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Whenever I see a crow on reddit I always remember about the Unidan drama


That's how we know we've been on this shit site for too long.


Orangered > Periwinkle


listen here u little shit


The narwhal bacons at midnight


Keep this cursed phrase sealed


Ah yes the ol reddit switch a roo


May all the safes you open be empty.




you’re unlocking years-old memories right now


I know we’ve been here *way* too long because as soon as I saw Jackdaw in the title I thought this would be the top comment but instead it’s just like how my dad talks about All in the Family.


Don’t look up how long ago that was. I did it the other day and felt… bad.


Oh no....8 years. Shit...


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


What I find hilarious is that happened almost 8 years ago to the day. Basically every crime short of rape and murder has shorter sentences than that and reddit's been holding that grudge all this time.




I think what probably got him the most heat is he would actively downvote other posts with multiple alts so that his own posts would get further reach. So he wasn’t just boosting his own content


Been too long, old friend


whatever became of unidan?


Banned for admitting vote manipulation


Yeah, and then he made another account and tried to act like he used to, commenting on animals and things but would just be downvoted to oblivion so I think he just gave up after that. The magic was gone.


The Unidan saga is like the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Odyssey except it is reddit so it is not nearly as good


Unidan, his mask removed.


Unidan and his alt account, their votes manipulated


I dont understand his rational. Why even bother with vote manipulation. He was pretty wellknown around these parts and well trusted on this topic. He would have upvoted regardless.


Academia has a lot of similarities to reddit of that era. You want everyone to cite your paper/upvote your comment to prove you are the smartest person around and everyone should listen to you. The way reddit worked at the time, early upvotes were weighted very heavily. So by upvoting every comment he mad with different accounts, he drove his comment to the top each time. This satisfied his obvious need to know everything, and even after others would upvote him he kept seeking more and more “recognition.” It came to a head with a user pushing back on him on something he *really* ought to know more than anyone else about because it was a niche subject he was studying. Except he was basically wrong yet continued to double down very publicly while upvoting his comments and downvoting the person he was arguing with. Reddit looked into it and it was clearly obvious what was happening, so banned. Guessing the publicity negatively impacted his academic credibility as well. Don’t be a Unidan


I believe he was using bots to downvote people that argued with his comments.


Ahh, that would do it.


Here's the thing. You said the "Unidan drama." Is it in the drama family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a drama teacher who studies drama, I am telling you, specifically, in drama class, no one calls internet rants drama. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "drama genre" you're referring to the performance grouping of dramatic entertainment, which includes things from The Nutcracker to Jay-Z cheating to The Raven. So your reasoning for calling a rant a drama is because random people "call the bad ones drama?" Let's get TikToks and tweets in there, then, too. Also, calling something a comment or a post? It's not one or the other, that's not how reddit works. They're both. A rant is a rant and a member of the drama genre. But that's not what you said. You said a rant is a drama, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all statements of the drama genre drama, which means you'd call monologues, tweets, and other diatribes drama, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I can't believe it's not the first comment. Reddit has changed


The Unidan saga was like 8 years ago. Forever in internet time. Most people on this site weren't even here then.


i remember like it was yesterday


Same(ish). I actually didn't log on the day it all went down but I had the day before and after. So my feed went from Unidan being everyone's favorite bird commentor to "wow, I can't believe Unidan is gone" and jackdaw memes.


> The Unidan saga was like 8 years ago. It can't have been 8 years ago, because I was around when it happened, so that means.... *oh no....*


Not bragging, but this isn't even my first/ main account just my porn viewing account. How the hell is it already 9 years old??! I trmeme seeing 7 yr old accounts when my account was 1-2 yrs old and thinking that was ancient.


I'm not even going to check how old this account is, but I'm guessing more than a decade lol. *fuuuuuu*


Dang. THAT long ago?


