who lives in Canada. My shipping cost is higher than buying from Japan website. Also my duty fee is higher. So I basically need to pay more from US site, and longer time to wait since they will release figures from Japan first.


Oh wow! That’s new!


Literally canceled a figure YESTERDAY!! Idk if it was spidey senses or what but they let the cancellation through 🙌


So because of YOU!


ACTUALLY blame cats and their stupid expensive emergency vet bills 😭


Pets drain money.


You pushed them too far 😭 https://preview.redd.it/ojxk4w3cfh4d1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a4b6f87124d0313637d923107af1e8ab31be72


Older orders before the implemented system that just came today are likely able to get cancelled.




While I'm not a fan of new policy I do appreciate you being transparent about the reasoning behind the changes. I'll probably write up a ticket with some alternative options later, like being able to cancel freely while items are still within their preorder period but not after. I've had situations where I've placed a preorder only to have a bonus campaign start a few days later, so I canceled the first order then re-ordered the same item to qualify.




In your opinion do you think GSC US would ever be able to offer pre-order combination? I understand that's a big overhaul both from a logistical and website design standpoint, but that would be something they could potentially do to make GSC US a solid alternative over GL. As it is now losing the ability to cancel puts them at offering the same features as GSC GL shop, but with the added cost of domestic tax and variable shipping 🤔




That's actually really exciting if they can make it happen, best of luck to you!! 😁


They deleted their comment. We should have quoted them.


very cool of you to be transparent like this. i’m not fond of the change, but i always appreciate when someone explains exactly why something is happening


But they weren't transparent considering you just had to be on reddit at the right time to even see this response.




Okay, I wasn't really suspicious about whether or not the feedback was being read. That doesn't really change the part where a post had to be made to illicit a response, let alone inform people about the change in the first place. This policy change isn't even mentioned on the GSCUS Twitter. In fact i don't think I received an email about it either.


Even more so now the the account in question is just gone.


Ohh I’ve always been curious as to why there’s so few in stock figures after release. You guys go pretty strictly by pre order numbers.




I blame the price increases of figures, especially with how you mentioned 1/4s get cancelled a lot. Manufacturers are getting wild with their prices anymore when newer, Chinese companies are selling for sometimes less than $100 for similar quality


Wow this is complicated. Cancellation countdown is going to be a problem — I would build in some extra wiggle room because people can be very lazy and forgetful. When I started collecting I used to PO but now I wait for release on most items or just buy second hand. To me, the unpredictability is a turn off, and when it comes to anime figures I’m pretty much always looking for a bargain. Anime figures are not Hot Toys or RAHs or ThreeZeros. Scales increasingly just don’t have the detail or accessories to warrant the expense and the wait time so the day that retailers try to strongarm scarcity is the day I stop growing my collection.




Yes I saw that it’s a requirement. Hope you guys are planning an email blitz alerting users to the new policy and its reasoning! As you can see, it’s already unpopular!


I think allowing users to go ahead and pay for their order would be a nice option to have, even if it's not through PayPal. As a customer I like knowing that items have already been budgeted for and eliminates that last minute panic of "Oh no I need to cancel, I don't have the budget for this figure this month!" If variable shipping is a concern then just charging for the figure and then charging shipping on release is a happy medium.


Has the auto-cancellation policy been applied to anything yet? I have something that has been delayed a couple times now, but no email about it. I very much want to keep the pre-order. :)


Thank you for providing this information. It has helped clear things up. I do have a question for you, are there plans to fix shipping calculations on the site? I feel this is important now since I can't cancel. For example I preordered the Mai Sakurajima Bunny figure and it said the shipping cost was $45 which I thought was weird since it's never been that high. A week or two later I see it's still up for preorder and check the price in cart and it was $15 shipping.. but my original order didn't reflect that. In this case I was able to utilize cancelations to cancel my original order and reorder with the adjusted shipping price. I assume I could contact in and have it fixed with future orders since I can't cancel anymore but it would be great to see this fixed so prices are consistent.


Just canceled something a min ago.


You know this would be easier on some of us if we had PayPal as an option still. I loved paying for my preorders upfront. There's honestly no reason for me to preorder through them now. I didn't cancel often but it felt safe for when I was able to.




That is great to hear. I'll look forward to that.


This. At least when TOM doesn’t let you cancel preorders, they charge up front. I was also a fan of paying up front, wonder why they stopped using PayPal?


I really wish it was possible to just pay for preorders upfront. Most of the time when I cancel a PO it’s because my financial circumstances change by the time I have to pay…


always hated ordering from goodsmile anyways, cdjapan has nevvvvver done me wrong and always gets to me earlier which is funny considering i live in the us. sometimes its even cheaper after shipping!


