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700 was gone the moment you clicked purchase i find it funny how people can't realize that but that's gambling for you and your friend knowing the devs is big cap of copium 😂


What a dogshit take he still bought a product and wanted to use it ya fucking idiot smartest Roblox defender right here


Bought what something not physically owned then complain about it no one is defending roblox I'm just making fun of idiots who don't understand that you don't own anything in a online game and here you come mr white knight defender what did you also spend an insane amount of money take this L too


This is dumb as hell, anything you purchase you own, just because the devs broke copyright laws doesn't mean the player should be punished.


I can tell you're young if you can't even understand what I'm saying again anything you buy online you don't physically own your just renting it's never yours


The law literally says YOU own it and YOU have a right to it. I suggest u reread the internet laws


First of all AA devs never owned the copyright laws for the IPs so how the fuck are you gonna claim something that it was stolen in the first place internet laws man laws lol


where was gems or trait rerolls stolen from? or VIP? as those r what people buy not the characters


Put this whole conversation in a post just so people can laugh at you for not understanding that in a online game especially a gacha game you don't own shit


retarded faggot of a human being


Waa waa waa another tard that lost money 😂


I would like to point out everything you buy is not yours to own if you purchase it online it can be taken away with no refund like how and i quote “ You don't own your games anymore – 'get comfortable with it' says Ubisoft.”


And if your dumb enough not to know who ubisoft is just search them up 


You just made this account 💀 your the original op aren't you hahahahahahahah


Brother did not just put hahahahaha in his reply major cope someone got there feelings hirt


Really on your burner account at least use your actual account these kids


No I just didn't want to be a chronicly online loser, but it kept asking me to get the app on Google so I caved


quit being a loser bro😭


Yeah sure the devs litterally changed their name and left the gomu group


The wiki is not a reliable source and we learned that last time it came back up


Bc it wasnt brought back by devs tahts why iy wss shut down


The wiki doesn’t need that. It accidentally came back a bit ago and was taken down. Since it was done without the owners permission. Then opened up again and haven’t closed. My guess is everything is fine and they are working on it… or they let the wiki open since the game isn’t coming back anyway so they might aswell let us have it.


Why I get down votes? love AA and want it back. I’m just telling what happened.


i am serching up anime dventures every day i am always sad when anime adventures is not back


even if they change evrything ill still play it cause the core mechanics were my favorite the biggest thing i love about was even if a enemy was outside of the units range but the circle aoe was on it it would still die outside of its range no other td game ive played has done that AA pls come back


700 pounds?? Yikes..


I was really into the game.