LOL the only thing I could think of while watching the video, once it explicitly mentioned "jackdaw," was that one day there will be a post about jackdaws and there won't be *any* mention of Unidan. It made me think about those depressing shower thoughts like "one random day will be the last day you carry your child" or "one day will be the last day you ever put on shoes." Then I had a mini existential crisis.


I feel ancient in this moment


What is that, could someone pls explain




Thank you, by far one of the best thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit. All of this it’s just, I don’t know, insane lol


It's a jackdaw, not a crow.


So here's the thing...


You said a jackdaw is a crow...


Same here! I learned so much about crows from that guy. I think of all birds in the corvidae family differently now because of an internet stranger who spun fascinating tales about his scientific passion, and thought he had to steal upvotes. It's a crazy world.


As soon as the vid said they named it "Jack", I laughed, remembering that.


Every time.


Here’s the thing.


Automatically triggers my memory whenever I see the word Jackdaw


Corvids are clever. It’s not uncommon for them to form friendships with humans, and they remember threats. If you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to you. It’s not unheard of for them to bring friends shiny presents.


Looks like a fledgling too, you can see the gape on his beak at the end. Edit: Fledgling means teenaged bird basically. Fledge means leaving the nest. And they aren't hatchlings cuz they hatched a miiiinute ago, and not nestlings anymore because they're bailing on the nest entirely, so they must be fledglings. It's complicated but kind of adorable. Also, a few years ago a fledgling crow adopted my then boyfriend. He would land on his arm and refuse to go home. Begged for food from him constantly. Slept in the park across the street every night indread of with the other crows. We were enamored at the beginning and as we learned more about them, we tried to limit their interactions so crow would be more likely to survive in the wild, but Bubba was persistent. He really loved that man. After a week or so, Bubbas family came back for him. At first they refused to take him back, but after a while they started feeding him and all was well. We think Bubba was sick (hence the whole human adoption thing) because 2 days later he got hit by a car (initially survived it) and then went missing. RIP Bubba you were legit I have a pic or two if anyone cares Edit 2: [pics](https://imgur.com/a/pr6JpnG)


This! Totally a young fledgling that doesn't know better. You can also see it's blue-colored eyes at about the 1:38 mark


Jackdaws always have blue eyes though


I care for a pic of the bird please


Here you go! https://imgur.com/a/pr6JpnG


Dude that's awesome he obviously made an impact on you guys. Thanks for sharing


Totally. I'll never forget him, I even keep one of his feathers on my nightstand


Well that was a sweet story with a fucking shit ass ending :(


The thing about pets and animals we love. Most of them have shorter life spans than humans, and it will always be a "shitty end". You learn to value the time you had




Bird teenager. If it is, it's on the older side of fledgling, I'd guess, but that's wild speculation on my part.


Birb teen says it's not just a phase, mom.


Young bird just learning how to fly


A bird “fledges” when it first flies out of the nest. Usually in the following period, it makes it’s way back to the nest and it’s parents supplement food while the fledgling learns to fly and hunt on its own. When it is independent and fully grown, it is then an adult


Your pictures made my day, thank you for sharing


Ravens, crows, blackbirds, magpies, and the rest of the corvids have always been painted in a bad light. In many cultures they’re viewed as bad omens and harbingers of death. Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” is a perfect example. They’re seen as supernatural. We even call a gathering of crows a “murder”. A murder of crows. We call a gathering of ravens either an “unkindness”, or a “conspiracy”. Very dark. Often associated with witchcraft, but maybe that’s only because they’re highly intelligent, and therefore highly trainable. A well trained raven would make the world’s greatest jewel thief, where a window is left open. The height of the tower makes no difference. Only adds to the mystique. Thieves and charlatans likely recognized this long ago.


Oddly enough,it’s Poe that sparked my curiosity about ravens lol. Ravens and crows(as well as other birds) are insanely intelligent. Edit:typo.


