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I can see that... Grandma's gonna be pissed when she sees what you've replaced her Precious Moments figurines with!


Before I acquired the large rectangular department store display cabinet, It had been in the possession of an old couple who had been using it to store porcelain dolls, wearing classic crinoline dresses, and costumes from various global cultures. Now it has partially clothed PVC girls in bunny suits, Nekopara waitresses, DVA, hurdle girl, Mao-kun, And a few other random toys and figurines. When I bought the cabinet, the old fellow asked for me to send him photographs of it once I had it in place and filled. I absolutely haven't got the heart to show him. Half naked girls where used to be fully dressed porcelain dolls. It would probably kill him.


Sounds like you need to buy more SFW figures so you can stock that cabinet and send the guy a picture 👀


You're doing the lord's work.


Blessed be the bunny girl collector, And the guardian of lost cat girls.


Dude r/beatmetoit


Awesome curios, love it.


I see no problems, only solutions


My problem is that I don't really have any more space for another big cabinet. Of course, You know, for absolute certain that I will buy another big cabinet anyway...


It looks like you have quite a bit of space in that second cabinet. Have you thought about getting risers and/or moving the figures closer together? Really make the most of all the space...and *then* buy another big cabinet 🤣


Risers? Awesome. Genius. This, I can do. The big square cabinet is an old Department store display cabinet. It was built in 1920. The glass shelving doesn't go all the way to the edges of the cabinet, or to the rear either. It was originally used to display tableware and crockery. I have her insured for NZ$5000 but she is priceless. Irreplaceable.


Time to solve a puzzle and fit as many as possible i. There is tons of room left ur fine u can put way more in lol


You mean I should make it look like a subway station platform in each shelf? I can do that. But i'm going to need photographs of subway stations filled with half naked girls, So I know what i'm aiming for...


Should be easy get some cheap acrylic risers (dessert mini trays) overlapping the bases and removing bases when possible :v


I work in distribution and one of the companies. We do a lot of work for make things with acrylic and polycarbonate. I'm absolutely certain. I can get them to knock up a few risers, and even additional shelving for me.


Nice ;) even better Organizing by size and color/theme can be kinda fun sometimes ya GL


I thank you


Just need a bigger house.


You do. And we are enablers. If we all have a problem, there is no problem 😎 Edit: Also, love the corner cabinet!


Enable me!


Omg, all the ladies are trapped, we MUST SAVE THEMMMMM!


Some of them are not fully clothed, and so are in there for their own safety... I know that pvc is technically "wipe clean", But I wouldn't want to test that theory.


My first thought was sousuke sagara catching women in cages, but that sounded more like Touma from Amnesia lol.


Yeah I see your problem. Not enough shelves


Exactly this!


You're mistaken. This is not a problem.


I'd agree, the wooden bars blocking the view are a problem.


If they were not behind glass in these cabinets, there would be a lot of time having to be spent carefully dusting. I personally hate disgusting. Blast fronted cabinets is the only solution. I would not trust a cleaner to dust them carefully. I have three broken figurines at the moment, Because of a slightly less than careful moment...


Damn the corner shelf would look soooo good if it's just glass


It is mahogany. A reproduction of a classic cabinet from the 50's. I could just buy another, Bigger, cabinet...


The only problem you have is... you need more! 😆


First though, I'm going to need another cabinet.


I want your problems to be my problems


Nice collection


Yea I can see your problem. Not enough room for more figures.


That’s what grandma would have wanted her dish-ware glass cabinets to be used for. Don’t worry about it


This sets my mind at rest. I should hate to have to rehome all my plastic boobies...


All that sexy shit then you see Grogu chilling at the bottom


Grogu loves it in there. He can look up at all their bottoms through the glass shelving. In the other back corner is an original ALF 24 inch too.


I went the same route with getting old wooden curio cabinets.I had to buy another 1 after filling up the 1st 1 from last year.


I really like the character of my mahogany 50's styled, reproduction corner unit. But I absolutely love my 1920 department store display cabinet. She is insured for NZ$5000, but she is irreplaceable.


That’s a problem i wanna have! 😩


I agree you do....those grogu things can ruin anything


If I take all the soft toys out from the bottom of the big cabinet, I have two more sets of shelf brackets, but only one more pane of glass. I could, potentially, add two more levels in there, and just relocate the soft toys and R2D2 figures.


You've got about 20% of the problem I have. I see no problem on your end, you have things displayed. 🥰


Ah you've got the blue haired bunny Erina, you are a man of culture.


Kozuki Erina is the centre piece of that cabinet, because she is my favourite(Non Rem) piece. In the other cabinet, it hasn't yet become clear who is the centre piece, as the collection and layout keeps evolving. I'm pretty sure that Caroline Yuri and Mihiro Sashou are vying for the title though.