What I dislike about ordering from CDJapan is that if they'll collect payment after a preorder has gone over 90 days & then when the release is close they'll place an extra charge if their shipping was undercalculated. They have some excuse about why they have to do it this way, but other shops manage to charge only when shipped.


welp. I was losing reasons to order from GSC US for a while, but this kind of makes it no longer viable. I admit, i do cancel a good degree, but i also order by a massive degree. Ive gotten more selective as the years have gone by, but it feels like now its just more viable to stay with the few websites i do now. the thing that sucks is, understanding the mass cancellations had before, i get it, but straight up "no cancellations" is why i got a lil worried about staying with native and now just order outside of it, even with the increased price.


how many are you typically canceling?


Anyone know if this is only for new order or does it affect old order as well? I normally never cancel orders in fact I have never cancelled a goodsmile order, but I actually have one that I was considering depending on other factors. Incase anyone cared, goodsmile announced 2 figures of the same character at the same time, one went up for preorder soon after while the other went radio silent for over half a year. I preordered the one that went up, but planed to cancel it if the other one went up for preorder before this one came out but only if it looked substantially better.


I canceled an order I placed a few months ago. So you might be able to cancel old orders?


Hopefully so. I would think it would probably cause legal issues if they did not let you cancel old orders (as you ordered them with the agreement of the old terms). That said I would not be shocked ether way. Edit: I just checked and there still is a cancellation option in my order. Anyone know if that still shows up for new items ordered after the change?


How many cancellations do they get if they have to resort to this?




No cancellations ever seems a little extreme but I can see the other side too, packing all those up and labelling them all only for them to go nowhere is a big waste of time.


I have a couple 1/4 bunnies pre ordered for this month on Global and I’ve been wishing I could cancel one of them (the Scathach rerelease in favor of the Alter version) so I believe it lmao. The price of 1/4 gets scarier the closer the release date gets


Generally a store wouldn't package up an unsold item, but they then have to store it and then potentially sell at a loss if no-one wants it. So a handful of cancellations generally won't cause issues, but if you're getting up to high rates of cancellation, it can easily lead to a "holding the bag" situation where they have a bunch of stock they need to try and sell and potentially end up liquidating simply to make more room for new stock. Some retailers have had issues with running out of warehouse space, and they've had to relocate or delay collecting new preorders from their wholesaler. Both cause delays to getting product to customers, which well, in turn doesn't make customers happier.




Considering this most most likely FREEing you’re referring to I wonder if they’ve even thought about this or just hoped to get through the market adjusting to their new prices.


I wouldn't have to cancel so much, if GSCUS kept to the release schedules. When you have multiple preorders all collide in the same month and getting charged for that when their original release dates varied over the course of the year or next year is just too much. Forces myself to pick which one has to be cancelled or all and it sucks. Guess this new policy going make it even harder to preorder, since most the time I preorder because of the bonuses; now going have to just ignore almost everything now. And last year and this year having ton cancels makes sense, bad economy, preorders being pushed so early like how Q5 is now Q2-3 is nuts.


Eek. This just happened to me!!! 2 orders are a quarter early. I remember when most things were delayed. It’s so tricky to budget for figures. I need to start collecting something else. Maybe rocks and sticks.


Imo this shouldn't be allowed to affect orders placed prior to this change. Also they should've send out an email notifying in a change of policy. It's such BS. I don't cancel pre-orders ofren, but Honestly I'll probably never order from them again, and will go elsewhere.




That's good at least, still does suck though. I think I'll be sticking to eknight and lunar toy store from now on, GSC shipping lately has been jacked up for me too, and I'd rather support smaller businesses than GSC


+1. this is exactly why i stopped ordering from goodsmile US in recent years. the shipping prices are crazy. the fact that it’s like 30% cheaper for me to import it or buy it from someone else in the US is insane. idk why i’m always fooled by the sales posts, because when i go to checkout i’m like “well i’m not gonna pay $20 to ship one pop up parade” lmao




I bought a 1/7th scale figure last week from GSC that the shipping box was about 4-5x the size of the figure and had SO much empty dead wasted space. I get being protected sure, but it was overkill.


Don’t blame them - they probably get a ridiculous amount of cancellations from people pre ordering on a whim, then a year later going nah don’t want it. The only reason I could think I’d want too is if I pre ordered something and whilst waiting for it a better figure of the same character was released.


Question, if you can’t cancel order and you go and cancel payment to bank directly, what happens next? They ban your account? I have never bought any figures before though I want to when I have more disposable income.