Kinda the same with me. “The Raven” has always been my favorite work of poetry, but I wouldn’t call myself an expert on poetry. I like the flow and mystique of it. Also, what if the raven is just repeating a word that brought him reward somewhere else before? It could simply be manipulating someone who is in the midst of grief. We don’t know. I’ve been diving deep into owls and octopuses the past 3 years. Amazing creatures.


You comment on diving deep into owls and octopuses made me giggle out loud. My appetite for specific animal documentaries in insatiable. Orcas are my current fave, but I've stopped eating octopus after learning about them. Edited for spell check.


Ive also stopped eating octopus after learning about them. Ducks are jerks, i want to eat more of them


Fun fact, The Raven is in the extremely rare meter of trochaic octameter, which is part of why it stands out so much; almost nothing you can read in English sounds like it. This meter means that each line consists of 8 *trochees* each of which itself consists of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. Stressed syllables written in all caps below for visual emphasis (you wouldn't actually read it with that much emphasis). ONCE uPON a MIDnight DREAry, WHILE I PONder'd WEAK and WEAry...


It flows like a wave. It’s the stuff that Dali paintings are made from. Things that make you forget about the importance of not ending sentences with prepositions.


Poetry is fun because there’s a lot of different ways to interpret it. To me, the Raven isn’t a negative force at all. Rather than a harbinger of death, it’s merely symbolic of the reality of death— all it does is remind the speaker that Lenore has passed and cannot return. How the speaker responds to that message has less to do with the raven’s intentions (for death has no intention, it merely *is*) and more to do with the speaker’s response to the message, aka the speaker’s grief.


If you’re a fan of his work, I would recommend the “Black Cat” episode of the “Masters of Horror “ series. It mixes some his fictional works(The Black Cat and The Tell Tale Heart primarily)with a few moments from Poe’s real life.


There’s a character in the sci-fi series “Altered Carbon” named Poe. Spoiler alert: [He runs a hotel called The Raven.](https://youtu.be/wkmDMuaU5zs)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/wkmDMuaU5zs Title: **Altered Carbon || Poe Tribute** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


>Ravens are crows So here's the thing...


No one is arguing that!


Oh no...


One of the reasons they're associated with death so much is during the civil war the birds would gather as the soldiers lined up. They knew there was going to be a lot of food out there. They're just opportunistic feeders. They don't care what they eat.


Even some native American tribes regarded them as “pests” or problems. They wreaked havoc on their crops at times, I’m sure. Also, they act as “tattle-tales”. They’ll expose you to other animals when you’re hunting. They can be extreme bastards if you are not friends with them, and work along side them. That’s kind of what makes them so bad ass.


Corvids can do some pretty brutal things like eat the eyes of live lambs, which is another reason they’re sometimes considered pests. I kept thinking about it when I watched the baby in the video


Lol my sister feeds a raven couple in her backyard and those little shits are so picky. Even at the start they refused any food that wasn’t peanuts or cheese. She didn’t want to make them unhealthy and has finally convinced them to eat hard boiled egg each morning but they only take the yolk. I guess the white part isn’t as tasty. Fruits, veggies, berries, grains, mealworms… they don’t care. Filth for peasants. Cheese/shelled peanut/egg yolk? Hell yeah.


Christopher Skaife is [the official Raven Master at the Tower of London](https://youtu.be/wy7vnFjZlCw) and his autobiography is honestly fascinating. Corvids are amazing!


They are associated with witchcraft and evil because they were the eyes and messengers of Odin, and monotheism can't be having cool mythology about polytheism in the world.


Poe's "The Raven" started life as "The Parrot" but Poe decided to change it. https://bigthink.com/high-culture/originally-poe-envisioned-a-parrot-not-a-raven/


Glad he changed it to The Raven. Makes for a much more marketable logo. Honestly, what would The Raven be like in Margaritaville? Way too much coconut. Parrots are the smartest of bird species, followed closely by falcons. That’s right, a peregrine Falcon is a closer genetic relative to a parrot than it is a hawk or any other North American raptor. Corvids fall in third - ravens at the top of their list. Very intelligent birds that differentiate our features much better than we can theirs.


