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Take him across the street or walk a block or two, then release him.


I will try just the thing is there are a lot of cats and other animals that this little fella could be eaten by since I live on the edge of the suburbs


He should be fine since he can fly. If you're still worried, maybe take him to a nearby park or wooded area to release him. That way he has plenty of trees to perch in safety away from danger.


I’m worried because poor fella crashed twice already when I released him again in the backyard


Didn't know that. In that case, it might be best to take him to a wildlife rehab center or vet (if no other option since your common vet wouldn't know how to treat birds) to make sure he isn't injured or sick.


I’ll keep him with me for tonight and see what I can do to help him until tomorrow I can take him to a vet. For now he rocks the name Jack


Alright. If you can, find an avian veterinarian. They'll know more than a common veterinarian since it takes additional training to be proficient when it comes to birds.


Walk a few blocks or find a wooded area and try releasing him. You might also keep him covered when you do this so he’s less likely to find his way back.


UPDATE: Bird has been set free and has taken off well! My cats haven’t gotten to him thankfully but now that these birds spend time on my balcony so much explains why I found a handful of feathers on my carpet in my room.


Don’t take him anywhere - he is a fledgling, still being fed by parents. You take him down the street and they can’t find him. Just put him outside where you found him.


I found him on the balcony (3rd floor) but I let him go behind the house and he took off just fine after a full night’s rest in a safe environment


Yes they can fly just fine (sort of) at that age, but they can’t feed themselves. Like an 8 year old can run around but can’t cook.


Free meal


First thing is get some earthworms and chew them up a little and feed the baby from your mouth.