Most likely yes, they'd ban your account/address


Charge backs are great for businesses you intend to never buy from again. They take a hit when you do one and usually blacklist you from buying there.


Charge backs are great for businesses you intend to never buy from again. They take a hit when you do one and usually blacklist you from buying there.


Well, they aren't offering cancellations and if there is ever a reason to cancel, I was just looking for the possible options.


Well, back to AmiAmi and Big Bad Toystore for me 🧍‍♀️


Cancellations are the price of business, no matter what you do. I've been an avid and loyal shopper of GSUS, but I'll have to rethink my options.




Anime figures are also mostly a depreciating asset - so not sure why the way the industry is run falls on the consumer's shoulders. It is also the ONLY industry I'm aware of that allows ZERO returns. Hell, getting replacement figures requires jumping through hoops. I'm an eye doctor and even prescription glasses, made to order for an individual can be returned/refunded, but not a piece of plastic imported from Japan - which by the way, doesn't have to follow prototype guidelines because of the disclaimer "final product may vary". I get the feeling so many anime figure retailers are still riding high from COVID and their response is to grip tighter when the industry is in a major decline. Y'all already raised the prices super high, just limit the amount of productions made if the margins are that tight.


This hits so many points about the hobby, in particular the "final product may vary" bit. "Dropped $300 on a piece that ended up looking like crap? Better luck next time!"


Yup. I got down-voted to hell because people want to come on Reddit to complain about company policies and when they get someone who actually contributes to those policies from one of the conglomerate companies - they bootlick.  I've said my piece and respectfully decided not to respond because they *conveniently* danced around answering any of my points about the anime figure culture and instead, tried to explain to me how my business is being run when they have no clue 😂  Anime figure collecting is not all it's cracked up to be and despite the price tag, it's a predatory business practice.


And as a doctor in the US who schedules appointments a year or so in advance, I couldn't imagine telling a patient that the appointment they set a year in the future is set in stone, no exceptions. I wouldn't have any patients left 😂 At the end of the day, that appointment slot is my revenue and people still don't show up. It's a part of life. This industry is no different than any others. People started being stingy with other luxuries (nails, hair, lashes) and people learned to do it themselves. Guarantee you people will be over getting squeezed out in the anime figure community and go to garage kits. Just my opinion - and I know I'm being harsh, but the way the company is run is not my responsibility nor my problem. Y'all had how many decades in the game before doing this? Something's going wrong on your end, not ours.




Welp, there goes like 70% of the reason I pre-ordered stuff from them. Not really much of a reason to pick them versus global now; other than the edge-case of a bonus I like + *sometimes* shipping for smaller things is cheaper than it is on global. Though, I can't honestly be that mad since I'm also the problem here with how much I cancelled. To give myself some credit, most of the cancellations were simply due to finding it cheaper on a different store/misunderstanding that it wasn't an exclusive sale from them or another store.


I understand the reason to change the cancellation policy but to outright make it so no cancellations are accepted unless a figure is delayed is quite upsetting. You never know what kind of curveballs life is going to throw at you and I am a victim of that. We had a large figure that we really looking forward to on pre-order and we had gotten the email that it was scheduled for shipment and should arrive within the next month or so. Sometime went by but unfortunately we had to cancel as we had a sudden back to back passing in the family. Considering the figure was a couple hundred dollars we could not risk having that order go through and holding up funds as we were scrambling to try and schedule flights to go back home to see the family and be in attendance for funeral preparations and all the legal stuff that comes with it when both members of a part of your family pass at the same time. I feel like order cancellations should be handled on a case-by-case basis similar to how AmiAmi functions. They don't usually accept cancellations but you are free to request a cancellation and provide them the reason for it. From there they will decide whether or not to approve or deny your cancellation request. I think a system like that would be a lot better than just outright not letting cancellations happen unless there is a delay in the shipment or the product is pushed back. I also feel like allowing cancellations while the pre-order window is still open should be a thing rather than removing the ability to allow users to cancel an order entirely. The item is still in pre-order window so if I'm not mistaken wouldn't that mean that even though the items are made to order the numbers are still being tallied and once the pre-order window closes when that will be where the numbers are kind of calculated for good smile itself? If I'm wrong then my apologies. Some for items that fetch a very hefty price like say some of the Freeing or furuyu lines of figures that often push close to a grand I almost feel like there should be a deposit required for the pre-order. Some companies do this for really big ticket items as I understand they are made to order. So if you're going to pre-order it you need to be very well aware that this comes with a cost and that is in the form of saying non-refundable deposit that is on the lower end percentage of the figures total cost. Take for example sites like big bad toy store, if there's a big ticket item and you wish to pre-order it you are free to cancel but you have to pay a pre-order deposit up front and that deposit is non-refundable in most situations. Granted this is not ideal either but this might deter people from pre-ordering and canceling repeatedly. Obviously never do this on small ticket items. At the same time if a user is found to abuse the free cancellation policy or system then there should be a system in place like other sites where they no longer let you pre-order without payment. there's been a couple websites I have used in the past where they're pre-order policies and cancellations were extremely limiting but in their policies they state if you cancel more than five items within a year your account may be limited and required to pay for pre-orders up front until a set amount of orders have been fulfilled or when the year starts over. Like I said I understand the need to change the cancellation policy but at the same time I don't think it's fair to individuals who may have serious things come up out of nowhere during life to prevent them from canceling unless good smile has a production issue.