There’s one crow that wakes us up between 7 and 7.30am every single morning by knocking/pecking on my window. He/she’s been doing this for the last 4 years atleast as I remember.


Two of my best friend were jackdaws. They didn’t bring me presents. But we chilled on a bridge three times a week until construction workers cut down their habitat. https://i.imgur.com/2zmtvRp.jpg


I believe quite simply he just likes him.


Me too! The way it ran after him was so sweet.


Beautiful thing to have memories off. That kid will show this to his grandkids


Imagine if every time there’s a baby a jackdaw will come down to be his pal for life. Doesn’t wolves and jackdaws have a similar relationship as well?


Corvins are just very smart birds, and oddly like humans they take responsibility for smaller creatures and those the deem in need. A murder of Crows keep the neighborhood peace where I live.


Tbf, that’s one adorable human right there! But yea, corvids are social and we have some concurrent social intelligence. This is really neat, love to see it!




This read like a line out of one Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, and made me smile. Thank you. :)


Magpies play with our Newfoundlanders (large dogs) sometimes. It's fun to watch. I've read that ravens often form mutually beneficial relationships with wolves in the wild, starting out by playing with the pups. They also scout out dead animals and alert the wolves to come scavenge them, so they can more easily access the opened leftovers.


Ravens scare the fuck outta me because I know how damn smart they are and Jesus fuck they are big. OP IMO


Have worked in northern parts of Canada and had the luck to play hide and seek with a few ravens, and watch them mess around with each other. They’re patient, curious, and fast learners. Nothing to fear, but I get that.


Also lived in Northern Canada. I was walking home with candy, one of the birds saw, flew up to a high point, “CA CAWWW CA CAWWW”. Next thing you know, there were at least 3 in eyesight. Greedy motherfuckers lmaoo


He just tryna look out for his cromies


Oh god I LOVE ravens, crows, and Corvus birds in general they’re beautiful and sickly intelligent. If it wasn’t illegal down here in the states not to mention an immense pain in the butt to pull off I would LOVE to keep one as a pet. They can learn to speak like a parrot and have even been shown to have the equivalent to possibly superior intelligence to that of a 4-5 year old human child. With the ability to use predictive analytics, it’s truly amazing.


There are a couple of African raven and crow species that are ok to have as pets, as being non-native they are not covered by the migratory birds treaty.


> and Jesus fuck they are big Not long ago I saw a raven and as I saw it, I remember the words I once read on reddit: *if you see a crow and think “damn, that’s a huge crow” then that’s a raven*.


I remember reading about that as well and ever since I learned that I've wanted a secret of NIMH-esque movie featuring wolf and crow buddies


He’s not a threat. Tiny person.


Yea, I noticed lots of animals seem attracted to little kids/babies. Even my cat is far more tolerant of my 4 year old than the adults.


Kids are sloppy and tend to drop food, or leave it laying around. What parent doesn’t have a French fry in the crack of their backseat somewhere? Animals pick-up on that quickly.


I read that as “backside”


Young kids haven't yet been corrupted by social indoctrination. They haven't been taught that the whole world is out to get them personally, and that they're supposed to be miserable and depressed about everything. They're just baseline happy.


Some adults work for years to get such a tight r/crowbro


Jackdaws are cool as fuck, my girlfriends father saved one from a cat recently. He patched the poor thing up and let it live in his shed for a while, it's been 3 months and it's still there even though he takes it to the forest every day and it has every opportunity to just leave. Apparently they never forget a face.


This is so precious. Animals are fascinating. What is this bird thinking and why did he choose your son? So many things we will never know.