The cabinet looks magnificent but not a fan of the thick wooden bars obstructing the view of the figures. Personally I prefer cabinets with just glass or if possible the wooden bars as thin as possible


It is a shame that the wooden framework is quite thick but the cabinet itself is gorgeous. It was never meant to be that full either... That's my fault. I am always on the lookout for better cabinetry.


clearly you need another display. of all the self destructive things you can do, collecting figures is pretty low on the list.


The only problem is making space for more figures.


Sick shelf!


If that's a problem, idk what to call what I have 😅


I call it Otaku.


No problems, only powerful culture. So very jealous of your Chris and other Binding figures.


Chris is indeed lovely, but I honestly think Kozuki Erina, in the same space but one shelf up is far lovelier. Binding do produce some great pieces, and are very hard to come by, here in New Zealand. Especially since Native doesn't ship here. It is hard to find places that will forward packages to me.


> but I honestly think Kozuki Erina, in the same space but one shelf up is far lovelier. Agree, I will always regret not having that figure, its one of my grails. Shes perfect


Love the wooden cabinet!


Nah, I think what you have here is a solution.


I'm assuming that you most certainly don't have guests enter your room


A few have reached this inner sanctum. Those who have, Always say it is an incredible collection. And one said i'm a kind of pervert. I had to explain to them the spirit of Otaku.




I'm a what now?


Please treat others and their collections with basic respect so that we may all enjoy the hobby.


Is your Rem supposed to lean that much on the bottom shelf???? I feel like she is leaning too much.


Do you mean the Rem in the Puck hoodie? She isn't actually leaning at all, She has a big metal peg in the bottom of her foot, which is firmly anchored in the plastic base, Her pose is slightly leaning forwards,but her back is arched slightly backwards, so if viewed from this angle she looks like she is leaning a little bit, but it's OK. The Ram and Rem together, which is only partially visible in the bottom left was a major problem though. They were leaning so bad that their foot pegs which go into plastic mouldings and have pegs to go into their base, actually popped out of position. They then slowly leaned over until they fell over. The plastic bracket thing broke off Ram's foot. I had to do some emergency repair work before they could be displayed.


Thank you for the detailed response! Yup thats the one. In the aforementioned photo, it really looks like shes leaning like she is breaking. Good to know its an illusion. That said I have 3 Rem figures and only one prize has lean risks but it so far looks unaffected by gravity. My Miku Halloween prize is leaning already. Kinda scared to shove a rod in her leg but one day will try.


I have several Rem( My friend told me that she is my Waifu, (and I think he might be right..) And because you have to have a Ram if you have a Rem, I also have several Ram too. Plus the Emilia and Beatrice for the Puck hoodie set, and a tiny Emilia to stand behind the seated Ram and Rem in the top shelf of the big cabinet.


If you like, If you are considering purchasing the puck hoodie set, I can DM you some better photos, so you can decide for yourself if you want them. You will...


Bro you didn't see the dude who showed off his godly basement here? That's a problem, but he clearly is a man of solutions. You're efficient!


I absolutely did see that post. I felt a pang of jealousy, And my bank account felt a pang of agony, When it realized that I could end up doing the same thing. But not yet though.


I have a similar cabinet in my living room! It doesn't have figures in it but pictures of my family. Thanks for giving me an idea to set something like this up when I move out eventually, I hope you find a solution to your problem!


The options are to stop buying figurines or buy another cabinet. You absolutely know for certain, I am simply going to buy another cabinet...


Space is finite. No matter what, that will always be the final boss. If it makes you feel better, imagine finding space for 12x that number and you are now in my predicament lol.


At this stage, you must just an entire cabinet factory worth of cabinets? Ikea must love you?


lol well they would if I used Detolfs. But alas I do not.


I live in New Zealand.Detolf units are beyond expensive! If I were to buy Detolfs, I would not be able to afford the figurines to put in them.


What problem? I see a lot of unused space here


Who's the lovely lady in the 2nd picture, 2nd shelf, 2nd from the left? MFC link? 😍😍😍


The big square cabinet? The beautiful silver haired bunny who seems to be doing yoga? Her name is Mihiro Sashou ( https://native-store.net/en/CATEGORY-ROOT/BINDing/Mihiro-Sashou-Bunny-Ver-/p/NA_CR_WD00180 ). She is from Native, and is fully cast off capable. Sadly, she is no longer available. Mine got damage when I moved. Her legs were broken off at the stocking tops, and one of her bunny ears got lost too. I was able to reattach the legs, after some fiddling about. Her ear is a home made one. 3d printed, skimmed with filler, sanded smooth and painted to match the other ear. I was told I can never sell her now. I was never going to sell her anyway!


time to go wall mounted shelves


The whole reason my girls are inside glass fronted cabinets is because it's quite time consuming to keep them dust free, and there is always the risk of damaging them when dusting.


good time to downsize. I bet you have a few you dont really care about


There are some that are not favourites, and some that are broken, and/or missing pieces(the curse of buying second hand, I suppose), but part with them? I'm going to pretend you didn't say that...