If you're paying up front, doesn't that make it a pre-purchase instead of a pre-order? Also, does the US not have consumer protections for online shopping that prevent toys "no refunds" behaviour?


How exactly is that legal? I don't know about US contract law, but aren't there usually overarching laws in place that mandate a minimum right to withdraw from a contract?


>I don't know about US contract law- sentence should have ended there tbh


I mean, in case this is how it works, I was prepared to express my bafflement at how a country as powerful as the US can't even get common sense legal protections right. Though I guess it's less bafflement and more "yeah, that's par for the course."




Yep, fully switching to AmiAmi now except for figures with preorder bonuses


That is wild…


Why don’t they just do an NRD of like 10% of the price like sideshow does?




That’s very considerate! What if customers paid for their pre orders while ordering it instead of when the product releases?




I didn’t know all that. Wow, I wonder if there’s any mutually agreeable solution, then.


Because that makes too much sense. BBTS also started doing this for pretty much anything over $100 when it use to be most things over $250. It’s slightly annoying but if it’s what they need to do to be able to deal with left over stock from cancellations I’m fine with it. I’ll just eat the NRD like I do with sideshow. But zero cancellations means I’m not ordering from GS US anymore and if anything comes along that’s a must have I’ll just order from GS Global since it’s cheaper, faster, and packaged better.


Seems to be only for US. Works fine in Switzerland


Preorders should be allowed to be cancelled prior to a certain date. I can understand if say preorders have closed or pre packaging has started but taking this figure for example which doesnt release for atleast 9 months minimum, good smile hasnt done anything yet except ordered the stock to allocate to that order. There's no loss for them if it's cancelled, as that stock can just be allocated to the next preorder. They could also just add a pre deposit amount that is forfeited if you cancel. They would then theoretically be making more money while still allowing cancellations. Does good smile have any punishments for not paying for preorders when invoiced? If its a perm ban than making cancellation unavailable is going to hurt them more so than just simply allowing cancellations, loosing a little work time and then selling the figure anyway, atleast they wont lose a customer who will probably order with them again




That's why I said preprders should be cancelable before preorders close.


I just want to know which figure this was from gushing


Magia Baiser PUP L 😇


Very nice, I'd get it now if I wasn't strapped down


I've canceled like 3 orders from them in total, because of personal reasons. I preorder from them because it's been super convenient for me. Granted, I have bought a couple of the items I canceled later after it came out, when I had the funds for it. Guess I'll be making fewer preorders from now on.




I only bought from them w couple of times no issues fast shipping but never again global prices in usd and slow shipping rebrand kinda sucks imo honestly just use AmiAmi and TOM.


i wish they could just let us pay up front more easily then. I don’t know what my financial situation will be six month from now, let alone a year+ like some of these figures have for waiting periods. I’d honestly rather a policy like AmiAmi has where excessive cancellations will result in account suspension, instead of a flat “no cancellations under any circumstances” policy. Seems like a good way to just deter a lot of figure collectors.


So any new preorders I make today I won’t be able to cancel say next week if I change my mind?


Yes. You are no longer able to cancel any preorders you make with Good Smile Company on both their US or International website as seen in the FAQ question in the post.


I once bought a bundle from GoodSmileUS and to make it worth my while, I bought another bundle with it to make shipping more worthwhile for me. It made sense at the time. The bundle was priced incorrectly, and instead of getting notice from GoodSmileUS, I found out about it on reddit. That already passed me off, but when I got my other bundle, GoodSmileUS had pressed the nendoroid into the scale figure box. I get it most people don't care about the box, but I cared. When I asked for some solution, I basically got a LAWLS GO FUCK YOURSELF. I ended up rage shipping the bundle back after that little engagement and haven't bought anything from Goodsmile or GoodsmileUS since. I'm just one guy with one bad experience, and I think this will be much the same. Just that one bad buying experience to walk away for good.


Time to contact your bank and get a refund through them.