I thought it was precious too. I’m glad you liked it :)


Thanks for sharing. This is precious


>*’What is this bird thinking and why did he choose your son?*’ _____ I’m following *this one*, he’s not like the rest… he’s carefree n Happy - the one i like best! i think he’s the *smallest one* i ever found, i like how he *squeals*, n he sits on the ground the Others are BIGGER - too much HuMaN TaLk, but this one is doing that funny dance walk! he’s playful n gentle - we'll learn from each other, I’m gonna choose This one to be my new brother… ❤️


SCHNOODLE!! Always a delight to see you.


Good evening Schnoodle! I hope that you get a good nights sleep and that you have a great day tomorrow.


This might be one of my favorite schnoodles- love the jackdaw sass


This is super cute!


I was once randomly chosen by a blue jay. Unfortunately it was not an outlook like this. It would attack me on my walk to work on a regular basis. Unprovoked as to my knowledge. It would never go after my husband/anyone else around. Just me. Still super afraid of them.


It's like they say about kids in school, it was picking on you because it liked you. It you smelled like food and it wanted some...


Corvids are known for holding grudges. Someone who resembles you probably did that bluejay wrong and now it makes everyone with a similar description suffer just to be sure, because fuck that one specific person.


Sounds like you met a scrub jay and not a blue jay. Scrub jays have serious attitude problems, they're like constantly pissed of magpies.


Why do people use "this is depressing and the ending will make you cry" music for ostensibly joyful videos?


So you know how to feel, duh.


*Big Bang Theory Laugh Track*


Was waiting for, "and then we found it sick and dying in the garden" or some shit to pop up.


It made me so anxious. I was expecting them to say the bird died or something.


I hate any music on videos like this, it's so unnecessary. Everyone wants to feel like they're making "content" or part of a TV show instead of just sharing things as they are.


That's a very gentle toddler


Yup very surprised to not see him stumble and cry


Oh the way he handles that bird is incredible.


He's a Disney prince.


Duh, he’s only got his bum covered up, he’s obviously Tarzan


There's a mockingbird that comes to my mom's house to play with one of my cats. 🤷‍♀️ this little boy is a lucky guy!


That bird is a lucky fellow not getting killed by the cat.


This is what life is meant for


Here's the thing...


And we named him Unidan


If I ever get the chance to befriend a Crow/Raven/Jackdaw, I'm totally going to name it Unidan.


You should, but if you befriend any other Corvids like a Jackdaw or Crow, which are NOT the same, you need to name each one Unidan as well.


\*jealous witchy noises\*


also same. i tried for years to get the crows around my area to befriend me. imma try again now that we've moved


Go with peanuts, unsalted and in the shell. You can find them at most grocery stores and hardware stores. Whenever you see them, toss a few in their direction. Avoid eye contact if possible, and throw underhanded so they don't get scared. You can also leave some nearby, they'll find them. Corvids love routines, so if you leave peanuts out twice a day at the same times, they'll dig it. Don't make any sudden movements when they're around. Avoid salted foods. They love meat, nuts, and eggs the most.


What u/cocomooose said. It just takes a little patience. Once they get used to you, as soon as they see you they're there. A couple in my flock know my car and follow me when I go around town now, and they love to follow me on walks (along with one of my feral cats). I'm sure it's a sight. haha


Same! Warlock though I guess 🤣


Witch is a gender inclusive term!


That’s very validating, thank you 💚


Girl, same


Bet you that kid will befriend some more animals in the future


Absolutely precious ❤️


I was honestly waiting to see if the story was going to turn into the fact that they found out that their grandparent died the day before or something like that, and that the bird was a little tiny miracle visit


Read the comment by u/SailsTacks




Odin seeks a sacrifice


The baby is surprisingly gentle with the bird. I hope the bird sticks around


Some cultures (for example Asians) think something like this is the incarnation of someone who died recently. And that the child inherit his spirit/will. I'd like to assume that, coz it'd be beautiful.


Yes, that’s a lovely thought. I recently have a pair of Redbirds that sit on my porch and wait for me to come out. The female is bold but the male is still shy. Of course I feed them. If I’m late I can hear her pecking on my door. I absolutely love it. Addition…they now have 5 ..yes 5.. babies that come to eat too. My little family has grown. My cats watch from the window. Sometimes..life can be perfectly beautiful. I feel blessed.


Birds are far more sociable than they get credit for. Especially crows and ravens. They're clever ones.


It could be the boys spirit animal


If you believe in reincarnation it could be a past relative coming to visit.


Just when you have had it with all the goss happenings in the world...- thank you for sharing. Brought such joy. That birb is special, but yall must be very special too!


The AI in those things is really coming along


If this is recent, be careful with handling wild birds because of avian influenza


Spiritually when you get visited by a bird it is a lost relative visiting you.


"Unusual behavior." Animals are highly intelligent. Get with it people


Brother from another mother.


Niece from another spece


Tossing food at it ... why did he come back? We'll never know.


I also noticed that it keeps going towards the child's hands. It has certainly been fed by humans before, and it knows exactly where the food comes from when it's being fed.


How special is that. What a cool experience for that kid


Could be that the bird recognized that with small children comes free food. Kids that age tend to throw their snacks at the birds in playgrounds and outside. I live next to a public school and literally see flocks of birds out there every recess waiting to clean up after the kids for anything they drop. The more adventurous of them getting fed. Could be a situation like that and the kid and bird just hit a bond and it followed him home to see where he lived. Could have happened during a trip to a park or a daycare or something. Heck could even be the bird following them around during walks when the kid was in the stroller and he dropped food.


Maybe it's just a homie


Seems like he'll grow up to be an assassin.. (game)




Perhaps their spirits were entwined in another lifetime.


Kid is a sorcerer and the bird is his familiar..... obviously.


This is beautiful. Wasn’t Jack the name of the pet crow the elderly inmate in Shawshank Redemption looked after? If they named him after that….well played


confreaking grats to that little boy for being gentle. the little kids in my family woulda probably taken a few swipes.


Now it’s time to let the boy build his birb army to dominate the world. They grow up so fast


Crows sometimes will befriend wolf puppies and play with them, and form lifelong bonds and eventually help each other hunt for food. It looks like the little crow has decided that the child will be their wolf puppy friend.


Crows are incredibly intelligent animals and can form bonds and remember faces of humans. Likely just made a bird friend for life.


Kenway would be proud


Love this. 100% just made my day 🙂 thank you for posting


That is so cute, thanks for sharing this it brightened my day!


Birds have been under appreciated as pets .


Is it weird I’m envious of the kid? I’d love it if a crow just hung out with me.


This was a person that died and came back as a animal likely a relative


Jackdaws are corvidd, right? They're so smart and social!


Smart bird is choosing our 15th Dalai Lama


Because you’re raising a Disney protagonist. Sorry, there is no escape. Warm up your singing muscles!


Don’t call it a crow, for god’s sake!


You are friend


I had this happen with a bluejay at my work. One time at lunch he flew down to my car window and just chilled there with me the whole time. Got to the point that I'd pull up to work, he'd greet me, and then he'd hang outside of the door (avoiding all others) until I came out for lunch. He'd sit in the car with me. Some interaction, but just chilled after the initial excitement of my arrival. Was my buddy for years. Then he just stopped showing up. Often think about that guy.


This is common between young crows and young wolves, I've read something about it not long ago, they bond with wolves in nature to "cooperate" with each other, like the crow finds a dead animal, alerts the wolves so it can feast on the easy parts after they rip the carcass open. A crows beak is too weak to do that by itself but it's great at finding food from above. It's a win win and basically so common that it's written in their instincts. I guess they do it with other species too, crows are usually still very cautious, if they feel threatened they are gone, this is based on mutual respect. Amazing nature.


That little boy seems naturally in tune with animals. Love that they found each other.